Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1400 ? Your Majesty

Chapter 1400 See Your Majesty

The Qingshi Palace, located in the northeast corner of the entire Daqi Imperial Palace, seems to be an isolated island in a sea of ​​people, a sore scar of this great city.

Time passes here with exceptional clarity.

The sparrow stands on the high wall, pecking at the wall regardless of the season, sharpening its beak, like a swordsman sharpening his knife.

In the corner of the eaves, a spider crawled slowly down with a silk thread. It had been a long time since insects had been caught on the spider web, and it hung lonely and empty.

The vigorous eagle spread its wings and flew across the sky, flew past the empty Changsheng Palace, and turned around and passed outside the Huaying Palace.

In the palace, Jiang Wuyou was walking around the field with two sabers in his hands, playing with the sabers like rain.

"This is his own business, it depends on how he chooses."

The white-haired old woman stood on the sidelines with her halberd in her arms, without saying a word.

After many times of ups and downs, she watched the highness grow up step by step, with confidence in every step.

Swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks... eighteen kinds of weapons are like arms and fingers. Follow the road of Taoism and martial arts, with the heart of the world.

The eagle is near and far away.

The master of Yangxin Palace is rarely at home today, leaning on the soft couch with one hand resting on his cheek. The silk robe was lifted and covered the body, revealing the muscle lines on the front.

Lifting the chin of the beautiful woman in front of him with one hand, he just smiled and said, "They watch the theater, but I watch the beauty. After all, these people are really like a deer, and they don't know how to dream of being a fish all day long!"

The eagle's feathers were like knives, piercing the sky without a trace, circled the outer palace, flew past the Changle Palace, and then rushed upwards, suddenly its feathers faded and its claws disappeared, turning into a fat worm, burrowing into the clouds middle.

Looking closely, the cloud looks like a white lantern.

In Changle Palace.

The prince, who was pruning the flower branches, suddenly stopped and sighed: "The lonely god is here!"

Put the scissors on the wooden tray held by the eunuch.

As a result, the blood flowed like a river, and the body was golden...

Turning around has come.



As the largest main road in Beicheng, Xuanwu Street is extremely wide and long, and it is always full of pedestrians.

But Jiang Wang's green shirt pressed his sword and strode forward with big strides, as if he was alone in a boat among the crowds.

Chic and calm.

From time to time someone stopped and watched him go away.

There are not many people who really know what he is going to do, but his arrogance is enough to make people heartbroken—this is Da Qi Tianjiao!

Daqi Palace is located in the middle of Linzi, with three levels inside and outside.

The outermost outer palace occupies the largest area. The Ziji Palace where the imperial court was held, the Changle Palace where the prince lived, the Huaying Palace where the three empresses lived... and even the Qingshi Palace where the deposed prince was imprisoned are all here.

And when Jiang Wang walked to the gate of the outer palace, this solitary journey came to an end.

From Beiya to the imperial palace, there was no wind or waves along the way, not even a startled horse... It seems that Linzi has always been such a peaceful Linzi.

Jiang Wang calmly stopped in front of the staggered ceremonial knives, and bowed his hands to the palace guard: "Qingyang Town, third-rank pumpkin warrior Jiang Wang, your Majesty sees the emperor, please pass it on!"

The leader of the palace guard stood like a stone sculpture, and ordered his subordinate palace guards to leave in a hurry.

The sky is high and the clouds are quiet, and there are thousands of palaces and palaces.

Qi Gong was majestic and quiet. At this time, everything seemed to be still like a palace. Those magnificent stories are silent in time.

The queen or Osawada and the others.

Dare to kill Gongsun Yu in Biwu County, dare to kill Uriel overseas.

It shouldn't be a big deal to kill Yang Jing who has no official status.

It's not impossible to kill Lin Youxie in a hurry.

But he dared not touch Jiang Qingyang in Linzi!

No matter how afraid, no matter how afraid, I dare not do this.

If you want to ask, what did Jiang Wang win during the two years of hard work in Qi State?

This is the answer.

Not long after, the palace guard who sent the message hurried back and brought a eunuch holding a pen.

It was not the Church that Jiang Wang was familiar with, but a tall father-in-law with a stern face. He didn't know the name, so he just said to Jiang Wang: "The emperor declares, please go this way."

He took care of himself and led the way.

Jiang Wang didn't try to get close, and followed behind.

There is a high platform behind the palace gate, which is called "Jiebing Platform". There are several rows of ancient weapon racks on the stage, with a heavy and solemn atmosphere.

Those who enter the palace to face the saint must unarm their weapons here.

The soldiers are strong, but they are all in this Taichung.

Jiang Wang raised his head and hung his sword, and walked by. The palace guards in front of the Xiebing platform didn't stop him, and the eunuch Bingbi who led the way didn't make a sound.

Back then when the Yellow River won the crown, the emperor allowed him to bring a sword to the court!

The place where your majesty met was Delu Palace, where the emperor often practiced after he retired from court.

Announcing Jiang Wang here can also be said to be a kind of closeness.

When Jiang Wang stepped into the hall, the emperor was sitting cross-legged on the golden stone platform. There are nine Panlong pillars, standing around three sides of the stone platform, like three high walls, guarding the emperor.

Panlong contains precious pearls, and jade smoke grows inside the pearls. The smoke is constantly changing, sometimes mountains and seas, sometimes sentient beings.

Before Shitai, Han Ling was the only one who was independent. When you're not paying attention, he doesn't seem to exist. But when looking for him, he never lost sight of him. This kind of ability is very human.

The eunuch Bingbi who led the way had already left outside the hall.

Jiang Wang bent down to worship.

The emperor waved his hand: "There is no need to give a big gift if it is not a big ceremony."

At this time, the emperor, wearing a toga and casual clothes, seemed a little less serious and more casual. Covering his sleeves, he looked down at Jiang Wang from the stone platform: "Why did Qingyangzi come here?"

Jiang Wang stood upright, not daring to look directly at the emperor, but his voice was loud and open: "For Feng Gu, the chief eunuch of the Longevity Palace!"

"I remember that you are supervising the handling of this case..." The emperor's voice fell, gentle but majestic: "Could it be that there is something unfair in the process of investigating the case?"

Jiang Wangdao: "The minister supervises the handling of the case, and has gained something from the case. It is a big matter. I dare not hide it from the emperor, so I come to see you. Although I have exceeded my duty, I am loyal to the emperor."

The emperor said: "Since this is a big matter, why don't you present it publicly to the political affairs hall, but pay a private visit?"

When this question came out, Jiang Wang's mind tightened!

As soon as they met, the emperor pointed out his responsibilities in this case. He was obviously asking him if there was any problem in the process of handling the case by Zheng Shangming and Lin Youxie, but he was secretly asking him that he was involved in this case alone. Is it beyond the rules to meet with the palace?

He answered with "this is a big deal, and he is loyal to the king".

The emperor then asked him why he didn't submit it to the political affairs hall...

This is expressing dissatisfaction.

It must be said honestly that the reason why Jiang Wang made a big fuss in front of the Lin family and sent all the people monitoring the Lin family to the Beiya Prison was to make noise on purpose.

From the inspection office in the capital city, he walked straight to the palace without avoiding, circumventing or covering up.

Who doesn't know that his Majesty will meet with Emperor Qi today?

In fact, the behavior of calling on the emperor privately achieved the effect of playing a part of the official document.

To some extent, it puts the emperor on the stage.

If both the government and the public feel that Jiang Wang brought the evidence of the assassination of Concubine Lei to meet the emperor, then the emperor should also give the world an explanation.

So the emperor asked him, why didn't you just hand over the evidence to the Zhengshitang.

Since it is going to be made public, let's make it more public.

If you want to make a big fuss, make it even bigger.

But with your small body, Jiang Qingyang, can you bear the consequences of making a big fuss?

Jiang Wang bowed his head and said: "Because I don't have key evidence, I can't convince you doctors, and I can't present it publicly."

Rao is the emperor of Daqi who has always hidden his emotions in the deep sea and rarely expressed them. At this moment, he also sneered: "Then why do you greet me? Are you loyal to the emperor with your fists?"

The Son of Heaven is also very humorous at certain times.

But the word "loyalty to the monarch" can be used humorously, in a sense, precisely because it is not reliable.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Jiang Wang didn't see any fear, he just said pleadingly: "Your Majesty sees the Son of Heaven and wants to tell a story to the Son of Heaven."

The emperor did not speak.

Jiang Wang then stood on top of the hall, sorted out his emotions, and said: "The minister once traveled outside the sky, and occasionally saw a strange story. There is a floating land outside the sky, where hundreds of clans are fighting, and the flames of war are endless. There is a country in the land, and it is more powerful than its neighbors. The ruler of the country is magnificent and talented, and his martial arts and martial arts are all the best in the past dynasties...

One year, the frontier ministers raised troops to rebel, and the lord of the country conquered them himself.

At that time, the former prince was imprisoned, and the new prince was established, and his position was unstable.

The king's favorite concubine is pregnant and wants to fight for the heir, so he uses assassins to attack the palace, and wants to cripple her body to fall into the queen...

After the country inspected it, he secretly ordered the foreign ministers to infuse the Yin with strange poison on the fierce blade, so that the king's favorite concubine died of blood.

The beloved concubine died, and the dragon child in her belly was born by caesarean section.

The lord of the country takes pity on him and loves him very much.

This child was congenitally deficient, and even in the mother's womb, the poison had already penetrated into the marrow.

However, life is a great strategy, and it is only at that time, to move forward with a sick body, and to have the heart of all people.

Then people secretly investigate the past, and finally know the truth...

But never said a word. "

At this point, Jiang Wang bowed his hands to the emperor: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, do you know why this prince doesn't avenge his mother or himself?"

On the golden stone platform, the Son of Heaven was silent for a long time before he said, "What do you want to say?"

Jiang Wang, however, did not take advantage of the trend to expose it, but followed up and asked: "People in Fulu have a lot of talkers. Or say, 'This prince has the world in mind, and he can't bear the turmoil in the court, so he keeps his mouth shut', or 'I want to It is because the enemy is so powerful that we cannot fight head-on, we must rely on Xu Tu'... Who does the Son of Heaven think is right?"

"What do you think?" the emperor asked. There is no joy or sorrow in the voice.

"I think..." Jiang Wanggong said in a low voice: "The lord treats him with pity and love. He treats the lord with love and respect. The reason why he keeps silent is nothing more than that, and it's not that complicated. He is just one, A child who grew up alone and did not want to lose his father's love."

"Jiang Qingyang..." The Son of Heaven's voice was high and majestic: "I take it for granted, is it the duty of a minister?"

Whether the Son of Heaven was moved or not was impossible to judge from his voice alone.

And the words "take it for granted" are really dangerous.

But speaking of this, Jiang Wang could only bite the bullet and continue.

"I checked the case of Feng Gu in the Changsheng Palace. Fortunately, I saw a mural in the palace. It was hand-painted by His Royal Highness the Eleventh. I love it very much. I think the emperor can't miss it... The palace garden is illuminated by the painting. One, the inscription is only four characters, please look at it."

Jiang Wang still lowered his head at this moment, bowed slightly, and could only see his boots and the golden stone steps in front of him.

Of course, even if he raised his head, he couldn't look directly at the emperor. I don't know if the emperor looked at it, and by what means.

But he could faintly feel that on the golden stone platform in front of him, a great power... was emanating.

He could only perceive the corners of the fluctuations, but he was already shocked by the vastness and majesty.

After a long time, the voice of the Son of Heaven fell down: "Are you here just to tell me a story?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Your Majesty hand-picked this official to supervise the case, and this official came here for the truth of the case."

"I've heard the story you told..."

Jiang Wang could feel that he was being watched by the eyes of the hero of the world.

Although the Son of Heaven did not pour out any coercion, not even a trace of emotion, but just his identity and his strength are enough to crush into a mountain in the hearts of those who are watching.

And that magnificent voice that seemed to resonate with the entire palace slowly fell down: "Now tell me about your case."

Jiang Wang straightened his spine and lowered his eyes slightly: "I have brought three cases today, and I am here to meet the emperor!"

The emperor was noncommittal.

Standing in front of the stone platform, Han Ling's eyes twitched.

Are there actually three?

This Jiang Qingyang is really a bit arrogant and desperate... It's a pity.

I thought it was a pity in my heart, but there was no expression on my face.

And Jiang Wang has already said loudly: "The first one is the death of Feng Guzhi, the chief eunuch of the Longevity Palace."

Han Ling held his breath when he heard——

"Under the supervision of the minister, Lin Youxie, the deputy inspector, personally inspected and confirmed that Feng Gu committed suicide. He was hanging on the beam in the mourning hall, and he had no last words. He might come here... or die for the Lord."

Feng Gu's suicide was said to be for the purpose of martyrdom, but it was not wrong.

And his hatred and accusations against the queen can be known to anyone who has a deep understanding of the case. There is no need to say anything more.

I could only hear the voice of the Son of Heaven saying: "It means committing suicide and martyrdom, and nothing will be abandoned in the burial. What about the second one?"

There is no sound and waves, like clouds and rain falling, and the law of heaven circulates.

"The second case is the murder of Gong Sun Yu, an official of the old Changsheng Palace."

Jiang Wanglang said: "He lived in seclusion in Biwu County, studied behind closed doors, and never went out. In his early years, he used his tongue a lot, so he cut off his own tongue, so he hid himself from the world and did not fight with the world. Recently, he was killed by villains. I ask the Son of Heaven to issue an order to thoroughly investigate this case, so as to comfort His Eleventh Highness' spirit in heaven!"

The emperor obviously didn't expect that the second case Jiang Wang wanted to bring up was this.

In particular, Jiang Wang almost understood that Gongsun Yu cut his tongue and lived in seclusion in order to keep a secret. He was so loyal to Jiang Wuqi, yet he was easily killed after Jiang Wuqi's death.

If that Eleventh Highness has a spirit in heaven, how can he be safe?

After a moment of silence, I heard the voice of the Son of Heaven saying: "There really should be an explanation for this matter."

This sentence means that the person who directly killed Gongsun Yu will be found out in some form. Of course, the deeper places behind the scenes will not be involved.

This case still stops at a proper place.

There are only three people in this huge Delu Palace, plus Jiang Wang.

All three of them knew that the third case that had not yet been exported was the focus of this trip.

So even Han Ling, who has always been like a sculpture, couldn't help but look up at Jiang Wang.

Look at this young man who is facing the Great Qi Emperor.

And Jiang Wanghong said: "The third case that I want to sue is the suicide case of the famous arrester Lin Kuang seventeen years ago!"

Han Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed inexplicably.



ps: "After all, how many people are really a deer, and they don't know how to dream of being a fish all day long!" ——Huang Tingjian · "Miscellaneous Poems No. 1"

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