Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1411 ? You don't need to avoid the road when you see me (ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 1411 Seeing Me, You Don’t Need to Avoid the Road (Seeking a Monthly Ticket)

Zuo Guangshu returned to his courtyard, sat in the gazebo for a while, and stood for a while.

I don't know how the time passed, but I suddenly heard some movement, turned my head to look, and saw Jiang Wang walking over under the guidance of his servants.

"What are you guys talking about for so long?" Zuo Guangshu stared and asked.

"I didn't talk about anything." Jiang Wang smiled: "Mr. Huaiguo ordered me to behave well in the mountains and seas, and not to embarrass you Dachu Zuo."

"Nonsense, my grandfather wouldn't say that!" Zuo Guangshu said angrily, "Your room has been cleaned up. It's been a hard few days. Let's rest first. Tomorrow, tomorrow I..."

Jiang Wang nodded solemnly: "Take me to see your little daughter-in-law tomorrow, I remember it!"

Zuo Guangshu didn't seem to hear, and said with a straight face: "Aunt Wu, take Mr. Jiang to the guest room."

Putting his hands behind his back, he left with his head held high.

Aunt Wu is about forty years old, with a plain appearance, but she dresses cleanly and decently, and behaves like a noble family.

Leading Jiang Wang to the residence, never talking too much along the way.

After introducing the room to Jiang Wang, he said, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, "How can there be a guest room in the courtyard of the young man? This room is also where the young man often comes to live."

Only then did Jiang Wang know that Zuo Guangshu actually gave him his master bedroom. Can't help but ask: "What about Guangshu himself?"

It is said that it is just a bedroom, but it is actually a small courtyard.

The entire Duke's Mansion is just yards within yards, one luxurious place upon another.

Most people don't live for a year or two, so it's hard to find the east, west, north and south in this mansion.

"It's in the other master bedroom." Aunt Wu said, "There are two master bedrooms in the east and west in this courtyard, and the little father-in-law lives alternately. There is more practice and more reading here."

Jiang Wang now has a headache when he hears the word reading. The endless content of "The History of the Sword and the Sea" has brutally extinguished his yearning for reading.

"Oh, so."

"If Mr. Jiang is bored, you can read books. Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and military books are all available. The young man said, it's okay." Of course, Aunt Wu didn't know Jiang Wang, but she just felt that since the young man called him the guest As 'Mr.', I think he should be a learned man.

"Oh, good." Jiang Wang said, "It's pretty good."

"There are always people outside the courtyard. If you have any orders, just call them." She stopped at this point, bowed and retreated.

The proportion is very good.

Jiang Wang took a little look at the luxurious bedroom of Duke Chu's mansion, glanced at some unnamed utensils, and paused on the bookshelf.

Jump over right away.

Then I saw the desk.

There are bookshelves and desks in the bedroom!

What do you think.

I can't concentrate on reading, and I can't concentrate on resting. It's just messy.

Jiang Wang wanted to criticize severely, but he sat down at the desk first after all.

The desk was tidy. Zuo Guangshu must have put away all the books he usually read and wrote, and refused to let him see them.

Jiang Wang glanced at it but didn't see it, so he gave up.

Silently took out the storage box, rummaged through the storage box expressionlessly, and took out "Volume 16"...

He will probably never forget the feeling when he opened this storage box for the first time. The book full of books made him unable to laugh for a long time.

After a long period of self-relaxation, I was finally able to become numb.

Flipping the book skillfully to the place where he read it last time, Jiang Wang paused, and suddenly thought of one thing——

The sons of famous families like Zuo Guangshu have cultivated a good temperament because they have read a lot of books since they were young. Shouldn't I... I should also add a burden to Jiang An'an?

The world is so vast, and the future is so long, we can't let children lose when laying the foundation...

Jiang had the self-consciousness of a brother like a father, silently listed this matter as a plan, and then buried himself in the book.

After leaving Linzi, reciting for an hour every day has gradually become a habit.

These days I have been cultivating in the purgatory of mountains and seas, day and night, I really can't spare time, so I have stopped for a long time. This also means that you have to make up some time to come back...

It took me two hours to recite this night before stopping.

Back dizzy.

With the strength of his soul, it shouldn't be like this. What is it to memorize a book?

But the problem is that none of these history writers are willing to speak properly. The words are extremely simple but rich in meaning, one word can explain many meanings, and it is impossible to understand it after swallowing it.

Emperor Qi said that he would memorize it backwards, so how could he just memorize it?

You have to know something and have some understanding of yourself.

Two hours of intense uninterrupted thinking, comprehension, and recitation made Jiang Wang feel top-heavy, as if falling into a fog.

After putting away the book, Jiang Wang sat cross-legged on the chair and started practicing.

Zuo Guangshu said that he had taken a good rest and recuperated his spirit in the past few days, but for Jiang Wang, being able to practice peacefully was already a rest.

In the distant star dome, a ray of soul manifested, and Jiang Wang fell in the star building.

He is very used to this kind of practice, constantly strengthening the star building, constantly approaching and clarifying his own path...

Water grinds time, just persevere.

Let the brain rest for a while, and leave more thinking for the subsequent Taoist practice.

Bang bang bang, bang bang!

On the bottom floor of the star building, in the sealed stone prison, Senhai Dragon God hit the wall hard, creating a movement that cannot be ignored.

Since Jiang Wang came to the star tower, he started to move.

Has a very strong desire to communicate with Jiang Wang.

And behavior like today has been going on for a long time.

Jiang Wang never paid attention.

Today, I also directly cut off the sound from the stone prison at the bottom, meditated calmly, and slowly completed the cultivation of the star building.

It is of course a good thing that senior Guan Yan helped him build the star tower. But shortening the process of building it by oneself, it is inevitable to lose control. Since Xingyueyuan, what Jiang Wang has been making up for is to have a more detailed and specific grasp of his star building.

In the meticulous carving, trace the process from scratch.

When he opened his eyes, the stars in his pupils flowed and then disappeared.

The sword shines in the eyes, and the sharpness is revealed in an instant, and then sinks into the clear eyes like water.

There are black and white yin and yang fish in the "bottom of the water", which are fleeting.

In the end it was peaceful.

Maybe we can talk.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang took one step to the bottom of the star building, and tapped the ground with his toes, and a whole huge stone slab became transparent.

Let the Senhai Dragon God in the stone prison be able to clearly see himself on the top of the stone prison.

"It turns out that I'm at the base of Ruzhixing Building."

This is the first sentence Senhailongshen said after seeing each other after such a long time.

Compared with the previous high-ranking and arrogant, this time his attitude is very equal, and he doesn't shout "ants" and "ants".

But Jiang Wang was obviously not satisfied with this attitude.

"It seems that you haven't figured out what kind of mentality you want to talk to me."

After saying this, he simply turned the slab back to its original state, and then left the star building directly.

It's as if he doesn't care about the value of Dragon God at all.

The Senhai Dragon God's "little brother!" and "Master!" were all left behind.

Boiling a dragon is a technical job, Jiang Wang hoped that he would not be impatient.

Then there are a few battles in the illusory realm, and then the research of Taoism...

The night passed like this.



Zuo Guangshu came very early the next day, almost as soon as Jiang Wang's Qianyang Zhitong finished work, he had already knocked on the door outside the small courtyard.

From this, it can be seen that Qu Shunhua's words really carry a lot of weight in his heart.

"Why so early?" Jiang Wang asked knowingly.

"I'm always this early."

"Then Mr. Zuo came to the door at this time, what's your business?"

"That idleness is also idleness..." Zuo Guangshu murmured for a long time before saying, "Let's go out for a walk."

"I'm not idle, I'm very busy. I still have to recite classics, practice, and Taoism, and argue about the ranking of the sword arena..." Jiang Wang was very eloquent.

"Hey, just come!" Zuo Guangshu grabbed his sleeve and pulled it out, refusing to listen to his nonsense teasing.

Jiang Wang smiled all over his face: "Okay, I'll go with you, don't tear my clothes. This is a baby!"

After Zuo Guangshu let go.

He was very embarrassed and said: "Are you in a hurry?"

"Seldom free for a date?"

"Could it be that the government of the Huai State is strict? This is not acceptable. I have to persuade him later. The old man. Young Mu Ai, how can I stop..."

The two got into the carriage together, Zuo Guangshu was so angry that he didn't talk to him.

"Introduce me to Huangliang Terrace, I haven't been there yet!"

"Xiao Guangshu?"



Jiang Wang listened to the devil's voice, and teased vigorously: "Hey! Brother and sister said that there will be a few friends together... who are they?"

"What brother and sister?" Zuo Guangshu couldn't hold back anymore: "Don't shout!"

Jiang Wang looked innocent: "Then if you don't tell me, how do I know I shouldn't shout like that?"

Zuo Guangshu glared at him, and finally said: "There is also Yelaner, Chu Yuzhi."

After sharing weal and woe in Shanhai Purgatory some time ago, Jiang Wang's character towards Zuo Guangshu became more and more clear.

If there is anyone on Guanhe Terrace who is famous all over the world without being on the stage, it is Ye Laner who is known as the number one beauty in Chu.

When the national teams were still at Guanhetai, Chu Street was always the busiest. The sons of all parties tried their best to join the Chu team.

Jiang Wang once witnessed the crowded scene of filling the streets.

He is so beautiful that everyone who sees it is infatuated.

It seems that she has the momentum of the most beautiful woman in the world.

Jiang Wang had indeed seen this person on Tianxiazhitai, and he was indeed unparalleled in appearance. However, due to the birth of Li Yi, a real person from Taiyu, the talents from various countries participating in the unlimited field under the age of 30 have no chance to show their strength. It has to be said that it is a pity.

But when Jiang Wang came to Chu, he was not in the mood to get close to the number one beauty in Chu.

It was rumored that Ye Lan'er had some unclear relationship with Emperor Chu, but he didn't enter the palace for some reason... Whether it's true or not, he didn't want to cause trouble.

"Why is there still Yelaner?" Jiang Wang frowned slightly.

"She and Qu Shunhua are close friends in the boudoir, they often get together." Zuo Guangshu said casually.

He probably misunderstood something, and reminded: "Don't make a mistake."

Just after these words came out, Jiang Wang said: "Then if she enters the Mountain and Sea Realm with Qu Shunhua, I'm not sure how to convince them."

Zuo Guangshu was stunned for a moment, and realized that he had indeed underestimated the willpower of Brother Jiang.

That is the number one beauty in Dachu!

How come the first thought was to fight?

Could this be the secret of Big Brother Jiang becoming stronger so quickly?

After he was completely stunned, he came to his senses and said angrily, "What are you doing beating Qu Shunhua!"

Jiang Wang blinked his eyes: "After entering the mountain and sea realm, don't everyone rely on their own abilities? Isn't everyone a competitor?"

He persuaded earnestly: "Xiao Guangshu, I'm not talking about you for my brother. Feelings belong to feelings, and mountains and seas belong to mountains and seas. Don't confuse them! Miss Qu is also a sensible person. Everyone competes fairly in the mountains and seas. After coming out Wouldn't it be wonderful to continue the frontier?"

Zuo Guangshu thought about it, and found it very reasonable.

Jiang Wang said seriously again: "We will find an opportunity for Ye Lan'er to show off his talents later. We are definitely no match for the cultivators of God's Realm, but if we can target them in advance, coupled with the special environment in the mountain and sea environment, we may not Don't make her suffer!"

"This time we are gathering with friends..." Zuo Guangshu said weakly, "Everyone is here to cleanse you up..."

Jiang Wang was about to say something about fighting for the first place and not being bound by emotions.

Zuo Guangshu continued: "Besides, after breaking the life limit, you will not be able to enter the mountain and sea realm. So Ye Lan'er will not participate..."

"Oh, so." Jiang Wang touched his chin, and said again: "What about Chu Yuzhi, how is his strength? I will try his skills later."

When he attended the Yellow River meeting earlier, he also got to know Chu Yuzhi a little bit. Knowing that he is a monk from the army, he has a future with one punch and one kick, but he is not as lucky as Wang Yiwu, and he has not been able to worship a military god as his master...

But he only knew this, and he didn't know Chu Yuzhi's specific strength.

Especially now that it is already the 3920th year of the Dao calendar, it should be different from what it used to be.

In the end, how good it is, after all, it still needs to be tested with a sword.

"Don't try it..." Zuo Guangshu said a little weakly: "We are all friends."

He began to regret agreeing to Qu Shunhua's banquet.

Why is Brother Jiang so aggressive? !

This is to make his wife and friends go away, right?

Jiang Wang said to himself: "I don't know how strong Qu Shunhua is. You said that she had hidden a trump card when she fought with Xiang Bei? Tell me, what is her hole card? Let me think about how to counter..."

"Let's just have a meal, okay?" Zuo Guangshu interrupted forcefully: "The food at Huangliangtai is a must!"

These words finally made Jiang Wang restrain his fighting spirit: "How unique is it?"

Zuo Guangshu was also willing to divert Brother Jiang's attention, and explained enthusiastically: "A table of dishes, full of ups and downs, life with all kinds of flavors!"

"There are other dishes like this?" Jiang Wang was very excited: "Do they allow packing?"

"..." Zuo Guangshu said: "Generally speaking, it can only be eaten in the store. But it is not impossible to discuss, because it is the property of the Qu family..."

Jiang Wang nodded and patted Zuo Guangshu on the shoulder: "Not bad!"

Zuo Guangshu was flattered for a moment, but he didn't know if the reckless elder brother said that Huangliangtai was good, or that Qu's family was good. Accompanying Xiaoxin said: "Then you don't do anything later, okay? If you accidentally smash the shop, Qu Shunhua will not look good."

"Then can you still worry about being a brother?" Jiang Wang comforted: "I am not troublesome. Since you have said so, you will get along with your family Qu Shunhua later, so I will take my mouth and go. Eat, okay?"

"Hey!" Zuo Guangshu had no reason why he shouldn't.

Huangliang Terrace is one of the top restaurants in Yingcheng. It claims that a meal can make diners feel a part of life.

It's a pity that only three tables are opened every day, which is completely in short supply.

It's just the beginning of spring, and the schedule has already been scheduled until the end of the year.

But Qu Shunhua hosted the banquet in person, so there will be no place for him. Today, Huangliang Terrace opened a special table for distinguished guests.

Jiang Wang followed Zuo Guangshu out of the carriage, and saw a high platform rising from the ground.

Surrounded by stone walls, it occupies such a large area that you can't see the end at a glance.

The carriage stopped before the stone steps.

Zuo Guangshu walked in front to lead the way, while Jiang Wang looked left and right, looking at the environment near Huangliang Terrace. There are many shops here, pedestrians are like weaving, and it is quite prosperous.

Climbing up the stairs, you will see an antique door.

Before the gate, there happened to be a group of people walking in.

One of them heard the commotion, looked back, and saw Zuo Guangshu with a handsome face in Huapao, and laughed: "Who am I! Isn't this the child of the Zuo family?"

This person has double pupils, tall and mighty, laughing wildly for a while,

All his friends laughed.

Of course he got his wish, seeing Zuo Guangshu blushing.

But then there was a clear voice coming up, a figure in green shirt and holding a sword, walked up the stone steps step by step, squinting at him, his eyes were more arrogant, contemptuous, and conceited——

"Who am I, isn't this the defeated general?"

Xiang Bei's wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Of course he recognized Jiang Wang, and of course he would never forget this figure in his life.

It was this person who, on the viewing platform, in front of the six emperors and the arrogance of the nations, pressed a flame on his face, ending his meeting of the Yellow River.

Xiang Bei stopped smiling, and so did those friends around Xiang Bei.

Jiang Wang refused to let it go, but continued to move forward: "Is Chong Tong'er now outside the building? Do you have the courage to fight again?"

"Why don't I dare!?"

What an arrogant character Xiang Bei is, of course he couldn't stand this, and regardless of his friends' obstruction, he strode directly to greet him——

"Although I haven't left the building today, I still want you to know that the men of Xiang's family are brave!"

With a big hand, Ge Shiji jumped out of the air.

With the antique gate of Huangliang Terrace as the background, the majestic and majestic Xiang Bei jumped up.

Facing the opponent who crushed him head-on, he still took the initiative to attack without leaving room.

His bravery is evident.

Black smoke distorted on his face, and a pair of eyes were completely covered by black ghost lines. The already extremely strong muscles swelled up again.

The whole person soared to more than ten feet!

It has been half a year since the meeting of the Yellow River, and Xiang Bei is no longer what it used to be.

With the body of Swallowing Thieves Domineering, holding the halberd of unrivaled power, he smashed down angrily, the air was so heavy that the energy was entangled like mud, as if he wanted to smash the world to pieces!

Who can not be afraid?

Who can not be surprised?

Xiang Bei's friends subconsciously moved aside.

But in front of such a powerful young man in green clothes, he was the leader of the Yellow River in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar.

It was the man who crushed Xiang Bei head-on!

One place, two places, three places...a total of five incandescent light sources lit up between his chest and abdomen.

In an instant, the whole person was covered by the bright light of supernatural power.

In the brilliant light of supernatural power, a long sword with a sheath was lifted by a clean and strong hand.

The horizontal sheath supports the sky.


Jiang Wang raised the sword with his left hand, and in the state of the body of Tianfu, directly blocked Xiang Bei's halberd with the scabbard. The scabbard made of Shenlong wood was against the crescent blade.

Through the black smoke of the Swallowing Thief's overbearing body, a pair of calm eyes met the pair of double pupils covered by ghost patterns.

"You are not out of the building, and I am also isolated from the star building."

Jiang Wangru said.

What I said was not to take advantage of you, but what I said was to convince you.

Then stand up!

He stood against Xiang Bei who was in the state of swallowing the thief's overlord, and pushed him into the sky!

After experiencing the light quenching body of the five supernatural powers and the starlight quenching body, the physical strength of both sides has already reversed the situation!

Swallowing Thieves Overlord Body is a powerful supernatural power. If it goes to the outer building, even if Jiang Wang still has an extra layer of five supernatural powers to temper his body and is still in the state of the body of heaven, Xiang Bei can still lead in terms of physical strength alone.

But after all, he only has the inner palace.

So he retreats.

Under the horrified eyes of those friends, retreated again and again in the air! It rises higher and higher.

Different from the horror of my friends.

Although Xiang Bei could no longer gain the upper hand in terms of the strength he was proud of, he still didn't have a trace of fear.

How could he not know Jiang Qingyang's strength? How could he not pay attention to Jiang Qingyang's record?

But he still won't give in, he still wants to fight, still wants to win!

The Xiang can they return? !

In my mind, a scroll unfolded.

The scroll is wrapped with dragon patterns, and the scroll surface is painted with magic patterns.

Jiang Wang, who has been sublimated to the limit of this realm, clearly shows Jiang Wang on the map of the dragon demon's military performance. From various angles and different levels, it shows a completely different Jiang Wang.

This is a man who the more he understands, the more powerful he can feel.

The more you fight against it, the more you are amazed by it.

That kind of fighting talent that seems to be born with it, manifested in the battle, is an unparalleled sense of oppression!

Like water, ever-changing.

Like air, everywhere.

Where is the weakness?

A clear light flashed across the dragon demon soldier map, and that momentary opportunity...


Xiang Bei's hand tightened, and the edge of the halberd lit up with a green light representing the magical power of breaking the law. The veins on his arm protruded like a dragon snake, and the Dao Yuan in his body was boiling, rushing and roaring together with the blood!

Taking advantage of the trend, he is going to turn over the halberd and evolve into the infinite, so as to save Guan Hetai's regret!

But at this moment.

The body of the halberd suddenly sank.

It was like a mountain, pressing down on Geshiji.

The veins on Xiang Bei's arm were about to burst!

He clearly saw through the dragon demon troop demonstration——

Jiang Wang flicked the sword casually, and the long sword with its sheath flew straight to the ground, breaking through the space, and also piercing through the stone steps, the ground trembled!

And his free left hand has already reached forward and grabbed it. This grasp really has the charm of a dragon probing its claws, as if he has actually seen a dragon and reenacted it himself!

Shenlong's claws came out of the stacked clouds, and grabbed onto the body of Geshiji's halberd.

This is the origin of the mountain-like pressure.

Xiang Bei reversed Bahuang Wuji's halberd posture, and was suppressed like this.

The timing was so ingenious and precise that he wondered if the other party also had a dragon demon troop map. Didn't he just cut the formation map alone?

The terrifying smoke of the Thief Swallowing Overlord Body keeps rising, attacking the opponent without interruption, but it can't resist the protection of the five supernatural powers at all.

He had exploded all his physical strength in an instant, but he couldn't shake that firm hand. The man was holding his halberd like a sword!

Ge Shihalberd itself also continuously exploded its power, it was an extremely small, slight force collision, but none of them succeeded.

This shot, which was held by Xiang Longxiang back then, was firmly held by Jiang Wang.

Even if the two fought on the Guanhetai last time, such a thing never happened——

The gap has widened!

Both the fighting parties and Zuo Guangshu, who was watching the battle, realized this very clearly.

And those friends who were traveling with Xiang Bei were already stunned. Xiang Bei, who was so brave for a while, was suppressed to such an extent among his peers that he couldn't even hold a weapon?

Those who rushed over upon hearing the commotion only saw that at the high altitude of Huangliang Terrace——

Xiang Bei, who was more than ten feet tall and surrounded by black smoke, appeared in the Thief Swallowing Body, holding the World Halberd with both hands, showing an extremely violent and powerful posture.

And Jiang Wang, who was dressed in a green shirt and surrounded by the light of heaven, only pierced into it with one hand, and also held it on the halberd pole.

Just like this, they were deadlocked in mid-air, as if they were frozen!

That majestic, burly, ghostly mist-shrouded monster looks like a demon.

The five mansions rotate and the light of heaven surrounds the body, but it is like a god!

This scene, which is like a confrontation between gods and demons, makes the viewers uncontrollably excited, and feels a kind of evenly matched wonderful——

Unfortunately, evenness is only an illusion.

Jiang Wang quickly tore away the illusion.

He pulled Xiang Bei and his halberd off with one hand!

The two are already facing each other.

The gods and demons are close.

Jiang Wang in the state of Tianfu is absolutely brave, who can be him?

He slapped him directly with his forehand, and before the slap, a wisp of wind swirled into cold spikes.

There was a terrifying scream, but it was restrained in front of the gate of Huangliang Terrace.

At such a moment, Jiang Wang still has the time to control his voice!

And this life-killing nail broke through the smoke of the body shield in an instant, and broke through Xiang Beizhi's vertical and horizontal defenses!

What kind of killing nail is this?

Killing Yan Xiao again and again in the Senhaiyuan world, devouring Yanxiao's beak time and time again, and plundering the destructive power of the ultimate dark side of the Senhaiyuan world, until later it was impossible to advance!

It is such a killing nail that is far better than Guanhetai and has almost reached the limit of supernatural power seeds!

It comes with a murderous intent to annihilate everything.

Hovering in front of Xiang Bei's throat.

Just one more step would be enough to smash through Xiang Bei's Thieves Swallowing Overlord and kill him completely.

No one can save these people present.

No one dared to shake Jiang Wang's mood at this moment.

As long as his hand is gently sent forward, there is no one like him in the world.

There was silence for a while.

Only the ignorant wind is still blowing on the high platform.

Jiang Wang flipped his hands away and put away the killing nail, and smiled: "Today, Guangshu and I are here for a banquet, it is not a good time to kill people."

The left hand that was wrapped around the light of supernatural powers and firmly grasped the body of the halberd was released.

With his green shirt fluttering, he landed gracefully.

The five lights of supernatural powers on the chest and abdomen were extinguished one by one.

It seems that at this moment, he has retreated from a strong man who is comparable to a god to a "person" who calmly attends a banquet.

Between movement and stillness, it is full of romance!

And Xiang Bei stayed in the air in a daze.

His gnarled muscles were still full of strength.

Gai Shihalberd was still sharp.

Body, still rising from the ghost fog.

But he lost.

The defeat was crisp and clean, without any suspense.

In this battle, Jiang Wang didn't use the star building, nor did he use his power from the outer building.

Even the sword with which he became famous has not been unsheathed!

"Good! Good! Very good!" Among Xiang Bei's friends, a man in military uniform stood up at this moment, pointed at Jiang Wang with a halberd, and yelled angrily: "You Qi people, how dare you be in my country of Chu?" You are so presumptuous on our land, and so arrogant in my city of Ying! Do you bully me and have no one?"

This is the theory of killing the heart!

If Jiang Wang is not careful, he will attract heroes from Chu to attack.

But at this moment, Grandpa Zuo stepped forward.

"This is not a problem of people from Qi and Chu, but a problem of me, Zuo Guangshu and Xiang Bei! Even if Xiang Bei wants to, it can be said to be a problem of my Zuo family and Xiang family!"

Zuo Guangshu took a step forward and stared at him fiercely: "What's your problem?"

In Jiang Wang's eyes, this boy who was still young and shy finally reminded people of his noble status. He even went a step further, staring at the man aggressively: "Are you pointing at me again?"

The man unconsciously trembled his fingers and lowered them down. His face was full of dissatisfaction and resentment, but he didn't dare to point his fingertips at Zuo Guangshu again.

Although he didn't refer to Zuo Guangshu at all, even though Zuo Guangshu himself did it...

How could he have the right to intervene in the issues between the Zuo family and the Xiang family?

He just forced his mouth and said: "This Qi people are too rampant! Young master, even if he is your friend, he shouldn't be in my city of Ying..."

"Han Li!" Xiang Bei in the air had come back to his senses at this moment, and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense! Your skills are inferior to others, what can you say?"

He received the Kaishiji, dissipated the Thieves Swallowing Overlord Body, and fell back to the ground.

The double pupils turned to Jiang Wang, who was standing calmly: "Guanhetai was defeated, and today it was defeated again. The gap failed to narrow, but expanded. I think it's because I, Xiang Bei, have let down time! Before God comes, I should see you avoiding the way. God When the time comes, please give me another battle!"

In the battle just now, his strongest soul power could not be used in front of Jiang Wang at all, which was equivalent to crippling his own arm.

And Jiang Wang, who has achieved Tianfu and erected a star tower, has now crushed him in all aspects.

This crushing posture is far better than when watching the river platform.

In the entire inner palace and outer buildings, he knew that he would no longer be Jiang Wang's opponent.

Only after the achievement of God's Presence, the qualitative change of the soul, and his sky-horizon double-day double pupil can exert the unpredictable power of ghosts and ghosts. Only then did he have the confidence to fight Jiang Wang again.

Whether it was Han Li's blatant accusation, or Zuo Guangshu's step forward, Jiang Wang always smiled peacefully.

Only at this moment, he restrained his smile.

Jiang Wang is not an aggressive person, never has been.

He is even willing to save face for others, no matter what the status of that person is, regardless of high or low.

Xiang Bei said, "Before God comes, I will see you avoid the way."

This is already a huge concession.

It means that he fully approves of the outcome of this battle, and is willing to take the bitter fruit for it.

Who would avoid someone?

The subordinates avoid the superiors, the commoners avoid the nobles, and the servants avoid the masters!

With Xiang Bei's status, the words he said today will definitely spread.

Everyone knows that he looked down at Jiang from now on.

Of course, he took over everything, and Zuo Guangshu's threat to Han Li could no longer be established.

According to Jiang Wang's character, he is willing to smile back and give a step.

But at this moment, he just said: "It's not impossible to give you a chance to fight again, but in the future..."

He pointed to Zuo Guangshu, and said very seriously: "You must maintain the necessary courtesy to my brother. Xiang Bei, although I am strong, I do not want to humiliate you. You must know that those who humiliate others will always humiliate them. Before God comes You don't need to see me avoiding the road, just apologize to my little brother!"

Fighting is not easy to disassemble.

(It's not that it's not easy to disassemble, I'm very good at dismantling... I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable so I don't dismantle it.)

The four thousand characters are today's guaranteed update, and the four thousand characters are an update for the monthly ticket of 20,000 in advance.

I really don't like being in debt!


Thanks to the leader "Dugu Jianxue" for the new alliance rewarded!

Thanks to the book friend "Lv Xiaoshu, master of cheap magic" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 231st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader "Heisei Decade" for the new alliance rewarded!

Thank you book friend "Jiang Wuyou" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 232nd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Light Ink Rushang," for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 233rd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

I can't find who the 234th League is! sorry! O, O please turn yourself in.

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