Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1416 ? Nine Chapters of Jade Bi (add more for all readers!)

Chapter 1416 Nine Chapters of Jade Bi (add more for all readers!)

The pot of tea that had been brewed on the window sill was just right at this time.

Chu Yuzhi went to pick it up, and casually flipped five teacups, all of which were half full. With a twist of his hand, the five cups of tea lightly landed in the right place.

Today's seat.

Zuo Guangshu spoke very little.

As the host, Qu Shunhua entertained very warmly, and Jiang Wang, as the host and guest, also cooperated very well.

On the other hand, Chu Yuzhi acted quite sincerely, neither hiding his affection for Ye Lan'er, nor stinging praises to Jiang Wang.

However, his expression is very measured, neither threatening nor overly flattering, and always maintains a distance that will not be offensive.

As for Ye Laner...

Jiang Wang didn't quite understand, nor was he curious.

Perhaps after he also achieved God's Landing, he would become curious about Ye Lan'er—curious about her strength in God's Landing.

While the few people were chatting, Qu Shunhua suddenly asked again: "I heard from Guang Shu that Big Brother Jiang asked if the banquet here can be packed?"

Jiang Wang felt embarrassed.

First, I mentioned it to Zuo Guangshu casually, but I just habitually stocked food for An'an.

This will know that today's banquet was hosted by Duke Yu, how could he have the nerve to say "package"?

What made him even more indignant was that he had come to Huangliang Terrace at the same time as Zuo Guangshu, and he had never left his sight. When did this kid tell Qu Shunhua?

Why don't you say anything?

"I asked Guangshu so much before, because I was a little ignorant and didn't know where Huangliang Terrace is." Jiang Wang was a little embarrassed, but said sincerely: "I still want to bring some friends to try something new!"

"No problem, leave this to me." Qu Shunhua smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, when will you leave Chu, and when will I help you prepare."

Jiang Wang deliberately refused. If he were himself, he would definitely not want to be favored by others for nothing.

But thinking of the beauty of today's seat...

How can An An not be able to taste the beauty in this world?

When the words came to his lips, it became: "Then I will be disrespectful."

"Brother Jiang doesn't treat me as an outsider, that's my good fortune." Qu Shunhua smiled, and asked again: "Anyway, I'm going to have a table. How many servings does Brother Jiang want?"

How many servings can there be?

Jiang Wang was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Two people, two people!"

Then he thought, after all, Ling Xiao Pavilion is the site of a certain real person surnamed Ye, and he still needs to take care of face, otherwise, will they meet again next time, and they will look up and down again?

As soon as I thought about it, I said: "It's still three people."

Immediately afterwards, he thought, that senior A Chou, the Zhenzong divine beast, didn't know what kind of temper he had, so he should give him face after all. The so-called don't worry about the few but the unevenness, if you invite the pavilion master and don't invite the Zhenzong beast, will it make him angry? What if An An is tripped up?

So he said: "For four people. Yes, four people."

He counted one at a time like this, so that people who are not familiar with him will inevitably feel that he is greedy and greedy.

Qu Shunhua felt that this Brother Jiang was really kind-hearted, straightforward and cute, and smiled softly: "That's still five servings. I guess Brother Jiang forgot to count himself."

What a girl!

It matches Guangshu so well!

Impressed, Jiang Wang stood up directly: "What should I say? Good sister-in-law, I'll offer you a toast with tea instead of wine!"

"Brother Jiang, don't call me that, we haven't reached that point yet." Qu Shunhua refused with shame on his face, but he stood up and toasted.

He also stretched out his hand and pushed Zuo Guangshu: "Brother Jiang got up, can you still sit?"

Zuo Guangshu's ears were red, but he still held the teacup and stood up.

This scene is very similar to the newlyweds offering tea to their elders.

Jiang Wang strikes while the iron is hot: "You call me sister-in-law, I'm sure! I don't recognize anyone except you!"

Of course Ye Lan'er knew what Qu Shunhua was thinking, and she smiled when she heard the words: "I can hear that!"

Chu Yuzhi laughed even more and said, "I shall witness this statement!"

It's a banquet, see the guests and hosts in my building have a good time.



It didn't take much time to actually eat, but it took a few hours to chat after the meal and drink a few jugs of wine.

Jiang Wang talked about his travels around the world, Qu Shunhua talked about the legends of Chu, everyone laughed and laughed, and left the table.

As the carriage drove away from Huangliang Terrace, it seemed to take away the eager atmosphere.

In the carriage, Jiang Wang held Zuo Guangshu's hand and was drunk, "Guangshu, listen to my brother's advice. This Shunhua is a good girl, don't let her go."

Zuo Guangshu twitched his hand in disgust, but failed to twitch: "Isn't it just a meal? Why is this! Let go of your hand first."

"What are you talking about! Is Brother Wei the one who covets a meal? Of course, the banquet at Huangliang Terrace is really good..." Jiang Wang tightened his grip: "But Brother Wei has seen the quality of Shunhua ! She's fine! Very nice!"

Zuo Guangshu backed away from Spitstar: "Of course I know she's fine."

"Understood, and then?" Jiang Wang sighed very worriedly: "Guangshu, we should marry her earlier!"

Zuo Guangshu was silent for a moment, and said: "How can you get married if you haven't accomplished your career?"

Jiang Wang rolled his eyes, very dissatisfied: "You two princes, the top dignitaries of Dachu, what achievements do you want?"

Zuo Guangshu said in a muffled voice: "That is the work of the Zuo family, not mine."

"Guangshu." Jiang Wang was just threatening, but changed to Huairou, and said sincerely: "I am a brother for your own good. Life is long and short. Such a good girl, the pursuer is like a crucian carp crossing the river." , I don’t know how many people in the world are thinking about it! If you don’t take good care of it now, I’m afraid you will regret it later!”

"I made sure of it." Zuo Guang said unconvinced: "Every time she comes back to look for me, I will accompany her. I often go to look for her when I have time. Whenever I go, I never forget her gift."

Jiang Wang choked for a moment, and said again: "I'm talking about certainty! Do you understand the certainty?"

He looked sideways, and said old-fashionedly: "Young people nowadays are uncertain. The world is changing rapidly, and there are many people who break up after being engaged. How can we say that we are unswerving? To really get married, you have to be married." Only when the status of husband and wife is confirmed, can it be regarded as sure. Do you understand?"

Zuo Guangshu thought for a while and asked, "Do you understand it very well?"

Lord Jiang was momentarily at a loss for words.

"Unlucky boy!" He shook Zuo Guangshu's hand: "If you don't listen to elder brother's advice, you will be at a disadvantage. Just wait and regret it!"

"I didn't refuse to listen." Zuo Guangshu felt aggrieved, "But I'm only sixteen years old, am I going to get married at sixteen?"

Lord Jiang snorted, "Sixteen is not too early. You don't have to be young to be ambitious, do you understand?"

"Brother Jiang, how old are you?" Zuo Guangshu asked.

The carriage drove down the long street.

Sauvignon Blanc sings in the sheath.

After three breaths, Jiang Wang decided to completely forget about this topic.

"Speaking of..." He was completely out of drunkenness at this moment, and thought about it: "Just now Qu Shunhua said that he was going to see Zen Master Yue... Do you know who it is?"

Brother Jiang didn't mention the matter of getting married immediately, Zuo Guangshu was also happy and relaxed, and said casually: "Yuetian slave, elder sister of the Qu family invited to help Quanshanhaijing."

Yue Tian slave? This name is strange...

"How is this person's strength?" Jiang Wang asked seriously: "Do you know what you are good at and what you are not good at?"

"The strength should not be bad, the outer building is at the peak..." Zuo Guangshu paused at this point, and asked with some doubts: "What do you want to do?"

"Analyze your opponent." Jiang Wang took it for granted, "Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle!"

Zuo Guangshu was stunned.

Who are these people?

Just now he urged me to get married with Qu Shunhua, how come we are rivals again in a blink of an eye?

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Wang stretched out his hand and shook in front of Zuo Guangshu: "Isn't this not married yet? Then there are still two families. In the mountains and seas, let's compete fairly! Tell me, what is the origin of Yue Tiannu that day?" ?”

Zuo Guangshu was stunned for a moment, but he still said obediently: "It's a disciple of Xiyue Nunnery."

"Xiyue Temple?"

"Dazong from the Northern Territory, the friendship that the Qu family formed in the early years. Does Brother Jiang understand?"

"Oh, not very familiar."

"This school is relatively mysterious and not deeply involved in the world. So relatively speaking, the reputation is not that prominent, but the foundation is there, and it will not be weak..." Zuo Guangshu explained, and then persuaded: "Brother Jiang, don't go Try others' skills."

"Well, since you said so."

Zuo Guangshu nodded happily, then was taken aback again.

Eh, so easy to talk this time?

"Tell me about other people! I am fighting Xiang Bei today, and everyone who should know must already know." Jiang Wang asked: "Who are the people who participated in the Mountain Sea Realm this time?"

"You already know each other." Zuo Guangshu said.

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "Dou Zhao, Zhong Liyan, Wu Ling, Xiang Bei, you, Qu Shunhua, Chu Yuzhi?"

Zuo Guangshu nodded.

"There are only seven admission places in the Mountain Sea Realm?"

"The opportunity to enter the mountain and sea realm is obtained by relying on the nine chapters jade bi. This time there are seven of us." Zuo Guangshu said, took out a snow-white jade bi with phoenix pattern from his arms, and handed it to Jiang Wang: "Everyone who has The people of Nine Chapters Jade Bi, besides themselves, can also bring someone into the Mountain and Sea Realm, which is what we call a boxer."

Jiang Wang took the jade bi and looked at it in the carriage.

This piece of jade is about the size of a palm, the whole body is shiny and flawless, and the corners are engraved with phoenix patterns. There is a faint power wandering in it, which makes it have a sense of agility. But if you look closely, you don't know where the power is.

"Isn't it called Jiuzhang Yubi? Why are there only seven places?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

"There were nine chapters at first, but two chapters were lost later." Zuo Guangshu explained, stretched out his hand to lift it, and opened the sunroof of the carriage: "Use the sunlight to illuminate it, and then read it."

Jiang Wang then put this piece of jade in the sunlight, and when he brought it back, words appeared on the jade. It was a poem, engraved in Chu characters with curlicue style, and the title of the piece was "Ode to Orange". ".

The text says——

"Empress Jiashu, the tangerine is delicious.

If you are ordered not to move, you will be born in the southern country.

It's hard to move if it's deep, and it's more ambitious.

The green leaves are so lush, so gratifying..."

All the text books in the world are born for telling the truth. Practitioners who have seen Taoist characters will not be too slow to learn the characters of various countries. Jiang Wang, who has memorized "The History of the Knife Chiseling the Sea", is not unfamiliar with the Chu characters that are used in the southern regions.

This poem is fresh, elegant and unique, and it is a masterpiece wherever it is placed.

But Lord Jiang has no ability to appreciate poetry, he just thinks...

Anyway, better than Xu Xianggan's masterpiece.

That's all.

"Which two chapters are you missing?" Jiang Wang asked curiously.

""Sorrowful Ying" and "Sad Returning Wind"."

""Sorrowful Ying"?" The title aroused Jiang Wang's interest.

Ying is the capital of Chu, the city of kings, what is there to mourn?

"It is a mourning poem written by the sages after Yingdu was conquered in history." Zuo Guangshu said, and couldn't help reciting: "Birds fly back to their hometown, and foxes must die when they die."

Jiang Wang hadn't read the history of Chu's attack. But this poem is understandable.

Birds fly thousands of miles and eventually return to their hometown. When a fox dies, he always faces the hill where he was born.

Who can not miss their homeland?

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

Zuo Guangshu glanced at him secretly, and asked, "Do you know how to enter the mountain and sea realm?"

Jiang Wang calmed down his emotions for a moment, and asked with a smile: "How to enter?"

"I told you, there are many aspects of the Illusory Realm that we borrowed from Chu, including the way of entering the Illusory Realm!" Zuo Guangshu said: "We will directly enter the Mountain Sea Realm through the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi. Is it very similar to entering the illusory realm through the moon key?"

"So..." Jiang Wang asked: "Is the mountain and sea realm also a place where spirits and souls appear?"

"That's not true." Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "The mountain and sea realm is entered by the body, spirit and soul together."

Jiang Wang smiled: "At this point, it is the same as many secret realms."

Zuo Guangshu also laughed. Just from the similar way of entering the Illusory Realm, it is not very tenable to say that the Illusory Realm is a mountain and sea realm for reference.

"No matter where you are, can you use the Nine Chapters Jade Bi to enter when the Mountain and Sea Realm opens?" Jiang Wang asked.

"It should be so." Zuo Guangshu said: "In history, there were people who lived in seclusion in the Yong Kingdom to avoid disasters, and also participated in that mountain and sea environment with the Nine Chapters Jade Bi. So theoretically, I will take this jade bi to the Qi Kingdom to find you , can also participate in the mountain and sea environment."

Jiang Wang smiled: "It's the nine-chapter jade bi that may not be kept."

Zuo Guangshu also smiled: "That's the truth!"

Jiang Wang thought for a while, and then said: "So, the mountain and sea realm is also spread throughout the entire world like the illusionary realm?"

"It may still be different." Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "But what is the specific difference, we probably have to go in to find out. After all, it is only in recent years that everyone has started to openly talk about the illusory realm. In the past, no one compared it with mountains and seas. The environment has been compared."

"What's the death rate in the mountains and seas?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head: "It's almost impossible to die."

Jiang Wangqi said: "The body, spirit and soul enter it together, how can there be no death?"

"There are rules in the Mountain Sea Realm, and those who are 'killed' will be eliminated." Zuo Guangshu said: "But although they won't really die, the original soul will be cut off by 30%."

"Who cut it off?" Jiang Wang asked sensitively.

"It's the rules of the mountain and sea realm. Anyway, everyone who dies in the mountain and sea realm will have their soul source injured, no more, no less, 30%."

For practitioners, 30% of the source of the soul is cut off, which is also a very serious loss, and it will directly affect the road to the gods.

But compared to the risk of death in battle, this result is undoubtedly much more acceptable...

Jiang Wang calmly analyzed: "If it is really the body, spirit and soul that entered the mountain and sea realm together, then there must be a way to completely kill the opponent and make it too late for the rules of the mountain and sea realm to protect the dead. Otherwise, you wouldn't say 'almost', It almost means that someone really died in the mountains and seas, right?"

"..." Zuo Guangshu was stunned: "Jiang, Brother Jiang, who do you want to kill?"




Ps: 1, "Ode to Orange", "Sorrowful Ying", and "Sorrowful Return Wind" are all chapters in "Nine Chapters" written by Qu Yuan.

I borrowed it as the key to the mountain and sea realm.

2. I am very satisfied.

In four days, everyone rewarded more than forty alliances.

A lot of readers come to the starting point to make up for it.

I can say that Chixin readers support the world of "Chixin Sky Survey" more than readers of all other books.

Take a look at the monthly list, it's only been four days, and the fan value of the 99th place has already reached 14,000.

Even with 10,000 fans, they won't be able to enter the top 100 at the beginning of the month!

Take a look at the book review section and see how many people are active.

What can I say?

These 4,000 words are added for all genuine readers who support this book.

It does not count as a monthly ticket, nor does it count as a debt repayment.

My battle is over.

Thank you everyone.

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the lord "Liang Jiu, a little fan in the cloud"!

Thanks to the leader "Mushroom Mashed Potatoes" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thank you book friend "Chi Xianxian" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 244th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!



Tomorrow's update time will be changed to 8pm...

Can everyone understand?

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