Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1397 Different routes lead to the same goal

The morning light and the sound of the wheels waking up the city.

The carriage in charge of the purchase left the back door of Jiang's house in the morning light.

In today's Jiang Mansion, there are housekeepers, grooms, cooks, and maids. There are more than twenty people in total. People eat horse chews, and there are expenses everywhere.

Buying vegetables every day is based on the basket.

Yaoguangfang has its own vegetable market, but it is probably because the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and the vegetable market is much more expensive than other places.

Housekeeper Xie, who is careful and budget-minded, of course refuses to let his family suffer this loss.

It’s not that Jiang’s mansion doesn’t have a carriage, and it takes a few more steps, or it is located in Huyangfang, the largest vegetable market in Linzi. The dishes are fresh and cheap, especially the fresh fish...

In short, I come here to buy every day.

But as soon as they entered Huyangfang, a figure stepped down from the carriage.

Lord Jiang had some beard stuck on his face, and Immortal Ruyi changed into a fresh outfit, and blended into the crowd calmly.



He said that it had nothing to do with Chongxuansheng, and he still needed Chongxuansheng's help in the cover.

Therefore, Mr. Sheng started to practice kung fu in the yard early in the morning, and at the same time ordered the servants in the mansion around, asking for this and that.

It is impossible to tell how many pairs of eyes are staring at the current Jiang Mansion.

Some have found it, some haven't.

Mr. Sheng scolded someone for being stupid and stubborn, and he couldn't miss a single thing that should be done.

When Qing Zhuan hurried over, Mr. Sheng had just squeezed the iron ball in his hand into a villain, and engraved the word Jiang Man on it.

"My lord." He half-kneeled on the ground and brought the information.

Chong Xuansheng showed Fourteen his masterpiece: "Does it look like it? Does it look like it?"

While he was busy, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"About the latest news about Mr. Zun, Marquis Dingyuan asked me to pass it on to you." Qingzhuanhui reported: "The old Marquis should have received the letter by now."

"Scared me, I thought there was something wrong with Jiang Wang, it's not a good thing to have something happening so soon..." Chong Xuansheng muttered, and said casually: "My good brother, what's the matter?" An astonishing move? Come on, stand up and talk, say one by one, have a drink with me!"

He put the newly made iron man aside, picked up the flagon on the small stove, poured himself a cup of hot wine, and looked at Fourteen again while holding the flagon.

Fourteen shook his head, and he drank himself.

"Young Master Zun was hunting in the Lost Realm, and met the son of the Dark King, kill him! This son of the Dark King is said to be the number one among the blood of the Dark King." Qingzhuan said.

Fourteen took out a few dishes of steaming dishes from the food box, and asked Chong Xuansheng to serve the wine.

Chong Xuansheng picked up a few chopsticks, and said in his mouth: "That's all! Didn't Jiang Wang also kill the son of the blood king?"

Of course, it is ignored that the Yu Wangu killed by Jiang Wang is very low-ranked, but a mid-level commander. The one Chongxuanzun killed was already the commander-in-chief of the top sea clan.

The Blood King is indeed no worse than the Dark King, but the two descendants of bloodlines with different rankings are worlds apart.

Of course, Jiang Wang back then was far worse than he is now.

"King Chongyi personally pursued and killed Mr. Zun..." Qingzhuan said, "Mr. Zun escaped successfully."

Chong Xuansheng glared at Qing Zhuan: "Speaking so heavily, I thought my elder brother was dead! I didn't even decide whether to cry or laugh."

The two-word king of the Hai clan is also known as the false king, which is almost analogous to the monk who is on the border of the human race god.

Chongxuanzun's ability to get rid of the pursuit of a Hai clan prince is nothing short of dazzling.

And Qingzhuan continued to report: "Later, the Dark King personally came to the Lost Realm, and Daoist Qi stopped him."

Chong Xuansheng snorted coldly: "It's enough to save face."

Qing Zhuan's tone became serious: "The Hai Clan seems to have the intention to kill Mr. Zun, they are mobilizing troops everywhere, and the whole maze world is in chaos, almost a big war...It is said that Wan Tong personally Arrangement made."

Chong Xuansheng picked up the meat with his chopsticks heavily, and drank a big mouthful of wine.

Qing Zhuan continued: "Shendu Zhenjun Wei Xun found the real body of Wantong based on this, gathered three Zhenjun and martial arts expert Wang Ao, went deep into the sea, and raided Wantong... Slashed a dragon's horn and returned. Unfinished business It's all done, but it also ruined Wan Tong's at least a hundred years of cultivation!"

This is really a major event that has never happened in the past century!

Wei Xun has accomplished such a feat, and his reputation overseas must be in full swing. This move can be said to stabilize the situation in the offshore islands at once. The prestige that the Zhenhai League should have condensed a long time ago has also been established.

Qi Guo's beatings during this period of time are almost in vain...

Wan Tong is sitting in the eternal dark vortex and supporting the evolution of the sea clan alone, but he can still face the surprise attack and siege of four true kings plus a martial arts expert Wang Ao without dying.

Its strength is obviously already surpassing the extraordinary peak!

Of course, for Chongxuansheng, what may be more important is, what exactly did Chongxuanzun show that made an existence like Wan Tong go off in person and plan to hunt and kill?

"Has the evolution of the Sea Clan been interrupted?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

Qing Zhuan shook his head: "There shouldn't be any, otherwise this would have been widely spread, and Shen Du Zhenjun's reputation would have been raised to a higher level."

"Then, what about Chong Xuan Zun?"

"Mr. Zun was seriously injured, but in the scuffle, he killed two of the top-ranked blood descendants of King An... True Lord Blood River, who went to the sea with True Lord Shendu, expressed on the spot that he would be accepted as a disciple. He declined."

Chong Xuansheng shook his wine glass: "Is it the same way?"


"Why are these people rushing to praise him and give him fame?" Chong Xuansheng asked with a fat face wrinkled.

Blue brick obviously cannot answer this question.

Chong Xuansheng raised his glass and drank all the wine, and then said with emotion: "This is really the protagonist in the storybook of the storyteller! He was born with a Taoist vein and is flawless. At a young age, Zhenjun should be optimistic about him. In a few years, there is another The reputation of the teacher is the highest in Linzi. On the platform of watching the river, he is also called the peerless. Once he goes to the lost world, there will be a storm. It will turn the world upside down and create waves in the sea!"

He turned his head to look at Fourteen, and said with a smile, "It makes me look like those useless villains in the book who only engage in intrigue. Isn't it?"

Fourteen stretched out his hand to help him brush his hair, and said softly: "I see you, you have always been the protagonist."

Chong Xuansheng looked at her, and seemed to see her face through the heavy iron helmet.

But due to the presence of Qingzhuan, he just shook her hand.

Then he added: "But this is good news!"

Fourteen tilted his head, obviously not understanding why Chongxuanzun had a great reputation in the Lost Realm, why this is good news.

Chong Xuansheng sighed: "Tianjiao's weight is even heavier, so Jiang Qingyang can gain more tolerance!"

"Where's my uncle?" Chong Xuansheng asked again.

He has two uncles, one biological uncle and one cousin uncle.

But Qingzhuan obviously knew who he was asking, so he just bowed his head and said, "Master Hou has gone to sea to pick up Mr. Zun."

Chong Xuansheng nodded: "This is the reason."

With his keen sense of smell, it is not difficult to judge that Chongxuanzun was obviously used as bait by Wei Xun and the others in the Lost Realm this time. Besides Chongxuan Chuliang, there is no one in Chongxuan's family who can support Chongxuanzun...

He waved his hand, and Qing Zhuan backed away.

Fourteen looked at him quietly and didn't speak.

He looked at the exquisite wine and dishes on the table, and suddenly lost interest. Sighing, he casually threw the pot away and said, "I blame the surnamed Jiang for being fickle and witty, for not drinking with me! This wine is also tasteless!"


He turned his head, only to see the shy girl taking off the iron helmet, and said in a low voice, "I'll drink a little with you."



After turning east and west for a long time, Jiang Wang casually turned into an old alley.

No one left or right.

Under the combination of the red makeup mirror and the voice-hearing fairy state, there are not many people who can hide from his perception. Of course, this scope is limited to those who will be sent to monitor Lin Youxie.

Perfectly walked into the blind spot of a few dark whistles, stepped out without smoke and fire, and fell into the yard.

It is still the red makeup mirror that opens the way, reflecting the pattern of the entire courtyard in the heart. Walking out of a bedroom with closed doors and windows, he knocked lightly on the door.

The sound is so well controlled that only those in the room can hear it.

"Who?" Lin Youxie's vigilant voice sounded from inside.

She should have also used some kind of secret method, the location where the voice sounded was different from the location where she was.

Of course, this can't be hidden from the fairy state.

"Me." Jiang Wang said in a deep voice.

With a creak, the door opened.

Lin Youxie looked at Jiang Wang in the room with complicated eyes.

Jiang Wang stepped into the threshold and closed the door smoothly.

"Why did you come?" Lin Youxie asked.

Jiang Wang said: "I thought there were so many people yesterday, it might not be convenient for you to tell me what..."

Lin Youxie was silent for a while, and said, "Find a place to sit."

She turned around and walked to the table next to the wall: "I'm still making medicine."

Jiang Wang looked around and said, "It's okay, I'll just stand."

It really didn't look like a girl's room.

Of course... how many girls' boudoirs has his surname Jiang been into? This is not qualified to evaluate.

However, this is not quite like a place for normal people to rest...

He did look for it seriously just now, but apart from that bed, there seemed to be no place to sit - why would he sit on someone else's girl's bed whenever they met?

"Are there many people outside?" Lin Youxie asked casually.

"I found seven of them. I can't find them. I don't know if there are any." Jiang Wang said truthfully.

Lin Youxie slowly mixed the medicine, and said, "In most cases, I should be safe. My official status can be considered useful. What's more, there are so many people watching."

Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "In the system, one is bound by the system and protected by the system. Because protecting the people in the system is protecting the system, and protecting the system is protecting one's own power."

"The point of view in the seventh chapter of the Theory of the Country." Lin Youxie didn't turn his head back: "You summed it up very well."

Jiang Wang coughed, and in order to liven up the atmosphere, he had nothing to say: "Do you need to read so many books to solve the case?"

Lin Youxie was silent for a while, and said, "This is an introductory book of Legalism."

"..." Jiang Wang looked around again, and then asked, "Can I help you with something?"

"Do you sympathize with me?" Lin Youxie asked while poking medicine.

"Miss Lin, don't get me wrong, I'm not..."

"Don't get me wrong." Lin Youxie interrupted: "I am actually very grateful for your sympathy. As the most dazzling arrogance and the most promising young man in Qi, you are not superior, but have compassion for me. I am very grateful. But sympathize with this kind of emotion, you should not pay too much for it. When you are on the top, give me a little sympathy. I don’t have any fragile self-esteem now, I really do Thank u."

"I have to admit that your experience is sympathetic. I have to admit that I have such emotions in my heart-how can I not?" Jiang Wang said seriously: "But I want to help you do something, not only It's about empathy, not just because we've worked together a few times, but because of... 'fairness'."

He said: "Because I also want the truth. I think there should be truth in this world. It has nothing to do with interests, emotions or other factors, just the truth itself.

Because if the truth itself can be mixed with too many things, it will definitely not have a fair result.

And if the truth is not what it is, it is the greatest injustice to the weak. "

If the word truth is not pure, if it will be swayed by something in the end, then it will definitely not be clean, and the truth of the weak will never come.

There are still hundreds of thousands of people who are permanently silent in Fenglin city area. What kind of answer do they need?

"You have great faith." Lin Youxie said slowly: "Unfortunately, what I have is just a paranoid, selfish selfish desire to seek justice for my father."

Of course she believed in Qingpai, justice, and the truth.

But these have gradually weathered in the past seventeen years, and finally fell in front of Uriel's body.

She used to embrace justice, but now she only has selfishness.

"If there is a road to justice, I think it must be paved with fairness. So we can reach the same goal by different routes." Jiang Wang said.

Lin Youxie stopped the wooden pestle, turned around in front of the table, and stared at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang explained subconsciously: "This sentence is what I thought of."

The room was not lit and the doors and windows were closed so it was dark even in broad daylight.

But as extraordinary monks, of course they could see each other clearly.

Lin Youxie was not that kind of breathtaking beauty.

Of course, being watched by her penetrating eyes, it is difficult for you to be in the mood to care about her appearance.

"Can I trust you completely?" she asked.

Jiang Wang only said: "I think, when you asked me, this question already has an answer."

Lin Youxie is not a hesitant character, so she said without delay: "Grandpa Wu used his own body to leave me two clues."

Corpses are made of clues...

The first time Jiang Wang heard this sentence was from Lin Youxie.

At that time, he only felt cruel, and felt that these words were too cold.

Only at this moment, he felt a hot piety that belonged exclusively to Qing Pai.

The old man whose corpse floated in the sea originally described this sentence in this way.

"What clue?" Jiang Wang asked.

"The first one is Wan Ling Frozen Snow."

"Myriad Spirits Frozen Snow?"

"It's the cause of Concubine Lei Gui's death, and it's also the root cause of His Royal Highness' cold poison."

"So, if you find Wanling Dongxue, you can find the real culprit, right?"

Lin Youxie didn't answer, but continued: "The second clue left by Grandpa Wu in the corpse is Tian Xili."

The current patriarch of the Dazetian clan, Gaochang Houtian Xili!

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