Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1414 This Body Is Like a Sheath

"Ah! Woo!"

Fang Heling howled meaninglessly, and he didn't know what he was yelling. It's just that there is an emotion that has nowhere to vent, urging him to growl.

Like a trapped animal, like a wounded dog.

He's a wounded dog in a cage, but he's going crazy, he's screaming, he's fighting.

His strongest strength is suppressed in his body, and his ineffective swordsmanship is limited to the skin.

But the cold light between the fingers is already in the hand.

He jumped high.

He still has a dagger, a fist, and teeth...

He doesn't have nothing.

The painful heart is getting more and more painful.

The blood-red eyes became more and more blood-red.


He yelled almost frantically, but not a single syllable.

The world is blood red.

And himself, pale as a bone.

I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!

His anger and hatred were burning at such a high frequency.

However, a hand reached out, hung in front of his eyebrows, and stopped him.

It was like an eagle catching a chick.

He even saw the process.

The man raised his right hand so calmly, then raised his palm, facing him. It was a coincidence that the palm hovered between his eyebrows.

At this moment, Fang Heling realized that he could no longer move.

The hand hanging between his brows seemed to take over his body and freeze his fate.

His whole body was frozen in mid-air in a swooping posture.

Like a hung kite.

And that person looked up at him.

These are a pair of gentle, indifferent, distant and mysterious eyes.

Fang Heling felt inexplicably, as if he had been penetrated to the depths of his soul.

But he clearly remembered that Zhang Linchuan's eyes were not like this.

Before putting on the bone mask, Zhang Linchuan's eyes were a little arrogant and alienated, which perfectly fit the image of a Taoist genius from three surnames. After putting on the bone mask, there is only indifference.

He thought the latter was the real Zhang Linchuan.

It's not heartless, it's heartless at all.

Nothing but what you want.

Then why did it become like this?

Fang Heling was thinking hard, and in the endless pain, he was silently operating his supernatural powers.

"Your heart seems to increase my pain."

The man who restrained him as soon as he raised his hand still looked at him like that, and his tone seemed to sigh: "But there is really no room for it to increase."

Fang Heling's heart was shocked!

It's not just that his secret actions are detected.

What's more, the supernatural power of hate that I worked so hard to mobilize didn't even make a ripple!


What is "the pain in my heart has no room to increase"?

"You who killed your whole family with your own hands, are you in pain?" Fang Heling stared fiercely at the other party and asked in a hissing voice.

If he could, he would have bitten this man's throat and drank all his blood!

And to his surprise——

The gentle, indifferent, distant and mysterious eyes of the person in front of him unexpectedly rippled for a moment.

He actually saw a flash of sadness in this person's eyes!

Zhang Linchuan... Could Zhang Linchuan be sad too?

"I remember……"

In amazement, Fang Heling heard the person in front of him say: "You are from the Fang family."

Fang Heling was stunned.

Would Zhang Linchuan be so unfamiliar with himself?


Because before Zhang Linchuan put on the white bone mask, the two had met many times. I had unilaterally shown my favor countless times, and Zhang Linchuan at that time was always getting along not far or near.

No matter how much you look down on yourself, you won't forget yourself.

So, will Zhang Linchuan deliberately show unfamiliarity to humiliate himself?

Certainly not.

Because I... have no right to be humiliated by him.

"You're not Zhang Linchuan!" Fang Heling's blood-red eyes recovered a bit of clarity: "Who are you?"

Then he heard the man in front of him who looked exactly like Zhang Linchuan say softly, "You can call me Wang Nianxiang."

The other party said Fang's family.

Except for the old people in Fenglin City, no one would care about a shitty Fang family in Fenglin City. Even Maplewood City is just bullshit.

So Fang Heling was sure that the person opposite should also be from Fenglin City.


Wang Nianxiang?

He only knew one Wang Changxiang, who was an excellent disciple of Fenglin City Taoist Academy, and later entered the County Taoist Academy.

He tried his best to curry favor with Zhang Linchuan, but he was not familiar with Wang Changxiang, because Wang Changxiang was always immersed in cultivation and doing tasks, and he had few opportunities to get in touch with.

He probably only knew that Wang Changxiang had an older brother who was a waste who couldn't practice. In the Wang clan, he lives reclusively and rarely shows up. Other than that there isn't much to know.

That person, if I remember correctly, is called Wang Changji...

Who is Wang Nianxiang?

As if seeing through his doubts, the person in front of him continued: "I am Wang Changxiang's elder brother."

Wang Changxiang's brother...


Fang Heling never went to Zhuangguo, nor did he look for the old people in Fenglin City, so he didn't know what happened to Wang Changxiang in the end.

Before today, he always felt that Wang Changxiang should still be living the life he had longed for in the Taoist Academy of Qinghe County. Go up step by step, become a strong man admired by everyone, be a master... Of course, looking at it now, it's all just working for that son-of-a-bitch family.

But no matter what happened to Wang Changxiang, how did that useless Wang Changji who couldn't cultivate become so powerful? How did it become what it is now?

"What's your relationship with Zhang Linchuan...?" Fang Heling asked.

"He took my body, and then I took his body." The man now named Wang Nianxiang said in a flat tone.

But this simple sentence brought out so many undercurrents hidden in it.

How could Zhang Linchuan, a trash who can't cultivate, have his body taken away by Zhang Linchuan, and how could he turn around and take away Zhang Linchuan's body!

Fang Heling could completely imagine how thrilling the scene where this person and Zhang Linchuan fought each other for their physical bodies should be!

But the more frightening news for him was that in the fight between Zhang Linchuan and Wang Changji, it seemed that Zhang Linchuan was the one who took the initiative.

Wang Changji, who was already so powerful and terrifying enough to make him despair, was taken away by Zhang Linchuan... How can Zhang Linchuan be so strong?

What he remembered was Zhang Linchuan, the Bone Messenger who was raging in the disaster of Fenglin City back then, and he was the ruthless man in the Inner Palace who was good at thunder.

He knew that with Zhang Linchuan's talent, after that carefully planned conspiracy, he would definitely make great progress.

But he thought that he could get closer by working so hard!

Fang Heling's body was still hanging in the air, but he had almost ignored it. Just with some unspeakable emotions, he asked eagerly: "Then do you know what strength Zhang Linchuan is now?"

He heard his own voice, very dry.

Because he had already seen the answer.

Feel it too.

Regarding his difficulties and bitterness, Wang Changji only said in a low voice: "I see that you are also pursuing Wushengjiao... Wushengjiao was founded by him alone, what strength do you think he is now?"

Fang Heling is now able to understand what kind of power a cult of Wushengjiao's scale can gather and what kind of power it needs to support.

He always thought that the Wusheng Cult was probably the Tao of Bones with a different face.

Zhang Linchuan probably climbed to a higher position in Wushengjiao than before...

Unexpectedly, Zhang Linchuan turned out to be the pope of the Wusheng sect, who is the leader of the god, the leader of the Tao, and the leader of the leader.

The worst result has become a reality!

Since Wushengjiao was founded by Zhang Linchuan himself, Zhang Linchuan's strength is already immeasurable.

Especially the word "also" in Wang Changji's words.

Stronger than Wang Changji, he is also chasing the Wusheng Cult. They used to fight each other for physical bodies, and the Fenglin city was destroyed. There must be blood feuds. But Wang Changji didn't directly call to find Zhang Linchuan.

What does this mean?

The subtext of Wang Changji's words is clearly saying——

"The gap between you and the real Zhang Linchuan is bigger than the gap between you and me."

The answer is so bare, so naked.

But it was too cruel.

"I see." Fang Heling said.

For the first time, there was surprise in Wang Nianxiang's eyes.

He seemed surprised that Fang Heling, who seemed extremely fragile to him, could be so calm at this moment.

As an ordinary person, he stays with a group of monsters every day, especially when he gradually becomes a monster himself. Fang Heling's will was actually on the verge of collapse. Constantly insane, constantly tearing, constantly self-hypnotizing.

Such Fang Heling, even if he becomes stronger, is just a paper tiger. Not to mention that he is far from being strong enough.

Wang Changji saw through his fragile nature at a glance.

Therefore, he was a little surprised at the calmness he showed at this moment.

But it's not enough to be surprised.

He didn't say anything, but slowly withdrew the palm hovering in front of Fang Heling's eyebrows.

But in Fang Heling's perception...

Everything is going backwards.

His body leaps back.

His body and soul are still boiling, and he has returned to before boiling.

His eyes were blood red, and the dagger rested between his fingers.

The part of the soul, bone, flesh, and blood that he thought had been separated before actually stopped before the separation, and did not reach the step of separation at all.

Everything was like a dream, as if nothing had happened.

He just turned around and saw Wang Changji who took away Zhang Linchuan's body!

Shocked, I don't know what to say!

Those indifferent and deep eyes looked over: "You don't have much power to consume, are you sure you want to waste it like this?"

Had I been restrained before the disabled sword technique was activated?

Fang Heling fell into overwhelmed self-doubt, but also subconsciously followed the advice and dispelled the broken swordsmanship.

"Just now……"

He wanted to ask what happened just now, but he only opened his mouth and was cut off.

"Now is not the time to talk." Wang Changji said.

This moment.

Behind Fang Heling was a tall pine tree, and a member of the Wusheng Cult was hanging from the pine tree, dying in a miserable state.

Wang Changji, who was dressed in ordinary clothes but looked good and had a special temperament, stopped opposite him, keeping a reasonable distance.

Then he took a step.

With just one step forward, he had already reached Fang Heling's side.

He grabbed his arm casually.

One more step, already dragging him to jump off the high cliff.

It's not that Fang Heling didn't think about dodging, but he couldn't find a way to dodge at all.

Exhausting all his imagination and strength, he didn't know how to avoid it.

The hand that grabbed his arm seemed to have taken root in him, and the roots were deeply embedded in his flesh and blood, making it impossible for him to get rid of.

So in this way, with his back turned, he fell down the high cliff.

There was the sound of the wind in his ears, and from this angle, he could still see the heart-crushed member of the Wusheng Cult who was hung from the tree by him.

At that moment, he almost thought that the other party was going to throw him to death just like that.

But the falling stopped.

Wang Changji pulled him, and directly crashed into the cliff sideways.

The expected scene of crushing stones did not happen, and the cliff naturally separated into a hole, which was just enough for two people to hide.

Wang Changji let go of his hand.

The feeling of being tightly restrained disappeared.

Relieved, Fang Heling was about to ask, when Wang Nianxiang glanced at him.

He inexplicably understood the meaning of this look——

do not speak.

So he shut his mouth tightly.

Almost in the next instant, he heard the roar of crashing through the sky!

The terrifying aura was vented everywhere, and an unknown strongman descended on Gaoya!

Fang Heling's heart immediately rose to his throat.

Because the sound of the strong man coming, clearly stopped near the strong pine on the cliff.

In other words, the comer is likely to be a strong person in the Lifeless Cult.

If it wasn't for Wang Changji's sudden appearance today, he would have already fallen into the opponent's hands!

And now...

Can they simply jump off the high cliff and create a hole in the cliff, can they deceive the strong man with such terrifying speed?

Don't even have to seal the hole?

Fang Heling almost wanted to release Taoism by himself and build a wall of earth to make their hiding place more like that. But after all, he dared not make any noise.

They just stood here so simply, and they didn't see Wang Changji perform any secret technique... Will they really not be discovered?

What made Fang Heling feel grateful but somewhat suspicious of life was——

The answer to the question came quickly.

The roar belonging to the Wusheng Cult expert exploded again, and it was far away in a moment.

From the beginning to the end, the unknown strongman of the Wusheng Cult didn't pay the slightest attention to the bottom of the cliff.

With such a small distance, it was really hidden!

How did you do it?

Fang Heling didn't believe that the unknown strongman of Wusheng Cult would be so negligent.

He looked at Wang Changji, which means, can I speak?

This man who wasted Kaimai Pill and was regarded as waste in Fenglin City for a long time, his eyes are still indifferent at this moment.

It seemed that nothing could catch his attention, and nothing could make him care.

Fang Heling then asked, "Who was it just now?"

"The former Second Elder of the Bone Path, now the Protector of the Wushengjiao. Lu Yan." Wang Changji replied casually, and then said: "The more troublesome thing is that he has now become a god. A man born with dark eyes Those who are strong in God's presence will be very difficult to deal with."

He said trouble, but Fang Heling didn't see any troublesome expression on his face.

"If he has already arrived. Then you..."

Fang Heling shouldn't have asked such a question.

It's not like he hasn't come into contact with the god-bound monks. He is no stranger to the coercion swept by his spiritual sense. The performance of the golden body and chalcedony during the battle is also very clear... Wang Changji doesn't have these.

But what Wang Changji brought to him was a sense of oppression that he had never felt in a monk below the divine presence. It is far better than a terrifying demon like Zheng Fei and Li Shouyan!

"I'm not here." Wang Changji said lightly, "However, Lu Yan relies too much on the dark eye, which is precisely his perception barrier."

How dare you hide under the eyes of a strong man before God comes, just dig a hole in the cliff, and then stand majestically?

Even if Lu Yan flies down and scans with the naked eye, it is impossible to miss the two of them!

What kind of strong man can calmly evaluate the innate dark eyes of a cultivator of God's presence, and use them swaggeringly?

Isn't the calm-faced man in front of him really a hidden real person?

Fang Heling felt that her perception of the world was being subverted.

He admits that he is a waste, but can the gap between people really be so big?

"Although you said that you have not achieved God, but I think you can kill him." Fang Heling said hesitantly.

Wang Changji shook his head: "Essence is insurmountable. Unless I can condense my spiritual consciousness in advance... But that is already a step of God's arrival."

These words denied the possibility of him killing Lu Yan by leapfrogging.

But in a tone of stating the established facts, he expressed his confidence in facing Lu Yan. As long as you condense your spiritual knowledge, you can do it...

Lu Yan is not an ordinary God's presence expert, but a God's presence with dark eyes.

People with innate supernatural powers are often stronger than fellow monks.

Is Wang Changxiang's elder brother more talented than Wang Changxiang?

No, compared to Wang Changji's performance today, how could Wang Changxiang back then deserve the title of "genius"?

What Fang Heling had to admit was that among the people he knew, perhaps only Jiang Wang and that Zhang Linchuan could compare to this talent.

Unfortunately, he himself is not qualified to participate in the comparison at all.

He moved his throat subconsciously, and said dryly, "Why did you save me?"

At this time, he certainly understood that he might have stepped into the trap of the Wusheng Sect today. But Wang Changji suddenly appeared and saved Lu Yan under his nose.

but why?

What does Wang Changji want?

After his father died, he never believed that there would be anyone in this world who would give him unconditional kindness.

Everything has a price.

Can Wang Changji bear the price he wants?

Fang Heling pondered silently.

But Wang Changji had already turned around and walked out, stepping on the air like walking on flat ground.

Just leave the voice behind: "It's just convenient."

Looking at his back without hesitation, Fang Heling suddenly blurted out: "Help me!"

But that figure didn't stop, Gu Zi walked down the cliff.

Fang Heling jumped down the cliff immediately, and shouted behind him: "No, it's not helping me. It's giving me a chance so that I can help you more!"

"You came to save me on purpose, you must hope that I can bring more trouble to Wushengjiao?"

"I am willing! As long as you can help me become stronger, I am willing to pay any price. Wushengjiao is an organization that I must eradicate, and Zhang Linchuan is an enemy I hate to the bone!"

Wang Changji's figure stopped.

He turned his head and looked at Fang Heling with his gentle but distant eyes: "That bait was originally used to catch me. So I saved you, it was really just a matter of convenience."

Fang Heling did not give up: "Since I have been saved, why don't you expect me to play more roles?"

Wang Changji's expression has always been extremely calm, whether it was in the first confrontation or when he was avoiding Lu Yan later. This made him and the world seem to be always separated by something.

Including when he looked at Fang Heling at this time, it was the same.

There was neither expectation nor pity, just saying: "Why do you think that you can help me?"

"I'm a trash, I admit it." Fang Heling said: "Compared to you geniuses, I'm a complete trash."

He looked at Wang Changji firmly: "But my desire to kill Zhang Linchuan is stronger than yours."

Wang Changji's calmness seemed indifferent and even cold at this moment, but he obviously didn't care about Fang Heling's mood, and just said in his own tone: "People like Zhang Linchuan are not someone you can kill if you really want to. Maybe There are miracles in this world, but I have never seen them."

"Even if I bite off a piece of his flesh? Even if I rub off a piece of his skin? Even if I just delay his breath. Wasting his eyes?"

Fang Heling's eyes had faded from the blood red at this time, but there was still an almost cruel vigor: "I am willing to give everything I can, as long as it can show a little effect in the process of killing him!"

Wang Changji did feel his determination.

He looked at him seriously: "The person who gave you that sword skill should be very strong. Why not let him help you?"

"He won't help me."

Fang Heling shook his head bitterly: "Except for Yanzi, he doesn't care about anyone's life or death.

Everyone in the organization is like his toys, which can be replaced at any time.

If I want to get something, I have to give something, but I have already paid all I can give.

I can do any dangerous mission in exchange for the reward he bestows. But he often loses his memory, and sometimes he doesn't know what to do, so he doesn't always have tasks.

My speed of becoming stronger has slowed down, I can't slow down any longer..."

Sometimes Fang Heling didn't know whether it was luck or greater misfortune that he was picked up by Yanzi and brought back to the Valley of No Return.

Of course, he obtained a much stronger ability than in Fenglin City.

But look at him--

The mediocre Dao veins that were discarded and rebuilt, the vicious supernatural powers that were forcibly transplanted, the ruthless swordsmanship that injures oneself and then injures others...

Even his body has been "adjusted" by Yan Chunhui time and time again as a price.

He is no longer a human being, and a ghost is not a ghost.

He has seen Yanzi shed tears in the mirror.

Although he couldn't cry himself, he also felt the feeling of loathing his own body.

Wang Changji turned around and continued walking down.

Fang Heling wanted to fight for it again, but he really didn't know what else he could fight for.

He was a little lost, and really didn't know how to cross the chasm.

It seems that no matter how you jump, you are in the mud.

No matter how hard you struggle, there is no light.

"Follow me for the time being." Wang Changji's voice came from ahead: "After I understand your current state, I'll see if I can do something for you... Is your time convenient?"

"Convenience! Convenience!" Fang Heling quickly followed.

Although there is no thirty-two thousand monthly pass, there will always be some.

It's okay if you don't.

These four days are so long, hurry up.

O, O first like this~

Tomorrow's guarantee will be issued at noon tomorrow.

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