Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1405 Yi Shengfeng

Dragon and Tiger are worthy of being the super-grade Taoism secretly handed down by the old royal family, and it definitely has the effect of setting the world. In this battle, at the right time, the outcome of the battle was decided.

But Jiang Wang knew very well that he had actually lost to Swordsman Ning in the swordsmanship duel.

It is true that his current path is not clear enough, nor complete. Just Xinzilou's Sword of Daotu is not his strongest sword technique. He believed it too. In the state of a sword fairy, the sword that he unifies the power of the five supernatural powers to slash a mountain is not something Ning Jianke can handle.

But that's how it behaves in battle.

He intended to end the battle with swordsmanship, but in the swordsmanship duel, he lost more than one point.

He thought he had attached great importance to Swordsman Ning, but because of the overwhelming superiority of the Inner Palace, he neglected Swordsman Ning's swordsmanship.

This sounded a loud alarm bell for him.

In this world, Jiang Wang is not the only one who is working hard, nor is he the only one who can make progress.

It is not uncommon for a person like Ning Jianke, who is extremely talented and has a profound background, to make a rapid progress under the guidance of a strong teacher.

Jiang Wang put his sword back into its sheath, extinguished the lights of the Five Houses, and praised sincerely: "Your sword just now is simply unpredictable!"

Ning Jianke's expression was very calm, or maybe this fabricated, too mediocre face was not suitable for any expression at all.

In short, she just pursed her lips: "But I still lost."

"You win in swordsmanship, and I win in life and death." Jiang Wang said frankly: "We can be considered a draw this time."

Swordsman Ning's eyes softened obviously. After all, she had retreated for so long and worked hard to study sword moves. A large part of the reason was the tremendous pressure brought by this opponent in front of her. It can be said that Jiang Wang's evaluation, to a certain extent, recognized her efforts.

She said modestly: "Actually..."

She wanted to say modestly, actually, I took advantage of my master's inheritance. Your sword of the way is very clear, how powerful it is...

But just after saying the word "actually", I heard this guy say: "But next time it won't be necessarily the case."

Jiang Wang looked at Swordsman Ning confidently: "Next time if your swordsmanship doesn't improve much, I can defeat you with just swordsmanship!"

"Oh, is that so?" Ning Jianke gritted his teeth and said, "Then we'll wait and see!"

"Then since it's a draw this time..." Jiang Wang calculated the accounts very seriously: "Using the Fourth Grade Sword Discourse Arena consumes 200 points of energy once, and I will take the initiative to admit defeat later, and you will transfer 100 points of energy to me after you go back." That’s fine. My name in the Illusory Realm is Dugu Wudi, don’t forget.”


"Don't be polite to me, it's just a hundred points, I really admire your swordsmanship! Hey! How did you go?"

Swordsman Ning had voluntarily surrendered and left the Sword Discourse Arena.

Jiang Wang stood where he was, feeling baffled.

He felt that he was already very generous.

Because according to the rules of the Illusory Realm, he was the one who won, so he didn't need to use any effort. Now he is willing to share half of the cost of using the Sword Discourse Arena, so what else?

Swordsman Ning's swordsmanship is very good, and his fighting tenacity is also very good. It's just this temper, which is really hard to evaluate... Maybe this is the quirk of a genius!

Back in the Blessed Dimension, Jiang Wang silently counted his gong, thinking about how much he needed to continue sublimating the existing Taoism. By the way, he replied a few letters from Zuo Guangshu and made an appointment to go to Chu State.

To his surprise, he once again received a letter from Ning Jianke——

"What's your rank in the Outer Building Realm?"

Jiang Wang told the truth: "I haven't played much, and I haven't made the top 100 yet."

"Shouldn't you ever lose?"

"Never lost."

"You can spend more time in the Sword Discourse Arena. I am looking forward to your performance at full strength, and I am very much looking forward to your first fight with the current Taixu Wailou."

Jiang Wang became interested: "Is that person very strong?"

"Very scary."

"Do you think that person is stronger than me at my peak?" Jiang Wang asked.

Jianke Ning replied: "I can't judge your outcome...but I have also fought against him. From my own experience, the sense of oppression he brings is indeed stronger than yours."

Jiang Wang found it even more interesting.

On the Xingyueyuan battlefield, he defeated Jing Guo's Chen Suan head-on. Although that sword had borrowed the power of Yuheng Xingjun, it was also true that Jingguo Tianjiao on the battlefield bowed their eyebrows.

Several months have passed since then.

With his progress speed, it is getting better day by day.

These Ning swordsmen will not be unaware.

The fight between him and Ning Jianke just now was far from showing his peak combat power. Swordsman Ning would not be ignorant of this.

But she still felt that the current number one in Taixu Wailou would be stronger than him, Jiang Wang.

Moreover, this person must not be Chongxuanzun or Dou Zhao, nor is it any of the outsiders who became famous on Guanhetai. Otherwise, Swordsman Ning would not have such a mysterious tone.

"What is the background of this person?" Jiang Wang asked curiously.

Not long after, Swordsman Ning's letter came back: "His name is Yi Shengfeng. He is called Yi Shengfeng in the Illusionary Realm and outside the Illusory Realm. He is a disciple of Nan Dou Hall. I have played against him... I really can't."

Nan Dou Hall and Jiange are both the largest sects in the Southern Region.

Of course, given the size of the Southern Territory, there must be more than these two sects. There are also Sanxing Palace in the southeast border area, Mount Sumeru in the southwest border area, as well as Longmen Academy, Mugu Academy, Blood River Sect, etc...

In the entire present world, there should be the most top sects in the Southern Region, and there are many historical factors in this.

But to Jiang Wang, it didn't matter what Nan Dou Hall or Jiange was.

What matters is the name written in the letter.

He remembered the name.

a long long time ago.

So long ago that he almost thought he had forgotten it.

In his childhood, he had a childhood friend who often fought with him with a wooden sword.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he grew up wearing a pair of trousers, but when the fairy fate came, he was pushed into the water by that person and nearly drowned.

that person's name...

It's called Yi Shengfeng.

Unexpectedly, I heard this name again, at this time, in this situation.

Of course, he expected that when he became famous in the world, that person would also hear about his fame in a certain corner of this world.

He knew that with that person's personality, he would never give in and shrink his head. He knew that as long as they both walked on the long journey of cultivation, they would meet each other one day.

But he really didn't expect that day to come so soon.

The construction and expansion of the illusory realm greatly strengthened the communication among practitioners in the present world, accelerated the collision of various talents, and also made the long distances between various domains in the present world easily crossed.

That person seems to have grown into a very powerful existence...

Jiang Wang closed his eyes, feeling as if he was stuck in the water. The feeling of suffocation never faded away. It turned out that I had never forgotten... how could I forget? !

Once again, the light and shadow of the white-haired monk slashing his sword appeared before his eyes. In the sparkling water, it is so cold and decisive.

It's really been a long time, this old dream.

Swordsman Ning, who was far away in the Jiange, waited for a long time, but he never waited for Jiang Wang's reply.

Couldn't help sending another letter: "Do you know him?"

Jiang Wang opened his eyes, spread out the letter paper, and replied seriously: "I will know you."

Every word is like a sword.

Show your sharpness.



"Are you leaving today?" Ye Qingyu asked.

"Yes, it's time to go." Jiang Wang sat upright, looked at his sister who was fighting with Zhu Hui not far away, and sighed: "This paradise is not something ordinary people can stay for a long time."

Ye Qingyu said softly: "Who in the world is not an ordinary person?"

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, and said, "I have everything on my mind."

Ye Qingyu didn't try to explain him away, but said: "It's a pity. I'm still not proficient in the Taoism you taught."

"Eight-tone flame bird is a bit complicated and not so easy to master." Jiang Wangwen said: "If you don't understand anything later, just write to me and ask, and I will reply in time."

"Okay." Ye Qingyu smiled.

"Brother!" Jiang Anan ran over on short legs.

Stupid Hui took shorter legs and followed closely behind.

Jiang Wang smiled and looked at his sister tenderly, only to see her running up to her with her little hands behind her back.

"Have you finished talking about Taoism with Sister Qingyu?"

"Why?" Jiang Wang smiled and said, "You want to learn too? You can't learn it in the Vessel Realm."

He also wanted to take the opportunity to talk about some great principles and encourage his younger sister to practice hard.

Jiang Anan shook her head decisively: "No, no. I've learned a lot every day!"

Stupid Hui also shook his head vigorously, shaking until he kept losing hair.

Jiang Wang said with some amusement: "Then why do you care about this?"

Just like that, Jiang An'an walked up to Jiang Wang with her little hands behind her back, fell straight forward, and buried her head in his chest. He said in a muffled voice, "Then you are leaving today."

It turned out that she didn't play with Stupid Hui and forgot, but she was very sensible and didn't want to influence Jiang Wang and Ye Qingyu to practice Taoism.

This made Ye Qingyu next to him a little embarrassed.

Jiang Wang rubbed her little head, and said warmly: "It's not like I won't be back. You practice hard in the Lingxiao Pavilion, and my brother will come back to see you when he is free."

Jiang Anan raised his head and looked up at his brother: "Brother."

Jiang Wang looked down at her tenderly: "Here."

Jiang An'an put the hands behind her back around her body, and slowly opened her two small hands in front of Jiang Wang, holding a blue jade belt in her hands.

She held up the jade belt with a smile, and said crisply: "I wish you a happy birthday in advance!"

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment before he remembered that the upcoming twenty-eighth of January would be his birthday.

He almost forgot.

But Jiang Anan, who is seven years old this year, remembers.

Jiang Wang stood up with a smile, took off the belt imitated by Immortal Ruyi, and carefully wrapped the belt that his sister gave him. He looked around and was very satisfied: "My sister has really good eyesight!"

"Hey." Jiang Anan said proudly, "I didn't buy it with your money."

Of course Jiang Wang would give some pocket money to his younger sister every time, but Jiang An'an himself had been running errands for his senior brothers and sisters to "earn money" a long time ago, and his small money pocket was very full.

"I love it so much!"

Jiang Wang patted the jade belt, loving it.

Jiang Anan smiled brightly.

Stupid Hui was spinning around on the ground alone, very happy, and I don't know why.

Ye Qingyu looked at them with a smile on his eyes.

This is an ordinary day, and it is also a beautiful place in the world.



Two beauties, one big and one small, and a stupid dog bid farewell to Jiang Wang, who was fluttering in blue.

Watching him stride away, gradually disappearing into the sky.

This kind of parting has been experienced many times. Although Jiang An'an is still reluctant to let go, she will not cry anymore... After all, she is already a seven-year-old monk in the Wandering Pulse Realm!

Ye Qingyu took Jiang An'an's little hand and walked back, while Stupid Gray was bouncing around vigorously, showing no nostalgia for its original owner at all.

"Sister Qingyu." Jiang Anan asked curiously, "Is the Taoism taught by my brother difficult?"

"It's okay." Ye Qingyu said in a relaxed tone.

With a light flick of the index finger, a mass of flowing clouds suddenly exploded, blasting into countless cloud-white birds, calling out "twittering".

The voice gradually became unified and played into a beautiful music——

Ding ding dong dong...

bang bang bang bang...

The music is very moving, and the skylark is very beautiful.

It's for Taoism, Music Skylark!

"It's so beautiful!" Jiang Anan exclaimed.

Stupid Gray barked, bared its teeth, and looked very angry, probably thinking that the skylarks were arguing with it.

"That's not right." Jiang An'an suddenly realized, tilted his head and looked at Ye Qingyu: "Don't you know it? Why do you always ask my brother to teach you?"

Ye Qingyu dismissed the skylark expressionlessly, and said in a low voice, "I'm not very skilled, so I need to learn more and practice more."

Looking down at Jiang An'an again: "That's the way of practice, you can't be lazy just because you know have you practiced your calligraphy?"

Jiang Anan took a breath, and suddenly said in shock: "Uncle Ye!"

"It's useless to call anyone." Ye Qingyu tightly grasped her little hand, and was about to take her to the "execution ground" with his own hands. As he glanced forward, he actually saw his old father.

I saw Daoist Ye Daren in white clothes with green hairpins and a fairy air...

Squatting in front of a bullock cart.

The old cow pulling the cart has no interest in life.

The car was full of books.

"This is your old man?" Ye Qingyu looked puzzled.

"Taoism." Ye Lingxiao stood up abruptly, and patted the books behind him smartly: "Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and can get whatever you want! They are all excellent, enough for you to learn for ten or eight years. This If you don’t like one skill, I’ll prepare another one for you. Don’t learn from the messy people, you don’t know if those people understand or not!”

Jiang An'an hid behind Ye Qingyu without a trace, so many Taoism skills are too scary, if you have to learn them all, you have to be eight years old, right? Where is the time to play?

Ye Qingyu frowned: "Are you eavesdropping on us again?"

Ye Lingxiao smiled smartly: "It doesn't exist. Being a father just happened to take into account your accumulation of Taoism..."

Ye Qingyu held Jiang An'an in front of him, "An'an is right there, in front of children, be honest with me!"

"Steal? You ugly!" Ye Lingxiao jumped up suddenly, very frightened and angry: "You stole fish again!"

Pulling out the body, it is gone, only the faint shadow of the cloud remains...

And a lane full of technical books.

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