Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1408 ? Mountain and Sea Purgatory

Chapter 1408 Mountain and Sea Purgatory (addition for the eight thousand monthly pass)


The sound of the stone door being pushed open was like a giant mountain moving.

Judging from this posture, the two stone gates probably weigh more than ten thousand jun.

"One hundred thousand catties." Zuo Guangshu noticed Jiang Wang's expression, and explained from the side: "These two stone gates weigh one hundred thousand catties."

"With this senior sitting here, why do we need such a heavy door?" Jiang Wang said in a tone that flattered his friends, parents and seniors.

"Uncle Scar" on the tower was silent and expressionless.

Zuo Guangshu pulled him, bowed his head and hurried inside.

Quietly said: "You can stop talking!"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wang didn't pay attention, and was staggered by the pull. He was still very unconvinced when he returned through the sound transmission: "Brother, isn't this trying to build a relationship with the strong man in your family? In case someone says that Brother Jiang doesn't understand etiquette .I know the etiquette of Chu State very well! I have read the book! Have you heard of "The History of the Knife Cutting the Sea"? It's so thick and long!"

Zuo Guangshu walked in with a look of embarrassment on his face.

The buildings behind Shimen are not as complicated as imagined.

After the two of them walked into the stone gate, the first thing they saw was a long corridor paved with stone bricks.

The stone bricks were engraved with patterns that Jiang Wang couldn't understand.

But between the extension of the pattern, it is very beautiful.

Chu people's pursuit of beautiful things is simply engraved in their bones. Even the array pattern is gorgeous.

On both sides of the corridor, many rooms are symmetrically sealed with translucent crystal doors, and it is unknown what is inside.

The stone door behind him slowly closed.

Zuo Guangshu explained: "This is not a matter of etiquette. The crux of the problem is that Uncle Scar is not sitting here, but is being locked up here to be punished... You are so nonsense, don't you just point your nose and curse at others? "

So it is...

Praising someone is very suitable for guarding is no different from cursing someone for a few more years in prison.

No wonder that "Uncle Scar" didn't give an emoji.

Jiang Wang already knew that he had said the wrong thing, but felt despised by his younger brother, and still felt very uncomfortable, muttering: "You didn't say it earlier."

Zuo Guangshu choked for a moment, after all, he didn't say "I didn't expect you to talk so much" in his heart, but quickly got to the point: "Let's talk about the mountains and seas! We must first sharpen our weapons, we must first adapt to the environment in the mountain and sea environment, so as to ensure that we have complete combat power in the mountain and sea environment..."

"Is the environment there bad?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It's completely different from the environment in this world." Zuo Guangshu said: "My family specially refined this place to imitate the environment in the mountain and sea environment."

He looked at the front of the tunnel, and said with lingering fear: "And the name of this place is 'Mountain Sea Purgatory'."

"Purgatory?" Jiang Wang was a little surprised.

Zuo Guangshu said: "I think the name is very appropriate. Every room in front of your eyes is a purgatory on earth."

The young man in front of him confirmed the difficulty of practicing in the next few days, but Jiang Wang smiled instead: "If I knew I would suffer this crime, maybe I would have run away halfway."

Zuo Guangshu glared at him.

"Actually, I don't quite understand it until now." Jiang Wang couldn't help asking again: "What kind of place is this mountain and sea environment?"

Zuo Guangshu thought about it seriously, as if he was thinking about how to explain clearly to Jiang Wang.

Then he said: "The mountain and sea realm is a place between reality and fiction. It is a world created by Huang Weizhen out of nothing. It may be just a game, and it may hide shocking secrets. People who come out from there are all describing it. It's strange, but no one can ever make it clear.

Almost everyone said that what they described was just in case. And we can't get a complete picture when we piece together everyone's statements.

It is more complex and vast than any experiencer has ever seen, and therefore it has possibilities beyond imagination.

I can only say that I cannot give you an accurate introduction, because I have never been inside.

And the intelligence we have now may be just a spot of a leopard, a leaf of autumn. I can't tell you that a leopard is a spot, and autumn is a leaf. "

"I'm getting more and more interested." Jiang Wang turned his head to look at the tunnel in front of him, only curious but not afraid: "Then let's start with this mountain and sea purgatory first!"

Huang Weizhen, who made Mount Xumi Zhaowu the Zen master saw him and returned at the first sight, created the Yanfa Pavilion, and made Chu's magic spell the best in the world, and Huang Weizhen, who is known as "the most romantic in three thousand years" in Chu...

What kind of spectacle is the mountain and sea environment he left behind?

When Zuo Guangshu described it, he even used the word "world".

Jiang Wang was really looking forward to it.

The ancient sages are like the bright moon, and they often make future generations look up.

Practitioners trace the past and the present, and to achieve greatness, of course they must open up the future. But before that, at least we must see the scenery that our predecessors have already experienced.

It is also the romance of practitioners to break through the fog of history and visit the legends silent in time.

"If we want to understand the mountain and sea environment in advance, we are already in the most appropriate place."

Zuo Guangshu walked forward in the corridor, reached out and patted the crystal door in the first room on the left.

"Brother Jiang, you are good friends with the young master of the Chongxuan family, so you must be no stranger to the power of Chongxuan?"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Of course I dare not be unfamiliar."

With Chongxuan Zun as his opponent, how could he not be familiar with the power of Chongxuan.

It's a pity that Chongxuansheng didn't take off the Chongxuan supernatural power, and only relying on the manipulation of the Chongxuan secret method, no matter how superb it is, there is an essential gap with the supernatural power after all.

Although he was already fully familiar with Chongxuansheng's Chongxuan secret method, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to face Chongxuan's power.

Zuo Guangshu didn't think too much, but continued to introduce: "The power of heavy mystery can be divided into yin and yang. It is also the power of clear qi to float up, and also the power of turbid qi to sink. In this world, we are always being heavy. It is affected by the power of the mysterious. But most of them tend to a normal state, neither increasing nor decreasing, and our bodies have long been used to it..."

Jiang Wang was a little surprised: "Unexpectedly, your Zuo family also has research on the power of Chongxuan."

Zuo Guangshu glanced at him: "In the world, the Chongxuan clan of Qi State should be the most powerful master of the secret law of Chongxuan. Don’t study the power of heavy mysteries anymore.”

"What is the relationship between the Mountain Sea Realm and the power of profound mystery?"

"The power of profound mystery that we feel in reality is completely different from the level we feel in the mountain and sea realm. In that place, it seems that someone casts a heavy mysterious technique on you all the time, making you sink continuously. What we need to bear , is hundreds of times the profound power compared to the current world."

With Zuo Guangshu's pat, the crystal door in the first room on the left became completely transparent.

Standing in the corridor, looking in from the transparent crystal door, behind the crystal door is extremely empty.

It's not the kind of martial arts room that Jiang Wang imagined.

On the contrary, Solomon Systech seems to be an open area.

It is vaguely a wasteland somewhere.

The sky was dark and cloudy. The rhinoceros peak has horns, and the strange rocks are craggy... giving people a very depressing feeling.

Behind this crystal door, it seems to lead to another place completely.

It's not like Luoshan.

"Among all the mountain and sea purgatory, Chongxuan Purgatory is the one that repeats the most, and it can't be said to be repetitive, it's a kind of advanced." Zuo Guangshu explained to Jiang Wang, "In this room, it is full of We can get used to the profound power ten times higher than the current world."

As his words fell, the crystal door slowly rose until it was completely retracted into the stone wall.

But there is still a layer of crystal doors inside.

It is a double-layer crystal door design, presumably to prevent the power of the profound mystery inside from invading, so there is such a structure.

Jiang Wang has no objection.

Following closely behind Zuo Guangshu, he walked to the middle of the two floors of crystal gates. At this time, the crystal door on the outer layer slowly fell down again and closed completely, and the crystal door on the inner layer was pulled open.

The moment the crystal door opened, Jiang Wang immediately felt the pressure.

Much denser and heavier than the present world, the pressure pervades every part of the body.

It makes people want to lie on the ground, but it doesn't work because the blood and muscles are heavier.

"How is it?" Zuo Guangshu took the lead in walking into this chilling wasteland, stood beside a strange rock shaped like a monster, and looked back at Jiang Wang: "Can you still adapt?"

Jiang Wang grasped the details of his body, the muscles on his body trembled slightly at a very small speed and at a very high speed, and walked forward slowly, asking a completely irrelevant question: "Is this door leading to another world?" No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like the Luoshan Mountain we were in just now, let alone in a valley.”

After entering Solomon Gate, the field of vision was liberated, and finally I could see the environment here clearly. All I could see were strange rocks. And those stones, in a natural form, deduce grotesque, chaotic, and terrifying.

You can also hear the cold and solemn wind in your ears, which makes you feel even more depressing.

This is obviously not a blessed place.

"In Shanhai Purgatory, there are indeed many rooms connected to special places through magic circles." Zuo Guangshu explained: "But this room is not, this room is still in Mount Luo. Luoshan is completely different, it's all due to formations."

Jiang Wang didn't understand formations, so he could only nod in this respect.

And at this moment, suddenly——


The strange rock next to Zuo Guangshu suddenly split open, and a sharp stone claw protruded out!

Jiang Wang waited and watched.

Seeing Zuo Guangshu's robe fluttering, he casually grabbed the stone claw, snapped it off easily, and threw it back.

Pressing down on the monster-shaped strange rock with one palm, and pushing it, the strange rock disintegrated into a pile of rubble before it could fully transform into a monster, and piled neatly on the ground.

"This is a stone monster puppet made by the people of the Mo family to simulate the environment in the mountain and sea environment." Zuo Guangshu said casually: "The stone monsters in the mountain and sea environment will not be so easy to deal with."

"Except for the environment that is ten times stronger than the power of the present world, are there only stone monsters here?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Yes, there are only stone monsters in this room, and the environment is relatively simple." Zuo Guangshu said: "Because you have never been exposed to this kind of environment, so I think you need to gradually adapt from simple to complex."

Jiang Wang smiled while feeling the environment with his body: "You are very thoughtful."

Zuo Guangshu looked at Jiang Wang and said, "I think you probably know something about this place..."

"It's not so much about understanding, it's just getting to know each other." Jiang Wang is very humble.

"Let's try to fight!" Zuo Guangshu's tone was faintly excited: "Help you adapt to this environment as soon as possible."

When he reached Jiang Wang's level of practice, he could only lift a thousand catties by turning his palms and ears, and a little heavy mysterious force pressed his body, which was not enough to affect him at all.

But if the body has to bear the suppression of this profound power all the time, it is really difficult to guarantee that the combat power will not be affected.

Of course, Zuo Guangshu had already adapted to it countless times, not to mention the room with ten times the profound power. In a room with a hundred times the power of the profound mystery, he has already moved freely.

Therefore, it is inevitable that at this time the idea of ​​defeating Jiang Wang was born.

After all, since Jiang Wang climbed to the top of the No. 1 Inner Palace of the Illusory Realm, he has never defeated Jiang Wang again...

In a real battle, Jiang Wang would never let him go.

Xiao Guangshu's thoughts were almost written on his face, it was really not difficult to see through.

But seeing his eager look, Jiang Wang couldn't help pressing his forehead.

Anyway... I have already erected the Starlight Holy Building.

No matter how easy it is to bridge the gully between the inner mansion and the outer building. After all, I am also the No. 1 Inner Palace in Qing History, and I am personally in the star building next to the main star of Yuheng...

Why are you so brave at such a young age?

And to be honest, although Chongxuan Fatty has not taken off the Chongxuan supernatural power, his research and application of Taoism is beyond reproach. Although he later refused to fight Jiang Wang, but in order to make Jiang Wang adapt to Chongxuan Zun's fighting style as much as possible, he personally controlled the field for auxiliary training.

In other words...

This environment with so much profound power is nothing to Jiang Wang.

He walked slowly at the beginning, purely because he was wary of the unfamiliar environment, and he was making fun of Xiao Guangshu in front of him.

Who would have thought that this little boy would have such a wolfish ambition? !

"I'd better get used to it..." Jiang Wang hesitated and said, "I still don't feel very comfortable now."

Zuo Guangshu's eyes sparkled brightly: "Fighting is the fastest way to adapt to the environment. We have always done this before!"

He spoke from his own experience, and he spoke with reason and emotion: "You slowly get used to it, when will you have to get used to it? On February 16th, the Mountain and Sea Territory will be open, and we don't have much time! Time doesn't wait!"

"Is that so?" Jiang Wang still hesitated a little.

His face was three points shaken, six points hesitant, and one point nervous. The expression is very precise.

"Come on, come on!" Zuo Guangshu warmly invited: "Let's play casually, just to adapt to the environment as soon as possible, don't think too much!"

"If you insist on fighting at this time..." Jiang Wang sighed: "Okay then."


After just twenty breaths...


Zuo Guangshu fell from mid-air and fell into the pile of strange rocks, smashing the ground with broken stones and flying dust all over the sky.

Jiang Wang flew over slowly, with concern on his face: "Come on, Xiao Guangshu, help you for my brother."

Zuo Guangshu got up from the crumbling pile of strange rocks, wiped the stain on his forehead, and said in a muffled voice, "No need."

After he stood still, he couldn't help but said, "You've adapted very well!"

"Actually, it's not that good. I just forcefully fight against it." Jiang Wang said with some regret: "So it's not easy to stop, Xiao Guangshu, are you okay?"

Zuo Guangshu was so immersed in the unhappiness of defeat that he forgot to correct the word "little".

"I think this room has very limited effect on your exercise." After all, he is a young man full of vigor, and after only being depressed for a while, he said with great ambition: "Come on, let's go directly to adapt to the training with fifty times the power of heavy mysteries." Room!"

"Is the jump that big?"

"Don't worry, you've adapted well." Zuo Guangshu encouraged him.

Jiang Wang looked a little embarrassed, but he still nodded his head reluctantly: "Okay, in order to help you, I can do whatever I want to be a brother!"

The two walked out of the room, the crystal door closed slowly, and then returned to a translucent state, so that people could vaguely see something, but they couldn't see clearly.

Zuo Guangshu led the way to the fifth room on the left, this time he opened the door without saying anything.

Behind this crystal door is a desert environment, but the sky is full of wind and sand, which obscures the vision narrowly.

Occasionally, poisonous substances such as stone centipedes and sand scorpions appeared and disappeared in the field of vision.

Having already experienced it once, Jiang Wang fully understands that these environments are secondary, they just let people know that there are such things in the mountain and sea environment, so don't let your guard down. The most important thing in the Chongxuan Purgatory is the ubiquitous power of the Chongxuan.

The power of Chongxuan that is fifty times greater than that of the present world has actually exceeded the pressure that Chongxuansheng usually puts on.

But for Jiang Wang...

Still can adapt.

So after twenty breaths...

Zuo Guangshu was buried in the sand.

During the battle, he was alive and well, and once the battle was over, Jiang Wang seemed to start not to adapt to the environment again.

It's okay to fly slowly, and even speak slowly, like an old man: "Xiao Guangshu, are you okay?"

not long...

"Bah bah bah!"

Zuo Guangshu crawled out from the sand pile and kept spitting sand.

"It's okay!" He said with a downcast face.

At this moment, he had sand all over his body and face, and a sand scorpion was hanging on his messy hair.

It's hard for anyone to tell that this young man covered in yellow sand is that handsome little father-in-law.

"Otherwise, I'd better get used to it slowly..." Jiang Wang said.

"You have adapted very well." Zuo Guangshu gritted his teeth: "Let's go, let's go to the room with a hundred times the profound power!"

"Is it too fast?" Jiang Wang raised an objection cautiously.

"Not fast, not fast." Zuo Guangshu flattered Jiang Wang in order to coax Jiang Wang to follow him: "With your talent and talent, I think a room with two hundred times the power of profound mystery will not be hard for you!"

"Oh, really?" Jiang Wang scratched his head and smiled shyly

"Really, to be honest! I've gotten used to it myself...uh, it's been a few days." Zuo Guangshu took a few steps: "Come on, this room is the only one!"

Jiang Wang smiled dotingly: "I really can't do anything about you."

Step up to keep up.

It took no more than half a day to switch from a room with ten times the power of profound mystery to a room with one hundred times the power of profound mystery.

It can indeed be called super fast.

The room with one hundred times the power of profound mystery is a huge stone room with a square shape.

There was nothing inside, which was exactly what Jiang Wang had first envisioned, like a sealed martial arts room.

"Under this kind of pressure, the cost of building an environment is extremely high, and it is not easy to preserve, so those that are missing are omitted. This is the case starting from the room with sixty times the power of the profound mystery."

As Zuo Guangshu walked in, he explained: "There must be some differences from the situation in the mountain and sea environment."

After walking into this room, Jiang Wang obviously felt the incoordination of his body.

The terrible pressure made it difficult to breathe. The power of gravity, which is a hundred times that of the current environment, is crushing every part of the body.

Even the flow of blood. It's all lagging behind.

Needs a little push with Dogen.

Until the muscles make adaptive changes, the blood flow is relatively natural.

"The environment is a trivial matter, the main thing is to adapt to this pressure." Jiang Wang said, taking a step forward slowly.

This step seemed to be smooth, but Jiang Wang knew it clearly, and Zuo Guangshu could also see it, he couldn't keep his posture.

This so-called "posture" does not mean etiquette or anything else.

Rather, after experiencing countless battles, Jiang Wang has already formed an instinctive posture that can quickly enter the fighting state at any time.

In different environments and facing different situations, the body will instinctively make adjustments to adapt to possible battles.

Just like before outside the stone gate, the "Uncle Scar" gave him a look, and he immediately entered a fighting state.

The loss of this fighting posture undoubtedly shows Jiang Wang's incompatibility.

Although Jiang Wang quickly adjusted. But of course there is an essential gap between instinctive reaction and conscious confrontation.

"Come on, I'll practice with you again!" Zuo Guangshu's voice was a little higher, and his beautiful eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Wang, who beat the boy twice in succession, certainly had no reason to refuse.

"Then... give it a try?"

Putting aside all environmental influences, in this empty martial arts room environment, the battle itself is the most tested.

The moment the two sides opened their postures, Zuo Guangshu's body suddenly rose with light blue smoke, which circled around him like a layer of armor covering him.

Changes that have never been seen before!

Then he twisted his footsteps and came closer.

It was almost a blue phantom, flashing before his eyes.

This speed was unprecedentedly fast, far faster than his performance in the room with fifty times the profound power and ten times the profound power.

The power of heavy mystery has been strengthened so many times, Zuo Guangshu is actually faster!

Of course, this speed is far from the point where Jiang Wang can't react, it's just that when he seizes the fighter and cuts with a knife...

But it was empty!

At the same time, he was punched in the abdomen, his whole body arched up, and he was sent flying!

Jiang Wang realized right away that it wasn't Zuo Guangshu who was too fast, but himself who was too slow.

He really couldn't immediately adapt to the power of profound mystery that was a hundred times stronger than the current environment.

His body failed to keep up with his fighting consciousness. But Zuo Guangshu, under the cover of that layer of smoke armor, almost completely ignored the influence of the profound power.

During the process of flying backwards, Jiang Wang constantly adjusted the details of his body in order to quickly adapt and return to normal. But in this extreme environment, where can it be realized immediately?

And at this time, Zuo Guangshu had already caught up, clasped his hands, and a small cannon hammer fell, obviously wanting revenge and smashing him to the ground.

At this moment, five light sources lit up on Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen one after another.

In an instant, the five mansions shine together, and enter the state of the body of the heavenly mansion.


The cannon hammer held by Zuo Guangshu was supported by a single palm.

With a twist of his hand, he had already grabbed Zuo Guangshu's cannon hammer, clenched his two clenched fists, and one of them turned backwards and smashed him to the ground.


There was a loud bang.

In the state of the Five Houses of Glory, the physical body was strengthened to the limit, and the body was protected by the light of the five supernatural powers, which briefly resisted the influence of the profound power.

This time, of course, is sure and ruthless...

But it is indeed a bit rambunctious.

It was agreed that it was a discussion to adapt to the environment, showing the peak fighting state of Wufu Tongyao, and there was no effect of adapting to the environment at all.

In the mountain and sea environment, it can be as short as a few days or as long as a few months, how can he maintain the state of heaven all the time?

When Jiang Wang turned around, he saw Zuo Guangshu jumping up, as if he had infinite energy, and rushed towards him again.

"Come again!"

In the light blue smoke armor, the boy's eyes flickered, and he refused to admit defeat!

Jiang Wang actually felt a little distressed.

But he just crushed Qingyun with firm steps, confronting it head-on.

The two collided together, Jiang Wang, who was surrounded by the lights of the Five Houses, and Zuo Guangshu, who was wrapped in a blue smoke armor, exchanged tens of punches and kicks in an instant...

Fist to fist, elbow to palm, knee to knee.

Between square inches, the two carried out the most intense attack.

Finally, with Jiang Wang's sword finger, he pierced through the smoke armor, announcing the end of the battle.

With a bent of the sword finger, he took advantage of the situation and punched Zuo Guangshu directly to the ground.


Zuo Guangshu lay on the ground.

"Good... so strong!" He gasped.

Although the time of the melee fight just now was short, too much power broke out, which made him a little weak.

Of course he knew that Jiang Wang was very strong, but during this period of time he had improved a lot, and he had already adapted to the environment of Chongxuan Purgatory... Unexpectedly, he still couldn't win the chance.

No chance at all!

Jiang Wang withdrew the magical light of the Five Houses, flew down in front of Zuo Guangshu, looked down at him with soft eyes: "How do you feel?"

Zuo Guangshu gasped twice, and then said, "Thank you!"

Jiang Wang smiled: "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for respecting me. You didn't really treat me like a child, and you didn't let me go on purpose."

Zuo Guangshu said, putting his hand on Jiang Wang's extended hand.

Jiang Wang pulled the boy up and said, "Of course I treat you like a child, but there is no age in battle. Guangshu, you have done a good job. In the illusory realm, you should be able to Impact the top three in the inner court."

Zuo Guangshu didn't tell him about his recent ranking in the Sword Discourse Arena. Jiang Wang's ability to judge so accurately shows that he has indeed jumped far beyond the level of the Inner Palace.

Glancing at him, Zuo Guangshu finally did not refute anything, but asked, "How about my Wuyuyan armor?"

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment, realizing that he was talking about the light blue smoke armor just now, and said in surprise: "Is that the Taoism you developed yourself?"

"Naturally." Zuo Guangshu raised his chin: "It is a Taoist technique that I researched specifically for the environment with a hundred times the power of the heavy mystery. It can spontaneously resist the environment under the extreme power of the heavy mystery, allowing the caster to exert their combat power without being affected .”

"Want to learn?" He looked at Jiang Wang, with anticipation hidden in his pride.

"Of course!" Jiang Wang was willing to give Zuo Guangshu face outside of the battle, and acted very positively: "This kind of mysterious Taoism is exactly what I dream of! Teach me quickly!"

Zuo Guangshu: ...

Speaking of which, he really wanted to be recognized by this guy.

But at this moment, there was nothing but embarrassment.

Why can flattery have the effect of mocking?

Zuo Guangshu took a deep breath and told himself not to worry too much. Maybe it's me being sensitive?

"Then let's talk about this Taoism, I think it will help us in our trip to the mountains and seas..."

"Why do I adopt the form of smoke? Because it has a great freedom and can withstand more changes. It is specifically manifested in Taoism, that is..."

The two of them started teaching Taoism under the environment of a hundred times the power of heavy mysteries.

One teaches seriously, and the other learns energetically.

"Aren't you a genius? How did you come up with this step? It just made me amazed, astonished, dumbstruck, and I was convinced!"

"..." Zuo Guangshu continued: "Speaking of this Taoism, the most important thing is to understand the influence of Yuanli on the environment. You can see from the role of this part of Daoyuan, it can..."

"What a wonderful idea! Wasn't that what Huang Weizhen was like back then? You are only sixteen years old this year. To be able to create such exquisite Taoism at the age of sixteen is truly a terrifying talent!"

"Speak less!" Zuo Guangshu finally couldn't help it: "Why don't you come to teach?"

Jiang Wang blinked his eyes, not understanding what was going on with the children now.

You are not happy to praise you?

"Of course you teach, you teach." Jiang Wang said embarrassingly.

He originally thought that he would beat up the young man for several rounds, turning a good and handsome young gentleman into a little beggar wandering around the world. It's also time to have a good chat, rely on his affinity, and ease the relationship.

You shouldn't keep your hands in battle, but there is true love in the world. It doesn't take much effort to praise a few words, so why not do it?

I didn't expect this child to be very ignorant.

Lord Jiang Jue of Qi had no choice but to shut up silently and listen to the lecture of Grandpa Chu.

To be honest, Wu Yuyan Armor is indeed a very good Taoism. It almost perfectly solves the problem it needs to solve - the confrontation with the supernatural power in the natural environment.

No matter how extreme the profound mystery environment is, as long as there is a place where there is a source of energy, there is a way for the source of energy to exist. This Taoist technique starts from the level of Yuanli, driven by the practitioner's own Daoyuan, uses a form similar to a formation, and uses smoke armor to build an environment covering the practitioner himself.

Fight the environment with the environment.

Every aspect of Taoism is born for this purpose. No step is redundant, and Jiang Wang finds little room for improvement.

Zuo Guangshu's talent in Taoism can be seen from this technique.

Jiang Wang studied hard, Zuo Guangshu taught hard, and soon mastered this Taoism. It's just that Zuo Guangshu is based on the water element. After mastering the essence of this Taoism, Jiang Wang changed to the fire element that he is better at.

Once the Wuyu Yanjia was activated, fiery red smoke was lingering all over his body, as if he was wearing a red armor.

Jiang Wang stood in the air, feeling a rare relief.

The extreme profound power environment seems to have completely lost its influence.

Limbs and bones, nothing is not satisfactory.

Zuo Guangshu, who was wearing a light blue smoke armor, was hanging on the opposite side.

Of course Wuyuyanjia has been tested in battle, but Jiang Wang still needs to experience more in person.

So a sparring session is necessary.

The smoke made each other's faces unclear.

The man who seemed to be burning in the fiery red smoke was so brilliant at this moment that it was hard to look directly at.

In Zuo Guangshu's mind, he suddenly thought of a conversation——

The little boy raised his head and asked, "Brother, grandpa said that you have created another powerful Taoism! Are you the most talented person in our Chu country?"

"How could it be?" The man reached out and rubbed his hair: "I'm waiting for you to teach me."

you didn't wait for me...

"I'm ready." Jiang Wang's voice sounded.

This voice is peaceful and so real.

This is not in too unreal.

This is in reality, in Huaichang County of Dachu, Luoshan Mountain, in the purgatory of mountains and seas.

All memories and past memories will always be in my heart.

All that is real and clear is now.

Zuo Guangshu clenched his fists, his joints made a staggered sound, and instantly he was like a galloping horse, with smoke billowing like a god and demon: "Then I'm coming!"

Ah, almost 6,000 votes already...

Then, first change the one with 8,000 votes.



Thanks to the book friend "Miss OP next door has been pretending to be busy" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 218th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Ya Shanxiu" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 219th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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