Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1406 ? Eyebrows like willows, eyes like the moon (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 1406 Eyebrows like willows and eyes like the moon (ask for a monthly ticket)

Ji Tu went to sea to see Chong Xuan Zun, but Zun was so injured that he couldn't speak.

Furious, he pointed his halberd at Liu Yu, the guardian elder of Diaohailou, and said, "Diaohailou must pay for this hatred."

Liu Yu said to him: "There are ignorance, ignorance, virtuous and virtuous people, but misfortune and good fortune call for their own destiny."

So fight it.

Lifting fist defeated Liu Yu on Xingzhu Island.

Fight Deng Wen again and lose him.

Fight Haijingping again, and lose again.

There are eight elders in Diaohailou's protective sect, and all of them have received God's presence.

Ji Tu lost three times in a row, and the rest avoided.

Liu Yu coughed up blood and said, "In the offshore islands, the gods will not be able to act fiercely. If it is not for Futu's old righteousness, the murderous butcher will not be able to return."

Ji Tu said to him, "That makes sense!"

So he summoned the sword of life-cutting to the west, cut through the sea of ​​anger, and climbed to Dongzhen before all the people!

Xu Xiangwan, Elder Jinghai, was there.

The murderer passed without saying a word.

Nai ascended to the heavenly ranks and challenged real Chongguang, the first elder of Diaohai Tower.

The two sides fought for nine days.

After three days and nights of the war, the wind and thunder stopped.

Ji Tu's left arm was broken, and he laughed and walked away.

Everyone thought that Ji Tu was defeated.

Du Chongguang sighed and said: "I lost my life for thirteen years!"

So Shen Haibijing paid for Xuanzun.

—— "Near Sea Records"



In the galaxy space, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng sat opposite each other.

Of course, Chongxuan and Chuliang's showing off his prestige in the offshore islands did not happen today, but only today did he hear about it from Chongxuansheng.

Jiang Wang buried his head on the road while practicing and studying history, but he missed many changes.

"Marquis Dingyuan's knife can really cut life?" Jiang Wang looked surprised.

Chong Xuansheng rolled his eyes: "Otherwise, why do you think the old man has been lingering on God's Realm for so long? When Qi Xia was fighting for hegemony, he was already in God's Realm. Although he is not well-known, he is actually hard to match in the same realm. Qi After Xia Zhengba, he was even number one in the Eastern Region! After so many years of honing, it is really because the way is too strong, it is difficult to grasp the truth. Breaking through the realm rashly, there will be shortcomings."

"Then this time..."

"After so many years, it should be consummated. It's just that my uncle said that cutting the longevity knife can't be unknown, and I have been waiting for the right time. I hoped that Yang Jiande would perform well on the Qiyang battlefield, but unfortunately he fell into the devil... "Chongxuansheng said: "This time I went to sea, standing out for my cousin is one of the first things, and the second is to suppress Diaohailou. Family affairs and state affairs are integrated, and he has proved the truth."

Wei Xun gathers strong men to sneak attack Wan Tong, and the momentum soars. With the courage of Zhenjun Shendu, he supported the Zhenhai League, which was far from reaching the expected establishment.

Chongxuan and Chuliang went to Diaohailou to show off...

Qi State's suppression of Diaohailou is indeed relentless, and it doesn't give it overnight, it's like day and night.

If the murderous massacre is not complete this time, the Qi State will surely take other actions.

But nothing is as reasonable and shocking as Ji Tu's attack.

Ji Tu stood up for his nephew, and no one could find reason.

And he is invincible, saying that the cave is real, and the cave is real, and when he first entered the cave, he pointed his knife at Chong Guang, the number one real person in the offshore islands...

How could such an ominous power not frighten the Haimin.

Recalling the feeling of being overwhelmed by Zhongxuan Chuliang every time he gave advice, Jiang Wang said with emotion: "You can defeat the real Chongguang when you first enter the cave, and Master Jitu is really admirable."

"When you reach the Realm of the Realm, what you fight for is your understanding of this world. There is no such thing as a long time, only those who have achieved it first." Chongxuansheng shook his head: "But uncle said that he can't be regarded as a victory. After all, the cultivation base The taller you are, the stronger your body is, and once it is damaged, it will be more difficult to recover. His old man broke an arm in the Realm of the Hole, and it is not much better than losing his life for thirteen years... Of course, the court will make up for this loss, "

This is the advantage of birth.

Chong Xuansheng's current cultivation base has been stabilized below Jiang Wang's, but his understanding of the realm of cultivation is still far beyond Jiang Wang's.

The few words Chongxuan and Chuliang chatted with him were rare practice knowledge for Jiang Wang.

The so-called elixir of life and death is actually not uncommon, but those are mostly aimed at ordinary people.

Practitioners' flesh, flesh, life and soul have all been cultivated to a certain level, once damaged, no ordinary elixir can save them.

The stronger the practitioner, the more he will have to pay if he is damaged.

For example, Gu Huaixin, the real person in Diaohailou, was preparing to rescue Ji Shaoqing on the spot, and it was a dharma altar and a lot of materials to prepare. If you want to save an ordinary person who has just died, as long as you don't lose your soul, Gu Zhenren may just find an elixir.

And if the cultivator who is in the presence of God dies in battle, it is not Gu Zhenren who can save him.

Of course, Jiang Wang still understands this kind of knowledge, not only because he has practiced for a long time and accumulated more and more, more importantly, he has also experienced the feeling of stumps himself, and the impression is very deep...

What he lacks is Chong Xuansheng's casual sentence "The realm of the real hole is the understanding of the world".

Chong Xuansheng understands this, but he doesn't.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "The power of that realm is beyond my imagination, let's talk about something I can understand."

When Master Chongguang took him to the Lost Realm back then, he still couldn't understand the grotesque feeling.

He could only feel that Sogo Daoist was very strong, but he couldn't understand how strong he was.

"I also know what it is, but I can't know why it is. The so-called understanding has to be implemented in my own realm in the end," Chong Xuansheng said casually, and then said: "The crown prince sent you a gift!"

He chuckled, and said with a bit of mischief: "Now make an offering in your room, and put it in front of the letter of His Royal Highness the Eleventh."

"This is strange." Jiang Wang raised his eyes: "Why did you give me a gift at this time? What did you give?"

If I remember correctly, before leaving Linzi this time, he must have offended the crown prince severely...

"The gift is a potted flower, Clivia. It is said that the prince raised it himself. As for why it is sent at this time..." Chong Xuansheng said with a half-smile: "Because the Changle Palace was closed for a month before, the prince has been free for a few days. "

Jiang Wang's heart trembled, he knew that "closing the palace for a month" was probably one of the beatings that Emperor Qi gave to Jiang Wuhua.

But he still asked: "Why is Changle Palace closed?"

Chongxuansheng continued cheerfully: "The crown prince has come to God, and there are endless congratulators. The Changle Palace feasts all day long. The emperor said, 'The crown prince is complacent, frivolous and insensitive. You should close the palace for a month for self-examination' that's it. gone."

Closing the gate of the palace and not allowing any connection between the inside and outside, to a certain extent, it is almost equivalent to being thrown into the cold palace!

Although the duration of this "cold palace" is only one month, it is already a very bad signal for the prince.

"So he gave me a gift as soon as he came out, what did he want to express?" Jiang Wang's tone was relaxed when he was outside Qi, and he even joked casually: "Does he remember me? To show that he will never forget this grudge?"

"Giving the flowers he raised himself, of course, is to show his tolerance, to say that he will not remember your hatred, and to show that he will not blame you, the great Qi Tianjiao. Although you treat him with hatred, he still treats you as a national soldier. Our benevolent East Palace."

"What Kou Qiu, I'm not aiming at him!" Jiang Wang retorted, then pondered: "How credible do you think?"

"Clivia is very particular. A gentleman is harmonious but different. A gentleman should seek common ground while reserving differences." Chong Xuansheng said: "He doesn't want to bear the bad name of forcing you to stay away from Linzi. And, after thinking about it, he really doesn't need to hate you."

"how to say?"

"The emperor agreed to the three cases you mentioned, and they handled them neatly. It is clear that they are shaking mountains and shaking tigers. It means that no matter whether you are there or not, the case seventeen years ago has always been thorny in the heart of the emperor... This This time it was pulled out. For the prince, the fortune and misfortune are still unknown.

At this time, the prince's achievement of God, at first glance, he was guilty of a thief, and gave the emperor a chance to beat him. Looking at it from another angle... the Son of Heaven wanted to hit him, so he obediently stretched out his hand, allowing the Son of Heaven to beat him to his heart's content. Is this not a kind of wisdom? If he hides his hands and waits for the Son of Heaven to find a place to beat him, it may not be just the palm of his hand..."

Chongxuansheng paused, and continued: "Besides, the more the crown prince doesn't hate you, the more it shows that he has no complaints about the emperor's handling. So instead of targeting you, he continues to show kindness to you. To you To show favor is to show loyalty to the emperor, how can this business not be done?"

Jiang Wang sighed: "You people are so complicated!"

"But the prince really doesn't blame you, or he doesn't blame you. People's hearts are deep, and I have no ability to see through them." Chong Xuansheng spread his hands.

Thinking of the scene of drinking porridge at the same table with Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wang said slowly: "Perhaps the prince is kind..."

The second half of the sentence was pinched in my heart, and I didn't say it——

Today's queen is not necessarily.

He will never forget the act of throwing a father's body in front of his three-year-old daughter.

It can almost be called violent.

Although the current empress mother has been in the world for many years, she is dignified and noble, she has never lost her manners in one thing, and she is even known as a benevolent person. She often persuades the emperor to be less angry.

But if he pushed the boat along with the current, he almost killed Concubine Lei Gui twice. After forcing Lin Kuang, who was biting tightly, to death, he deliberately threw his body in front of his daughter...

How could such a person not hold grudges?

It's good that the emperor is in power, as a foreign minister, he is not likely to be influenced by the empress.

If the emperor abdicates one day, the queen may not be able to tolerate it.

Of course, there is no need to tell Chong Xuansheng about this, the fat man has enough to worry about every day. Chong Xuanzun is so imposing overseas this time, he will inevitably be suppressed...

"It's fine if there is no trouble now. If someone wants to make up for it in the future, I will not be who I am today." Jiang Wangru said.

"Of course, I'm not who I am today! A man born in the world, how can he live in depression for a long time? At that time, others must see our faces!" Chong Xuansheng echoed with great momentum, and then said: "In short, the matter is With such a matter, the trouble you provoked on your own initiative has come to an end. You can come back directly when you are done with Chu's affairs."

"You speak as if I was forced to leave." Jiang Wang muttered, "I really have an agreement with Zuo Guangshu..."

Chong Xuansheng sneered, and left the Xinghe space directly.

Of course, the cost of opening the Galaxy space this time is Jiang Wangjie's.



The land of Chu is vast, and it has always been the most prosperous place in the Southern Region.

After Jiang Wang left the country of Yun, he went all the way south, passing the country of Song but not entering. After seven days, he arrived in the country of Chu.

Of course, if it was in the Eastern Territory, the distance would not take so long.

If you catch the head with the Sipinqing brand, you can fly directly to the Eastern Region without hindrance.

In the southern region, it is inevitable to observe some rules...

This border town in the north of Chu State is called "Linshang".

The name is not surprising at first glance.

But it is worth mentioning that the capital of Song State was named "Shangqiu"...

The state of Chu did not conceal the names of the border towns, so one can imagine its usual attitude towards neighboring countries. No wonder people in Song Dynasty often despised Chu as barbaric.

Of course, the Chu people don't care much about slurs like barbarians. As long as they don't mock their faces, they often laugh when they hear it.

The etiquette and etiquette admired by the Song people are the most despised by the Chu people.

People in Chu love Chinese costumes and carved buildings, and they love romance and freedom. Among the six hegemonic countries in the world, it can be said to be the most "loose" country.

The children of Muguo also like to be free and unrestrained, and worship free-flying eagles, galloping horses, and fierce and united wolves, but after all, there is still a supreme god to respect.

There are many beliefs in gods in Chu, but most Chu people don't really believe in gods.

For many ordinary Chu people, they just like the mysterious atmosphere of those gods and ghosts.

When you are happy, "the heart is sincere and the spirit is crawling, and the gods are ghosts, please drink high."

If you are not happy, "Come and cut off the bull's head, and enjoy the wine for the rest of your life.", "Cut open the horse's face, and ask Yama." (1)

All in all pretty much whatever you want.

As for why Jiang Wang knew this...

The set of "The Sword and the Sea", which almost filled the storage box and tortured him unspeakably, should be credited.

Jiang Wang didn't dare not read or recite it.

These days on the road, but I have free time, either to practice or to endorse.

After all, Emperor Qi can joke, but he is not qualified to treat what Emperor Qi said as a joke...

As a border town, Linshang City was not as rough and solemn as the border towns Jiang Wang had seen. Instead, it is exquisite, gorgeous and prosperous.

It is not so much a war city as it is a commercial city.

However, the soldiers standing on the gate tower and the gorgeous ordnance on the tower are also describing the force of the city.

Standing under Linshang City, Jiang Wang was still thinking about how to sign up and pass the customs. Should he give him the name of the leader of the Yellow River, or keep a low profile and use a pseudonym...

Suddenly the gate of the city opened, and a group of cavalry came sweeping through the smoke and dust.

This team of cavalry is quite extraordinary, definitely the elite of the elite.

Everyone wears armor and robes, and on the armor with gorgeous carvings, the light flows like water.

Except for the first general, all the fiery red battle robes were burning in the air.

The horse under the crotch is all red in color, and the horse's hoof with a bowl-sized mouth is like thunder.

Pedestrians were so shocked that they gave way.

Jiang Wang originally thought that this team of Chu cavalry was going to perform some military mission, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he honestly hid by the roadside with passers-by.

Unexpectedly, this team of cavalry seemed to be staring at him and came straight towards him.

Staying close, the leading general in a water-blue shirt took off his helmet, but it turned out to be a handsome young general.

The eyebrows are like willows and the eyes are like the moon, which is really clear and beautiful.

Just pulling the rein, the sky-blue horse under his crotch stopped in front of Jiang Wang, and he stood up, hissing like a dragon!

The young general sat firmly on the horseback, his expression was indescribably high!




1. "Since your heart is sincere, you will prostrate with your spirit, and if you are godlike and ghostly, please drink high."——Why is love so conveniently fabricated.

2. "Come and cut off the bull's head, and enjoy the wine for the rest of your life." ——Why is the love "Drunken Chapter"

3. On the last day of this month, don't waste the monthly pass, just pay it.

There is at twelve o'clock in the evening.

Thanks to the book friend Super Little Golden Dragon for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 216th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to book friend Lhcccc for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 217th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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