Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1415 Rising Dragon Banquet, Gentleman's Theory

Some people spend their whole lives trying to get what they want and what they want, and it is impossible.

Some people move forward firmly and have already learned to walk calmly in the wind and rain.

In a sense, Wang Changji and Jiang Wang have similar attitudes towards fate.

Wang Changji does not believe in miracles in the world, because the miracle he was expecting did not happen in Fenglin City.

And Jiang Wang believes that he can do all the things he wants to do, no matter how impossible it seems.

They don't depend on others.

See me upstairs.

After a "Jade Dragon" was used, another waiter came up to the second floor, holding a food plate with five wooden cylinders on it, which seemed to be hidden in the clouds.

Before he approached the round table, one person was assigned to the five people sitting.

After eating "Jade Dragon", Lord Jiang has already respected this banquet.

He carefully looked at the wooden cylinder in front of him, and studied the beautiful carvings on the cylinder—it was a picture of a fish leaping over a dragon gate.

"The second dish of this feast is called 'Dragon Gate'."

The maid in charge opened the whole cylinder, and Jiang Wang saw that on the wooden base carved into the shape of a lotus, stood a small gold and red gatehouse with an ancient shape.

The hot air is curling up, fluttering like a fairy.

There is also a faint, refreshing fragrance, mischievously winding around the nose.

The cloth maid introduced: "This pastry is made with Yulong's fish marrow and fish roe as the main ingredients."

She handed over the ivory chopsticks: "My lord, please use it."

Jiang Wang took the chopsticks, lifted the lid of this exquisite dragon gate, and put it in his mouth with a sense of recklessness.

It is obviously a pastry that can be carved into a dragon gate. It should be a little hard, but it melted the moment it entered.

In the cool, goat's milk-like smooth taste, he tasted a kind of small, warm particles, which exploded one by one on the tip of his tongue.

This explosion is extremely gentle, like massaging your tongue.

In an instant, the sweet fragrance overflowed.

The wonderful taste occupies all the feelings at this moment.

Make people feel satisfied.

It is Yuyuelongmen, famous all over the world.

It's been ten years of sharpening the sword, and the frost is shining everywhere.

After that momentary feeling disappeared, Jiang Wang actually had the urge to draw his sword and dance.

What a dragon gate!

Jiang Wang tasted the taste, moved his chopsticks quickly, and was not restrained because of so many people present.

Eat happily, eat comfortably.

Although not as elegant and calm as Zuo Guangshu, but he has a casual chic.

After he quickly finished his portion of pastries, he gave Zuo Guangshu a kind look.

Zuo Guangshu used to eat with his left hand, now he was eating Longmen Cake with a jade spoon.

Calmly raising his right hand, his arm was placed across the table.

In an instant, a high wall was built between myself and my good brother...

Jiang Wang expressed regret for the trust between people.

Out of respect for this delicious meal, Jiang Wang remained silent.

He silently waited for the other four to finish eating, waited for the waiter to come and take away the five dishes, and went downstairs again.

A new dish is up.

The new waiter upstairs was holding a large golden tray, shining like a wash, and there was a miniature palace on the tray!

Jiang Wang thought, it might be another kind of pastry.

And the waiter who served the food put this large golden tray on the round table, and immediately let everyone present see the ingenuity.

This palace is complicated and exquisite.

All the pavilions and pavilions are true.

The gods will be fairies. Everything is agile.

There is even more immortal energy curling up, flowing around the palace.

Jiang Wang subconsciously thought of Yunding Fairy Palace over the Sea of ​​Wufu, but shook his head secretly...

Where is that ruin?

The maid serving in charge introduced: "The third dish of this banquet is called 'Shenting'. It is said that the real dragon resides in the Shenting and rules all directions."

Jiang Wang looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw that these gods and fairies had dragon horns on their foreheads.

Thinking in my heart, I have to ask the old dragon of Senhai to see if their dragon clan really had such a pomp before they retreated to the sea.

Then I heard the maid smiling and saying: "Everyone, please take a sniff of this fragrance."

Jiang Wang sniffed lightly, and immediately felt a sense of peace of mind.

The maid in charge said: "This is the food incense for soothing the nerves, and it is used before dividing the divine court."

As she spoke, she took a table knife, dropped it at the center of the court, moved her wrist lightly, and divided the knife five times. Divide this "Divine Court" into five equal parts.

Then put one of them on the Ru kiln porcelain plate in front of Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang was about to move his chopsticks.

The waiter's maid is far away with her dining knife.

The "Divine Court" in front of Jiang Wang actually ignited.

The golden flames jumping on the porcelain plate did not bring much heat to people, but the entire "divine court" was melting, and the pavilions, halls, gods, generals and fairies disappeared one by one.

Jiang Wang felt that his heart seemed to melt.

Looking at the "Divine Court" in front of several other people, golden flames were also ignited. Only then could he be sure that the maid who served him was not trying to ruin his food.

As the golden flames jumped, this "divine court" became smaller and smaller, and finally melted into a golden sauce, covering the porcelain plate.

And in the middle of the golden sauce, stood a bright red round fruit.

The "Shenting" was split by sharp blades and burned by flames.

And in the flames, a red fruit was born!

Bucai's maid brought the jade spoon and said softly, "Young master, please use it."

Jiang Wang scooped up this round red fruit with a jade spoon, and couldn't help asking, "What kind of fruit is this?"

The cloth maid smiled and said, "I'll explain after the young master finishes eating."

Jiang Wang stopped talking and put the round fruit into his mouth.

With one bite, my heart stopped.

What is the taste?

At this moment, Jiang Wang couldn't taste it.

He only felt that his soul was boiling, his brain was slightly drunk, and his eyes were full of colors and splendor.

He couldn't help laughing, couldn't stop being happy.

He wanted to sing a song, but felt that it was Meng Lang. But if it weren't for Meng Lang, how would he relieve this happiness?

The wonderful feeling wandered in my mind for a long time before slowly dissipating.

Jiang Wang, who was gradually sober, finally understood why before dividing the divine court, he had to smell the aroma of the food that soothes the nerves...otherwise the spirit would jump out of the body!

Only then did the maid in charge explain softly: "This is a fruit made from jade keel powder, and the entire Shenting is used as nourishment, and only these five are grown."

No diners at the table spoke, and everyone was immersed in that wonderful feeling.

Although the heart is clear, there is still an almost infinite aftertaste in the bottom of my heart.

Jiang Wang never thought that he could feel such a feeling after eating, but it really happened.

The waiter who served the dishes took away the five porcelain plates covered with sauce, and also the jade bowls and ivory chopsticks, leaving only the extremely exquisite phoenix-patterned luminous cup.

The maids of Bucai opened the hidden compartments in the four pillars.

One made a pot of tea, and the other lit a burner of incense, which were placed on the east and west windowsills.

Not long after, a waiter came up with a small stove in his left hand and a dragon swallowing wine pot in his right.

Come close, first give a salute.

Then put the small stove in the middle of the round table, put the Tunlong wine pot on the stand, tap lightly, and light the small stove.

Not long after, the wine in the jug rang.

Gululu, Gululu, very gently, making the listener's heart very peaceful.

Then the aroma of the wine slowly soaked out.

The wind blows wisps of tea and stove incense, which makes the wine more transparent.

Everyone didn't speak, they were still silently enjoying the aftertaste of the fruit of the gods.

Maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe two quarters of an hour.

The maid serving in charge lifted the Tunlong wine pot on the stove and poured a glass of wine for Jiang Wang.

The rest of the cloth maids did the same.

"Young master, please use this cup, this is the end of today's banquet." She greeted like this.

Jiang Wang raised his glass and drank it down in that leisurely joy.

This wine... doesn't seem to have much taste.

As soon as this thought came into my mind, all the feelings from the banquet just now came flooding back.

Satisfied, intoxicated, happy...

Jiang Wang felt in a trance that he was an dragon fish, going upstream and fighting against the sky. After untold hardships, I finally found the Dragon Gate, made a leap, and became a real dragon!

Then enter the Lord's Court, enjoy all the glory, and be admired by all.

Finally woke up suddenly, it was a big dream.

In an instant, the smoke dissipated, and the eyes were clear.

There are some regrets.

The main maid explained at the right time: "This glass of wine is called Xingmeng. It is brewed from jade dragon marrow. This spring only made two pots, and this is one of them."

"It's true that I woke up from a dream!" Jiang Wang sighed.

The Jade Dragon, Longmen, Shenting, and Xingmeng are really wonderful and delicious in the world.

Jiang Wang is not someone who has never enjoyed it. With his current status, the basic necessities of life in Linzi must not be far behind.

I have had meals in Changle Palace, and Mr. Yan has invited you to a banquet. What are the four famous restaurants, the exquisite delicacies, and almost all the things that should be visited and tasted.

But today at Huangliang Terrace, just three dishes and a glass of wine is already the first delicacy that Jiang Wang has enjoyed in his life, surpassing everything else.

What a dream, a dream that has lasted for thousands of years!

There is only one glass of wine, and after everyone drinks, the waiter will remove the small stove and wine jug.

The five maids also took away the empty cups, bowed slightly, and went downstairs.

Only the five people who had already used the banquet were left, still enjoying the breeze blowing in all directions.

Although waking up from the big dream, the aftertaste is endless.

"Brother Jiang, how are you?" Qu Shunhua asked the host and guest.

"It's really the best taste in the world!" Jiang Wang was full of praise: "Aside from seeing Guangshu, this is the happiest thing I have come to Chu this time."

He really didn't lie, because of this delicious meal today, he had a real feeling of "happiness".

He even gave birth to some Taoist inspirations from this, about the tongue prison of the five senses hell...

How can one construct a truly persuasive hell of a tongue without tasting the best flavors in the world?

Qu Shunhua laughed and said: "If you can get Brother Jiang's words, this table will not be in vain!"

This table of rising dragon banquet is really a dream of rising dragon. After waking up from the dream, everyone is different.

Jiang Wang has long been famous all over the world, but he woke up earlier than others.

Ye Lan'er said angrily at the side: "The banquets I ate in the past are all for nothing?"

Qu Shunhua laughed and said, "Is it a waste of time? You have to ask yourself. How can it work if you only eat dinner and don't work?"

"Yes, I knew you had no good intentions. Why do you have to pay off the debt even if you have a banquet now!" Ye Lan'er turned her beautiful eyes slightly, looked at her and said, "Tell me, Miss Qu, what are your orders?"

Qu Shunhua looked at her, and only smiled softly: "I'll tell you later."

Zuo Guangshu remained silent, while Chu Yuzhi said with emotion: "Today's table seems to be more delicious than before, and I can't tell it in a daze. I've got Brother Jiang's glory!"

Jiang Wang hurriedly said: "I'm embarrassed to hear this. It's all Miss Qu's wish, but I just put my name on it."

"Brother Jiang, I sincerely treat you to a banquet. You are the host and guest!" Qu Shunhua said angrily, "How can you say that you are just using your name?"

She turned her head and asked Zuo Guangshu, "Do you think so?"

"You're right." Zuo Guang replied.

"Okay, I made a slip of the tongue, and I apologize to the two of you." Jiang Wang took the initiative to apologize, and then said: "This meal is not something an ordinary chef can make..."

He thought about it carefully, and asked, "Which adult may I ask?"

"The sages of Confucianism have a saying that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen. This saying is widely spread because of its compassion."

Qu Shunhua smiled, looked at Jiang Wang and said, "Speaking of which, there are many people who have eaten at Huangliang Terrace, and there are also many people who are curious about the chef, but very few people think about some important person. Brother Jiang, how did you guess?" Arrived?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and said very seriously: "If you are hungry, you will eat, and if you are cold, you will wear clothes. The law of nature is also true. The food is fine, and the clothes are beautiful. The desire is also. The heart of compassion is what people should have. The heart of beauty , everyone has it. The heart of fullness, everyone must have it.

The heart of compassion is the heart of the benevolent, but how can it be added to the natural desire?

The sages said that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but it is just for a while, and it is not the law of all ages to listen to one person.

I think there are many gentlemen in the kitchen! "

Although he doesn't have much time to devote to cooking, his love for cooking has not least not now.

So the cooking itself is taken very seriously.

What it said is - "Among the cooks, there are many gentlemen."

What I was thinking was—"I, Jiang Qingyang, am too!"

Ye Lan'er, who heard these words, finally regained some of her feelings.

Cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep is unbearable, and it is naturally sympathetic. But cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep itself is to fill the stomach, which is even more natural.

Both actually make sense.

When Jiang Wang objected, he just put forward his own views rationally and calmly, and did not derogate the words of the sages in order to attract people's attention. For someone like him who became famous at a young age, this kind of restraint is quite rare.

"Brother Jiang's words are very kind, if the family ancestors hear it, maybe they will gain a confidant!" Qu Shunhua laughed.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present except Zuo Guangshu was shocked.

Qu Shunhua's grandfather...

Duke Yu Qu Jin Kui!

Is the majestic Duke Yu the chef behind Huang Liang Terrace?

"You..." Ye Lan'er looked at Qu Shunhua with feigned anger: "You have been hiding it from me for a long time!"

Of course she knew that the head chef of Huangliangtai must be very human, but she never thought of Duke Yu.

After all, it is really difficult to connect the dignified prince of a country with the identity of the chef of Huangliangtai.

Chu Yuzhi said repeatedly: "No wonder, no wonder! If you compare your practice with the way of cooking, today's banquet is the best. How could it be the Duke of Yu! Unexpectedly, I am so lucky!"

Qu Shunhua cupped his hands and begged for mercy: "The family ancestors don't want people to know, so as not to disturb too many people. Therefore, please listen to it and don't spread it. This is our Huangliangtai's secret. If Brother Jiang didn't click here, I really don't know how to speak."

"I didn't expect Duke Yu to be so elegant in his daily affairs." Jiang Wang was filled with emotion.

Especially when I think that I am actually very interested in cooking, but I am too busy practicing and have no time to ponder it carefully. It is quite embarrassing, what a pity!

Otherwise, it may not be impossible to learn from Yu Guogong.

Qu Shunhua said: "In fact, the old man only cooks one table a month with his own hands, and this table is generally not open to outsiders. The rest of the time, dozens of chefs in my Huangliangtai cook according to the recipe he left. Every step can't be done. If you make a mistake, you can only have three seats a day and get five points of its flavor."

She smiled generously: "I specially chose today to have a banquet with Big Brother Jiang, because my family ancestor is free today, so he will be in charge of the cooking in person!

I also want to know that the table made by Duke Yu himself will make many princes and nobles who know about Da Chu flock to it.

The value is simply incalculable.

The reason why Qu Shunhua treated him like this was of course because of Zuo Guangshu.

Jiang Wang was very moved: "Miss Qu has a heart!"

"Sister Qu's family said that Grandpa Qu may have a confidant with Brother Jiang. I think it's very possible!" Zuo Guangshu said at this time: "My grandfather and Brother Jiang had a very happy conversation. The chat yesterday For a few hours, I don't know what to talk about. Maybe Brother Jiang is just to attract the elderly. If Grandpa Qu is free, sister may wish to introduce him."

The Duke's time is so precious, we can talk for several hours, which cannot be explained by politeness, which makes Chu Yuzhi's eyes look more respectful.

What surprised him even more was that a person like Zuo Guangshu would take the initiative to pave the way for others, thinking that Duke Yu would meet Jiang Wang.

This Jiang Wang is the Lord of Qi. If he is from Chu, he will start from this point on.

How did Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu get along with each other?

It is said that they met in the illusory realm.

In addition to practicing martial arts and learning from each other, is the illusory realm still a place to expand contacts?

Chu Yuzhi, who was originally insensitive to the illusion of emptiness and felt that life and death were not truly invincible, now became somewhat interested.

"Okay." Qu Shunhua responded to Zuo Guangshu with a smile, and then said to Jiang Wang: "Brother Jiang is also a gentleman in cooking."

Jiang Wang smiled reservedly: "There are so many cooking gentlemen in the world! As far as I know, His Royal Highness the Prince of Qi is also good at cooking."

But after those words came out, his heart suddenly moved——

Should the strength of Daqi Prince Jiang Wuhua be re-examined?

Since those who are obsessed with cooking can have a top figure like Yu Guogong.

So Jiang Wuhua, who is also obsessed with the way of cooking, will it be more than that?

Qu Shunhua said with a smile: "If you have the opportunity, you must try Brother Jiang's skills."

Jiang Wang smiled confidently: "You and Guangshu are a family, and there will be many opportunities in the future."

"Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies." Ye Lan'er said in a rambling voice, "Using Tao to the world, its ghosts are not gods; it's not because ghosts are not gods, its gods don't hurt people; it's not because its gods don't hurt people, neither are sages." People. Husbands and wives do not harm each other, so virtues reciprocate."

Jiang Wang's eyes moved, and what Ye Lan'er recited was the original sentence from Daluoshan's Tao Te Ching.

Although Fenglin City Daoist Academy belongs to the Yujing Mountain lineage, he also read it when he was in the Daoist Academy in his early years. I know that this paragraph is about governance by doing nothing, and the world will be peaceful.

But he didn't talk to him.

It was Chu Yuzhi who said, "Ms. Ye originally admired Daoism?"

Although it is in the Chu state, this is not a theory of punishment.

The schools of practice in the world all start from Taoism.

There are many catechumens, and there is no need to involve political positions at all.

"Who doesn't want to take a look at the place where the Tao begins?" Ye Lan'er changed the topic back: "I just want to say that as long as you have the Tao in your heart, everything is cultivation. Governing the country is as important as cooking."

She smiled softly: "Where is there no way of a gentleman? But less gentleman's ears!"

Ye Lan'er's words seemed to imply something.

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "In the eyes of Miss Ye, how many gentlemen are there among the young people in Chu?"

The term "junzi" in Confucianism refers to a person who has reached a certain level of moral cultivation and spiritual realm.

But when they talked about it during the banquet today, they were referring to people who are extraordinary and refined.

Both Qu Shunhua and Chu Yuzhi probably felt that Jiang Wang was deliberately looking for a conversation with the number one beauty in Dachu.

Only Zuo Guangshu took a look at Jiang Wang, knowing that Big Brother Jiang had already entered the "combat readiness state" and began to investigate the opponent.

A gentleman among the young people of Chu State...

Aren't they all competitors in the mountain and sea realm?

Ye Lan'er's smile is very charming, and she is also very good at laughing.

Hearing the sound, he just smiled: "Every flower is in every eye, it's hard to say."

Turning to look at Chu Yuzhi: "Young Master Chu, what do you think?"

She, the number one beauty in Great Chu, is naturally not good at commenting on young heroes, otherwise she will inevitably be jealous.

Chu Yuzhi didn't have any scruples, he pondered for a while when he heard the words, and then said: "Xiang's pupils are heavy, brave and strong, can he be called a gentleman?"

These words clearly praised Xiang Bei and secretly praised Jiang Wang.

Who here didn't know about the confrontation in front of the Huangliang stage just now?

Ye Lan'er nodded and said, "Yes."

Chu Yuzhi said again: "Wu's family, Wuling, soldiers and Confucianists joined together, formed a family of their own, can you be called a gentleman?"

Ye Lan'er smiled: "Yes."

Chu Yuzhi continued: "Xiangu Zhongliyan, who lost to Dou Zhao in his early years, abandoned his martial arts in anger, and practiced martial arts by himself, now his spine is 20 times thicker, can he be called a gentleman?"

It was the first time Jiang Wang had heard of the name Zhong Liyan, and the twenty-one heavens of martial arts can be compared to the presence of a god. The state of Chu is the most skilled in the world, and Zhong Liyan abandoned his skills to practice martial arts, which is really courageous. In particular, he can reach the twentieth heaven so quickly, and his cultivation level is catching up with Dou Zhao, of course he is the arrogance of heaven.

Ye Lan'er smiled and said, "Zhong Liyan is a gentleman."

Chu Yuzhi paused, then suddenly spread his hands and smiled, "Can Dou Zhao be called a gentleman?"

When he mentioned everyone before, he had to briefly introduce them.

Only when it comes to Dou Zhao, only one name is mentioned.

But all the people present clapped their hands and sighed: "This is a true gentleman!"

Dou Zhao, Zhong Liyan, Wu Ling...

It seems that these three are the biggest competitors in the mountains and seas.

As for the others...

It may be disrespectful to say so, but it is true——

Xiang Bei is the number one in Chu's domestic government, and the people under Xiang Bei naturally don't need to pay too much attention to it.

Including Chu Yuzhi who is speaking now.

As for Qu Shunhua, she is now the younger sister-in-law identified by Lord Jiang, and is not on the list of opponents.

It's just that I don't know who these people will invite to help.

Will there be someone familiar?

Thanks to the leader "I love learning qaz" for rewarding another new alliance!

Thanks to the book friend "Falling Flowers and Residual Wine" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 240th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "xianzhea" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 241st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "King of the King" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 242nd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the leader "After Tomorrow"!

Thank you book friend "Mao Siwen" for making two alliances in a row and becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 243rd Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!



Four Thousand Words is today's base update.

Two thousand words are 34,000 plus more for the monthly ticket.

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