Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1392 ?

Chapter 1392

"Did Feng Gu leave anything else?" Jiang Wang asked Lin Youxie.

"Of course there are other clues, but they are all suspicious. To confuse the person handling the case, and even more so to confuse the people behind the scenes. His clues are for me, and he knows that I can see through the fog." Lin Youxie said : "Because my father is Lin Kuang."

"With all due respect." Jiang Wang said calmly: "If there is no iron-like evidence, no matter what you do, it will be meaningless. Our analysis here can only be analysis."

Lin Youxie said: "I can't prove who the murderer of Concubine Lei Gui was assassinated, but I just need to prove that my father's death is related to the current queen. This is the reason why Feng Gu wants me to participate in this case."

Lin Kuang died while investigating the assassination of Concubine Lei, if it can be proved that his death was not a suicide and was related to the queen. Indeed, it can be regarded as an important piece of evidence that can connect the death of the current empress and Concubine Lei.

"How are you going to prove it?" Jiang Wang asked.

"This is my business." Lin Youxie said.

Jiang Wang thought that Lin Youxie had come to ask for help today, and was even ready to help, but he didn't expect that she was not. It seems that she jumped into the carriage halfway, just to tell Jiang Wang what she believed to be the truth.

"Why did you tell me this?" Jiang Wang asked.

Lin Youxie paused, and said: "My father is the best one since Qingpai was established. He has solved countless cases in his life and devoted himself to his duties. He will not commit suicide, nor should he commit suicide...I hope that if something happens to me, , there are still people who will remember these things."

"I hope you don't have any accidents." Jiang Wang said slowly: "Because no one will remember him for so long except you."

Lin Youxie's eyes, which seemed to be able to see everything, lowered slightly, and his eyes fell on the corner of his clothes: "When you were in the offshore islands, you told me that you were going to save someone at the sea festival.

I think you must be lying to me, and you are lying to me with such absurd and unrealistic reasons.

But weirdly... I still believed it.

Then I thought, how are you going to do that?

I can't figure it out.

But I saw it.

I saw that you went to Tianyatai and suspended the sea festival ceremony. I heard that you went to the Lost Realm and completed the almost impossible task of cleansing your sins.

You went to Tianyatai for the second time, killed Ji Shaoqing, and crushed Diaohailou with your sword. No one in the same place dared to fight.

At that time, the entire offshore islands were spreading your name.

You return as a hero...

Maybe you don't believe it, but you inspire me.

I am not as strong as you, but my heart is as strong as yours. "

Jiang Wangdao: "The reason why you believed me at that time was because you were also chasing the impossible. You are also such a determined person. I have only been involved in this case for a few days, and I already feel the pressure. And you But under this kind of pressure, you have worked so hard for so many years... Do you have any impulsive plans now?"

"You think too much." Lin Youxie said: "It's just that you are the most talented person I know. I believe that one day, you will be able to stand on top. I mean if... if something happens to me. I would like to solemnly request you to reopen my father's case when you have the time to spare."

After all, she faced Jiang Wang and bowed down in the carriage.

Jiang Wang put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back to the seat: "Captain Lin, how can it be so easy to be in the top position? Asking for others is better than asking for oneself."

He thought for a while, and finally asked: "There is a man named Du Fang, who came from Qingpai, do you know him?"

Lin Youxie was startled for a moment, and after a long silence, he said: "The person who threw my father's body in front of called Du Fang. He is my father's subordinate, and he can be regarded as my father's half." Disciple. His explanation at the time was, 'Because I was emotionally excited, I couldn't accept it for a while'."

She narrated in a voice that did not fluctuate: "Li Yougui investigated Du Fang, and the conclusion of the investigation was that - because of the rules of the Qingpai family, my father refused to teach Du Fang many secret arts, so Du Fang gradually After my father died, he wanted to destroy me. Not long after that, Du Fang died unexpectedly in the process of handling the case, and the matter was over."

Li Yougui...

"Who did Du Fang's death?" Jiang Wang asked.

"In the past, I would tell you very firmly that either it was an accident or someone silenced it. It has absolutely nothing to do with the four big green card families. Because the teaching we have received since childhood is to act within the rules and follow the law in everything. Moreover, Du Fang's death only sounds strange, but the actual case is quite normal. The suspect he pursued was indeed only Tenglongjing, but the one who actually killed him was the suspect's father..."

Lin Youxie said, "But now I'm not sure."

Since Li Yougui secretly joined the Pingping Kingdom, the ancestral training of the four great blue card families, naturally he can't interfere with him. Even Lin Youxie himself couldn't rule out the possibility of revenge and murder from the four great families...

So Lin Youxie said that she could not determine the cause of Du Fang's death.

Jiang Wang didn't speak for a moment.

Lin Youxie continued: "When Li Yougui was tortured, I was in the execution ground. I shouldn't go, but I have to go."

"Li Yougui's relationship with my father is actually very bad. Grandpa Wu said that he wanted to argue with my father about everything, and he couldn't fight over anything... But after my father died, Grandpa Wu resigned and disappeared for a long time. , Li Yougui has been taking care of me."

"I saw him on the execution ground, someone cut his flesh, and it fell off piece by piece. I saw his expression, and I knew he wanted to yell, to yell at something like the unfairness of the court's treatment of the four Qingpai aristocratic families. if……"

"He wanted to scold but didn't scold."

"Because there are still people alive in the four great green card families, and because I'm still alive, he doesn't want to cause trouble for me."

"Grandpa Wu doesn't plan to accept any more apprentices. I'm the only heir left of the four great blue-brand families."

Speaking of this, Lin Youxie seemed to have finally restrained her emotions. She looked at Jiang Wang again with that insightful look: "Why did you suddenly mention this person?"

Qi State developed too fast and became strong too fast, and in the process, too many people were neglected...

Li Yougui didn't belong to the equal country from the very beginning, his situation is completely different from Yan Tu's.

He couldn't find an exit amidst the glorious history and dilapidated status quo of the Qingpai family. As a Qingpai, he was helpless in the face of Lin Kuang's death. Lin Kuang, who was much better than him, all died without weight. What can he do?

Where is the future of the four big green card families? Clearly he was bewildered.

He made different choices from Uriel and Lin Youxie, but his concern for Lin Youxie was not false.

People are so complicated.

The more Jiang Wang saw, the less he dared to judge someone lightly.

He just said: "Du Fang has a familiar fellow villager named Gu Xing. He used to be a general of the Chasing Wind Army. He was relieved of his military post and went to sea in the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng. Now he is the owner of Bajiao Island.

Lin Youxie's eyelids twitched.

Bajiao Island belongs to the Osawada clan!

And she was suspicious of the Tian family in the first place!

Uriel has been secretly investigating the Tian family since he resigned from office for so many years. I have already grasped quite a few clues, but I still can't get the core evidence.

If Gu Xing, the owner of Bajiao Island, is related to what Du Fang did back then, it will undoubtedly be important evidence to tie the assassination of Da Zetian and Concubine Lei together!

"I see." She took a deep look at Jiang Wang: "Thank you."

After saying that, she immediately got up.

Seeing her vigorous and resolute appearance, Jiang Wang couldn't help but said: "In fact, life is very long. I have waited for so many years, so there is no need to rush."

Lin Youxie stretched out his hand to hold the car door, and said in a low voice, "But His Royal Highness can only die this once."

This is the only time Jiang Wuqi died, and this is the only time Qi Tianzi was sad.

The opportunity to thoroughly investigate the old case will probably never come again.

Because the child who was cut out from Concubine Lei Guifei's stomach back then is no longer there...

The curtains of the car were drawn down, and no one was left.

Only the faint smell of herbs still describes her.

Jiang Wang was speechless for a long time.


If the current empress is indeed the mastermind behind the assassination of Concubine Lei, the Tian family is the knife she used back then.

If Du Fang's actions were really related to Gu Xing, they were under the control of the Tian family and carried out the current queen's will.

Then throwing Lin Kuang's body in front of Lin Youxie, in addition to deterring, also has a strong sense of venting anger.

No matter what Lin Kuang did, no matter how "unappreciative" he was, it was really narrow-minded to vent his anger on a three-year-old girl after he was dead.

If the queen of a country is so it a blessing in the world?

If the person behind the scenes is the queen, he can indeed make sense of many things, and can connect all the existing clues together.

But why did the queen want to kill Concubine Lei?

Seventeen years earlier, Jiang Wuqi hadn't even been born yet, and the Lei family's power was mediocre. What kind of threat can Lei Guifei pose?

Jiang Wang couldn't figure it out for a while.

However, he already understood his inner choice——

He is also looking for answers.



Time is moving forward with difficulty, and Jiang Wang is practicing hard while waiting for news.

The Shadow Guard's investigation into Gongsun Yu's tongue-severing incident, and Lin Youxie's investigation into Gu Xing, the owner of Bajiao Island...

Jiang Wang will not have to do everything by himself, professional things should be left to professional people. Extraordinary power is his foundation.

So wait, so practice.

But it was Zheng Shangming who came to the door first.

It was the winter moon, and the frost and wind were already cold.

Up and down Jiang's house, from the housekeeper to the door, all put on brand new cotton clothes.

The mental outlook is refreshed.

At any rate, he has the appearance of a wealthy family.

Zheng Shangming came stepping on the north wind, dressed in military uniforms, very neat, and the majesty in his temperament became more and more obvious. After operating in Beiya for so long, he is gradually taking over Zheng Shi's authority.

It will be difficult for any new captain of Beiya who is not recognized by their father and son to get rid of their influence in Beiya.

But at the same time, Jiang Wang has no doubt that if he takes over as the captain of Beiya, he will have a very pleasant cooperation with him.

Because now Zheng Shangming is already a qualified successor, a person who is sober enough.

Knows what to do and what not to do.

Zheng Shi is a character with excellent sense of propriety, and he must be able to make sure that all parties are comfortable.

It's just that sometimes I feel inexplicably that it's a pity that the original Zheng Shangming can't be seen in the end.

Reminiscing about the past is like the wind blowing to the South Tower.

Jiang Wang dressed in a green shirt, and in the independent courtyard, a flame blossomed and died at his fingertips.

The detailed words of Yanhua Burning City flowed slowly in my heart.

As far as "flame flower" is concerned, this Zuo Guanglie's original Taoism, Jiang Wang has not seen a few that can stand shoulder to shoulder with it in the same level of fire movement Taoism.

It serves as the basis for burning the city with fireworks, and it can almost be said to have built Zuo Guanglie's fire-walking Taoism system.

In this technique, Jiang Wang has already bloomed his own flowers, infused with unique vitality. Therefore, his flames burning the city must be different from Zuo Guanglie's.

Zheng Shangming stepped into the courtyard and saw this flower of endless flames. The most intuitive feeling was "beauty", and then he admired its vitality.

"Your fireworks should have surpassed Zuo Guanglie, right?" He couldn't help asking.

The flames at the fingertips returned to a little spark, and fell into the fingertips again, without wasting any Dao Yuan.

"Only at this level, there is a limit. They are all at that position. It can't be said that it is super or not. When it comes to more advanced applications, it is still far away." Jiang Wang looked at Zheng Shangming: "It seems that about this You are 100% sure about the case.”

"It's only 80%." Zheng Shangming said: "There is still a little bit of key evidence."

"Then I want to congratulate you." Jiang Wang said.

Zheng Shangming asked back: "Shouldn't I be the one to congratulate you?"

Jiang Wang was in the courtyard, and stretched out his hand to ask him to sit down: "I always thought that maybe Lin Youxie found out the truth first."

"We could have excluded Lin Youxie from the case. It's just..." Zheng Shangming sat down and said in a low voice: "Although the four great Qingpai aristocratic families have disappeared, they are the cornerstones of the earliest Qingpai system after all, and the remaining influence cannot be ignored. Look down. Even the Son of Heaven feels that he should give them an explanation, especially in our Beiya."

"Your so-called confession is to let her participate in the case she should have participated in?" Jiang Wang sat opposite him and asked softly.

There is a small stove standing on the stone table, and a pot of tea is boiling on the stove, and the heat is rising.

"It's hard for you not to admit that if Beiya doesn't nod, she won't even have a chance to find out the truth." Zheng Shangming said this very coldly, but it is indeed a heavy truth.

"Are you so sure that you can find the truth before her?" Jiang Wang said, "Lin Youxie has the will to die. How dare you underestimate a person who acts with the will to die?"

"That's her choice." Zheng Shangming said quietly, looking at Jiang Wang: "Brother Jiang, I just want to know your choice."

It should be said that after Zheng Shangming took the initiative to release his goodwill in the capital inspection office, he and Jiang Wang have been getting along happily until now, and they can even be called "friends".

On the contrary, Jiang Wang and Lin Youxie had a lot of quarrels before.

Lin Youxie has been holding on to Jiang Wang from the very beginning, because of the doubt that there is no way to hell, he can't wait to find evidence immediately to nail Jiang Wang to the prison.

For a long time, Jiang Wang kept Lin Youxie at arm's length.

But at this moment.

Jiang Wang could only say: "Brother Zheng, I can't take the position of Captain of the Northern Yamen."

Zheng Shangming didn't seem very surprised, after all, Jiang Wang had hesitated for too long on this question.

But he still asked, "Why?"

Jiang Wang looked up at the clouds in the sky, and asked with some emotion: "Brother Shang Ming, you said that the position of inspector captain and inspector of the Capital Inspection Office represents what exactly does it represent? Is it power or responsibility?"

Zheng Shangming didn't think much about it, and replied directly: "It represents the huge power of mastering the green card system. As for power and responsibility...the power and responsibility are integrated. If you master the green card, you must bear the responsibility of the green card."

Jiang Wang asked again: "Then what is the responsibility of the green card? For the words 'inspector captain', is it important to be 'inspector' or 'captain'?"

"I think I understand what you mean." Zheng Shangming said slowly: "You have to choose the so-called truth. But Brother Jiang, have you ever thought about, 'The reward of eating the king, the matter of being loyal to the king'? The Metropolitan Inspection Office is It is directly under the Son of Heaven, not your fiefdom in Qingyang Town. The position of inspector captain...the important thing is not 'inspector' or 'captain', but the unwritten words."

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly: "So I can't sit in this position."

Zheng Shangming looked at him: "Brother Jiang, I have always admired you, and I know that you are a strong-willed person. But today I want to sincerely advise you-the emperor's trust in you is well known in the world. Have you Have you thought about how disappointing the emperor will be if you refuse this position? What you rejected is not only the captain of the North Yamen, but also the opportunity to express loyalty to the emperor. Do you know that your future official career may be because of your today's Choice, but promotion is difficult?"

Of course Jiang Wang knew.

Even if he didn't know, Chong Xuansheng had already told him.

But he just said calmly: "Qi is a big country, and there should be soil to accommodate all kinds of people. If not, I don't think it's my loss."

Zheng Shangming was silent for a moment, and said: "Although I don't agree, I respect your choice."

He sighed: "Brother Jiang, sometimes I feel that you are really an enviable person."

"What do I have to envy?" Jiang Wang chuckled: "I'm alone, so proud. Speaking of being a third-rank official, how many people will listen to me?"

"People always envy those who he can't become." Zheng Shangming pursed his lips: "Then Brother Jiang, I will leave first."

He got up and walked out.

When he was about to reach the gate of the courtyard, he heard Jiang Wang's voice behind him——

"Brother Zheng. Speaking of which, when you were being manipulated by Wen Lianmu... If I accidentally killed you at Ganma Mountain, it would arouse the anger of your father, Captain Beiya. Have you ever thought about it? Do you need the truth?"

Zheng Shangming stopped.

"I've thought about it, I've thought about it very seriously."

"I was thinking, I need power," he said.

He just stood at the gate of the courtyard with his back to Jiang Wang.

He said calmly, "Brother Jiang, not everyone can be like you. You have the genius to break legends and the courage to break rules. I'm just... making a mediocre effort."

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