Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1410 Like a Sun Going Out

As soon as Qu Shunhua got into the carriage, he saw the handsome Zuo Guangshu. And the gentle and smiling man next to him also came into view.

Dressed in a green shirt, sitting next to the young master of Dachu, he is not at all inferior in style.

Qu Shunhua did a lot of things like getting into carriages and climbing windows.

Not only herself, but even Zuo Guangshu is very used to it.

But it is inevitable that an outsider will bump into it, and it will be a little embarrassing.

After all, she is also a lady of everyone, a lady of a famous family!

The Qu family has a thousand-year-old family, and she, Qu Shunhua, is a generation of genius... how can this be called "shame"?

This moment.

Zuo Guangshu leaned against the back wall of the carriage, Jiang Wang leaned against the window, Qu Shunhua half-bowed and stood on the door, with one hand covering the curtain, the smile on his face froze.

None of the three spoke.

Qu Shunhua was silent because of embarrassment.

Zuo Guangshu was silent because while he was embarrassed, he didn't know how to introduce Qu Shunhua to Jiang Wang. friend? Qu's sister?

Jiang Wang was silent because he didn't know what she wanted to do when he got into the carriage, and how she and Zuo Guangshu usually got along...Maybe they just left with a high five?

There was an eerie silence in the carriage.

"Here we come!" Jiang Wang spoke first.

He is not a person with long sleeves and good at dancing, but now he is in front of the little brother. At such an embarrassing moment, he, the elder brother, had to hold up the situation, so he reluctantly spoke out bravely...

Although this opening remark was a bit confusing, it broke the embarrassing silence after all.

Qu Shunhua reluctantly said: "Here we come."

"Qu Shunhua, right?" Jiang Wang asked.

"You know me?" Qu Shunhua raised his eyebrows.

It's not hard to guess.

So far, the only girl Zuo Guangshu had mentioned in front of him was Qu Shunhua.

Thinking about it, with Xiaoguang's proud and shy personality, he won't get along with too many girls. And being able to break into the little grandfather's carriage directly on the street, regardless of his relationship or identity, is extraordinary.

Except for Qu Shunhua, I don't think of anyone else.

Jiang Wang smiled kindly: "Xiao Guangshu always mentions you to me!"

These words seemed to break the distance and lighten the atmosphere in the car.

With a smile on Qu Shunhua's face, he sat down on the seat opposite Jiang Wang, and said with a very dignified smile, "How did he mention it?"

Once the awkward atmosphere was gone, she sat down like this. This oval-faced beauty immediately showed a dignified and noble side.

No stage fright, generous and decent.

"What are you talking about!" Zuo Guangshu said in a panic.

Qu Shunhua turned his head and said, "Don't talk yet!"

But then remembered that Jiang Wang was there, smiled softly and said, "Let me have a chat with Brother Jiang first."

She has also been to Guanhetai to watch the battle, so she naturally recognizes the leader of the Yellow River. Not to mention that Zuo Guangshu always told her about Jiang Wang...

After thinking about it for a while, it became clear that Jiang Wang was invited by Zuo Guangshu to help Fist Mountain Sea Realm. Having seen Jiang Wang fight with her own eyes, she was naturally happy to see it.

But what she cares most about this is how Xiao Guangshu said behind her back——

It is of course a good thing to mention her often, but there is still room for discussion about how to mention her.

"It's been mentioned too many times, and I don't know where to start." Jiang Wang said without blushing and heartbeat: "Sometimes it is said to be beautiful and generous, another time it is said to be extremely talented, another time it is hard to find in the world, and sometimes it is lucky to have three lives. ...I can almost hear calluses in my ears!"

Qu Shunhua glanced at Zuo Guangshu shyly: "Why are you not humble at all when talking to Brother Jiang? It's so annoying!"

Zuo Guangshujun's face was flushed, and he wanted to deny it, but after all, he still had reason... Denying it now, seems a bit courting death.

"I also thought that this child was exaggerating in what he said, and it didn't sound like he was telling the truth. How can there be such a person in the world?" Jiang Wang said with a sincere tone: "I saw you today, Miss Qu, and I know, He's already very humble!"

"Hey, this..." Qu Shunhua, who was so majestic in front of Zuo Guangshu, bowed his head shyly: "Brother Jiang, I'm even embarrassed by what you said."

"I have a problem with this person, that is, I can't hold back what's on my mind." Jiang Wang gave Zuo Guangshu a look of "How is my brother treating you?" Then he smiled and said, "That's all right, I'll go down first. Enjoy the night view of Yingcheng. Give the young couple some space and have a good chat!"

"Hey Brother Jiang, don't go." Qu Shunhua hurriedly said, "I'm looking for Guangshu, it's okay, I should go when we meet!"

"Besides..." She said with some embarrassment: "We're not married yet, so we can't be considered a young couple. It's just that we have been engaged since we were young..."

Zuo Guangshu's face was even more red as if he was about to bleed.

"We've been engaged since we were young, and we're in love with each other, and we're such a good match." Jiang Wang smiled and said, "Isn't that just a matter of time!"

Qu Shunhua's smile became brighter and brighter: "Brother Jiang, you are Guangshu's elder brother, and that is my elder brother. If you have anything to do in Yingcheng, just call me!"

Looking back at Zuo Guangshu, he said: "Today, you guys rest first, and let Brother Jiang see the family. Find a time tomorrow, and you bring Brother Jiang to Huangliang Terrace, and I will arrange a reception banquet..."

Pushed him again: "Did you hear that?"

Only then did Zuo Guangshu let out an "oh".

Qu Shunhua greeted Jiang Wang again: "Brother Jiang, come to have a drink tomorrow! I'll leave now!"

Then he lifted the curtain openly and left.

It really came like thunder and went like lightning.

Different from the generally dignified and graceful ladies of aristocratic families that Jiang Wang met in Linzi, but she has a kind of romantic chic of the children of Chu.

The window of the car was still open, Jiang Wang looked out, Qu Shunhua's carriage was parked next to it, it was as luxurious as Zuo Guangshu's. As soon as she was short, she sat in.

"Ah, what a girl!"

Jiang Wang admired, looked at the leaving carriage, and then at Zuo Guangshu.

He looked at Zuo Guangshu, then at the carriage carrying Qu Shunhua away.

Zuo Guangshu blushed and said angrily, "What are you looking at!"

Jiang Wang laughed, but said nothing more.

The little guy is thin-skinned, if he continues to tease him, he will probably explode.



The Huai State Mansion occupies a very large area. In Ying City, where every inch of land is expensive, the power of the owner of the mansion can be imagined just by this area.

A pair of red jade lions stand in front of the gate, majestic and precious.

Especially the lion's eyes are full of light, like a living thing.

When the young grandfather of the Zuo family returned to the mansion, the Huaiguo mansion directly opened the gate, and the guards lined up to welcome him.

Just as Jiang Wang got out of the carriage, he saw a beautiful middle-aged woman standing there gracefully.

Dressed plainly, with a dignified demeanor, there is nobility hidden between the brows, but not overbearing. On the contrary, it feels very kind and soft.

Zuo Guangshu stepped out of the carriage first, and said obediently, "Mother, this is Brother Jiang Wang, Jiang Xian, whom I invited to help you, the leader of this year's Yellow River!"

Xiong Jingyu turned his gaze.

Jiang Wang first walked forward and said: "Jiang Wang, junior, I have met Her Royal Highness the Great Chu Princess!"

He had done his homework in advance and knew that Zuo Guangshu's mother was the younger sister of the current Emperor Chu, named Princess Yuyun. That's the most infallible way of calling it.

Seeing this tall young man with an extraordinary temperament, Xiong Jingyu's eyes were in a trance for a moment.

Her eldest son was also the leader of the Yellow River...

But this trance soon faded away.

Xiong Jingyu said softly: "You and Guangshu are friends, you can just call me auntie. Thank you for taking care of my family Guangshu in the illusionary world, and now you have come all the way to help him."

"Where." Jiang Wangqian said: "In the illusory realm, Guangshu and I helped each other and grew up together. Besides, I am also very yearning for the mountain and sea realm, and receiving the invitation is exactly what I wish for!"

"How are you adapting to Mountain Sea Purgatory?" Xiong Jingyu asked again.

Jiang Wang glanced at Zuo Guangshu, and smiled confidently: "Not bad."

Zuo Guangshu seemed very dissatisfied with her mother's question, and shouted from the side: "Is the helper I chose so bad?"

Xiong Jingyu ignored him, and only said to Jiang Wang: "The place is too bitter. Auntie is really sorry for making you suffer. I will take a good rest in the mansion these few days and recharge my energy."

"Guangshu is practicing with me, it's not hard, Auntie." Jiang Wang followed the good advice.

Xiong Jingyu said: "Guangshu told you, did his grandfather want to see you?"

"I've said it before." Jiang Wang said, "The old man is a hero in the world, and I have admired him for a long time!"

Xiong Jingyu smiled slightly, and had a little more affection for this young man who was neither humble nor overbearing: "Grandpa Guangshu is waiting for you in the study, and I will lead you there right away."

She patted Zuo Guangshu on the forehead: "You wait by yourself."

"Why didn't you ask me to be there?" Zuo Guangshu immediately expressed his dissatisfaction: "Is there anything else in the Zuo family that I don't want to hear?"

"Your grandpa made a special trip to find someone to talk to, does it look like you?" Xiong Jingyu turned him around: "Go, go, don't get in the way!"

Zuo Guangshu understood that his mother's attitude was irreversible, but he still yelled: "It's fine to talk, you tell my grandpa not to bully others!"

Xiong Jingyu couldn't help but glared at him: "How old is your grandpa, do you think he's the same as your children?"

Although Zuo Guangshu was joking.

Jiang Wang felt a little guilty for no reason.

Only children think about who they want to bully, while adults are all murderers and robbers...

Duke Huai, if he really has any dissatisfaction in person, how can his small body handle it?

But after all, he could only follow Xiong Jingyu.

Half a body behind, walking in the Huai State Duke's mansion deep in the courtyard.

Jiang Wang slowly calmed down his slightly uneasy mood.

He could probably guess why Duke Huai wanted to see him.

The "Detailed Explanation of Fireworks Burning the City" sent by Zuo Guangshu already explained a lot.

Just as Master Kujue was able to find him through a certain connection, it would not be difficult for a big man like Duke Huai to capture the fate between him and Zuo Guanglie.

Zuo Xiao, Duke of the Great Chu Huai Kingdom, has a rather arrogant name. It is said that when he was young, he was also a fierce god. Later, when he was in a high position, he gradually began to cultivate himself.

Of course, he has been famous for a long time. Nowadays, outside of the state of Chu, perhaps the notoriety of humans and demons has not spread widely.

But those who really know him will naturally not have such boring comparisons.

Jiang Wang thought about Duke Huai's behavior in his heart, and weighed his attitude of being able to speak.

Then suddenly heard a sentence from the front——

"Was he...painful when he left?"

The voice was too soft, as if it didn't sound at all.

But it was true, appearing in Jiang Wang's ear.

Jiang Wang didn't dare to look at her expression walking beside her, but he could feel the pain of this question.

The eldest princess Yuyun didn't say her name, but of course Jiang Wang knew... who that "he" was.

Less painful...probably a mother's last consolation.

After thinking about it, Jiang Wang said, "It's like a sun has gone out. He walked very crisply and brilliantly."

"Like a sun..." Xiong Jingyu murmured.

She imagined such a gorgeous scene, and finally felt...that was the ending that Guanglie would choose.

Then she stopped in her tracks: "That's the study in front, and Guangshu's grandfather is in it."

"Okay. Aunt Lao will see you off." Jiang Wang saluted her and walked forward alone.

The youthful figure in the green shirt was deeply imprinted in the eyes of a mother.

The same leader of the Yellow River, the same peerless arrogance, the same young and promising...

But he is not him.

Probably because of the Pingbu Qingyun fairy art, Jiang Wang has a sense of immortality when he walks around.

But Zuo Guanglie is brilliant and dazzling.

Xiong Jingyu closed her eyes lightly, and vaguely saw the back of that young man in the gorgeous flame robe again, but that figure would not look back after all.



The door of the study room was open, and there was no servant waiting on it.

Jiang Wang walked in cautiously, and saw a thin old man sitting behind the desk, writing something quickly.

While writing, without raising his head, he said: "Sit."

Jiang Wang took a look, then sat down on the big chair against the wall. There is a picture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix on the back, a tea stool on the right, and another chair behind the tea stool.

The layout of the entire study can be called "simple", without any extra decorations.

Duke Huai Guo didn't mean to sharpen Jiang Wang's mind on purpose, he quickly put down the brush in his hand, pulled the dossier he just finished to the upper right corner of the desk, and looked up.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

Jiang Wang shivered subconsciously, and unconsciously moved his buttocks halfway.

"Jiang Wang, the leader of the Yellow River, I have wanted to see you for a long time." Huai Guogong used these words as his opening remarks.

Jiang Wang turned his face and looked over, this time he clearly saw the face of Duke Huai of Great Chu——

Smooth and elegant, with a few fine lines endowed by time.

Although his face is not too old, it can make people feel that he is an elder.

And his majesty is not obvious.

"It's an honor for the younger generation to be remembered by the Duke of the state." Jiang Wang said politely.

His respect for Zuo Xiao was not only because of the other party's status as Duke Chuhuai, but also because he was the grandfather of Zuo Guanglie and Zuo Guangshu.

For the elders of friends, treat them as elders.

Duke Huai looked at him quietly for a while, and then said: "Actually, I have some questions I wanted to ask you, but later I felt that there was no need to ask them. In life, no one can avoid regrets. I am no exception."

He sighed softly: "Son, I just want to see you now."

Thanks to the leader "I love learning qaz" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thank you book friend "Ten and Seven" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 223rd League of Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend who "reads the book without talking and feels uncomfortable" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 224th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the leader "Riding the Bull Down South"!

Thanks to the book friend "Yuanxuan 1019" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 225th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Witty Ugly Joe" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 226th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Dajiang Yangling" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 227th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the leader "Everything is not troublesome"!

Thanks to the book friend "20210930222705632" for becoming the leader of this book, for the 228th alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey! (Whose trumpet is this?)

Thanks to the book friend "Monkey Called King" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 229th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Mushroom Mashed Potatoes" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 230th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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