Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1409 The King's Residence

At the end of a battle, Jiang Wang had a deeper understanding of the art of Wuyu Yanjia.

It is indeed a Taoism that is very suitable for this profound environment.

"After using it personally, is there any problem now?" Zuo Guang looked at him eagerly and asked.

Just as Jiang Wang was about to speak, the young man added with a serious face: "If you have any questions, ask them, don't hide them. The mountains and seas are very important to me."

The last sentence made Jiang Wang lose his mind about joking.

He thought about it, and said with the same seriousness: "Wuyuyanjia is a very good Taoism, but it may...not have that much meaning."

Zuo Guangshu was silent for a while.

Good guy. When it is praised, it is endless, but when it is demoted, it directly negates the significance of the existence of this Taoism.

After all, he was not someone who could not withstand criticism, and asked with a straight-faced attitude: "Why do you say that?"

"Wuyuyanjia is a Taoism specially created for the extreme profound environment, and the application space is inherently narrow. And even in the extreme heavy profound environment, when should this Taoism be applied? It is impossible to open it all the time Right?" Jiang Wang said seriously: "It must be applied to the combat state, but in a short battle outbreak, I can also resist the influence of a hundred times the heavy mysterious environment in the state of the five palaces, so why bother? ?”

Zuo Guangshu was silent for a moment, and said: "I created the art of Wuyu Yanjia, which is to be opened at all times... We need to ensure that we are in the best state at all times, and we must be able to perform at our peak at any time. This is the meaning of Wuyuyan Armor, it only consumes Dao Yuan and does not consume more energy, and at the same time can guarantee our state."

Speaking of this, Zuo Guangshu added another sentence: "The mountains and seas are very dangerous!"

Jiang Wang frowned and said: "The consumption of dao yuan will be a big problem. How long do people who participate in the mountain and sea environment usually stay in the mountain and sea environment? If the time is too long, the Wuyuyan armor that consumes dao yuan will not It's a burden."

"It's possible to stay for a day or two, maybe a month or two." Zuo Guangshu said: "But these are not problems, we will bring enough primordial stones in."

The word "enough" made Jiang Wang silent for an instant.

Perhaps this is the limitation of the way of thinking.

He found that he was the one looking up to the sky.

I just think about how to survive the long time, how to reduce the consumption of dao yuan...

After all, it is too extravagant to use primordial stones to maintain the abundance of Dao Yuan.

Judging from the terrifying consumption of the Wuyu Yanjia under the environment of a hundred times the power of the profound mystery, it takes almost a day to swallow a primordial stone. Calculated in one month, one person is thirty primordial stones a month, and two people is sixty.

What is the concept of sixty primordial stones?

It is equal to sixty first-class opening pills and twenty high-quality squirrel boxes!

It is stronger than Yu Beidou, the real person in the world. If he is asked to do something, the reward of Yuanshi is also calculated in ten. In the end, I haven't given...

Jiang Wangli went to Chu from Qi, went so far away, and brazenly asked Chong Xuansheng to "extract" him, but Chong Xuansheng only searched and searched for a few primordial stones. This is when their Desheng Firm has developed and Chongxuansheng's pockets have become full.

But now that he didn't see anything, Zuo Guangshu was already ready to throw sixty primordial stones in the mountain and sea realm.

"Then I have no problem. When Dao Yuan is sufficient, the Wuyuyan Armor is very suitable." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu said: "Even so, we have to try our best to adapt the physical body to a similar environment. We must consider the excessive consumption of primordial stones or the loss of the storage box. Of course, unless we live in that environment for many years, the physical body No matter how you adapt, it is definitely not as free as Wu Yuyan armor."

"It's natural. But speaking of it..." Jiang Wang looked around: "How did you create the Chongxuan environment here? Is there anyone in the Zuo family who has Chongxuan supernatural powers?"

Zuo Guangshu explained: "Part of it depends on the heavy stone. This kind of ore that naturally strengthens or reduces the power of the nearby Chongxuan is very rare. The other part is relying on the Chongxuan array produced by the Chongxuan family."

Ore that naturally strengthens or reduces the power of the nearby heavy mystery...

Jiang Wang thought of Xuankong Temple almost immediately.

"The hanging rock?" he asked.

Zuo Guangshu said: "It is also called hanging stone or feather stone, of course it is also one of them, but it is almost extinct now."

The Hanging Stones are extinct. Isn't the phrase "exhausting the world's Hanging Stones to form a Hanging Temple" an exaggeration?

This kind of precious stone can be monopolized by Xuankong Temple...

Jiang Wang couldn't help thinking.

The Hanging Temple was probably stronger than it is now.

What will the Xuankong Temple, which is still the top sect in the world, look like when it is stronger and more brilliant?

"The Chongxuan family actually sold the formation plate to the state of Chu?" Jiang Wang asked another question of concern.

"Many forces will build a complex environment for Chongxuan to assist their cultivation. The Chongxuan formation is the pillar industry of the Chongxuan family." Zuo Guangshu said in surprise: "They make a lot of money from this, don't you know? "

"I don't care about these." Jiang Wang shook his head and said: "And since it is said to be a pillar industry, Chong Xuansheng probably is not qualified to take over this business yet."

Zuo Guangshu nodded: "Yes."

The two stayed in the extreme profound environment for three days, and then temporarily ended their adaptive training.

It's not that his body can't bear it, but that Jiang Wang has initially adapted.

Counting Jiang Wang's journey in detail, the Four Spirits Body Training Jue laid the foundation of the physical body, and later he took the Shimen grass gifted by Mrs. Li, and enjoyed the heavenly bath in the hot spring palace before going to Guanhetai. The five mansions Tongyao body training unique to Tianfu monks, and under the condition of extremely abundant star power, completed the starlight body tempering in the outer building...

Before he knew it, his physical body was already quite tyrannical. Although it may still not be as good as Chong Xuan Zun who can press the Liang hammer, but it is no worse than ordinary military monks.

With such a physical body, coupled with the familiarity with the power of Zhongxuan, he can adapt to the environment of Zhongxuan extremely quickly.

Zuo Guangshu was very happy.

According to his original estimate, it should take Jiang Wang about six to ten days to fully adapt to the environment with a hundred times the power of the profound mystery. It took fifteen days for the Tianjiao who had been invited to assist him earlier.

So as soon as he received Jiang Wang, he rushed to Luoshan, and he didn't even set up a table for the wind banquet, so he was in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wang completed the adaptive training in only three days, which saved time for their subsequent training——

Yes, in addition to the cultivation in the extreme profound environment, there are many other cultivation categories.

The mountain and sea purgatory built by Zuo's imitation of the mountain and sea environment and spared no expense in resources is not just a few rooms with an extremely heavy and mysterious environment.

If you really want to say it, it's just an environment crushed by the power of profound mystery, it can't be regarded as "purgatory"...

Jiang Wang happily finished his training in the heavy mysterious environment, and there was no room for rest, so he was dragged by Zuo Guangshu, and opened other crystal doors one by one——

The golden purgatory where the skin cracks and the body starts to bleed as soon as you enter the door...

The wood purgatory where giant trees are entangled with branches and enemies are everywhere...

The purgatory of water with overwhelming pressure and suffocation...

In addition, there are Purgatory of Fire, Purgatory of Earth, Purgatory of Wind, Purgatory of Thunder...

All kinds of extremely harsh environments were staged one by one in this secret base in Luoshan Valley.

It can be said that Jiang Wang went up the mountain of knives and down the pan of oil. The legendary eighteen hells are about the same. Before entering the mountain and sea realm, he had already suffered enough with Zuo Guangshu.

With his tenacity, he only frowned every day, and his face collapsed again.

In just half a month, Jiang Wang had almost forgotten the purpose of coming to Chu. Where is come to help fist? It is clear that he is serving his sentence!

It is entirely by relying on an energy not to lose face in front of the little brother, to keep himself basically decent.

In contrast, Zuo Guangshu, who entered various extreme environments with him, was in good spirits every day.

So much so that Jiang Wang was a little skeptical, is it really that difficult in the mountain and sea environment? Is Zuo Guangshu deliberately torturing him? Is this revenge?

But no matter how difficult it was in the mountain and sea purgatory, Zuo Guangshu was never absent from every practice, and as his elder brother, he really had no reason to escape.

Speaking of which, for the children of the top aristocratic families, the cultivation resources and various enjoyments are all first-class in the world. But they have suffered all kinds of hardships to temper themselves, and they will not be less.

The most important point is that they can endure hardships and temper themselves safely.

Take Zuo Guangshu as an example.

The resources needed to build a mountain and sea purgatory were beyond Jiang Wang's imagination.

With this mountain and sea purgatory, Zuo Guangshu can adapt to various difficult environments in advance in his own home, under the condition of complete safety...

Those with insufficient background can only wait until they meet before adapting.

And all the environments that can be called difficult for extraordinary monks are also environments that will really bring life danger.

Most of the harsh environmental dilemmas in life, the former only need to consume resources to adapt, while the latter can only consume life.

This is where the difference lies.

That's why it is said that those aristocratic families can generally see geniuses, because their geniuses can definitely grow into geniuses. And those geniuses with insufficient background may not be able to wait until the time to shine.

Of course, when it comes to the level of peerless geniuses such as Dou Zhao and Chong Xuanzun, they can't be cultivated just by having a good family background.

Talent, hard work, talent, and opportunity are all indispensable.

After eighteen days of adaptive training in the mountain and sea purgatory, it was finally time to leave the customs.

If it weren't for the concern about his dignity in front of his younger brother, Jiang Wang would almost burst into tears.

He is not a person who cannot bear hardships. What kind of difficulties have you experienced along the way? But I can't stand such a pattern that changes every day...

As a result, the awe of Huang Weizhen is much less, and he even doubts whether Huang Weizhen has some perverted hobby, and wants to create such a mountain and sea environment that intentionally tortures people.

With a quick grab, he and Jiang Wang grabbed all the water droplets that wet their clothes and hair. Coming out of the purgatory of water, Zuo Guangshu was obviously in a better mood than coming out of other purgatory.

Because this is the purgatory where he can really gain an advantage over Jiang Wang.

Bright eyes, cute smile: "How is it? The effect of cultivation is very good, right?"

In the end, he couldn't even protect his clothes and hair, and was wet by water, which shows the hardships in the purgatory on the other side.

Jiang Wang said lukewarmly: "It's okay."

Zuo Guangshu walked out along the corridor, and said casually: "We can go to Ying City, firstly, to recuperate and adjust our state. Secondly, my grandfather has long wanted to see you."

Jiang Wang, as the taciturn elder brother, spoke succinctly——


Walk out of the mountain and sea purgatory, leaving that huge stone gate behind.

Jiang Wang felt a strong sense of relief.

I really want to sit on the ground directly under the sky, lie on the ground and have a good sleep.

But after all, he had to maintain his elder brother's dignity, so not only did he not relax, but instead, he looked unsatisfied, and even looked back frequently, reluctantly.

"Let's go." Zuo Guangshu pulled him: "We will come back next time when we have time."

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't have time, I don't force you as a brother..."

On the stone tower, "Uncle Scar" watched the two walk away expressionlessly.

The handsome young man in the water-blue robe was about half a head lower than the handsome man in the green shirt next to him.

The former pulled the latter by the sleeve and walked out, playing and bickering all the way.

With a huge scar on his face, he looked at it for a long time.



The capital of Chu is called "Ying".

The residence of ancient kings.

Naturally, it is the number one city in the Southern Region.

It is not as tall and majestic as Linzi City, but it is a beautiful and dreamy city——

The house is like a beauty, colorful.

Look at the corners of the eaves and jump at the blue sparrows.

There is a moon-colored building with makeup, and lights are hung all night.

See the flying dragon boat, travel in the star sea.

The Mountain of the Goddess looks at the Ze of Yunmeng from a distance.

The hanging waterfall embraces the rhinoceros with frost horns.

Floats swim on the long street, handsome men and women dance on drums.

There is a majestic man who pulls the pipa, and the sound is as fierce as a conquest.

The fiery red Zhurong tree is about hundreds of feet high, and it is said that its history is longer than that of Chu State.

Covered in flowers, Wu Zhu sang the unceasing music of Chudi for thousands of years.


Jiang Wang has seen the world.

A temple in the sky, a city three hundred miles away, a royal court capable of flying...

But no city or building is as gorgeous as Ying City.

Every detail of it is the blessing of inspiration and the embodiment of beauty.

It can even be said that it reconstructed Jiang Wang's impression of beauty.

How can words describe this city?

How can we express its one ten-thousandth beauty!

The few records in "The Sword of History" suddenly came alive after Jiang Wang witnessed the city with his own eyes.

"It's unforgettable once you see it!" Jiang Wang couldn't help but praise.

Sitting in the luxurious carriage with jade lines, the little grandfather of Da Chu looked at him looking left and right, dazzled, with a smile in his eyes. But he said: "You haven't seen anything more beautiful. If New Year's Eve comes, there will be fog on Shennv Peak, frost-horned rhinos crossing the street, and phoenixes will fly in the sky!"

Jiang Wang showed a surprised face that had never seen the world: "A real phoenix?"

The little father-in-law smiled proudly: "Naturally!"

Jiang Wang could only marvel, but couldn't imagine.

Speaking of the New Year's Eve in the past few years, he spent almost all of it on the road, and he really didn't experience the New Year's Eve atmosphere in any city.

The only impressive the rain.

Zuo Guangshu's carriage can pass freely in Ying City.

That's why it was all the more surprising when it was stopped.

"What's going on?" Zuo Guangshu's voice was not very mature, but it was very majestic at this moment.

The coachman replied from outside the curtain: "Little Grandpa, it's..."

"It's my sister!" A pleasant voice said.

"Where are you hiding these days..."

Jiang Wang's eyes blurred, and a tall woman squeezed into the carriage.

Seeing Jiang Wang, she was also taken aback for a moment.





The most difficult thing to write in this chapter is the one hundred and forty-eight characters describing the city of Ying.

Thanks to the leader "Half-Drunk Grapefruit" for becoming the silver alliance in this book! It is the 15th Silver Alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "150611192206051" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 220th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "A Millennium in a Flicker" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 221st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Chocolate Cotton Candy" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 222nd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord Eternal Silence!

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