Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1403 ?

Chapter 1403

"Where did Jiang Wang go?" Lin Youxie asked suddenly.

Zheng Shangming, who was reciting the emperor's reward, was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"I asked, where did Jiang Wang go, do you know?"

Zheng Shangming pursed his lips and said, "Leaving Qi."

So they were all silent.



A fierce battle has just ended.

The result of the battle is victory.

The young man named Lingyue in the Illusory Realm still frowned pretty, dissatisfied with himself.

Although winning, it is not easy.

The current ranking is only fifth in the territory of Too Illusory. Stable in the top ten is a hurdle. Stabilizing in the top five is another hurdle. And to secure the number one position in Taixu, one has to be a bit taller than everyone else.

He just managed to enter the top five, and he already felt very strong resistance. However, some people have secured the number one position in the Taixu Inner Mansion early on, looking down on the heroes. Now it is already advancing towards the first place in Taixu Outer Building...

Although there are some objective reasons for this, such as the rapid expansion of the illusory realm, more and more monks participated in it, and the strong ones continue to emerge, so that the competition for rankings at the inner palace level is becoming increasingly fierce...

But he's not one to make excuses for himself.

In particular, some people's No. 1 is the No. 1 among the arrogance of all nations in the entire world. Even going back to the present, it is the first in history.

He has no excuses to make.

Young Master Lingyue became more and more dissatisfied as he thought about it. He was about to fight a few more times when he caught a glimpse of a familiar paper crane flying towards him.


With a cold snort, he had already stood on the Sword Discourse Arena, intending to ignore it as before.

But after thinking about it, I felt that I didn't have to be too stingy.

That's all, let's see what some people fart.

Then he stepped down from the Sword Discourse Arena again, stretched out his hand and grabbed the paper crane.

From Zhan Xin's point of view, it can be seen that the text says——

"Don't worry, little brother, the matter of Qi is over, and I have come east with my sword. I will teach you the number one mountain and sea realm!"

"What a mess!" Zuo Guangshu curled his lips and muttered, "The mountain and sea realm is not a place to compete for rankings!"

Holding this letter, he paused for a while, then sneered again, and then wrote on the paper: "The quota for the Mountain and Sea Realm is very precious. You couldn't say it before, but I have already promised..."

After writing here, I paused, stretched out my hand to erase it, and wrote again: "You don't need to come. Could it be that I, Da Chu Zuo, can't find a genius who can help you? Don't think that you are really invincible..."

The tip of the pen paused on the word "invincible", and suddenly felt that his words were not convincing. Then it occurred to him that Jiang Qingyang was actually not that bad, he really had trouble before.

That's all.

He sighed, erased all the above words, and wrote magnanimously: "If you really want to participate, let me help you find a way."

Put away the pen and let the paper crane fly away.

The Sword Discourse Arena was still hanging not far away, but at this moment Zuo Guangshu had lost the mood to hone his combat skills.

As soon as he thought about it, he already exited the illusory realm with a cold face.

The servants of Duke Chuhuai State's mansion only saw the handsome young master in his own water-blue robe, galloping around the mansion: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

The old man thought that something happened, stepped out of the study, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Substitution!" Zuo Guang said like gold and jade.



Jiang Wang left Linzi alone without looking back.

He only stopped in Qingyang Town for half a day, looked at the situation of the fief, gave advice to Dugu Xiao's practice, told her to be more careful during this time, and continued to walk west.

The emperor has already made a promise, and what to do next depends entirely on Tianxin.

What he can do has been done, and now he just has to get out of the way to avoid the limelight, so as not to block the eyes of some people.

After all, the empress of the dynasty has been the lord of the harem for so many years. If she really got angry, who would she want to kill?

It was only when he was leaving that he heard that the crown prince had achieved divine presence and had officially passed his life limit. According to the etiquette system, the ministers will congratulate him with national gifts...

The prince has been able to achieve God's arrival long ago, but he slowed down again and again, which shows his stability. But it's not too early or too late, but at this time, God's presence is achieved,

What is this indicating?

It shows that when Jiang Wang went to Delu Palace to meet the emperor, the prince was also nervous. In other words, the prince deliberately showed this kind of nervousness—this is tantamount to saying that he now knows the truth about what happened back then.

On the surface, the prince chose to appear at this time, because he was urgently increasing his bargaining chips to fight against the political storm that may occur next.

But in fact, he didn't choose to disassociate himself from the relationship, and he didn't show that he didn't know anything about what happened back then, so this bargaining chip was actually added to the queen!

A prince who has never made mistakes for many years and has now made up for his shortcomings in practice, is there anything that can be criticized?

This is taking responsibility for the mother.

A prince of the Eastern Palace who has broken the life limit is already qualified to give some support to the current empress...

But maybe this is exactly what the emperor wants to beat.

How the emperor will beat the prince, Jiang Wang has nowhere to know. But it was obvious that he had offended the prince very badly this time.

Rather than staying in Linzi and waiting for trouble to come to your door, it is better to slip away while the emperor is dealing with old affairs and the government and the public are silent. By the way, fulfill the earlier agreement with Zuo Guangshu, and get to know the heroes of Chu. Also go to the mountain and sea environment to feel the demeanor of Huang Weizhen, which is famous in history.

There are many old friends in Linzi city, if you don't say goodbye, you won't be hurt.

Perhaps many friends will feel that he was forced out of Linzi, and he may feel wronged and painful. But on the contrary, he walked very frankly.

With a clear mind.

Have a clear conscience and no regrets.

He made a choice that he will never regret in this life.

The official way may be able to increase his practice speed in a short period of time, but in the long run, he needs to recognize himself more clearly.



Seven days later.

Duanhun Gorge, Rocky Valley, the wind whimpers.

Jiang Wang sat on the stone platform hanging alone on the cliff, looking up at the sky, letting his green shirt flutter.

In a sense, personal knowledge is not the narrow space that restricts vision. Who in this world can't see the sky?

The wind passing through the canyon brought a figure wrapped in a black robe.

He flew up to the stone platform a few steps, stood beside Jiang Wang, but kept a certain distance, and complained: "Why did you choose this ghostly place to meet?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "I said to contact through the illusory realm, but you dare not. Now in Qi State, there are too many eyes. I am familiar with this place and it is very safe."

"It's not that you are next to Tian Anping, of course you have nothing to dare. For Tian Anping, the illusory realm... In short, I don't worry about the secrecy. I need to be responsible for myself!" Even though Tian Chang was wrapped in a black robe, he still wore The hood also subconsciously stood in the corner of the stone platform, hiding himself: "If you need to see me in a hurry, tell me quickly!"

Jiang Wang looked back at him, still with a smile on his face: "With your wisdom, can't you think of it?"

Tian Chang suppressed his voice and said very unhappy: "If I had wisdom, I wouldn't have been manipulated to such death by you!"

"Your attitude is wrong." Jiang Wang restrained his smile, and said in a low voice: "Why is it developing so well now, is there anything new to rely on?"

"I beg you, I can't disappear for too long." Tian Chang changed his tone of forgiveness, and said, "If you have any problems, let's solve them as soon as possible. As long as I know, I can talk endlessly."

Jiang Wang knew that this person was a poisonous snake that should not be underestimated, and he didn't want to force him too much, so he took advantage of the situation and asked directly, "Did Ulie kill Tian Anping?"

Sure enough, Tian Chang was prepared for this question: "Don't you already have the answer?"

"Isn't he unable to leave the city area?"

"But Uriel can go to Jicheng."

As for why Uriel went to Jicheng...

Wan Ling Frozen Snow is the answer.

Ulie has been chasing the case of Concubine Lei for so many years, once he learns about Wan Ling Dongxue's clues, no matter how dangerous the place is, he probably has to go and see it himself.

"Understood." Jiang Wang nodded, and asked again: "Then why did Uriel's body stay?"

"I don't know." Tian Chang shook his head: "But I think there are about two possibilities."

"Which two?"

"First, if Uriel is missing, someone will investigate, but if he is dead, no one will investigate."

Once the myth of Uriel, a former blue card, disappears, it will lead to investigation regardless of emotion or reason. And when he died, the body was clearly placed there, so no one would check it...

Because anyone who is qualified to investigate can probably guess who the murderer is working for.

Those who are willing to investigate and have the courage to investigate will not wait until now to investigate.

"Very reasonable." Jiang Wang said, "What about the second possibility?"

Tian often said in an unspeakable tone: "Perhaps it is to give you clues."

Jiang Wang was so excited by this sentence that his hairs stood on end, and couldn't help asking: "Why did you give us clues?"

"I just guessed that there is a possibility, but I can't think of the reason." Tian Chang sighed: "Do you think Tian Anping's behavior can be deduced logically, would he still be so crazy?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, and said, "Sure enough, you know Tian Anping better."

Tian Chang sighed: "It's just to live longer."

"My question is over." Jiang Wang said.

"Then I'll go first." Tian Chang took a few steps forward, then stopped suddenly, stopped and said, "Actually, I also have a question to ask you."

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Let's listen."

"Eleventh princes also went to Daze County in person earlier, and then they died down, so they should have let go of it. Including the ninth prince, who also went to participate in the Seven Star Valley Secret Realm, but searched for clues everywhere in the city..." Tian Chang said: " I heard that you have a close relationship with the eleventh prince, how could you go against his last wish?"

Jiang Wang didn't know the reason why Jiang Wuxie went to Seven Star Valley that time until today!

Then Tian Anping's sudden appearance in the Seven Star Valley was probably not only because of the defeat of the Tian family in the Hidden Star World.

Under the fierce competition in the secret realm, there was such an undercurrent. Sure enough, if the strength is not enough, some things will not be understood even if they are staged in front of your eyes.

Unfortunately, it was not clear at the time whether Tian Anping and Jiang Wuxie had a secret confrontation.

Jiang Wang's thoughts changed sharply, and he only said: "I respect the last wish of His Royal Highness Eleven. But Lin Kuang is a person who is loyal to the country, and his posthumous name should not be 'suicide in fear of responsibility'."

Tian Chang let out an "oh", probably disapproving.

"Master Jiang is indeed a role model for my generation." After leaving such a sentence, he jumped off the high cliff.

The wind whistling, clothes hunting.

And Jiang Wang sat alone on the high platform for a long time, but finally he only sighed.

Even a lunatic should have what a lunatic wants... What exactly does Tian Anping want?



Starting from Duanhun Gorge to Chu State, it is difficult to plan a good route.

Jiang Wang still planned to pass through Muguo, detour around Tianmayuan, cross the long river, go to Yunguo to see An'an, and then go south to Chu—if there was no demonic incident at that time, then he should have been in this period of time. It is right for Chu to practice.

The reason why they took a long way instead of directly crossing Xingyueyuan and crossing the long river to enter the Southern Region was not because they were concerned about Jingguo or Xiaguo, but mainly because they wanted to see Rucheng and An'an.

After the crime of possessing demons was washed away, it was no problem for him to walk through Jingguo swaggeringly, let alone just walk under Jingguo's nose.

Now Jingguo has increased its troops to Shengguo, and Shengguo is also mobilizing troops from all over the world.

The Muguo army also marched into Liyuan City one by one.

Seeing a war between the hegemony is inevitable, but no one knows when the horn of the first charge will sound.

Zhao Rucheng was in Liyuan City, so Jiang Wang naturally couldn't help worrying.

Of the five sworn brothers back then, Ru Cheng was the youngest, the most lazy and the most lazy, and had always been taken care of by his elder brothers.

Although we now know that he is a descendant of the Great Qin Emperor and has a noble bloodline, at that time he was mostly keeping a low profile, but he still couldn't change the habit of worrying about him...

But Jiang Wang's plan still failed.

The war is imminent, and the surrounding area of ​​Liyuan City has long been under martial law, so it is impossible to get close.

He wanted to send a letter to the fifth younger brother, but he, Grand Qi's Lord Jiang, had a bad reputation on Mu Sheng's side. No one paid any attention to him, and it almost aroused the suspicion of several sentries.

Before causing more trouble, he had to leave first.

Such a war where the two hegemons collide head-on is enough to affect the entire pattern of the present world. It's not worth mentioning that the gods will die in battle. The death of the real person is probably just a passing mention. Relatively speaking, he, a monk in the outer building, is as insignificant as dust.

There was nothing he could do except to let out a sigh.

So I buried my head on my way.

This time, I was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery again.

Studying, hurrying, practicing.

Cross the grassland at the fastest speed, then pass through the country of Wo, cross the long river, and quietly arrive at the country of Yun.

When I left Yunguo, it was still in the autumn of 3919 in the Dao calendar.

At that time, he was full of ambition and went to Chu State to help Zuo Guangshu, and boldly said that he wanted to help Xiao Guangshu break through the mountains and seas.

Turning his head, he was hit hard by reality. The name of mastering demons, the slaughter of demons, the battle of Yuheng, the battle of Xingyueyuan, the death of Jiang Wuqi...

Life seems to have been pulled cruelly for a while, and finally returned to the beginning.

But after all, it is not the beginning.

When I come back now, it is the spring of 3920 in the Dao calendar.

But for a few seasons, it's like a lifetime away.

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