Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1393

Zheng Shangming walked away.

There is still one sentence he didn't say in his heart - but even you Jiang Wang, the legend you are creating now is only at the level of the inner palace.

After the outer building is Shenlin, after Shenlin is Dongzhen, and after Dongzhen, Dao is developed. The world is too vast! Great power is too great! Can you really change some things?

Zheng Shangming, who once resolutely refused to rely on the halo of his parents, joined the army incognito, and stubbornly fought alone, was smashed by Wang Yiwu's fist in Wen Lianmu's game, in front of the Zhenguo Marshal's mansion.

After that, he resolutely joined the Qingpai system and adapted to Beiya as quickly as possible.

Today he and Jiang Wang have different choices, but he didn't make the choice just today.

Whether this is growth and transformation, or a compromise and fall, it is difficult to say clearly.

Everyone lives in their own moral system.

All the struggles, beliefs, excuses... all his life, just to justify himself after a choice.

Sometimes people change just overnight.

But there are always people who will never change.


The Buddhists say that when flowers bloom and fall, a world has come into being and gone.

Who can be sure that he is not a flower girl?

Sitting quietly in front of the stone table in the courtyard, Jiang Wang held up another finger, watching the flames bloom and fade in the wind, and comprehended the mysteries of Taoism.

Xu Shi is not suitable for practice today, and not long after, Housekeeper Xie came to report again, saying that there was a visitor.

A famous post, beautifully made.

The visitor is Yang Jing from Biwu County.

Jiang Wang shook the flames and frowned slightly.

Zheng Shangming's visit was expected, but Yang Jing was unexpected.

Unexpected things always lack some sense of security.

Nevertheless, he got up and went out to meet the guests himself.

Anyway, last time he went uninvited, it was really abrupt. It was also because the other party gave face and didn't care about him. It didn't make sense. When the other party came to visit, he started to put on airs.

He still can't come up with that kind of score.

He, Lord Jiang, is usually only among his friends when he is arrogant. It is also possible to occasionally get angry with Xuan Sheng and Xu Xiang to make these bad friends.

Yang Jing was dressed in black today, looking desolate. He didn't bring any entourage, and stood outside the door alone. Both the bow and the sword were put away, but the vigor of his body remained undiminished.

Jiang Wang took a few steps to greet him: "I don't know that the distinguished guest is here, so Jiang is not far away to welcome you!"

"My lord, you are being polite." Yang Jing looked at him, "How do you talk inside?"

Jiang Wang turned sideways immediately: "Come to our courtyard!"

Fortunately, Chongxuansheng is not here today, otherwise he might come to stir up trouble. The fact that his shadow guard was beaten in Biwu County made him very upset.

The two walked into the courtyard step by step.

Yang Jing didn't say a word of pleasantries, and said directly: "Gongsun Yu is dead."

Jiang Wang was startled for a moment: "How did you die?"

"I don't know." Yang Jing said, "That's why I came to Zi."

How big is Linzi!

There are so many dignitaries!

Yang Jing's flat tone of words, there is a kind of loneliness and bravery of thousands of troops and horses.

It seems that he and Gongsun Yu are really very good friends.

Jiang Wang said seriously: "It has absolutely nothing to do with me, I guarantee that I have no knowledge of his death."

Yang Jing said: "Otherwise I wouldn't come to your house alone."

It seems that he has checked it in private...

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then asked, "When did you die?"

Yang Jingdao: "After you left, I went to accompany him for a while. At that time, he was in good condition and was still reading. When I arranged a new hermitage in the next morning and went to pick him up, there was no one there. .No external injuries, Tongtian Palace and Wufu were completely shattered and died."

"What did Brother Ling say?" Jiang Wang asked.

Yang Luo, the governor of Biwu County, is undoubtedly a very political figure. If you can take advantage of it...

Yang Jing said calmly: "Gongsun Yu is my friend, not my brother's friend."

"I made a slip of the tongue." Jiang Wang admitted his mistake.

But in fact, the murderer of Gongsun Yu's death is not difficult to guess.

Those who will kill Gongsun Yu during this time period are nothing more than a few groups of people—those who want to find out the truth, and those who want to cover up the truth.

Since Jiang Wang didn't do anything himself. Then only the people from Lin Youxie's side, the people from Zheng Shangming's side, and the real culprit in the assassination of Concubine Lei were left.

"I asked someone to check it. The case you are currently supervising is the death of Feng Guzhi, the chief eunuch of the Changsheng Palace." Yang Jing asked directly: "I want to ask you, what does this case have to do with Gongsun Yu?" Does it matter? You worked so hard to find him in Biwu County, why?"

Without knowing the specific circumstances of the case, his question pointed to the point. Because the murderer was probably looking for Biwu County for the same reason as Jiang Wang.

"Gongsun Yu was a confidant of His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince and a frequent visitor to the Longevity Palace. I went to Biwu County to ask him some questions about the Longevity Palace." Jiang Wang said seriously: "I don't know the specific details of the case. It’s convenient to tell you. But if you can help provide some clues, maybe I can find the real culprit faster.”

Yang Jing was noncommittal about this, and asked instead: "With your current status, status, and responsibility, you went to Biwu County to investigate the case, why did you go secretly? This case is probably not as simple as Feng Guzhi's death. Who are you against? ? Is anyone spying on you? Is it possible that the murderer was Gongsun Yu who was after you? "

Jiang Wangxian was glad that Chong Xuansheng was not there, but now he hoped that the fat man was there.

Yang Jing is really not an easy character!

Many people have rumored that he is just a fledgling under the wings of his elder brother Yang Luo, but Jiang Wang found out after personal contact that this person clearly has a well-founded advance and retreat, and is brave and resourceful.

He can not only take care of the friendship between him and Gongsun Yu, but also put aside his responsibilities as much as possible, without affecting his elder brother who is the sheriff, and can get close to the core of the problem with a sharp eye...

Speaking of which, he intentionally left his brother aside, did he also sense the danger of this matter?

After careful consideration for a while, Jiang Wangcai said: "I really can't say the details of the case. This is the rule of Qingpai. As for the possibility you mentioned... I really can't rule it out. Brother Yang, don't worry, Gongsun Yu's death, I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Gongsun Yu was my friend and died in my manor." Yang Jing said calmly, "I came to Zizi to explain to myself."

"Then you should cooperate with me." Jiang Wang said sincerely: "The murderer will kill Gongsun Yu, probably because he knows something. I am responsible for supervising the handling of the Changsheng Palace case throughout the whole process. There are people everywhere. Chong Xuansheng lives in my house, Li Shimen and I are close family friends, Yan Fu is my best friend, Zheng Shangming and I have a deep friendship... No matter who the murderer is or what forces are involved, I’m sure I’ll be able to check it out and find out the truth.”

Jiang Wang kept pulling the tiger's skin here, and he didn't know which sentence touched Yang Jing.

After a while of silence, he finally said, "But Gongsun Yu didn't tell me anything."

"Just say what you know." Jiang Wang said quickly.

"Where do you want to start?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while and asked, "When did his tongue break?"

"On New Year's Eve last year, Gongsun Yu came to see me..." Yang Jing said slowly, "At that time, his tongue had already been broken."

The New Year's Eve in the year 3918 of the Dao calendar coincided with the period of Zhuang Yong's national war...

I have worked hard all the way to come here without stopping, and today I suddenly realized that so many things have happened this year.

Of course Jiang Wang can't forget that rainy night, never. But obviously, on that same New Year's Eve, the story that changed Gongsun Yu's life also happened.

What happened in the Longevity Palace on New Year's Eve in the year 3918?

"How did it break?" Jiang Wang asked.

"That's what I asked him at the time..."

Yang Jing looked at the texture of the stone tabletop and fell into memories: "It was snowing that night, a lot of snow. I drank too much and went back to my room alone. He was waiting for me in my yard. I am very happy. What could be better than Wouldn’t it be happier if my friend Xue Ye came to see you? I asked him if he wanted to drink, and I said I had hunted a very fat deer. I said that a few days ago, a guy who was trying to gain fame came to the city. He had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Call him bloody...but he just opened his mouth and let me see his severed tongue."

"What's the matter? I asked him what's the matter. He didn't respond."

"I was very anxious and very angry. I said I want to kill people, I must kill a few people. My heart is like a fire!"

"The yard was covered with snow. He squatted down and wrote a line of words on the snow--I have been sensitive to the tongue all my life, and I was afraid that it would be difficult to stop speaking, so I cut off my tongue to show my ambition. I will never speak again in this life."

"That line of writing was soon covered by snow, and he really never communicated with me again."

Yang Jing said sadly: "I asked him many times, but he just looked at me every time. I don't know what happened to him, I think he doesn't want me to know."

In other words...Gongsun Yu's tongue was cut off by himself, and the reason was "precept".

Why did he quit?

Did he know something he shouldn't know, and that's why he left Changsheng Palace? Could it be related to the truth about the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui?

"Has he had contact with Changsheng Palace later?" Jiang Wang asked.

"As far as I know, no." Yang Jing said, "He never left the manor."

Jiang Wang said seriously: "I think Gongsun Yu didn't tell you anything. Maybe it was to protect you."

"Maybe. But protecting him is what I want to do most as a friend." Yang Jing stood up and said, "Since it's not convenient for you to tell me anything, then let's say goodbye."

Jiang Wang asked subconsciously, "Where are you going?"

"I've already told you everything I know." Yang Jing looked at him, "Next, I'll find the answer in my own way."

you will die.

This idea came to Jiang Wang's mind almost immediately.

He said very seriously: "We, Qingpai, will naturally handle the case. The information you have and the information we have are completely different. Joining rashly will not help. Why don't you go back to Biwu County and wait for the news , I will inform you as soon as there is a result."

The real culprit of the assassination of Concubine Lei, even if he does not belong to the current queen, must be at the same level as the current queen.

The murderer who killed Gongsun Yu, it's a good thing that Yang Jing couldn't trace him, if he did find him... the end would be ugly.

Among other things, just because of Yang Jing's loyalty to his friends, Jiang Wang didn't want to watch him die.

"It seems that I guessed right. The murderer belongs to a very powerful force, and my Yang family can't afford it." Yang Jing twitched the corners of his lips, mockingly: "That's right, otherwise, how dare you kill my friend so casually? "

"Please believe me." After all, Jiang Wang couldn't say much, he could only emphasize: "I will not give up this case, and I have touched the truth."

"I know you are very trustworthy. But I'm sorry, I can't pin my friend's death on a stranger."

Yang Jing turned and left without any hesitation.

Come suddenly, go decisively.

This is a smart and sober man.

He came to Zizi alone, perhaps he had already prepared for it.

In the courtyard where the cold wind was falling, Jiang Wang was the only one left again.

He sat alone on the stone chair, silently thinking about the case.

The case cannot be delayed any longer.

But where is the key evidence?

Will Lin Youxie gain anything?

Jiang Wuqi, Feng Gu, Gongsun Yu... died one after another.

If Yang Jing ran into the forces behind the scenes, it would be very dangerous.

Who is next? Is Lin Youxie absolutely safe?

Even yourself?

The important case seventeen years ago, like an infinite and deep black vortex, is constantly expanding and trying to involve more and more people...

From all perspectives, a result needs to be produced as soon as possible.

Either tear off the curtain that covers it and let the sun shine in, illuminating every corner in between.

Or, bury it completely and never mention it again.

Obviously, Gongsun Yu chose the latter.


Thinking of Gongsun Yu at this moment, Jiang Wang faintly felt as if he had touched something.

He has been ignoring an extremely important thing.

what is it then?

Jiang Wang frowned, stood up and paced back and forth in the courtyard.

What exactly was overlooked?

The cold wind was blowing loudly, so he simply walked into the room and closed the door behind him. Isolate all the voices, so that I can think quietly.

What did you ignore?

He walked back and forth in the bedroom alone, suddenly stopped, and saw a picture hanging on the wall——

It was the last painting written by Jiang Wuqi before his death, which he specially asked a craftsman to frame.

"Heaven never abandons Daqi, Jiang never abandons me!"

An aura exploded in Jiang Wang's mind.

That's right... Jiang Wuqi!

He wants to understand what the problem he has been ignoring is!

Since Feng Gu used his death to set off an investigation into the big case that year, and clearly left clues pointing to Empress Daqi.

And now it seems that Gongsun Yu obviously knows something.

In other words, both Feng Gu and Gongsun Yu had some information about the truth about the assassination of Concubine Lei.

Then, as the lord of the Longevity Palace, would Jiang Wuqi not know anything about it?

Is it possible for such an outstanding person to be completely kept in the dark by his subordinates?

This is unreasonable!

But since Jiang Wuqi knew the truth, why didn't he deal with it himself?

With his wisdom, status, and influence, no matter what he did, he would be more useful than Feng Gu.

But he never mentioned it until his death.

Why? !

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