Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1402 ?

Chapter 1402

After Jiang Wang left, Deludian was silent for a long time.

Only then did the emperor's voice sound: "Take down that mural and hang it in Donghua Pavilion. I will also look at it every day."

Only this sentence...

Only this sentence.

Han Ling bowed his head and took the order to leave.



An eunuch kept a sufficient distance and led the way, stepping on the huge stone bricks without making a sound. They are people who are used to prudence, living humbly in this great palace.

Jiang Wang walked behind unhurriedly, with extraordinary bearing.

Every step out, da, da, da.

Walking through the majestic and luxurious palace city, wearing a green shirt and holding a sword, and walking calmly, who can not say that he is a handsome young man?

However, when the sound of his footsteps echoed alone in the huge palace city, falling on his heart like drumbeats, Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking——

The Son of Heaven...

Do you know the truth about the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui?

He even walked all the way from Xuanwu Street to the palace.

This road is calm and calm, how many turbulences are behind it? Is it the Son of Heaven who beat some people?

The position of the crown prince is related to the foundation of the country.

Thinking back to the thirty-eighth year of Yuanfeng, the former prince was imprisoned, the new prince was established, and the chaos of Lord Loulan was finally settled.

From the perspective of the emperor.

Concubine Lei Gui set up a plot to assassinate herself, and death is not a pity.

Empress He pushed the boat along the way and killed people with a knife. Although it was a countermeasure, it was hard to escape the blame. In order to cover up the truth afterwards, Lin Kuang was forced to kill, which is an indelible crime. The Dazetian family is suspected of betraying the prince and intervening in the dragon fight for the empress's minions, and the evil is hard to hide.

If the truth had been revealed that year, what would have happened?

First of all, Queen He must be abolished.

How much competition will it cause if the back seat is suddenly vacant?

This kind of struggle is beyond the control of anyone, including the emperor himself. Because there is only one back position, and there are too many people looking at that position.

It is not enough to just find someone to sit on.

more importantly……

Empress He is abolished, so of course the prince will also be abolished.

But within a few years, the crown prince has been abolished and established. Even if this matter is brought up alone, it is a stupid act enough to shake the foundation of the country. What's more, it was during the time when the Lord Loulan Rebellion had just subsided?

Further down, the Osawatian family has always been the top famous family in the Qi State, regardless of the military and government, has a deep foundation, and itself is also a part of the strength of the Qi State. If he was held accountable at that time, it would be tantamount to cutting his own muscles when the country was in turmoil.

The state of Qi, which has just quelled the rebellion of Lord Loulan, is not suitable for abolishing the empress, abolishing the prince, and holding the Tian family accountable?

The waste prince in Qingshi Palace has only been imprisoned for three years...

The aftermath is not over!

The emperor had too many reasons to be silent back then.

Actually think about it.

Now that the crown prince has been in the East Palace for so many years, why is he still so cautious?

After being a prince for so many years, he has not been truly recognized by the ruling and opposition parties as the future monarch of Daqi.

After being a prince for so many years, Huaying Palace, Yangxin Palace, and Longevity Palace have risen one after another.

Is there any influence from that incident in the past?

Think again.

Da Qi has nine soldiers, but the Da Zetian clan is not in charge of an army now.

In the Political Affairs Hall, the Osawada clan does not currently have a seat.

This is one of the top aristocratic families in the Qi country. It is not inferior to any aristocratic family in developing two islands overseas. The participation of the highest authority in the Qi country is too weak...

Even Gaochang Hou Tian Xili and Xuanhuai Bo Liu Yingqi had a fight in the grand ceremony not long ago, but they were directly stripped and whipped by the emperor...

Xuan Huai Bo was flogged, so he was flogged. What is the status of Marquis Gao Chang?

If it is said that the emperor already knew the truth back then, the case has been shelved for so many years, to some extent. It can also be regarded as his respect for Jiang Wuqi.

This case is not made public, Concubine Lei Gui can still be the emperor's beloved concubine, and Jiang Wuqi is still the emperor's most beloved son.

If the case is made public, then Concubine Lei Gui is self-inflicted and cannot live, and Jiang Wuqi is the son of the guilty concubine.

Concubine Lei Gui is bold and reckless, but after all, Jiang Wuqi is innocent...

But even though there are so many reasons to support it, even though so many things can be analyzed.

Jiang Wang is still not sure whether Emperor Qi knew the truth back then.

These analyzes are based on assumptions.

And the heart of the emperor is unpredictable.

But at least one thing is clear——

Today, Jiang Wang walks on an invisible line like walking on thin ice. With the abyss on the left and right, he gives everyone the greatest explanation he can give. And how could this so-called proper measure not be drawn by the emperor?

The emperor didn't say anything, but the line was there clearly.

It is true that Jiang Wang was impassioned in Delu Palace and spoke uprightly, but would he dare to touch that line? Does he dare to mention the word queen?

He can only talk about the Feng Gu case, only the Gongsun Yu case, and only the Lin Kuang case.

Explain to Yang Jing.

Give Lin Youxie an explanation.

What he promised, he did.

As for actually revealing the truth about the assassination of Concubine Lei Gui to the world...he couldn't do it.

It is not a question of lost evidence.

On the premise of already seeing the truth, finding the corresponding evidence will never be more difficult than Uriel's efforts in the past seventeen years.

Jiang Wang is confident that he can find evidence again.

But that's all.

Everything done today is already the current limit.

In other words, it is the limit allowed by the emperor.

In these days of turbulence, so many people died and so many things happened. So many people threw themselves into it, stirring up thousands of hectares...

Only the emperor sat in the deep palace, did nothing, said nothing. But everything was within the silent sight of the Son of Heaven.

Never exceeded a point.

Seventeen years ago, he let it go gently, and seventeen years later, who will be hit, and to what extent... Tianxin decides for himself.

Everyone can only struggle within the limits set by the emperor.

Whether it's Beiya, Jiang Wang, several palace masters, or even the current empress!

Just like this great and magnificent Miyagi, although it is speechless. However, it has been shown all the time that Qi Tianzi is the only supreme authority in this great empire.

So Jiang Wang said that if he wanted to serve in the Beiya, he would be a captain of the Beiya who would not know how to measure.

The emperor of course refused.

Instead of giving him the chance to be impartial, he was given freedom.



The majestic Miyagi gradually left behind, and under the complex eyes of people intentionally or unintentionally, Jiang Wang walked through the capital, walked back to Yaoguangfang, and returned to his mansion.

"Heh, are you going to Chu State now? Entering the palace aggressively, and running away with your head in your arms as soon as you come back?"

Chong Xuansheng occupied his yard again, and laughed dissatisfiedly: "Then you don't run fast, what are you going to clean up when you come back? What is there to clean up in your house? I brought all the valuables."

Jiang Wang stopped packing his luggage, turned around and glared at him: "Chongxuan Fatty, it's a little too heartbreaking for you to talk like that!"

Standing there, Chong Xuansheng pushed the door almost full, and snorted: "Isn't it poking your lungs?"

"What does it have to do with the lungs?"

Chong Xuansheng sneered and said: "The lungs belong to gold in the five elements, and it is the most suitable for your pain."

Jiang Wang: ...

I just took some commonly used tea wound medicine and the like, and I didn't bother to clean it up.

After all, Chong Xuansheng was telling the truth.

Put away the storage box, turned around and walked in front of Chongxuansheng, stretched out his hand and said: "Take some money."

"The second owner of the dignified Desheng Chamber of Commerce is at home for a few days all year round!"

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes, complained, and finally touched the storage box: "If you don't listen to the good words of gold and jade, you should learn the truth from others. If the Tian family makes random moves, we will not be able to continue our overseas business, understand? ? Yes, the emperor supported you, but you once again consumed the patience of the emperor for you. And have you ever thought about Changle Palace? Do you have to make trouble with the prince? You occasionally use your brain to think a little bit, don’t think about it all Used to practice..."

Jiang Wang coaxed: "Okay, brother Sheng, I have learned my lesson, this is not a disaster, the situation is urgent..."

Chong Xuansheng took out a bag of ten primordial stones, thought for a while and put a few back, and muttered, "Come back as soon as the dust settles here. Don't cause trouble when you go to Chu, right? That's their place..."

"Understood, Brother Sheng, I will remember all your good words..." Jiang Wang said in a good voice, took the Yuanshi and stuffed it into his storage box, and the whole person was shocked again. He became high-spirited, took the initiative to cut off the conversation, and said simply and neatly: "Let's go!"

Then I really didn't say goodbye to anyone, and just walked away.



When Lin Youxie opened his eyes, what he saw was still dark.

Thinking that it might be night, I got up instinctively, opened the bed curtain, only to notice that the door was open, and light came in from outside.

It turned out that it was dawn.

It seemed that he had slept for a long time, so he was in a trance for a while, and the memories before coma came back.

Jiang Wang...

Lin Youxie looked down at his wrist, but there were no shackles.

The physical condition is also very good, there is no injury, and the imprisonment has disappeared.

And reconfirmed that he was indeed staying in his own home... safe.

Then he stood up suddenly and ran out the door!

It is by no means a short distance from where the Lin family's old house is located to Yaoguangfang.

Lin Youxie was walking on the street with people coming and going, for some reason, he was still in a daze.

She has confirmed in her own way that those who she found and those who watched her seem to have disappeared.

She couldn't help but wonder, was it all a dream?

Did she not tell Jiang Wang about her plan? She didn't go to the autopsy that day, she didn't find her father's knife at the door, and Grandpa Wu didn't die. Of course, Jiang Wang didn't knock her out...

But it won't be a dream.

Lin Youxie felt his body, and got a real clue from it. Confirmed all that.

She quickened her pace.

Walking among the crowds, observing everyone's expressions and behaviors, inferring their moods and occupations, guessing what they are going to do next... This is the little game she used to play most often, but of course she didn't care about it today.

She was just thinking about—

What is Jiang Wang going to do?

She stopped and even panicked... The Jiang residence has arrived.

It was not the first time for Lin Youxie to come to Jiang's house. The mansion of this upstart in Linzi was more dignified every time he came.

"I want to see Jiang Wang." She said directly to the door.

Maybe it was because his expression was a little ugly, which would give people a sense of oppression, so the doorman sent the message timidly.

Thinking of this, Lin Youxie controlled his emotions.

Not long after, the housekeeper of Jiang's residence greeted him.

This is just an ordinary person, not extraordinary, but facing Lin Youxie, he is neither humble nor overbearing: "My lord, what a coincidence, the master has gone out!"

"Going out?" Lin Youxie looked into his eyes, confirmed that it was not an excuse, and asked, "When will you be back?"

"I don't know about that." The butler said, "It's not up to me to decide when the Sir will return."

"Where did he go?"

"You are joking, where is the Sir, will you report to me?"

Jiang Wang is on a long journey, probably in a hurry...

Lin Youxie quickly made a judgment in his heart, and then there was a feeling of relaxation or loss that lingered in his heart lightly, but he couldn't hold it.

At this time, another male voice sounded next to him: "Is Jiang Wang here?"

Walking was a man in a black suit.

The demeanor is very cold and serious, and there is fatigue visible to the naked eye between his brows.

The butler of the Jiang Mansion replied: "Young Master Yang, my lord is indeed not in the mansion right now. Do you have anything to say?"

Yang Jing!

Just as the name sounded in Lin Youxie's mind, another voice came hurriedly from behind.

"Deputy Envoy Lin! I have found you!"

Zheng Shangming's voice...

When Lin Youxie turned around, his expression became calm: "Master Zheng, what do you need me for?"

"No need." Over there, Yang Jing left a word to the butler of Jiang's residence, then turned and left.

Zheng Shangming hurried over, before he could speak to Lin Youxie in the future, he raised his hand again: "Hey, Young Master Yang, stay a step!"

Yang Jing turned back coldly: "What's the matter?"

Zheng Shangming first gave Lin Youxie a relieved look, and then said to Yang Jing: "The murderer who killed Gongsun Yu has been arrested by the Beiya!"

"What?" Lin Youxie opened his mouth subconsciously

Yang Jing also wrinkled the word "Chuan" between his brows.

Obviously can't believe it.

But Zheng Shangming's expression was very serious: "You heard me right. The murderer who killed Gongsun Yu has already pleaded guilty. Mr. Yang, we have all noticed what you have been doing for your friends these days. Fortunately, the Skynet has been restored. Yu Zaitian has a spirit, and he can finally rest in peace. You can finally rest too."

Of course Yang Jing knew that since Zheng Shangming could speak to this extent, the one who subdued him must be the murderer who directly killed Gongsun Yu. You can't go wrong with that.

As for going further... no further. There is only one murderer.

As for whether that person had an old grievance with Gongsun Yu, or was suddenly in a bad mood when he passed by Biwu County that night... Anyway, it doesn't matter. Logical reasons can always be made up.

Being able to throw out the killer as an explanation, Yang Jing, who has been hitting a wall these days, of course knows how difficult it is to win.

"Bei Ya's efficiency in solving cases is something Yang admires." Yang Jing has always been a sober person, at most, because of Gongsun Yu's death, he was temporarily 'confused' for a while.

He should be awake by now.

So he cupped his hands, turned and left.

"Mr. Yang, isn't he going to see the murderer with his own eyes?" Zheng Shangming asked behind him.

"No need." Yang Jing said without turning his head: "Just send me a letter if someone kills you. Things are busy at home, I should go back!"

His steps were long and hurried.

Not like a winner.


Zheng Shangming watched Yang Jing off, then turned back, looked at Lin Youxie, and said in a slightly embarrassing tone, "Deputy Envoy Lin, I mainly came to see you today. I went to your house, and you were not at home. Later, I heard that If you come this way, I will come after you..."

Lin Youxie just looked at him indifferently, waiting for his next words.

Zheng Shangming continued: "The Son of Heaven ordered a thorough investigation into the case of Master Lin Kuang's suicide. We urgently interviewed dozens of old men with green cards, and 19 of them were witnesses to the case, and finally proved that Master Lin Kuang was indeed not wronged. People, Tian Fen turned out to be the dark son of the Pingping Kingdom. Master Lin Kuang committed suicide not in fear of blame, but for the honor of Qingpai, he alone bears all the infamy..."

Lin Youxie's eyes changed from surprise to sadness, and then he suddenly lost his mind again.

Equality Country is such a big basket that you can put everything in it.

But even this opportunity to "put in a basket" was not won by herself...

"The decree of the Son of Heaven said, 'National scholars should not be underestimated'. Lord Lin Kuang was granted the title of Lord of Heaven, and Lord Uriel was given the title of Lord of the Earth. The spiritual seat is offered to the inspection office of the capital city. Every green card arrester should be enshrined for generations! "

From ancient times to the present, opening up the frontier and expanding the land is the first-class merit, and most of the winners are from this merit.

It is far from being able to solve the case and judge the prison.

Jiang Qingyang also won the title because of his military achievements, but it has nothing to do with his green card.

It has never been seen in ancient times that a person who won the title with the merits of the green card.

Lin Kuang and Uriel, this is the first case.

It's certainly brilliant.

But Lin Youxie felt more and more dazed, and there was something heavy in his eyes that wanted to fall.

And Zheng Shangming's voice continued: "The emperor bestowed a plaque written by himself, saying 'green card double pride'..."

Staring blankly at the word "Jiang" on the door plaque of the Jiang Mansion, she felt that the voice was far away.

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