Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1398

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, recalling the Marquis who was stripped of his clothes at the grand ceremony and was so flogged that he couldn't even stand upright, finally digested the news, and then said: "Master Wu means...that was Tian Xili back then. Move your hands? How dare he?"

Lin Youxie did not answer directly, but narrated: "Wanling Dongxue is not a naturally occurring poison, it is not even considered a poison. It was first refined because of a Taoism called Sanjiu Hanchan. This way The technique is powerful and strange, and the cultivation process is very difficult, and there is no one in a million monks who can practice it. But if you have Wanling Dongxue as your assistant, you can achieve it very quickly."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, this is similar to the art of magic.

Lin Youxie said again: "The production process of Wanling Dongxue is to take the fingertip blood of nine babies with completely different fates, and then take the blood between the eyebrows of nine girls with very different personalities, and the blood of nine adults with different professions. The blood of the heart, together with the life souls of nine kinds of creatures, is smelted together by the secret method of the three-nine chilling cicada... Finally, it will form a snowflake, because there are more than ten thousand possible combinations of raw materials for this thing, it is impossible to calculate, so It's called Wanling Frozen Snow."

"Later, someone discovered that even if it wasn't used in the cultivation of Sanjiu Hanchan, only Wanling Dongxue itself, once it came into contact with human blood, would instantly be fatally poisoned by the cold poison, and it was impossible to save. After that, it was regarded as a poison, and it was located in the It is among the most poisonous in the world, and the finished product refined by each person is different."

"After Wanling Dongxue comes into contact with human blood, only by taking an antidote that completely targets Wanling Dongxue within three breaths can he be saved. But even if Wanling Dongxue is recognized, who can prepare the right medicine within three breaths? The antidote? If you don’t know which nine kinds of fate, which nine kinds of personality, which nine kinds of occupations, which nine kinds of creatures, you can’t solve this kind of cold poison at all... Except for the refiner of Wanling frozen snow, who can Do you know?"

"That's why it's almost impossible to solve Wanling Dongxue, and at the same time, each one is unique in the world."

"At the moment of life and death, what can be left behind is very limited. I think the clues left by Grandpa Wu are that he found Wanling Dongxue from Tian Xili, which completely matches the case of Concubine Lei. Or, he finally found it. The evidence confirms that Tian Xili is the one who made the frozen snow." Lin Youxie said: "And this is probably the reason why he will die."

Hearing this, Jiang Wang couldn't help but think of the picture of all beings in the Longevity Palace.

Is the observation of all kinds of living beings in the mural of the appearance of all living beings also Jiang Wuqi's analysis of the cold poison in his body?

Has that Eleventh Highness been observing who's fingertip blood, eyebrow blood, heart apex blood... has been refined into the cold poison he was born with?

Or the cold poison has no solution at all, but even if it can be alleviated a little bit, and it can give him a little more time to make a breakthrough, it may have a different result...

Jiang Wang sighed: "Presumably, even if there is any evidence of Wanling Dongxue, it has been destroyed now, right?"

"That's the case." Lin Youxie said.

Originally, if he had grasped that piece of evidence, he could have relied on Wan Ling Dongxue's unique characteristics to crucify Tian Xili to death. But now the evidence is completely gone, and Uriel is dead...

In such a case, the most difficult thing is not to investigate the case. In terms of investigation ability alone, there are not many people in the world who can compare with Uriel. But the difficulty of this case is that the person he has to face is the shadow that swallows everything.

Obviously knowing that the sun should be shining brightly outside at this time, but still deeply feel that the long night is long and there is no end in sight.

"That's the way it is." Jiang Wang cheered up and said: "We already know that the assassins back then were related to the Osawatian family. After all, they have already cleared their direction and locked their targets. We will investigate slowly, and sooner or later they will reveal themselves." Came on horseback."

"No." Lin Youxie shook his head, "The person who entered the palace to assassinate Concubine Lei was not from the Dazetian family."

"Not from the Da Zetian family?" Jiang Wang felt a little confused.

Lin Youxie said seriously: "The Osawatian family should have provided the Wanling Dongxue, but they have nothing to do with who actually did it."

"Wait, what do you mean, the assassination of Concubine Lei was the result of the cooperation of several parties?" Jiang Wang said sharply: "How could they be divided into several parties for such a big event like ransacking the family by accident? Calling someone else to do it? It's unreasonable, and it's never the smart thing to do."

From the perspective of a murderer, for such a major event as the assassination of Concubine Lei, the fewer people who take action, the better, and the simpler the process, the better. One more person means more danger of leaking information. One more link means more possibility of exposure.

"This is also something that puzzles me." Lin Youxie said: "But the evidence we have is like this, and the evidence will not lie."

Jiang Wang pressed his forehead: "That's not right... If it is said that the person who entered the palace to assassinate Concubine Lei had nothing to do with the Dazetian family, then why did Senior Ulie investigate the Tian family for so many years?"

"Because of my father." Lin Youxie said: "When my father was investigating the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui, he personally arrested a person. It turned out that he was wrong, but the person had already died in prison. Beiya suffered because of this. Huge pressure, and then... the news of my father 'suicide from fear of blame'."

"The man my father arrested was Tian Fen, a member of the Dazetian family. At that time, he was the deputy general of the north gate of the imperial city guard, in charge of the security of the nine city gates in the north of Linzi. When Concubine Lei Gui was assassinated, He was drinking in a brothel. After subsequent investigations, it was proved that he was not present at all, had nothing to do with the case of Concubine Lei, and was completely innocent..."

How could such an innocent person die in prison?

Jiang Wang said: "Others say that your father committed suicide in fear of blame because he arrested the wrong person. But senior Uriel didn't believe that he would commit suicide in fear of blame, let alone that he arrested the wrong person... So over the years, he has never given up on the Tian family. investigation?"

"Now Wanling Dongxue's clues have already explained everything." Lin Youxie said seriously: "My father certainly did not arrest the wrong person back then, but the evidence back then was extinguished."

Looking at Lin Youxie's determined expression, Jiang Wang suddenly remembered that Lin Youxie once lost control of his emotions when he was overseas, because he asked Lin Youxie if he would never catch the wrong person...

It turns out that there is such a story.

For so many years when Lin Kuang was denied, she worked hard to solve the case, never caring about the danger, and just to rebuild the reputation of the Qingpai family... She didn't want to "catch the wrong person" again.

"I still haven't figured it out." Jiang Wang said slowly: "Since you are sure that there is something wrong with the Tian family, why do you insist that the assassin has nothing to do with the Daze Tian family?"

"After my father died, the case was shelved. Grandpa Wu tried to restart the investigation several times, but was rejected and had to resign. During that time, he kept his name and visited many places..."

Lin Youxie said: "Grandpa Wu found out that the killer who assassinated Concubine Lei had appeared in the same restaurant as He Fu before the incident. Of course, no one saw them communicating. But this has already constituted a clue in itself. "

"Uncle He Guo?" Jiang Wang said: "So you were sure that the current empress is the real murderer?"

"No." Lin Youxie shook his head: "You don't know He Fu, this person is mediocre, and he doesn't have the ability to run such a big event. The only time that killer appeared in front of people was when he appeared in the same room as He Fu. The restaurant... is obviously a kind of blame. So it was at that time that Grandpa Wu excluded the current empress from the list of suspects."

"Who would have thought that?" Her expression was a bit bitter: "The target that Grandpa Wu suspected at first was the current empress, because there are not many people who can annihilate all clues in the palace. Excluded. Until this time, Feng Gu used suicide to emphasize to us...the real culprit behind the scenes is the queen."

Jiang Wang pondered and said: "The assassin and He Fu appeared in the same restaurant, perhaps it is the queen's plan to suspect soldiers. It is to use He Fu's stupidity to make people feel that this matter is to blame, so as to wash away the queen herself. suspicion."

"Looking back now, it is possible..." Lin Youxie said, "But Grandpa Wu had to investigate alone..."

"The assassin who killed Concubine Lei was a nameless person, there was no root cause, and he died on the spot, let alone traced back.

But this is also a clue in itself.

Before the shot, except for that time in the restaurant, a killer who didn't contact anyone and didn't leave any traces in the world.

Not ordinary forces can be cultivated.

It must be a dead man supported by a family or a powerful sect.

Of course, there are quite a few forces in the world who can meet this requirement, but when it is reduced to the Eastern Region, or even the Qi State, there are not many. "

Jiang Wang answered, "Of course the Tian family is one of them."

"The Lei family is too." Lin Youxie said.

Jiang Wang frowned.

"The assassin sneaked in from the Wuning Gate, and the guards guarding the gate were asked to kill them afterwards. If there were any clues, they should have been snuffed out. But we found out that the leader of the palace guards at that time was surnamed Zhang. He had a two-year-old Son, he was lost before the incident happened."

Lin Youxie said: "We found this boy... He grew up in Lei's family and is now the deputy commander of the Lei family's guard."

It has to be said that Uriel and Lin Youxie have worked so hard to pursue them for so many years, and it is not for nothing.

Especially Uriel, without the support of Qingpai, single-handedly found so many things, he definitely deserves the words "a famous arrester of a generation".

But Jiang Wang only felt that he was in chaos again: "People from the Lei family want to kill Concubine Lei? What are they trying to do?"

Lin Youxie looked at him and only asked, "What if she's not dead?"

Like thunder across the night sky!

What if... Concubine Lei Gui is not dead?

No one would believe that a pregnant woman would design a dangerous assassination scene by herself.

So, what if she's not dead?

Then the fact that the killer and He Fu appeared in the same restaurant is enough to implicate the suspicion on the current queen.

That year was the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng.

Three years ago, the abolished prince had just happened to be imprisoned in Qingshi Palace. Jiang Wuliang bid farewell to the throne completely, and there was no possibility of turning over.

The current crown prince is also in the second year of the abolished crown prince's imprisonment in Qingshi Palace, that is, in the thirty-sixth year of Yuanfeng's reign as the crown prince.

In the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng, when the assassination of Concubine Lei Guifei happened, Jiang Wuhua had only been the crown prince for two years, and the position of the Eastern Palace was not stable... let alone the time, even today, Jiang Wuhua's position as the crown prince is not stable. Not impenetrable.

Otherwise, how did the Huaying Palace, Yangxin Palace, and Longevity Palace be erected later?

So, what if, at this time, Concubine Lei Gui was assassinated but survived and saved the child?

How angry should the Son of Heaven be?

Abandoning the empress, abolishing the prince... seems to be a matter of course.

So does Concubine Lei Gui have a chance to be a queen?

Does Concubine Lei's child have a chance to be the crown prince?

Of course there are!

If the assassination was designed by Concubine Lei herself, then of course all traces can be erased, and of course the assassin can be given a proper opportunity in the heavily guarded palace.

Consider what a bold plan this is!

The Son of Heaven was away in person, and Concubine Lei Gui was pregnant and waiting to give birth. At such a critical moment, an assassination case that shocked the Eastern Region occurred, and the empress of the dynasty was involved in it...

Once you miss, you will die twice. Once discovered, death without burial is light.

This is fighting for the rear with his life!

"But Concubine Lei finally died..." Jiang Wang said with an inexplicable emotion.

"So why does Feng Gu believe that the current empress is the real murderer?" Lin Youxie said, "Because the empress that Concubine Lei wants to blame is by no means a role that can be manipulated arbitrarily, let alone concubine Lei. Let Concubine Lei Gui's fake death become a real death!"

Jiang Wang murmured: "For example, on the killer's knife, quietly smear the snow of all spirits..."

"And the Tian family is the one who actually handles this matter." Lin Youxie said sadly, "It was only last night that I thought about everything."

Yes... yes!

A large part of Lin Youxie's restoration of the case was based on speculation. There are actually very few places that can really be called evidence. Because the evidence is basically all destroyed.

But Jiang Wang had already believed it.

Because he has another piece of information that Lin Youxie doesn't know about—that is, Jiang Wuqi also investigated the old case seventeen years ago, and by virtue of his identity and resources far superior to Uriel's, he soon had As a result, he chose silence in the end.

Why are you silent?

Only today's restoration of Lin Youxie's case can be explained!

Because the entire assassination case was Lei Guifei's own design.

It was Concubine Lei Gui who had the audacity to plan the assassination, but her ability was limited, she met an opponent who was far beyond her reach, and was tricked by others. In the end, it led to her own death, and the child in her womb, who was born with cold poison and died!

At the last moment of her life, Concubine Lei Guifei struggled desperately on that winter night and tried her best to save the child in her womb...

Her mood at that time...was it despair, or guilt?

But no matter what, her love for the child in her womb was not false.

Jiang Wuqi found out the truth, but he didn't want to scold his stupid mother again after seventeen years! Even if this case is uncovered, it may bring the Queen down and create opportunities for him to compete for the reserve position.

When the emperor later mentioned Concubine Lei Gui, it was all in reminiscence.

What does the emperor think if the case is really opened? What would the Son of Heaven say? How will you treat the Lei family?

So on the tombstone in the portrait of all living beings, there is only "the dead are gone".

The person is already dead, so what else can Jiang Wuqi say?

Thanks to book friends Ai Mao Er Gou for becoming the leader of this book!

It's for the 215th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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