Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1407 ? Huaichang (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 1407 Huaichang

A whole group of cavalry followed the action of the leading young general and pulled their horses to a halt.

The thunderous hoofbeats stopped for a moment.

Uniform and domineering.

Afterwards, the smoke and dust raised high and fell gently.

It was like a dance that ended abruptly.

It is a rare elite!

Of course, it also shows the prestige of the leading young general more and more.

Jiang Wang's eyes lit up: "Xiao Guangshu!"

Although it was the first time to see this child in reality, and his appearance was different from that in the illusion, Jiang Wang recognized him immediately.

The natural temperament of spirituality is really not second-hand.

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, there was a gnashed voice in my ears: "Don't add the word 'small'!"

Jiang Wang smiled slightly: "It's the first time we meet, please take care of General Zuo."

The young general on the horseback nodded proudly, but what he said was: "Brother Jiang, we meet again!"

Jiang Wang stared at him with great interest, and said in his mouth: "What you have seen in the illusory realm is not counted."

Zuo Guangshu snorted softly, and with a vertical palm move, a knight led a horse with water-blue hair over.

He lifted his chin and said in a very general style: "Get on the horse and talk."

The knight leading the horse reminded softly: "This horse is also the young master's mount, and I brought it here specially for you. It has a bad temper, you might as well move slowly."

But seeing this horse, its hair is smooth and smooth, and it is tall and long. The mane falls like a waterfall, and the whole body is covered with water-blue hair, like a layer of ocean waves.

The eyes are vigilant and threatening, and it seems that his temper is indeed not very good.

Jiang Wang pulled the rein casually, turned over, and landed conveniently on the horse's back.

With a movement of the horse's nose and hooves, the impertinent stranger was about to be taught a lesson.

But then a terrifying force overwhelmed him.

The horse's hoof was lifted half an inch before it fell heavily on the ground, like an old tree taking root, completely motionless.

The snoring sound stopped after only half the blow.

The horse's head drooped slightly, and the eyes became more docile, extremely well-behaved.

Jiang Wang stretched out his hand to caress the long blue mane of the horse, and heard Zuo Guangshu say: "This is the first time you see me, but it's not the first time I see you. You worked hard on the viewing platform At that time, I was leisurely watching the show in the audience!"

It is so fresh and refined to say that the meeting that failed to break into the Yellow River!

Jiang Wang smiled lightly, and followed Zuo Guangshu to turn his horse's head around, but he didn't ask Zuo Guangshu why he didn't come out to greet him at that time, but said: "You must have been impressed by my heroic appearance!"

Zuo Guangshu subconsciously wanted to refute, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that Jiang Wang was right, so he snorted.

Holding the rein in hand, with a light tap of the boots, the horse under the crotch jumped high and accelerated to a gallop.

Jiang Wang galloped his horse along with him.

A whole group of cavalry in flame robes also turned around at the same time and followed closely behind.

Both the north and south gates of Linshang City have been opened wide, and the main road in the city has long been cleared.

Such an elite cavalry army passed through the border town with the sound of hooves like drums.

Come roaring, roaring away.

"Who was that just now? The young master actually came to greet him in person?" The guards in Linshang City couldn't help discussing.

"Didn't you hear his surname is Jiang?"

"What's wrong with the surname Jiang?"

"The Mountain and Sea Realm will be open in February. Tell me, the younger generation can welcome the young man out of the city. Who else is there with the surname Jiang?"

"The leader of the Yellow River!"

"The No. 1 inner palace in history that Yu Beidou mentioned?"

"What Yu Beidou said, it is true that he has an immortal record. With the cultivation of the inner palace, he killed the four great demons in a row!"

"Now it's the Outer Building Realm!"

"I don't know how he compares with Lord Dou Zhao now?"

"Hey, are you crazy? A person who has just entered the outer building, how can he compare with Lord Dou?"

"Maybe he can't fight, right? Hasn't he already defeated Chen Suan?"

"Who is Chen Suan?"


People's comments will naturally always be behind the strong.

Sometimes it is a kind of embellishment, sometimes it is a kind of mud.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu go hand in hand, people have fairy looks, and horses look like dragons.

Galloping side by side in the majestic land, the joy in my heart is unspeakable.

They are not only good opponents in the illusory world, but also share similar interests and have a good chat.

There is a name that is not easily spoken, an invisible bond.

Let them be more kind to each other.

Jiang Wang held the rein, and amidst the whistling wind, asked aloud, "Where are we going now?"

"Go to Huaichang first." Zuo Guangshu said: "Generally, the preparation time for entering the mountain and sea realm is two months. If you came last year, you would have plenty of time. It's a bit late now, and we need to hurry up. Huaichang is Where Zuo's fief is located, the family has made a lot of preparations there, and has enough conditions to help us adapt to the mountain and sea environment in advance."

Jiang Wang smiled wryly and said, "I also want to come last year..."

At that time, he had a clear goal to participate in the mountain and sea realm, but just after he left Yunguo, he was accused of being a demon, and then he was chased and killed all over the world, trouble after trouble, and he suffered disaster for no reason.

He thought he had missed the mountain and sea realm, and he had missed the appointment with Zuo Guangshu. But the treacherous case of Bo Yun in Linzi ended early, and he just needed to get out. Zuo Guangshu also said that the Mountain Sea Realm was only opened in February 3920 in the Dao calendar, and he went to Chu again.

Hearing what Jiang Wang said, thinking of the other party's thrilling experience a while ago, Zuo Guangshu paused holding the rein, still looking ahead, but his voice suddenly became much quieter: "I don't mean to blame you... ..."

The two horses of Zuo Xiaogong are extremely beautiful in fur color, especially when they are driving side by side, they look like the blue sky and blue sea falling into the red dust, it is really pleasing to the eye and admirable.

They are even more handsome than Lord Jiang's flame photo.

Jiang Wang was driving the steed, turned his head and glanced at him, but saw that the young general was galloping on the horse, but his figure was almost unshakable. His demeanor and demeanor make him look like he is from a famous family. The expression is particularly proud, looking at the front with a little "indifference", but speaking very weakly.

"What are you looking at!" Zuo Guang said fiercely,

Jiang Wang smiled: "You are bigger than I imagined."

"..." Zuo Guangshu immediately put on the helmet, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "I'm already sixteen years old!"

"Hahaha..." Jiang Wang laughed.

"Why are you laughing!"

Of course Jiang Wang can't say that, he has a very young sister, and his catchphrase is, I'm already six years old! I'm seven years old!

Children like to talk like that.

He just said: "Actually, since I actually met you, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

Zuo Guangshu raised his chin proudly: "What's the problem?"

Jiang Wang asked curiously: "Why are you already sixteen years old, and you still speak with a milky voice?"

The team of cavalry who followed closely behind was really well-trained, and none of them laughed.

Zuo Guangshu: ...

Zuo Guangshu decided to hurry on his way, at least today, don't talk to this bad guy anymore.

"Hello." Jiang Wang called out.

"General Left!"

"Zuo Guangshu!"

"Xiao Guangshu?"

"Don't add the word 'small'!" Zuo Guangshu gritted his teeth.

Jiang Wang nodded sincerely, and then asked: "Is it inappropriate for us to gallop freely in the territory like this? We are about to enter the city ahead, do we need to slow down first and ask someone to report to the city guard? Avoid any misunderstanding."

Lord Jiang is used to traveling all over the world, and he is still very disciplined. Just because the Zuo family is a famous family in Chu, they will not be unscrupulous.

This is a serious question after all.

After all, Zuo Guangshu had the consciousness of being the host, so he couldn't help but answer. He raised his chin and said, "My Zuo family will travel, and I will make preparations along the way. There is no need to say more!"

Jiang Wang was speechless for a moment.

The prestige of the young master of Dachu is indeed much higher than that of a certain Daqi Qingyangzi.

The streets here are clean, everyone avoids the road, and the territory leads the army without hindrance. Jiang Wang dared not think about it in Qi.



People and horses don't stop all the way, cross the city without stopping, and encounter obstacles without hindrance.

In the early morning of the third day, the horseshoe had already entered Huaichang Mansion.

If Zuo Guangshu hadn't come to pick him up in person, Jiang Wang would have come by himself, it would never have been so fast.

It's not that he doesn't have such a fast speed, but that he never has such great freedom in the Chu state.

The Zuo Clan of Great Chu is a family of three thousand years. It is listed as the oldest famous family in Chu State along with the Qu Clan, Dou Clan, and Wu Clan, sharing the same prosperity with the country. Profound heritage and noble lineage.

The latecomers such as the Zhongli family, the Xiang family, etc., although they may not be inferior in strength, going back to the past, it is inevitable that they will be a little shorter.

Huaichang County, as the fiefdom of the Zuo family, has been operating for thousands of years and is very prosperous.

The influence of the Zuo family here is even more deeply rooted, rooted in every inch of soil.

Jiang Wang is naturally very interested in the childhood memories of Zuo Guanglie and Zuo Guangshu brothers.

But before he even had time to rest in Zuo's mansion, Zuo Guangshu disbanded the cavalry and took him directly to Luoshan...

As soon as he came to Chu State, he would start work. It seemed that the time was really tight.

This kid Zuo Guangshu didn't mention it in his letter earlier.

Otherwise, Jiang Wang would have to be a day or two earlier... Forget it, I had such a good time in Yunguo, probably not earlier.

"It's really not a quarter of an hour!" Walking in the lush Luoshan, Jiang Wang let out a long sigh.

Huge boulders paved the mountain path, the fragrance of flowers floated, and the sound of birds chirped one after another.

If you put aside the sense of urgency in time, you should be able to appreciate the beauty of this mountain.

Zuo Guangshu strode forward: "Because if we want to adapt to the environment of the mountain and sea environment in advance, we may not have an extra quarter of an hour."

"So it seems that you made a special trip to meet me in the border town, not to show your admiration to me, but just to save time?" Jiang Wang couldn't help asking.

"You just know?" Zuo Guangshu rolled his eyes.

He deliberately brought a team of elite cavalry to the border town to pick up Jiang Wang, of course to give Brother Jiang a little pomp.

But of course he won't admit it.

"Well, this eye roll is very standard and complete." Jiang Wang commented. In order to offset the sigh that the children are not "sensible" enough.

But then again, Zuo Guangshu's eyes are really big and bright. No matter how important Xuan Sheng is, every time he rolls his eyes, he seems to be sneaking. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

"You should think about something serious!" Zuo Guangshu said angrily.

The strange thing is that although it is the first time for two people to get along in this world, they have no relationship with each other before.

As if they were meant to be this close.

It was spring, and there was a particularly vivid smell in the air.

This mountain is not famous in the world, purely because the Zuo family does not open this mountain to the outside world.

As a forbidden place in Huaichang County that is not allowed to enter unless ordered by the Zuo family, Mount Luo is naturally not a simple place.

The Chu people often use whether they have an independent Yanfa Pavilion as a benchmark for the strength of a family.

The Zuo Clan of Great Chu owns three Yanfa Pavilions, the largest of which is located in Mount Luo.

This shows the importance of this mountain.

After walking for a while, Jiang Wang couldn't help but said sourly: "If you go to my fiefdom, I will definitely go to the border town to pick you up. And it's not because I'm in a hurry, but because I welcome you."

Of course, there is no need to say how close Qingyang Town is to the border town.

It takes less than a meal to go back and forth.

It's not like they have been running for a few days on Zuo Guangshu's horse...

Jiang Wang copied the words of Xu Xianggan, a high-ranking disciple of Qingya Academy, and Zuo Guangshu obviously didn't know how to deal with it.

"Okay, okay, I know." He said sullenly: "Then I also treat you as a good friend, so I sent cavalry to support you!"

"Hey, these things need to be expressed. How can I know if you don't tell me?" Jiang Wangxi smiled: "Good friend, good brother, right?"

Zuo Guangshu quickened his pace and walked ahead, which was regarded as acquiescing.

Jiang Wang followed up with a smile: "Introduce this Luoshan to Brother Wei. It's the first time for Brother Wei to come here. His eyes are darkened and he is at a loss. What kind of flower is it, what kind of tree is it, what kind of history is it, what is it?" A powerful person has been can talk about it."

In fact, Jiang Wang is not a familiar character at all. On the contrary, he is a little "shy" in many cases. Only in front of Zuo Guangshu, he can always find the joy of teasing this boy.

It seems to have crossed time and looked at the former self-towards another possible self.

Brother Jiang, who came from afar, was so thirsty for knowledge, so Zuo Guangshu had no choice but to introduce him casually, but secretly quickened his pace.

The mountain trail forks, turns left, passes through a flowerbed, and crosses a suspension bridge.

After enduring the magic sound filling his ears for a long time, Zuo Guangshu finally breathed a sigh of relief: "It's here!"

The suspension bridge behind him was already hidden in the clouds.

What I saw in front of me was a closed valley.

The stone-paved mountain road extends from the suspension bridge to this point, and finally stops in front of a huge stone gate.

This is a very thick stone door, the texture on the door is roughly the appearance of the stone itself, very rough. There is an old insensitivity.

There are no guards in front of the stone gate, but there is a tower on the left and right sides.

"Uncle Scar!" Zuo Guangshu shouted.

There are people in the tower.

Definitely a master.

Because before Zuo Guangshu called out, Jiang Wang didn't even feel the breath on the tower.

But at this moment, above the tower on the left, a breath emerged from nothing, like a beast waking up, which immediately made Jiang Wang feel the danger.

"The person you invited has arrived?" A man with a slanted scar on his face looked down at Jiang from the tower.

It was just an understatement, but Jiang Wang felt that the other party was looking for his vitals.

Standing still, his muscles were quietly tensed, and immediately, he entered a state ready to fight at any time.

It's not about worrying about any accidents on Zuo's territory, but a fighting instinct.

After cultivating to the present state, his physical instincts no longer allow him to relax against danger.

"Yes!" Zuo Guangshu replied confidently.

The man called "Uncle Scar" didn't say much, and he didn't seem to have much interest in Jiang Wang. He turned his gaze away and pressed his hand back casually.

The two huge stone doors were slowly pushed open.



(Today’s guarantee update has been delivered. The next chapter will be at 12:00 noon. I start at about 9:00, write for two hours, and use one hour for finishing. This is the arrangement in the morning. How much more depends on how many votes you vote for monthly pass!)

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