Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1391 Seventeen Years

"Most of the elderly are like this. They have experienced too much, and they have been like this for most of their lives, so they are actually more stubborn."

The tall and slender Li Fengyao was walking in the garden of the Hou Mansion, and the beauty of the crowd paled. The always cold and alienated voice softened Jiang Wang a bit: "The pits they stepped on, I don't want you to step on them again, and the mistakes they made, I don't want you to make them again. The beauty they saw, I hope you have it, they Stubbornly believe that with their life experience, everything can be built for you. But the world is changing, and everyone's life is don't have to care too much."

"Ah, no."

In front of Li Fengyao, Jiang Wang was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

For him, the image of Li Fengyao was first established in the descriptions of Li Longchuan and Xu Xiangqian. These two were subdued by Li Fengyao, seeing Li Fengyao was like a mouse meeting a cat. As their best friend, Jiang Wang was born shorter than Li Fengyao.

Every time we meet, we are respectful and cautious.

Although Li Fengyao didn't treat him as cruelly as the rumors said, he didn't even show him face...

Compared to Lord Jiang, Li Fengyao himself was more generous, and he asked as he walked, "Which star field is the building outside your building?"

The topic became so sudden that Jiang Wang froze for a moment.

"What?" Li Fengyao stopped and looked at him with those frosty beautiful eyes: "I'm not worthy to discuss cultivation with you, the number one genius in Daqi?"

"No such intention!" Jiang Wang hurriedly explained: "I was thinking about the case just now... Yuheng, it's Yuheng."

A smile flashed in Li Fengyao's eyes, he turned his head away, and continued to walk forward: "Qing Pai has his own position. You shouldn't tell me about the case."

"Yes, I'm just thinking about it in my heart, and I won't say it." Jiang Wang was so reserved at the moment that he looked like a boy who had just entered school, and he could fully understand the feelings of Li Longchuan and Xu Xiangqian.

This sister... has too much aura.

"But you can talk about the matter of practice. After all, the road is far away, and it can be confirmed by each other." Li Fengyao looked up at the sky, and suddenly saw two bright stars, echoing each other from a distance.

Ever since the Seven Stars Valley and his party, Li Fengyao has never been seen to show his strength.

Jiang Wang didn't realize until today that Li Fengyao had erected two star towers without making a sound!

Thinking about it carefully, it shouldn't be a surprise.

As early as in the Seven Star Valley, when he was still in the Tenglong Realm, Li Fengyao was already in the Supernatural Power Neifu Realm. Then I heard that the supernatural power she took off was not convenient for fighting, but it was helpful for cultivation.

After the end of the Seven Star Valley secret realm, she has been cultivating in Ice Phoenix Island, and it hasn't been long since she returned to Linzi.

And this sister Fengyao is a ruthless character who changed her name on the Shimen Li family tree!

Even if he is favored by the elders, if it is not for his extraordinary talent, how could he change Li's rules at this age?

"The star tower is the foundation of telling the Tao, and the outer building environment is the realm of telling the Tao." But no matter what Li Fengyao's realm is, when talking about practice, Jiang Wang is much calmer in an instant.

To his 'sister' he felt uncomfortable, and to his 'dao friend' he talked eloquently: "It is nothing more than summing up the past life cognition, even if it is a little superficial, it must be close to the truth, the truth is the basis of asking. Take Yuheng as an example , I have been thinking about what kind of "Tao" can stand proudly in the universe and stand in all directions, where do I want to go, what do I want..."

Li Fengyao obviously didn't expect him to really talk about cultivation, but he listened carefully. Then he said: "Speaking of the Outer Building Realm, my father is in charge of nine soldiers, Chasing the Wind, and there is a general in the army named Gu Xing in the Outer Building Realm, which impressed him deeply."

Jiang Wang also didn't understand why Li Fengyao suddenly talked about the generals in the Chasing Wind Army, but he also listened carefully: "Is this person very strong?"

Li Fengyao glanced at him: "Probably not as strong as you are now. But this person, a long time ago... probably in the 3902 year of the Dao calendar, he was relieved of his military post and went to sea for many years. Now it is Bajiao Island island lord."

"Is this person very important in the Chasing Wind Army?" Jiang Wang asked.

"If it's important, why would he leave? How could Zhufeng let him go?" Li Fengyao said softly, "I just thought of him today... Do you think it's strange? He has a fellow from his hometown, and I don't know if he is a good friend. Anyway I know him. His surname is Du Mingfang, he was a head arrester from Beiya, and he also had a cultivation level outside the building. This head arrester, in the process of arresting a suspect at the Tenglong level, unexpectedly died with the suspect."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment before saying, "It's very strange."

Only then did he react.

The 3902 year of the Dao calendar is the 38th year of Yuanfeng!

Where is Li Fengyao discussing the practice of the outer building level? It was to provide him with clues to that case back then!

"Okay. After wandering around for so long, we can also meet up." Li Fengyao smiled rarely.

Such a unparalleled iceberg beauty just smiled lightly, as if the whole frosty winter had been relieved. The winter moon is bright because of it.

Rao Jiang Wang was already involved in the turbulent and angry case in his mind, and he was dazed in front of this chuckle.

"Go back," she said.

"Hey, good." Jiang Wang obediently responded.

"Then I won't give it away." Li Fengyao stopped and said, "Grandmother likes you very much, come and see her more."

"Okay." Jiang Wang said softly, "Sister Fengyao."

Then turned around, stepped on the flower path, and left the ruined city marquis mansion that was deep in the courtyard.



Speaking of the relationship with Shimen Li's family, it started with Li Longchuan early in the morning.

When he first met in Tianfu Secret Realm, Jiang Wang's attitude towards Shimen Li was actually cautious.

Mainly because of the line in the poem - "Everyone in the world praises Shimen Li, but who else knows Fengxian Zhang?"

Both belong to the top famous family, after the hero of the restoration of the country. Why is the Shimen Li family able to stand upright, but the Fengxian Zhang family has been reduced to this point?

While feeling sorry for the Fengxian Zhang family, it is inevitable to have a little more scrutiny of the Shimen Li family.

Later, he sent Qiu Shan bow to Li Longchuan on behalf of Chong Xuansheng, and with the help of Xu Xiangqian, the two sides were officially married.

What kind of aristocratic family is the Shimen Li family?

The ancestors enjoyed the merits of restoring the country, and set up a ancestral hall in the Hall of Protecting the Country, at the forefront!

For so many years, there have been many famous generals and talents, and they have always stood among the top famous families in Daqi.

Jiang Wang, a farmer from a remote small country, has never felt arrogance in contact with such a famous family. Whether it is Li Longchuan, Mrs. Li, Li Fengyao...

From the beginning until now, all he has felt is respect.

This is the case now, and it was the case when he was far from famous.

So why can the Shimen Li family enjoy the glory for a long time?

Maybe that's why.

Sitting on the carriage back home, Jiang Wang thought silently.

A family of Shimen Li's level can naturally ignore many rules.

However, Jiang Wang, as a member of the Qingpai system, had to be cautious when participating in the important cases investigated by Qingpai.

Li Fengyao would not mention the year 3902 of the Dao calendar for no reason, let alone mention Gu Xing for no reason.

To put it bluntly, how can a person at the level of an outer building deserve Shimen Li's obsession?

Only Gu Xing's later destination is quite interesting.

Bajiao Island is an island controlled by the Tian family overseas.

Gu Xing was dismissed from Zhufeng and chose to go out to sea, is it related to the Tian family?

As for what Li Fengyao specifically mentioned, what role did the Qingpai arrester named Du Fang, who died with the Tenglong Realm suspect with his Wailou cultivation base, play in that big case back then?

Li Fengyao will never be idle and mention this person.

Every extra clue is closer to the truth.

Jiang Wang had a hunch that he was not far away from it.

While thinking about it, suddenly the curtain wind moved, and a figure flashed in.

Although Jiang Wang was shocked, he opened his big hand, the Dao Yuan was shattered, the power of the soul was even more violent, and his left eye turned red...

It all happened in an instant and faded away in an instant.

The outstretched five fingers had pressed to the other side's door, hovered for a moment, and then retracted.

"I almost killed you!" he frowned.

Lin Youxie, who sat down in the carriage, still wore a blue square scarf and wore men's clothing, said with a calm expression, "If you can't even control this, then you'd be called the number one proud of Qi. Unless , you really want to kill me."

Being able to bully her into such a distance with a cultivation level far inferior to his... can only be said to be worthy of being Lin Kuang's daughter.

There must be many unique secret techniques such as "Nian Chen"...

"Master?" the coachman said from outside the curtain.

"It's okay." Jiang Wang responded aloud.

Imprisoning the voices in the carriage, Jiang Wang said with some headaches: "If you want to visit me openly, you can come to the door with a name card. If you want to visit me secretly, why did you get into my carriage on the street?" ?”

"Because you come to the door with a name card, you have to ask your housekeeper to ask about the background, and you have to consider your mood to see if you want to meet the guest." Lin Youxie said naturally.

Jiang Wang: ...

"And." Lin Youxie said: "As long as you are calm enough, it is actually more hidden during the day than at night. It is much more secretive to suddenly get into your carriage on the street than to knock on your back door in the middle of the night..."

Facing Jiang Wang's complicated eyes, she concluded: "A little knowledge about handling cases, I hope it can help you."

"You came to teach me today?" Jiang Wangyou asked quietly.

Lin Youxie was silent for a while, and said, "I already know who the murderer is."

Jiang Wang's expression became serious: "The murderer of Concubine Lei's case?"

"Actually, Feng Gu has left many clues." Lin Youxie said, "It's right in front of our eyes."

"For example?"

"Feng Gu hanged himself in the mourning hall, facing the northeast corner when he died. At the funeral of His Highness the Eleventh Prince, who stood in the mourning hall on the first you remember?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and said seriously: "At first it was Palace Master Huaying, and later it was...His Royal Highness the Queen."

"This is the first clue Feng Gu gave, facing the queen!" Lin Youxie said: "This is a clue for those who were also present at that time, including you, Lord Jiang, of course."

"This is too far-fetched." Jiang Wang shook his head and said, "The funeral lasted for three days, and I don't know how many people entered the mourning hall to worship."

"But there are not many people who can stand in that position, almost no one else."

"How could the direction the deceased was facing be used as a clue?"

"Feng Gu committed suicide. It was a well-planned suicide, and every detail was the result of his deliberation. Generally, he hanged himself, either towards the gate or in the direction he wanted to see. Feng Gu obviously It's the latter case."

As a person who also appeared on the first day of the funeral, Jiang Wang actually had a little faith in his heart.

Because he had been thinking about what clues Feng Gu had left for him!

Still, he said: "It's not convincing."

"So there is a second clue." Lin Youxie asked, "Do you still remember the bowl of medicinal soup from His Highness the Eleventh?"

Jiang Wang looked at her.

Lin Youxie said: "I have already told you about the ingredients in that bowl of medicinal soup. Besides me, another pharmacist in the Beiya has tested it, and the ingredients are not bad at all. But I didn't say when."


"There is a new medicine. It was added after the bowl of medicine soup had been cooled for at least one to two days. Except for Feng Gu, I can't think of anyone else who would do this. This medicine , is the red-bellied spider leg."

Jiang Wang was silent.

He usually only pretends to understand in front of Zhong Xuanpang, but he really doesn't understand the red-bellied spider leg.

If there is something wrong with this medicine, Zheng Shi also heard about the ingredients of the medicine soup that day, why didn't he respond?

"It is also an elixir to resist cold poison, and it is not special in this bowl of medicine soup. But the red belly spider itself is very special." Lin Youxie continued: "It has another name, called 'eating spider'. Spiders give birth and eat. Ten spiders are hatched at once, nine of them are eaten and one is kept."

"Why did Feng Gu deliberately add such a blind medicine? Eleventh Highness is gone, this bowl of medicine is not for people to drink, but for people to see. Who is it for? Maybe it's me, maybe it's you. His Royal Highness's birth mother It is dead, who is this child-eating spider referring to... I think it is self-evident."

Jiang Wang was shocked!

If Feng Gu really wanted to hint at something, then the sum of these hints is indeed enough...

So, in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng, the murderer of Concubine Lei Gui's assassination turned out to be the current queen?

If the person behind the scenes is really the queen, then it is completely understandable that this case is so overwhelming.

If it was the shadow cast by the current empress, Feng Gu, the chief eunuch of the Longevity Palace, could only use his death to affect the case!


Jiang Wang quickly pulled away from the shock, and said calmly: "But these can only explain Feng Gu's hatred at best, he can think that the current empress is the murderer of Concubine Lei, but his suspicion is not evidence. "

What Jiang Wang wants to express is very simple——

These alone are far from enough to uncover the assassination case of Concubine Lei Gui.

To put it bluntly, Feng Gu is no more than a dog in the Longevity Palace. Compared to the Queen, what is he?

He took a bite, it didn't hurt or itch.

His doubts were trivial.

More than just Feng Gu?

What is the difference between Jiang Qingyang and Lin Youxie's suspicions and Feng Gu's?

Only with solid evidence can there be a slight possibility of shaking the Queen's authority.


They rashly opened their mouths to doubt, and the only thing they could do was die!

He hoped that Lin Youxie would crash into the carriage today, and he would bring evidence to talk about it.

But Lin Youxie shook his head: "How could there be evidence?"

Her voice was extremely bitter: "So many years have passed. How can someone who can do such a big case keep the evidence until now?"

Time reserves nothing for anyone.

Therefore, in the past seventeen years, there has been a kind of heavy despair.

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