Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1412 Showing off your face is spring (adding 24,000 monthly tickets)

In front of Huangliangtai, everyone was silent.

With Xiang Bei's arrogant and brave character, will he apologize?

After the battle, he was crushed without any suspense, and bowed his head in the face of Jiang Wang, which was a bow to the strong and an acknowledgment of the result of defeat. In essence, it is still a "fist is the truth" attitude.

But when it comes to fists, Xiang Bei is stronger than Zuo Guangshu now.

Would he be willing to apologize to Zuo Guangshu?

If he refused, what would Jiang Wang's "not wanting to humiliate others" turn into?

Just thinking about it makes me feel nervous.

"This matter is my fault." Han Li took the initiative to stand up: "I wish..."

Xiang Bei reached out to stop him.

The Xiang family has no tradition of holding others accountable.

"Today, I, Xiang Bei, was rude, Mr. Zuo!"

This man, who was still taller and stronger than all the people present even though the Swallowing Thief's body was gone, saluted Zuo Guangshu and expressed his apology.

Then turn around and leave.

His friends also left behind him.

Whether it was Han Li or others, no matter whether they were angry or worried, after Xiang Bei made his statement, they all acquiesced in his decision—from this, we can probably get a glimpse of Xiang Bei's leadership.

His will can be carried out by those around him. According to Chongxuan Chuliang once casually said to Chongxuan Sheng, this is the basis of general talent.

A strong man like Xiang Bei, who is good at military skills, cannot judge the future based on his personal combat power alone, just like Li Longchuan.

Losing to Jiang Wang repeatedly in the duel does not mean that his future is not as good as Jiang Wang.

For warrior monks, it is not uncommon for a large army to jump over the ranks to kill people.

When Xiang Bei apologized, Zuo Guangshu didn't speak.

Xiang Bei left, but Zuo Guangshu still didn't speak.

When his elder brother Zuo Guanglie was around, he was never challenged. At one time, I thought that the world was so calm and harmonious.

After Zuo Guanglie died in battle, he was slowly getting used to these things - the temptations and challenges from all sides, Xiang Bei's rudeness today is just a microcosm.

As the grandfather of Huai Guogong, he will not use his authority to help him suppress the affairs of these juniors. And he is also very clear that he has to bear something for the current Zuo family...just like his elder brother back then.

After his father died in battle, his elder brother Zuo Guanglie rekindled the flame of the Zuo clan, and he was born like a scorching sun.

On this night when the sun goes out, he must shine his own light.

He has put in a lot of effort for this.

He's dealing with it, and sooner or later he'll fix it.

But sometimes...

Sometimes he would secretly think... what would happen if his brother was still there?

He was a little afraid to look at Jiang Wang.

"It seems that this table of business can't be done." Just at this time, a beautiful female voice said.

As the words fell, Qu Shunhua came out.

Today's her, dressed in fine clothes and light make-up, is both elegant and bright, and she is different from the one who ran into her in the carriage yesterday.

Although the confrontation between Jiang Wang and Xiang Bei was short, it was sensational enough. Of course, she would not fail to notice it.

In fact, when she heard that Xiang Bei was invited to the table set by Han Li, she was going to come out to pick up Zuo Guangshu and Jiang Wang in person.

It's just that I didn't expect to bump into each other so coincidentally, and there was a real conflict, and then it ended so quickly...

After a few steps, I heard that there was a fight on my front foot, and I saw Xiang Bei apologizing to Zuo Guangshu on my back foot.

This Brother Jiang is really...

Wude is abundant.

Seeing the Lord, Jiang, who was full of martial arts, apologized: "I'm really sorry for delaying the business of your store."

"It doesn't matter." Qu Shunhua smiled: "Our Huangliangtai always pays first and then serves. If they don't eat, I don't lose money."

Jiang Wang thought this sister-in-law was really interesting, so he took the long sword back in his hand with a quick move.

A hole was left in place.

Qu Shunhua glanced at it.

Jiang Wang said with some embarrassment: "This, I will pay."

"It's all from my own family, what is Brother Jiang talking about?" Qu Shunhua smiled generously, and said to Zuo Guangshu: "Why don't you invite Brother Jiang in?"

Zuo Guang, who hadn't spoken for a while, woke up like a dream: "Oh, oh!"

Pulling Jiang Wang's sleeves, he walked into Huangliang Terrace.

There is no inscription on the antique wooden gate, and across the threshold, there is a big stone directly opposite.

Only then did Shi Shang see the word "Huangliang".

Words dance like butterflies, giving you the feeling of falling into a dream.

Indescribably smart and chic.

Behind the long strip of boulders is a small pond.

It is not the season for lotus blooming, but there are lotus blooming in the pond.

A pair of teals are paddling the waves, and a few swimming fish swallow the ripples.

On both sides are elegantly constructed corridors, which are built around the pool and extend separately.

Zuo Guangshu walked to the left as soon as he entered the door, and Jiang Wang walked behind, admiring the scenery silently.

Qu Shunhua shook his head, stepped forward and grabbed Zuo Guangshu's hand: "This way!"

Pull him to change direction, go straight to the right.

Zuo Guangshu's face turned red all of a sudden, he struggled a bit, but he didn't break free.

"Didn't I tell you? When you come to Huangliang Terrace in the future, you will use the seats in the yard here. It is reserved for you and only for you. Why are you still walking around?"

"Forget, forget."

"What do you remember?"

Qu Shunhua complained, then thought of Jiang Wanglai again, let go of his hand immediately, turned his head and smiled like a flower: "Brother Jiang, come with us."

"Hey, good." Jiang Wang responded.

Zuo Guangshu stopped for a while, and waited for Jiang Wang to come over and stand side by side with them before continuing to move forward.

The three of them walked side by side in the corridor, although Zuo Guangshu didn't talk much, and even though Qu Shunhua took good care of this "Brother Jiang", he brought up a topic from time to time.

But Lord Jiang still felt very strongly that he was redundant...

Two young people, although there is no private words. But the entanglement of each other's eyes, the collision between walking, and the knowing smile...

Infinite tacit understanding is flowing.

Jiang Wang obviously walked with them, but seemed to be isolated in another world.

Must be an illusion.

How could this illusion arise?

Just now, he was majestic and majestic, overpowering Xiang Bei, the Tianjiao of Chu Kingdom, to stand out for the little brother beside him. How can I be superfluous when I am a dignified Qi Qingyangzi?

I'm the guest of honor today!

"Cough!" Jiang Wang looked left and right, looking for a topic, and said, "Your Huangliang Terrace is such a big place, and you only open three tables a day?"

Zuo Guangshu walked in the middle, and Jiang Wang kept to the left, walking close to the pond. Qu Shunhua kept to the right and walked on the other side.

Her eyes flicked across Zuo Guangshu's face first, and then she explained to Brother Jiang: "There is only one chef in our Huangliang Yimeng, and the rest of the chefs are laymen. We open three tables a day and have already Too busy."

"Besides, pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, fish, vegetables, melons and fruits... all the ingredients are grown and raised by ourselves, and they are all in this Huangliang Terrace. Many environments need to be controlled by magic circles. So don't look at it. The place is big, and there are places where you can sit and eat, but there are only so many places.”

Really long experience.

It's the first time I heard that there is room for the production of ingredients in the restaurant.

This is Chudu!

Is the land price free?

Jiang Wang really wanted to ask how much Daoyuan stones it would cost to eat here, but after thinking about it, he held back.

In case Qu Shunhua answered truthfully, as the eldest brother, should he pay the bill or not?

Eat other people's banquets, don't care about the price, vulgar!

Qu's is not inferior to Zuo's, and he is also a top famous family in Chu, how can he be soaked in vulgarity?

The three of them turned around the corridor, crossed the stone bridge, walked around a vegetable garden, chatted and laughed, and came to a secluded courtyard.

Standing in front of the courtyard was Chu Yuzhi who had been waiting for a long time.

This is a young man with a brave temperament, and his dressing style should be regarded as simple in the Chu country. He only has a military uniform, a waist knife, and his body is so clean that he doesn't even have a jade ornament.

"Brother Jiang!" As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, he took the initiative to greet: "I will never forget the grace on Guanhe Terrace. I heard that Miss Qu said that she and Guangshu are going to have a banquet today, so I have the audacity to bother you. Don't be offended!"

"Your Excellency is so handsome, I think it's Chu Yuzhi?" Jiang Wang warmly replied, "It's a good fortune for Jiang to meet you today, and I have admired your name for a long time!"

"In front of the chieftain of the Yellow River, who dares to name him?" Chu Yuzhi shy away and politely.

The two of them were polite here, you flattered each other, and carried each other's bridal sedan chairs. Finally, there was a little rhythm of normal people's greetings.

Only Zuo Guangshu watched Jiang Wang silently, for fear that whenever he found a reason, he would swing his fist and try Chu Yuzhi's skills.

"Go in and talk." Qu Shunhua said, "How long are we going to talk at the door?"

So everyone laughed and walked into the courtyard together.

There is a tree in the courtyard, and a caged blue bird hangs on the top of the tree.

The bird with green feathers and red crown, who could see strangers, chirped three times softly, as if it was welcoming guests.

Walking along the stone path in the courtyard, you will find a small two-story building.

The structure is simple, but careful details can be seen everywhere.

The tone is frosty, but not indifferent.

"What's the name of this building?" Jiang Wang asked.

Qu Shunhua said softly, "See me."

Zuo Guangshu's eyes were soft and he didn't make a sound.

Jiang Wang was stunned for a moment before he touched the name. Can't help but look up.

There is a couplet in front of the door, engraved on the wooden sign, with clear and clear handwriting, and there is a sense of telling.

Zuo said: Spreading snow as paper, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are painted.

You said: Showing off your face is spring, and the love of your life is this flower.

Hengpi: See words like me.

Jiang Wang was struck by the huge and passionate emotions in this couplet.

This is a courtyard in Huangliang Terrace that belongs to Zuo Guangshu alone. This is a small building specially built for Zuo Guangshu...

See me upstairs.

Want me to come see me.

This floor is me.

This couplet is me.

Every word is my heart.

The romance of the children of Chu is all in this couplet and in this building.

Guangshu, my elder brother accepted this marriage for you.

Hiring, making an appointment, worshiping in church, having a baby, immediately!

Jiang Wang looked at Zuo Guangshu with the affection of an old father.

Seeing Zuo Guangshu was very uncomfortable.

He thought for a while, and took care of his elder brother's face and said via voice transmission: "Which word do you not know?"

Jiang Wang gritted his teeth and walked in.

He really wanted to take out the "The Sword and the Sea" in the storage box, and throw them one by one in front of Zuo Guangshu, so that this kid could see Brother Jiang's knowledge.

But after all, his sister-in-law is still by his side. As Xiao Guangshu's natal family, he has to be graceful, stylish, and able to support the scene.

So a group of people entered the building.

This "See Me Building" has an exquisite layout.

The hall on the first floor is very spacious, without any extra decorations, only murals are painted on the four sides.

The painting is spring, summer, autumn and winter, beautiful mountains and rivers.

Hide the sentence in the couplet "every thousand miles of rivers and mountains are painted".

Jiang Wang looked left and right, and in the romantic and exaggerated brushstrokes, all he saw were enthusiastic expressions.

There is a wooden spiral staircase in the middle of the hall, which leads to the second floor in a graceful manner.

A group of people climbed up the stairs and came to the real dining place in Jianwo Building.

The curtains on all sides are tied up, and the field of vision is very wide.

Looking around at this place, you can almost have a panoramic view of Huangliang Terrace.

There are waves of lotus leaves, numerous fruits, flocks of chickens and ducks...

The breeze comes slowly, without restraint.

"What a great place!" Jiang Wang praised.

In the middle, there is a round table made of Lengxiang wood, and five chairs are placed evenly.

Several people sat down one by one.

Zuo Guangshu sat next to Qu Shunhua, and Jiang Wang sat on the other side of Zuo Guangshu.

"This is the best place in Huangliang Terrace. Guang Shu doesn't go out very often. I often want to come and can't come. Today is because of Brother Jiang's favor!" Chu Yuzhi smiled heartily, and sat on Jiang Wang's right hand .

There were five chairs in total, and only the seat between Chu Yuzhi and Qu Shunhua was vacant. Of course, there was an empty seat for the most beautiful woman in Chu.

It is open on all sides, and it is a round table, so there is no distinction between primary and secondary.

Chu Yuzhi took the initiative to talk, and Jiang Wang was not arrogant.

A group of people sat down, feeling a little happy.

"With Big Brother Jiang's praise, our Huangliang Terrace will become famous even in the Qi Kingdom!" Qu Shunhua said with a smile, and then ordered the waiter who stood beside him: "Let the back kitchen serve the food."

Jiang Wang glanced at the vacant seat, and asked involuntarily, "Isn't there another person?"

"Miss Ye." Qu Shunhua smiled: "I told her the time, but she always likes to be late, and I guess it will be later today."

Based on basic courtesy, Jiang Wang said politely, "Then you might as well wait."

Qu Shunhua waved his hand, signaled the waiter to go down, and said to Jiang Wang: "Brother Jiang, today you are the guest of honor, why should you wait for others? She came late, it was her own business, so I treated her to some leftovers."

Jiang Wang thought to himself, Qu Shunhua and Na Yelan'er had a very good friendship.

But he didn't say anything anymore.

After all, Lord Jiang is not willing to wait for others. Ken said politely, because he was already in Chudi, he put on some demeanor.

It doesn't matter how beautiful you are, eating and drinking, etc., you are quick and slow.

However, a voice was like the wind moving the strings, and it fell comfortably in the ears.

"Who wants to eat leftovers?"

When the voice first started, it was still downstairs, and when it finished, a beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes had already appeared on the second floor.

Too contradictory.

You seem to still be able to hear her footsteps climbing up the stairs, but she has already walked up to you.

Her facial features are so perfect that she was born without any blemishes.

Her beauty is strong and bright, with dazzling brilliance.

Her eyes seemed to have seen you, but also seemed to ignore you, her eyes circled around, and finally landed on Qu Shunhua.

A smile is like spring.

Resentment and resentment: "You are not afraid of smashing the signboard of Huangliang Terrace."





Ps: This couplet with words like mine is a Spring Festival couplet written by myself one year ago. I originally wanted to write a new couplet, but after thinking about it, I spent too much time on a few words, and I probably couldn't repay the debt. I was lazy and misappropriated it. Fortunately, it is still very suitable.

Thanks to the book friend "The Traveler on the Edge" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 234th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the lord Heisei Decade for the new alliance rewarded!

Thank you for the three new alliances who came to reward the leader!

Thanks to all readers for the monthly pass!


The monthly ticket is twenty-two thousand.

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