Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1401

"Lin Kuang committed suicide in fear of responsibility, it's already the conclusion of the Bei Yamen." In the Delu Palace, the emperor sat high on the golden stone platform, still not showing any emotion, he just asked: "After so many years, you want to reverse the case for him?"

"Lord Lin Kuang did commit suicide back then, there is no doubt about it. But the reason for suicide cannot be 'fear of responsibility'."

Jiang Wang said: "The red kiln case, the gold thread case, the purple satin case...these famous and important cases, some people are afraid of difficulty, some are complicated, some are complicated and dangerous, all are solved by Lin Kuang himself. My minister Looking through the files, I am often dumbfounded and amazed by the facts of the case. If Lin Kuang is a person who is afraid of responsibility, he will not be able to handle these big cases. How can the number one arrester since the establishment of Qingpai be afraid of responsibility?"

The fact that Lin Kuang solved all the famous and important cases in the past shows how much Jiang Wang spent in private. It was holding a thick file and studying it repeatedly.

In fact, anyone who has read these files can probably see what kind of person Lin Kuang is.

And he continued: "The suspect died in the cell, isn't it the guard's responsibility? Isn't it the jailer's responsibility?

Why did Lin Kuang commit suicide while Tian Fen died in prison?

It is now said that Lin Kuang arrested Tian Fen by mistake, but when Tian Fen died, the doubts about him had not been cleared up, and it was only because of his death that he could not continue to investigate. How can this be directly concluded, saying that it was "wrong arrest"?

I looked through the records and asked those who were in charge, and found that in those years, the voice of "catch the wrong person" and the voice of "Tian Fen has a problem" were actually half and half.

But after Lin Kuang died. It seemed that everyone admitted that he had caught the wrong person.

How can there be such a truth in the world?

How can it be that because Lin Kuang is dead and unable to speak for himself, the people who are still alive no longer need to investigate and can draw conclusions? How unfair this is to the dead! "

The emperor did not speak.

Jiang Wang then said again: "His Royal Highness Eleven has a posthumous handwriting, which is the last word he wrote during his lifetime, and he bequeathed it to the minister."

Sure enough, the emperor became interested and asked, "What did you write?"

Jiang Wang replied: "The words say, 'Heaven will not abandon me Daqi, and I will give birth to Jiang Wuqi!'"

The Son of Heaven was silent for a while, obviously also caught in the emotion of this sentence.

Jiang Wang continued: "Why don't you abandon Daqi?"

He raised such a question that can be called grand, and answered himself: "I think that it is not to abandon Qichen, nor to abandon Qimin!

Those who are dedicated to their duties should not be abandoned.

Those who have contributed to the country should not be abandoned.

Anyone who fights for Qi, no matter old or young, wise or foolish, should not be abandoned by Da Qi!

When His Royal Highness the Eleventh was here, the reason why I gave the fake Zhang Yong a chance was only because I, Da Qi, did not forget Xun Chen.

In the same way, His Highness appointed Lin Youxie to handle the case many times during his lifetime, which also means that I, Daqi, will never forget such a famous minister as Lin Kuang.

Although Lin Kuang committed suicide, he died from rumors, fear, and injustice...not fear of blame! "

Jiang Wanghong's voice was loud and his reasoning was very straightforward, so he was very angry: "During Lin Kuang's tenure in the Beiya, he led the cracking of 137 large and small cases, each of which was recorded in the file, with detailed clues and sufficient evidence.

His people guided and assisted the late Qingpai to crack cases, not to mention countless.

There are as many as forty-four original green card handling methods, and many rules formulated, such as the autopsy must be supervised by more than two people... are still in use today.

He never acted for selfishness during his lifetime, and after his death a thorough investigation into his deeds revealed nothing to be blamed for.

Such talents should not be abandoned by the court.

I ask Your Majesty to review Lin Kuang's suicide and rectify his name. Let the world know that the Son of Heaven never abandons the world! "

The emperor only asked, "Jiang Qing thinks that if Lin Kuang committed suicide not because of fear of responsibility, then why did he commit suicide?"

Han Ling couldn't help raising his attention.

Jiang Wang's words were so beautiful that he was secretly surprised. Using Jiang Wuqi's legacy to move the emperor's affection is already a skillful hand. However, Han Ling understood that just feelings cannot affect the emperor. What really has a chance to impress the emperor is Jiang Wuqi's tolerance of the world... Who said that Jiang Qingyang is foolish? At least this sense of proportion is simply inherently sensitive, and it can be called exquisite precision.

And the emperor's question at this time is also very crucial.

It's not impossible to solve Lin Kuang's matter, but it must not be solved from the queen's point of view.

In Han Ling's view, Jiang Wang's next answer was the key to handling this case.

Only Jiang Wanglang said in a voice: "I have already said that Master Lin Kuang died of rumors. It was those who maliciously spread rumors and made conclusions that drove Master Lin to death! He was loyal to the Qingpai career and could not bear the damage to his reputation." , I can't just sit back and watch the blue card be humiliated, so I kill myself to prove my innocence. Unexpectedly, after death, there will be no words to argue, but the rumors will be confirmed. This is a pity for twenty years! Please, Your Majesty, don't call this a hundred years of regret!"

In the huge Delu Palace, only Jiang Wang's voice echoed.

This voice is so young.

In the history of this mighty empire, the voice of youth has always sounded again and again.


The emperor even sighed.

His voice finally fell from the stone platform: "Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing, I just found out today that you are so capable in handling cases. You know Qingpai's methods very well, you know Qingpai's history like the back of your hand, and you have the right sense of proportion. It's good, and the wrist is also good. Speaking of which, Captain Zheng will ascend to the gods soon, and the position of Captain of the Metropolitan Inspection Office is vacant, are you willing to take it for me?"

Jiang Wang broke into a cold sweat all of a sudden!

Anyone who thinks that he can control the mind of the emperor is not far from death!

Zheng Shangming had previously used it as a bargaining chip to discuss with Jiang Wang the position of Captain of the Beiya. Zheng Shi and his son dared to manipulate this matter, and of course the emperor acquiesced.

And Jiang Wang rejected Zheng Shangming, in fact, it can be said that he has rejected the emperor.

But when Jiang Wang was talking about the Lin Kuang case, the Son of Heaven changed the subject and brought up the post of captain of Bei Ya.

The implication is nothing more than saying that you are so good at measuring, you clearly know how to be an official!

Then what reason do you have to refuse? !

"Of course I am willing! It is Jiang Wang's honor to be loyal to the country and share the worries of the emperor!" Jiang Wang expressed his loyalty without saying a word.

"But..." Jiang Wang said seriously, "It's a pity that I practice too fast, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to be a few days before I will become a god."

Han Ling's mouth trembled when he heard it...

Make this guy swell! Is this what people say? How many people live their lives before the life limit, without golden body and chalcedony, but he, Jiang Qingyang, is worried that he won't be able to delay it for a few days?

But thinking about it seriously, it actually makes sense. With the cultivation talent of this peerless celestial arrogance, the hurdle of God's Promenade has long been no obstacle, it's really just a matter of when the fourth floor is complete and when it can be crossed.

Only then did he suppress his mood, and then he heard Jiang Wang say again: "The captain of the Beiya government is an important post for the country. It is of paramount importance. It is related to the security of the world. How can I go to Zhang San and ignore Li Si? I am not a lucky minister. The world has a plan. It is easy for a minister to have a Beiya Duwei, but it is difficult for the world to have a Beiya Duwei. Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

This is very clear, and the stakes are even more clear.

You have said so well that you insist on making me the captain of Beiya, and if I sit in that position, the matter is very simple. However, in such an important position as the captain of the North Yamen, how could he do a good job without a three- to five-year will to implement it? It is impossible for a peerless genius like me to linger for three or five years before God comes!

Jiang Wang kept saying that he was willing and wanted what he wanted, but when it came to the key issues, it was "talent not allowed" and "time is not suitable". The emperor chose me as the captain of the Beiya, probably because of his irresponsibility for the position of the captain of the Beiya, and the suspicion of letting others do as he pleases.

In particular, the sentence "Fortunate Minister" is almost asking the emperor——

I am not a minister of luck, so does the emperor want to open the door of luck?

But what kind of person is Qi Tianzi, how could he be caught by him with just a few words.

Looking at Jiang Wang, he asked directly, "Could it be that you don't want to be loyal to me?"

Such a naked question is really not the style of the emperor.

It can be seen that his mood today is indeed not as calm as in the past.

Of course, the answer to this question cannot be shaken in the slightest.

Jiang Wang did not express his loyalty with sincerity and trepidation, but asked solemnly: "Since entering Qi, I have always been loyal to my duties, devoted myself to state affairs, fought for the country, and fought for Qi. No matter when and where, I have never Falling into the prestige of Great Qi! Aren’t these all loyal to Emperor Qi?”

Probably because the previous sentence has already been opened, Qi Tianzi asked more directly this time: "Jiang Qingyang, can't you see my heart for you? Is it really so difficult for you to take charge of the Beiya?" ?”

The emperor asked directly, and Jiang Wang was not qualified to push and pull.

Hearing the words, he stood solemnly, and said with great emotion: "Although Jiang Wang is dull, it is not too difficult if he asks himself if he is only handling cases! There are many talents in the Metropolitan Inspection Office, and the ministers only need to appoint people on their merits, act impartially, and distinguish between good and evil. It won't be so bad. Your majesty praises your ministers for their sense of propriety, but your majesty, if you are in charge of the Beiya, you will not be the first one to do so! My minister is terrified, and my minister will die, but I still want to ask, your majesty needs such a Is it the captain of Beiya?"


Jiang Wang took a step back and lowered his head: "I will die!"

"I don't think you are afraid of death." Qi Tianzi said lightly.

"I am afraid of death, I am terribly afraid. I have sworn a long time ago that I never want to experience the feeling of my life being in the hands of others. But Your Majesty, I want to ask you..."

Jiang Wang asked with the utmost sincerity: "Is it true that only loyalty without a bottom line is loyalty?

Is a person who has lost himself really reliable?

The reason why Jiang Wang is Jiang Wang is because Jiang Wang has been doing what Jiang Wang should do, not against his heart. If the original heart can be violated, if the original self can be thrown away, then how can the law bind me? What is morality bound to me? How can loyalty, integrity and shame be added to me? "

The emperor sneered: "Loyalty is actually going against your heart."

Jiang Wang replied: "I have been studying history recently. I heard that during the pre-Qi period, the monarch tasted all the delicacies in the world. One day he laughed and said, but he didn't know how human flesh was. There was a royal chef named Yi Ya. Hearing this, he immediately cooked a son to serve the king. !The monarch passed Yi Ya's mansion and took a look at Yi Ya's wife. Yi Ya enshrined his wife on the dragon bed that night! It can be said that all things are done according to the king's heart. Is this a loyal minister?

But in the end? When the first king of Qi was seriously injured, Yi Ya, who was then the prime minister, killed him... This is how the later Emperor Wu returned to the country. "

"If a person loses himself, how can he be stubborn outside, what virtue can he ask for?" Jiang Wanghong said: "It is precisely because I keep my word, value righteousness, and believe in justice that I can be a loyal person!"

"What a good one who is trustworthy, honors righteousness, and believes in axioms! What a good one who read history recently!"

Qi Tianzi reached out and patted the stone platform, and said: "Xiang only knew that you, Jiang Qingyang, are good at fighting, but I didn't expect you to learn how to be rich!"

Jiang Wang didn't know for a moment whether the emperor's words were praise or irony.

But fortunately, this hurdle in front of me seems to have passed...

"I'm terrified. It's just that the emperor accepts advice humbly. Although I'm insensitive, ignorant, and seldom knowledgeable, I have to vent my heart!"

"Hahahaha!" The Son of Heaven actually laughed: "What an insensitive, ignorant and ignorant person! Today I finally told the truth to me!"

It is of course a good thing that the emperor can laugh.

But listen...

In fact, it hurts people's self-esteem.

However, Jiang Wang could only say aggrievedly: "Your Majesty sees the Son of Heaven, I dare not speak nonsense..."

"Okay." The emperor waved his hand, and then leaned slightly: "I have approved the three cases you mentioned today. If you don't want to be the captain of Beiya, I have approved... How will you report to me?"

Jiang Wang said calmly: "Qi Tianjiao beats the Tianjiao of the world!"

The emperor turned his head to look at Han Ling in front of the stone platform, and said with a smile, "We young people in Qi are very ambitious!"

Turning back to look at Jiang Wang, he said, "Sure!"

Jiang Wang cupped his hands and said, "I thank the emperor!"

The Son of Heaven was about to wave his hand to tell him to step back, so he glanced at him and said, "Is there anything else?"

"Your Majesty's true wisdom eyes are like torches, and the sacred heart is illuminated by candles, and he can see thousands of miles!" Jiang Wang forced a flattery to slap him, and then said: "I invite the emperor. I want to leave the country to go to Chu recently. .”

The emperor snorted coldly: "You just want to run away after getting into trouble."

"I have Your Majesty's shadow to protect me, so why should I be troubled by it? Besides, the weather is bright and sunny, how can there be any disaster? I really have an appointment with a friend. The Zuo family of Chu State, Zuo Guangshu, has a word with me..."

"That's enough." The emperor stopped impatiently: "It's also a good thing for young people to go out more and see the heroes of the world."

Jiang Wang hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Then he straightened up and was about to leave.


The emperor stopped him.

Jiang Wang stood still respectfully, waiting for the emperor to speak.

The emperor smiled: "Jiang Qing likes reading very much, doesn't she?"

Suddenly his smile faded: "Han Ling!"

Han Ling bowed and complied.

The emperor said: "Bring a set of "The History of the Knife Chiseling the Sea" and give it to Qingyangzi to read!"

He said to Jiang Wang again: "Jiang Qing is a person who loves books, so read well, don't slack off. When I come back, I will check one or two times. If you can't recite it back and forth, I will remember you as the crime of deceiving the emperor."

The emperor said this with a smile, very kind.

Jiang Wang was deeply moved by the mighty kindness of the emperor, and said, "I will definitely live up to your majesty's high expectations!"

Unlike Jiang Wang, who was ignorant and ignorant of the market, Han Ling was secretly stunned.

"Historic Knife Chasing the Sea" edited by Sima Heng, a great sage of Qinku Academy, is an imperial masterpiece. It claims to have written all the history of the nations. It is the most complete historiographical masterpiece recording the history of all countries in the world since the new Daoist calendar, and it is full of thousands of words...

Thousands of words!

How can I recite it backwards?

I'm afraid that there are not many Confucian scholars in Qinku Academy who can do it.

And Jiang Qingyang still looked happy!

He went out with a complicated mood, and after a while, Han Ling took back a storage box and handed it to Jiang Wang, not forgetting to remind: "You don't need to return the storage box."

Although Jiang Wang couldn't figure out why it was necessary to get a storage box to hold a mere book, but think about it, maybe this is the royal ostentation!

That is to say, he stretched out his hand and took it: "My father-in-law."

He saluted the emperor again: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Okay, let's go down." The Son of Heaven resumed his emotionless tone.

Jiang Wanggui saluted again politely, turned around and walked away proudly.

He is not afraid of reading, after all, he is also a "smart and eager to learn" person.

Only at this moment, the sky is clear and Yun Che can really see the light of the sky.




Ps: The history is here first, and some of the allusions of Yi Ya Cooking Zi are used. But this is not the same.

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