Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1404 long absence

"Ohh Ohh ohh."

Stupid gray yelled pitifully, circling around Jiang An'an.

Jiang An'an sat cross-legged on the cloud ground, looked up at the sky, her small face was serious, as if she was thinking about some life problem, and turned a deaf ear to the whimpering in her ears.

Stupid Hui sells miserably to no avail, so he wags his tail and looks for Jiang Wang.

As soon as the little gray dog ​​turned around, Jiang An'an's small mouth quickly agitated, chewing the moon cage sand, the holy fruit of the fox clan, which was only produced after the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, how beautiful it is.

Zhu Hui ran two steps away, turned his head abruptly, and Jiang An'an stopped talking almost at the same time.

It sniffed suspiciously, but unfortunately, found nothing.

How can one eat a holy fruit that is so delicious that it makes dogs twitch?

It wagged its tail like a windmill, looking for the owner it hadn't seen for a long time. It still knows who brought the fruit!

Jiang Wangzheng and Ye Qingyu sat opposite each other in the gazebo where the clouds and smoke were empty, discussing the feasibility of deducing the "Eight-tone Flame Sparrow Talisman", that is, replacing the talisman seal with cloud seal script, and using the talisman seal to evolve the technique of "Eight-tone Flame Sparrow Talisman".

If this step is successful, the next step is the "Eight Tone Burning Sea Talisman".

The application space of Yunzhuan supernatural power is really vast, and in the hands of monks who can make full use of it, it is definitely a top-level supernatural power. The more Taoism you master, the more powerful your supernatural powers will be.

"So you got the inspiration from octave tea?" Ye Qingyu asked with eyes as clear as water.

"Ah yes, the people of Qi are good tea. There are many good teas. Eight-tone tea is one of the top famous teas. You see, I use the flame sparrow to evolve the voice of the mist girl's pipa. Its voice is like this..." Jiang Wang said Explain, while manipulating several flame sparrows to sing together, making a moving pipa sound.

Ye Qingyu nodded half-understood, and asked again: "I heard that eight-tone tea is the treasure of the four famous restaurants in Linzi?"

"It's not that far. There are many top famous teas in Qi State. For example, Dr. Wen Yanyu's family has a collection of 'Xian Shuangyue'. Speaking of which, Dr. Wen is the father-in-law of my friend Yan Fu! This gentleman is very elegant, It's really admirable. His daughter Wen Tinglan is also a noble daughter of Linzi, a famous beauty. Of course, I, Brother Yan Fuxian, will never lose..." Jiang Wang forced a conversation, then turned back as calmly as possible: "Let's continue Speaking of Eight-tone Flame Sparrow, this Taoist technique takes Flame Sparrow as its shape, but its foundation is actually in the word 'sound'. Although cloud seals are ever-changing, you don't have to stick to fire, Eight-tone Skylark is also excellent..."

Ye Qingyu let out an 'oh', and asked again: "Generally, customers who don't come often can't drink it?"

"Ahaha, it shouldn't be. I rarely go there, and Chong Xuansheng took me there, mainly for tea..." Jiang Wang said in a half-embarrassed manner: "The Taoism we are practicing now can be attacked. It can be prevented, it can be applied in most scenarios, and it is very suitable for use in the inner palace stage. And the follow-up advanced Taoism, I can also tell you in detail..."

Ye Qingyu blinked his eyes, and his long eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly: "Are the four famous restaurants originally just teahouses? They are mainly for tasting tea, and what is the secondary purpose?"

"Ah this..."


"Wow woof!"

Silly Gray's cry is simply heavenly.

Jiang Wang turned around with a gentle face, and hugged the running little gray dog: "What's the matter, stupid gray?"

Stupid gray drooped its furry dog's head, and slumped its head into his arms, making pitiful whimpering noises.

Jiang Wang patted the dog's head lightly, and smiled at Ye Qingyu, "This dog is really clingy."

Ye Qingyu smiled and said nothing.

He got up with the dog in his arms again: "I'll go see what's going on with An'an. She looks so stupid, maybe she was beaten... Let's talk about Taoism next time."

"Okay." Ye Qingyu smiled softly.

Jiang Wang took three steps and two steps, his heart was like a broken army, but his posture was still upright. Hugging the dog left the gazebo and walked towards his sister.

Stupid Hui also regained his energy all of a sudden, turned over in Jiang Wang's arms, put his two front paws on Jiang Wang's horizontal arms, his ears were erected, his dog eyes were wide open, and he looked forward majestically——

Who dares to disregard food?

"Cough, An'an." Jiang Wang showed his elder brother's posture: "What are you doing to the idiot..."

"Wow woof woof woof!"

The stupid Greyhound also quarreled loudly, relying on his power.

Jiang An'an, who kept moving her small mouth, suddenly stopped, turned her head, and winked at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang hugged Zhu Hui, and turned around on the spot, so as not to let Zhu Hui see what Jiang An'an was eating.

Stupid and impatient, he barked angrily in his arms.

"What are you calling!" Jiang Wang slapped it on the forehead: "It's too old to be sensible, don't affect my sister's thinking!"

Zhu Hui was stunned for a while, and finally realized that human beings are unreliable. He fell down again and got up woo woo woo.

Jiang An'an ate all the moon cage sand in his hand.

Cai said: "Brother, have you finished teaching Taoism?"

Jiang Wang subconsciously glanced at the gazebo, Ye Qingyu had already left.

He turned around and smiled, "Ah, yes."

Stupid Ash was still buried in his arms, whimpering, extremely pitiful.

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but asked: "Is there any more Moon Cage Sand?"

"Nope!" Jiang Anan said proudly.

"What about the iron berry? Give it one!" Jiang Wang said, "Look at it crying."

"It will pretend to cry." Jiang Anan snorted, and reluctantly took out the squirrel box.

Stupid Hui immediately pulled out his furry head and yelled at Jiang An'an!

"Look, it's still arguing with me!" Jiang Anan hurriedly complained.

Jiang Wang was a little helpless: "Aren't you good friends?"

"A friend is a friend, and eating is eating." Jiang Anan pouted and said, "It ate all my fish last time, and didn't keep it for me."

But after all, he took an iron berry and shook it.

Zhu Hui immediately widened his dog's eyes, forgot to even get angry, and struggled in Jiang Wang's arms.

Jiang An'an took the iron berries, rolled them on the ground, and muttered something: "The sign of destiny, the wild beasts of ancient times, hurry like a law, go!"

She, who was already an extraordinary monk, threw it extremely far.

Stupid Hui immediately broke free from Jiang Wang's arms, and jumped to the ground like a slammer, shooting out like an arrow, chasing after the iron berry.

Jiang Wang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What kind of curse are you?"

"Impeach the god curse."

Jiang An'an looked at his brother with dark eyes, smiled, opened his hands and said, "I want to hug too."

Jiang Wang reluctantly picked her up and was about to tell her a few words such as sharing is a virtue. They no longer have parents. As an older brother, he inevitably has the self-consciousness to teach his younger sister.

But Jiang Anan's little hand suddenly stuck to his mouth, and stuffed a fruit into his mouth.

Jiang Wang took a bite, and his mouth was filled with fragrance.

Couldn't help but said: "Didn't you say there is no more?"

Jiang An'an giggled in his arms: "Is there any for others!"

He took out two more like a magic trick, one for his brother and one for himself.

The two brothers and sisters ate with smiles on their faces.

There was also a stupid dog, barking joyously in the distance, feeling that he had taken advantage of it.



The extremely high terrain, the loose system, the neutral national policy... and Ye Lingxiao are the reasons why Yun Kingdom can be so peaceful for a long time.

Ah Chou, who fights very desperately and is really thick-skinned, may also be one of the reasons.

Jiang Wang has been to many places since his extraordinary achievements. There has never been a place that can bring him such a peaceful feeling like Yunguo.

Even in Qi State, where the status is getting higher and higher, he still can't let go of the string in his heart.

He is always nervous.

Probably because An An lived here and was well protected by Ye Lingxiao.

This place often gives him a sense of rest.

Although I only come and go secretly every time, after all, I still miss the ordinary time I spent in Yunguo.

Sometimes blandness is a luxury.

During the time in Yunguo, every day is playing with An An, supervising An An's study, discussing with Ye Qingyu, supervising An An's study, teasing stupid dogs, supervising An An's study, practicing hard, supervising An An's study...

Life is plain and fulfilling.

Both people and dogs are happy.

In the illusory realm of the night.

After the five daily battles, Jiang Wang received a long-lost letter.

The person who wrote the letter was the swordsman Ning who had fought with him many times at the inner palace level.

There is only one sentence in the letter, "Retreat for a long time and realize it, and you will become an outer building. Will you fight?"

Jiang Wang's reply was also very straightforward, with only one word, "Come!"

So the Sword Discourse Arena roared up, chilling and piercing, crashing into the Milky Way.

For Jiang Wang, Swordsman Ning is a very good training partner, especially in terms of swordsmanship, which inspired him a lot.

He, a wild man who has come out of countless fights, is fighting with Swordsman Ning again and again. Only by constantly making up the foundation can the sublimation on the river viewing platform be achieved.

Although he had already left Swordsman Ning far away when he was in the realm of the inner palace, the gains in battles became less and less each time. But such an outstanding swordsmanship talent, his performance in the outer building environment is still worth looking forward to.

So even on the Xingyueyuan battlefield, he had already shouted the slogan of fighting for invincibility under the gods, but he was still willing to set aside an extra battle time for Swordsman Ning.

In the vast galaxy, the Sword Discourse Arena with an ancient atmosphere can barely spread out.

People are like fish in the river, they can't stand each other in a corner.

But the Sword Discourse Arena itself is a world.

The eyes of the two people discussing the sword met each other, and the sharpness met the sharpness. Jiang Wang's sword has been unsheathed.

This sword is chanted with emotion, like a hero singing to wine, drumming the sea of ​​stars, indescribably chic and heroic!

The Sword Discourse Arena seems to be ups and downs in the galaxy, but in fact the galaxy is more of a background.

Those stars seem very near but very far away.

It seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is out of reach.

When Jiang Wang's sword was unsheathed, the galaxy suddenly lit up, and the phantom of a seven-story cyan stone tower was silently projected, hanging in the middle of the galaxy, with the aura of suppressing all directions in a trance.

The majestic starlight of the holy building flowed on the sword body, and the sword in Jiang Wang's hand had a brilliance that could not be seen directly at this moment.

What is "letter?"

It's human.

Once the words are spoken, you must go all out.

Once the sword is out of its sheath, it must cut the enemy's head and then return.

This sword has the meaning of fate and death. The moment he was unsheathed, Ning Jianke's aura was firmly locked. It cannot be avoided, it cannot be escaped, it can only be faced.

What you promise is what you do, what you ask for is what you say.

This is Jiang Wang's sword of the way.

Although it is not perfect, it is a complete interpretation of the First Holy Building.

Practiced for a long time, tempered for a long time,

For the first time, it is really shown in the enemy!

Only Swordsman Ning, a master of swordsmanship, is worthy of unsheathing this sword.

Only such characters are enough to test the sharpness of this sword.

After not fighting for so long, Jiang Wang wants to give the opponent a big surprise!

And Ning Jianke, who had an ordinary face in the illusory realm, suddenly had a divine light in his eyes.

She drew her long sword like autumn water with her backhand.

The sword light surged like a river.

A tall sword-shaped building is condensed in the galaxy.

When the long sword was unsheathed, the starlight flew and the sword light flowed.

The two occur simultaneously and complement each other.

Her long sword was obviously pulled out of the scabbard, but it gave the impression that in the unreachable galaxy, the star tower is the scabbard!

The sword comes out from the star tower.

The sword went from bottom to top, and at the moment it was completely unsheathed, there was a sound of cracking silk.

Jiang Wang's hand holding the sword, which was supposed to be well protected, suddenly split open.

And the phantom of the seven-story blue stone pagoda in the galaxy was actually erased!

One sword breaks the star building.

The point of Jiang Wang's sword was almost in front of Jianke Ning's eyebrows, and the meaning of "I must win, I must never get rid of it"...has disappeared.



Ning Jianke's long sword rose into the air, and easily set up and cut Jiang Wang's long sword, opening Jiang Wang's door.

Another new Absolute Sword Technique!

Jiang Wang had never seen the Absolute Sword Technique before.

Qianqian once set up a sword array, with the help of the sword array, the sword separated the fourth floor.

And now Ning Swordsman's sword also has this skill.

He wanted to give his old opponent a surprise, but Ning Jianke took the initiative to challenge, so why not?

Caught off guard, Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen were all within reach of Ning Jianke's sword.

A pool of autumn water flows through the eyes.

With a cold light, he jumped like a whitebait.

The sword's edge is near!

Then the five incandescent light sources light up at the same time, and the light of the five palaces shines all over his body.

Jiang Wang tapped his toes, the blue cloud was shattered, and he retreated to the edge of the Sword Discourse Arena with one step, and pressed the octave to burn the sea with one hand, using the sea of ​​fire to temporarily block the attack of Swordsman Ning.

At the same time, the left eye turned crimson, and under the blessing of Qianyang's pupil, it instantly summoned the hell of five senses!

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, five prison Qi Zhenning swordsman.

A radiant sword light pierced through the sea of ​​fire and came. Ning Jianke's sword intent rushed to his eyes, and he strangled the five prisons directly.

In the sea of ​​flames and waves of sound that separated her, she came rushing forward.

But it was Jiang Wang's red eyes that greeted her.

The single-riding entry map completed through the podium has been unfolded,

In an instant, she was dragged into the battle of souls.

Swordsman Ning drew his sword forward in the state of mind and soul, and opened the night like the dawn, and even cut the connection between himself and the single rider into the formation map, thus avoiding Jiang Wang's mind and soul crush!

But outside of the state of mind and soul, her Tongtianhai suddenly roared and surged, completely out of control.

Eight gusts of wind flowed around her body, binding her limbs tightly.

The snow-white blade was placed so lightly on her neck.

The battle is over.

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