Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1399 ? Give You My Last Trust

Chapter 1399 Give You My Last Trust

Many people think that the existence of the Longevity Palace is largely based on the emperor's pity and preference...

Concubine Lei's stupidity, greed, and presumptuousness, once made public, would almost take away the basis for the existence of the Longevity Palace.

So Gongsun Yu would rather cut off his own tongue than keep it a secret. Because that truth is not decent to Longevity Palace.

So Feng Gu didn't say a word when Jiang Wuqi was still alive. Because after the death of Concubine Lei Gui, the meaning of his life was to protect Jiang Wuqi.

But Jiang Wuqi is also dead...

What is the use of the love of the Son of Heaven?

The emperor loved Concubine Lei very much, but Concubine Lei was already dead.

The Son of Heaven described his pain of losing Jiang Wuqi with "Mo extremely sad", but Jiang Wuqi was also dead.

Feng Gu could only feel hatred in his heart, he wanted the queen to be buried with Concubine Lei—this was how it should have been seventeen years ago.

So there is a mourning hall hanging by the neck, facing the queen's position and dying. Even using the child-eating spider as a metaphor for the queen...

So he took out Lin Kuang's knife and led Lin Youxie to participate in the old case.

The whole incident, from seventeen years ago to seventeen years later, finally pieced together the whole picture in Jiang Wang's mind.

Concubine Lei, Empress, Tian family, Lei family, Jiang Wuqi, Gongsun Yu, Feng Gu... The choices of each party are so clearly presented in front of them.

At this moment, Jiang Wang knew more than Lin Youxie.

And he also knew something that Lin Youxie didn't know, it was told by a mysterious person in front of the inspection house——

Lin Kuang had indeed committed suicide.

Of course, to be more accurate, it should be forced to kill...

When Lin Kuang arrested Tian Fen back then, it was obvious that he had already caught some clues, even Tian Fen might have smeared the frozen snow on the assassin's weapon.

People like Lin Kuang would certainly not commit suicide easily. Even if Tian Fen dies in prison, all evidence is erased and all clues are against him, he will try his best to find new clues, capture new evidence, and finally gain insight into the truth.

But what if someone threatened Lin Youxie?

At that time, Lin Kuang should have known what kind of shadow he was facing. He can fully understand that the other party can turn any threat of exit into reality——

If he doesn't want those things to happen, he can only die.

Sleep forever with all the clues.

Jiang Wang looked at Lin Youxie and thought silently in his heart——

The glory of the blue card is worth defending with everything in his life.

But only you...

For you, he can even give up the glory of the blue card.

He is willing to "suicide in fear of responsibility".

The weight of the father overwhelmed the green card.

"Unfortunately, we have no evidence." Jiang Wang sighed.

"No, I have." Lin Youxie said.

"What evidence?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Gongsun Yu is dead, Grandpa Wu is dead, and if the case continues to be investigated, someone will die next... What does this mean?" Lin Youxie said with complicated emotions: "They are also very scared!"

"Because the current environment is different from the environment of the past. The emperor has never had a clear attitude, and they are also suffering from fear!"

"Whether it's the queen or the Tian family. They don't know if I have evidence, or they are not sure that I have no evidence. So I have."

Hearing this, Jiang Wang already understood what she meant.

The expression became serious: "You told me so much today, and told me all the results of your investigations over the years... just for this step?"

"Although there is no evidence, you have established the truth, right?" Lin Youxie asked.

If it is to be submitted to the political affairs hall and the queen is held accountable in court, evidence is naturally needed.

But everything he has experienced these days, the process of destroying all kinds of evidence he has seen and felt, and all the clues have pieced together the truth in Jiang Wang's mind.

Of course he could only nod.

"Master Jiang, I trust you. I will give you my last trust with everything I have lost to the end." Lin Youxie took out a thin book and put it in Jiang Wang's hand: "Please leave .”

Jiang Wang looked down.

This thin volume is very old and looks like it has been flipped through many times. But because of the good material, it was not damaged.

The cover of the thin volume is blank, without a name.

Opening it, there is only one sentence on the title page——

Corpses are made of clues.

The content of this thin book is Lin Kuang's research experience on corpses, and it records in detail how to find clues in corpses. It can be said to be the unique skill of a generation of famous arresters. He only completed most of the content during his lifetime, and the latter part was filled in by Uriel.

Lin Youxie handed over this thin book to Jiang Wang, intending to make a last-ditch attempt to create the illusion that she has the key evidence, so that the queen or the Tian family can send someone to kill her!

Then she will leave ironclad evidence of who the murderer is in her own body.

Jiang Wang only needs to hold this "evidence" to connect the whole case in one fell swoop!

Those who killed Lin Youxie were of course the ones who wanted to cover up the truth!

"There are other ways." Jiang Wang said.

Lin Youxie shook his head lightly: "No more."

"Wu Shenzhu died because of the freezing snow of Wanling. Aren't we still useless to the clues from Bajiao Island?"

"The evidence of Wanling Dongxue definitely doesn't exist now. Since the Tian family found out that we have already found that step, how could they leave clues about Bajiao Island?" Lin Youxie said: "I think Gu Xing may already dead."

"What if?" Jiang Wang said.

However, even he himself couldn't convince himself.

"My father found out the truth back then.

Seventeen years later, Grandpa Wu also found the truth alone.

Even if I had their talents, how many years would it take me to find the proof? What about when I find it? Will I live to expose those, or will I be like them again? "

Lin Youxie looked miserable, and slowly shook his head and said, "Besides, if the current crown prince has already ascended to the Great Treasure at that time... how should I deal with myself?"

"They may not make a move."

"Then bet on their guts."

"They may not send their own people to kill you."

"For this kind of thing, anyone who asks for help is giving others a handle. How dare they lie to others? Mr. Jiang, I know your good intentions, but I have made up my mind. If you don't want to help me, I can completely understand. I'll find someone else."

Jiang Wang sighed: "But you may not have time to leave evidence,"

Lin Youxie was silent for a moment.

How could she not know?

What she imagined was only the most ideal result.

And there is a great possibility that as soon as the other party makes a move, she will die, leaving nothing behind.

But she said: "Let me try it. His Royal Highness the Eleventh only dies this time, and I only have this one chance."

Jiang Wang looked at her fixedly and didn't speak for a while.

And she cupped her hands suddenly, and bowed deeply to Jiang Wang: "Master Jiang, if I fail to leave evidence sufficient to prove the murderer's identity, it's my own fault, and I don't blame you. If I do it by luck... Next I'm counting on you!"

Jiang Wang held the thin booklet in one hand, supported her with the other hand, and prevented her from bowing down. He said with a wry smile, "If you die in vain, I have nothing to lose. If you do, I will take the ready-made booklet." Evidence to claim credit... What kind of trouble is this?"

Lin Youxie straightened up, staring at Jiang Wang with those extraordinarily bright eyes: "How many people in the world are trustworthy? How many people can I believe in?"

After saying this, she turned around and said resolutely, "Please go back!"

She couldn't wait another seventeen years, or a hundred years.

She just wants to try this one last time, if it works, it will work, if it doesn't work... that's all.

It is no pity that the four great green card families are extinct today.

Lin Youxie reached for her medicine pestle, thinking that she should prepare a medicine, but suddenly——

There was a churning in the Tongtian Sea, and the sea water gathered into a dragon shape, which instantly deprived her of her control over Tongtian Sea. The gentle sound of the wind passed by my ears, and every joint could not move.

From the spine to the limbs, from the Dao Yuan to the soul, the whole person was captured!

Then she clearly felt a finger on the back of her head.

Her eyes widened, full of disbelief.

For... why?

But the body has slowly collapsed, and the consciousness has gradually blurred...

Jiang Wang withdrew his fingers, supported Lin Youxie who was lying limp on the ground, and then gently put her back on the bed, who had already fallen asleep.

Put down the bed curtain, turn around and walk out.

He also said that the famous arresters of Shuangjiao have been asleep forever, and their death should be exchanged for a good sleep for their children.

Pushing open the door, the outside light came in at once.

Jiang Wang continued to walk in the old house left by Lin Kuang.

It seems that after more than ten years, I felt the glory called "The World's Famous Catcher" that shrouded here back then.

He didn't close the bedroom door, because there should be light in this room.


The gate of the house was opened.


It was shut again.

With the sound of the courtyard door being closed, Jiang Wang stepped forward and had already stepped out of the door.

The blue cloud under his feet was shattered, and the person had crashed into a restaurant diagonally opposite the courtyard door, directly crashed into the private room on the second floor, and knocked down a drinker who was sitting here watching the Lin family with one hand, without waiting. He explained that with a backhand slap, his Dao Yuan was scattered, and he fell off the restaurant and landed in front of Lin's house!

While the man was falling, the blue cloud under Jiang Wang's feet appeared again, and he flew to land in front of a middle-aged man selling candied haws on the street.

"This big..."

The middle-aged man had just opened his mouth, and a hand that pinched his neck had already suppressed all the rest of his words.

Jiang Wang flicked his hand, like throwing a dead dog, and threw the man in front of the gate of Lin's house.

Tap the toes again, and the person has moved again...

But seeing the green shirt fluttering, the crowd screamed.

Wherever he goes, no one can escape, no one can hold back even for a while.

Subdued figures kept falling down.

In a total of less than eight breaths, Jiang Wang personally found out seven secret sentries monitoring the Lin family, and threw them all in front of the Lin family's gate!

He didn't ask where these people came from or who they were ordering, he just shook out a prison chain with his backhand, tied them together one by one, and tied them into a long snake, and then just led them like this, turned around and left .

Pedestrians retreated wherever they went, and there were suspicious eyes everywhere.

Of course, among the people monitoring the Lin family, there must be people from the queen and the Tian family, and these people will never reveal their identities. Even if they are caught, they will never be able to contact the queen or the Tian family.

At the same time, there are some people who want to supervise the case, and others who want to get the truth as soon as possible...

There's no point in catching them at all.

Even stopping to question now, everyone has enough excuses to stop around Lin's mansion. No matter how clever the head arrest is, they will not be able to interrogate their problems.

So several people are struggling, trying to explain, trying to communicate.

But Jiang Wang didn't give them a chance to speak at all, so he tied them up and took them away.

Walking through the long street, passing panicked pedestrians.

Amidst countless complicated gazes, a group of people were tied up like this, and they came to the front of the Beiya.

"Master Jiang..."

"Captain Jiang!"

The green card policemen who saw Jiang Wang quickly saluted.

Jiang Wang casually found someone familiar, and put the chains of the prisoner in his hand: "The court ordered the officials to handle the case, but these people are watching around. For some reason, they are planning some kind of conspiracy. Put them in prison, Have a good trial!"

The dignified four-pinqing card arrester personally took action to arrest a few suspects and bring them back to the Beiya for interrogation. Naturally, there would be no problem.

The young policeman You Rongyan: "The humble will be delivered, and no one will be let go!"

As if looking at death as home, he tightened the chains of Lord Jiang's prison body, turned around and walked away arrogantly.

I don't know how dangerous this little road in Beiya is.

Sending these people to the Beiya Prison, Jiang Wang himself did not follow, but turned and left.

Pass Mingdefang, walk onto Xuanwu Street, and go all the way...

The direction is impressively Daqi Palace!

Of course Jiang Wang was not from the queen or from the Tian family, and it was even more unlikely that he would betray Lin Youxie if he knocked Lin Youxie out.

It's just that the success rate of Lin Youxie's plan is too low, and the premise is that he must die, so he cannot agree.

But Lin Youxie's will is too firm, and his will to die has long existed. Even if he refuses, there is no way to prevent the implementation of the plan.

Lin Youxie asked him for help, not because of him, but because he is currently the most trusted in Linzi.

In this city, there are many people who want to find out the truth and make meritorious deeds, let alone learn the research experience of famous arresters like Lin Kuang and Uriel on the clues of corpses.

She can easily choose a partner among the powerful people in Qingpai.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether these people will disclose the truth after they get it, or use it in exchange for more benefits-this is why Lin Youxie asked Jiang Wang for help, because it is for her now. Only Jiang Wang is completely credible.

But if Jiang Wang refuses, Lin Youxie is willing to give it a go.

Even if you put aside the attraction of interests.

If Lin Youxie asked Yang Jing to cooperate, he would not be rejected. At least in this matter, Yang Jing is a reliable partner.

After confirming that he had no other choice, Jiang Wang had no choice but to subdue Lin Youxie, and then do it himself...

Your Majesty sees the Son of Heaven.

He walked out of the Lin family, captured all the secret sentries monitoring the Lin family regardless of where they came from, and threw them into the Beiya prison together.

This matter must have spread all over Linzi, and everyone who should know knows it.

At this moment, he walked directly to the palace.

Everyone has to consider a question - has Jiang Wang found out the truth? How much did he know about that important case back then? How much evidence does he have?

and after today...

How many heads will fall!

Lin Youxie's plan was to use herself as a bait to force the queen or the Tian family to send someone to kill her, and then she would find a way to leave evidence. When all the old evidence was erased, she would use her own life to kill her. new evidence.

Jiang Wang put this bait on himself.

In the eyes of many people, he and Lin Youxie had completed the last step of the case. So I no longer forbear, so I walked out of the Lin family in a grand manner, directly arrested people, and directly met the emperor.

Now is the time to make choices.

Now is the time for the murderer behind the scenes to fear—

Do they dare to let Jiang Wang see the emperor safely?

At the moment when Jiang Wang walked towards the Daqi Palace with such a firm attitude!

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