Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1417 I see heroes in the world

"It's just an analysis of a possibility. Among the competitors you mentioned, I don't particularly want to kill anyone." Jiang Wang said with a disappointed smile: "Do I seem to like killing people so much?"

It looks quite delicate and gentle... But you still say you don't like trouble! Zuo Guangshu thought so in his heart.

He looked at Big Brother Jiang anxiously, and persuaded in a good voice: "These people all have extraordinary backgrounds. Even Chu Yuzhi relies on the military. No matter who we kill, it will be difficult for us to do good."

"Isn't the Duke of Huai's government in peace?" Jiang Wang asked.

"..." Brother Jiang became more serious as he spoke, Zuo Guangshu panicked a little, and the milk voice that had been deliberately suppressed all the time jumped out: "Then his background is not bad..."

"What if no one finds out? What if no one knows that we killed it? When the mountain and sea realm is over, they can't go into the mountain and sea realm to track it down?" Jiang Wang asked one after another.

It's still spring, so I don't know why it's already so hot.

Or maybe the cabin was too stuffy.

Zuo Guangshu wiped his sweat and said, "Brother Wang, everyone participating in the Mountain Sea Realm is all for the secret left by Lord Huang Weizhen. Do you have to kill someone for fun?"

Jiang Wang glanced at him: "This is called exploring the rules. I need to know how far we can go, so that when we are really faced with a choice, we don't have to waste time. At that time, maybe it's not just time wasted you understand?"

Zuo Guangshu nodded as if he understood.

Although he has always been very diligent, he has also suffered a lot in places such as Shanhai Purgatory, but after all, he has never had a real life-and-death confrontation.

Because this generation of Zuo's direct line, he is the only one left.

Neither his grandfather, Duke Huai, nor his mother, Princess Yuyun, would allow him to risk his life.

Things like Zuo Guanglie's going to the wilderness trial alone in the past will never happen again with Zuo Guangshu.

In fact, he doesn't need to compete for resources, so he doesn't know what kind of things can happen between people in order to practice resources...

And Jiang Wang knew it deeply.

Although everyone who participated in the Mountain Sea Realm this time seems to have everything they need. But who can pat his chest and say that he doesn't lack what Huang Weizhen left behind? Who can guarantee that the head will not be broken?

Not to mention the possibility of real death in battle, even the possibility of cutting off 30% of the source of the soul, Jiang Wang will wipe it out.

After entering the Mountain Sea Realm, he would really regard anyone other than Zuo Guangshu as an opponent.

Qu Shunhua may also be an exception.

The person Qu Shunhua invited to help him is not good.

Having said that, the carriage has already returned to the Duke Huai Mansion.

Jiang Wang handed the Nine Chapters Jade Bi back to Zuo Guangshu: "Put it away first."

The two got out of the carriage and walked side by side.

"Don't put too much pressure." Walking in the Duke's mansion, Jiang Wang patted Zuo Guangshu on the shoulder: "I'm here to help you win what you want, and for this we have to remove all obstacles. Time is a necessary means, but my purpose is not to kill people. In principle, if someone does not want to kill you or me, I will not take the initiative to kill you. You can rest assured about this."

Zuo Guangshu nodded obediently: "Yes!"

"Go ahead and talk about your opponents." Jiang Wang said as he walked, "Who did they hire to help them punch? It can't be that everyone knows me, but my eyes are black, right?"

With Jiang Wang's guarantee, Zuo Guangshu relaxed a lot, and he laughed: "Let's talk about the one you are most interested in first."


"Xiang Bei's helper is Tai Yin from Xia Guo Tai Clan."

"The one whose forehead was smashed by Chong Xuanzun at Guanhe Terrace?"

Zuo Guangshu nodded vigorously.

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows.

Well, Zuo Guangshu was right, this is indeed a candidate he would be interested in.

but also...

It seems that there is a possibility of murder.

Will Tianjiao of Qi let Tianjiao of Xia go?

In other words, would Xia Guotianjiao believe that Qi Guotianjiao would let Xia Guotianjiao go?

The arrogance of two hostile countries is outside the territory of both countries, in places such as mountains and seas that cannot be covered by the laws of the world, and where it is easy to destroy corpses...

This is almost an unsolvable problem.

Of course, "almost" no one will die in the mountain and sea environment, which is probably good news for Tai Yin.

And the not so good news is—maybe Tai Yin thinks so too.

After all, although Jiang Wang is very famous, he has only stepped into the outer building not long ago.

He Taiyin was born in a famous family, he is also a genius, and he has been honed in the outer building for a longer time. Before the real fight, how can you feel that you are inferior?

Seeing Brother Jiang's expression became a little weird.

Zuo Guangshu also realized the problem in an instant - because of the conflict between Qixia and Xia, what Jiang Wang said to him just now "the purpose is not to kill people" has become unreliable again!

"If you insist on killing that Tai Yin, you'd better let Xiang Bei go..." It took him a long time to say this.

Others may think that Jiang Wang is now facing Tai Yin, and the outcome is still unknown.

But in Zuo Guangshu's heart, with Brother Jiang Wang's current strength, that Tai Yin has no chance. Probably the only question is, in the event of a conflict, whether the rules of the mountains and seas can save Tai Yin's life.

As for Xiang Bei, the gap between him and Jiang Wang was already evident in front of the Huangliang stage.

"Oh?" Jiang Wang knew that his aggressive image in this little brother's heart would probably be difficult to reverse, so he simply gave up on himself and asked instead, "If you can completely destroy the traces, don't you want to kill that Xiang Bei?"

"His life and death have nothing to do with me." Zuo Guangshu shook his head, and said seriously: "I just don't want you to take risks. It's fine if you kill Taiyin, but if someone finds out that you killed Xiang Bei, it will be very difficult for my grandfather." keep you."

"Speaking of which, is this Xiang Bei targeting you on purpose?" Of course Jiang Wang sensed Zuo Guangshu's relationship, but frowned and said, "I remember you told me before that during the competition for places in the Yellow River Conference , he seems to have a bad attitude towards you."

"It was indeed aimed at me on purpose."

"Because of what?"

Jiang Wang really didn't understand.

Because judging from Xiang Bei's various performances, although he is a bit arrogant, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to chase after and hit hard, and he doesn't have a brain at all.

He already won against Zuo Guangshu once when he was competing for the spot in the Yellow River Conference, so is it necessary to step on it while passing by?

How can there be any benefit in offending Huaiguo government like this?

At this time, the two had walked into Zuo Guangshu's yard side by side, and sat down in the gazebo.

Zuo Guangshu was silent for a while, and finally said: "Because of the battle in the river valley."

"In that battle, the real king Xiang Longxiang was in command of the Chu army. My elder brother Zuo Guanglie was in charge of Chimin and served under Xiang Longxiang's command."

"My father has already died in the Qin-Chu War. My elder brother is a world-renowned arrogance, and he is also the hope of revitalizing Zuo's prestige. No matter who is the commander-in-chief, he should not put my elder brother in danger. Not to mention that Mr. Xiang and I, Mr. Zuo, have been friends for many years. But Xiang Longxiang just sent my brother to the most dangerous place..."

Zuo Guangshu's eyes drooped slightly: "Xiang Longxiang is to blame for Hegu's disastrous defeat. Because he died in the battle, the emperor did not pursue the Xiang family. But some things would not have happened if the emperor did not pursue them... I won't tell you what the death of a true monarch means to the Xiang family, but you also understand."

"The Xiang family can't sit in the seat they used to sit in. They can't take the things they took in the past. They can't take the benefits they took in the past. They can't take them now. There are too many forces that will pull them..."

"Many people in the Xiang family think that my grandfather is suppressing their Xiang family, so they have resentment towards my Zuo family."

"Did Duke Huai do this?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Of course not! My son from Zuo's family went to the battlefield, and he was conscious of life and death. Xiang Longxiang used his soldiers and ordered his generals. No matter who died, he didn't need to be responsible to anyone. What the Xiang family is now responsible for is only his Xiang Longxiang. The responsibility for Long Xiang's defeat is nothing more than that. My grandfather has already expressed his position that my brother died in battle, and he does not blame anyone. The battlefield is like this. Every soldier has his parents and family members. No one can die, and no one deserves to die."

Zuo Guangshu paused at this point: "Grandfather didn't suppress the Xiang family, but he didn't speak for the Xiang family either."

No matter how Duke Huai understood the cruelty of war, it was impossible for him to have no complaints about the death of his eldest grandson.

Especially with Chi Yan's elite level and Zuo Guanglie's peerless posture, even in the situation of He Gu's disastrous defeat, he should be able to save his life...

But Xiang Longxiang put him to death.

It is really impossible for the Zuo family to help the Xiang family under such circumstances.

Not suppressing the Xiang family is the measure of Duke Huai of Great Chu.

It is a grandfather's grief not to help the Xiang family.

"But there are some things, only you know whether you have done it or not." Jiang Wang said with deep emotion: "If others think you have done it, it is useless for you to explain it. As long as a person has an opinion, no one can convince him. "

Anyone who has been wronged should know the unspeakable feeling.

Obviously you didn't do anything, but others spoke with certainty.

Repeat the lie several times, and passers-by will listen to it one ear and the other, and they will regard it as the truth.

The so-called accumulation destroys bones, and everyone speaks to make money, that's exactly what it is.

If it wasn't for Jiang Wang's belief in Zuo Guangshu and his own contact with Duke Huai, he would probably feel that the Zuo family was really suppressing the Xiang family because of Zuo Guanglie's death.

Because it's too "reasonable".

How could the Zuo family not hate the Xiang family to the bone when a peerless arrogance like Zuo Guanglie died in battle?

Duke Huai is so powerful, since he has the power to "revenge", how could he not take advantage of the opportunity to act?

People can take it for granted to analyze everything and come to the so-called "reasonable" conclusions, except that they don't consider Duke Huai himself.

Because the vast majority of people will not have that kind of measure.

People don't believe in what they can't do, what they don't have.

Over time, even the Xiang family believed it.

Otherwise, their true king died in battle and devoted himself to the country. Even if you are guilty, you will be redeemed. Why do the government and the opposition have so many hands trying to drag them into the quagmire?

Isn't this someone manipulating behind the scenes?

Of course, Duke Huai may not care about these voices.

But it's impossible for the Xiang family not to care, and it's impossible for Xiang Bei not to care.

This is where the contradiction between him and Zuo Guangshu lies.

Zuo Guangshu said: "In fact, although Xiang Bei is arrogant, he was not so arrogant before.

It's just that with such an appearance now, the Xiang family's powerful illusion is maintained.

After all, when Xiang Longxiang died in battle, he specially left the halberd to him, making him the heir of the Xiang family.

If he can't show an attitude of overpowering his peers, it won't be enough to make people fear the future of the Xiang family when the true king of the family falls.

I don't think he really believed that my grandfather suppressed their Xiang family, but he was not from a direct descendant. With Xiang Longxiang's remaining prestige, he was able to become the heir of the family. He had to consider the will of the Xiang clan. "

Jiang Wang looked surprised,

Zuo Guangshu was shy. Shy and immature, he often makes him unconsciously treat Zuo Guangshu as a child.

But in fact, this boy is already sixteen years old.

He was a young man who grew up in the most powerful family in Chu State and received the best education since he was a child.

After Zuo Guanglie died in battle, he was raised as the heir of the family.

He can actually see things very clearly.

Jiang Wang looked at him, expecting what else this little brother could say.

Zuo Guangshu said flatly: "I don't hate him, but I won't tolerate him either.

Now I am not as skilled as others, so I deserve to be humiliated. When I overtake him, I will also step on him once when passing him, relying on my own strength.

However, I really had no intention of killing him.

His life and death have nothing to do with me, his future depends on his own creation.

The relationship between the Zuo family and the Xiang family had already been severed in Hegu.

Xiang Bei and I have no relationship at all. "

"It should be so!" Jiang Wang nodded to express his satisfaction, and said: "Talk about the others, Tai Yin and Xiang Bei have nothing to worry about during this trip to the mountains and seas."

Zuo Guangshu also continued: "Chu Yu's request to help the boxing talent is Xiao Shu from Dan Country."

Jiang Wang had an impression of Xiao Shu, his performance was pretty impressive, after all he defeated Tune Min, but in that battle, Touch Min strategically gave up, so he didn't see too much.

Later, in the 16-to-8 match in the Neifu field, he was defeated by Qin Zhizhen.

Such a helper cannot be considered weak.

After all, the Tianjiao who can participate in the Yellow River Meeting is already the top Tianjiao in all countries.

But in front of Jiang Wang, the leader of the Yellow River, Xiao Shu, who didn't even make it to the quarterfinals, really wasn't a threat.

Jiang Wang didn't speak, but only indicated with his eyes——


"The assistant boxing master invited by Wu Ling is Ge Fei, a foreigner from Yue Kingdom." Zuo Guangshu introduced.

Ge Fei, the first Tianjiao in the foreign building border, was also the top eight in the outer building field of the Yellow River Club, defeated by Wei Guoyan and Shaofei.

Jiang Wang only vaguely remembered a name, and his impression of this person was not as deep as that of Bai Yuxia who was from the domestic border. Gein's other games in the outer court were too exciting, and few people paid attention to the game Ge Fei lost to Wei Guoyan Shaofei.

Those who can enter the top eight of the Yellow River Tournament are already worthy of attention, let alone the top eight in the outer court.

But Jiang Wang just asked: "What else?"

Zuo Guangshu then continued: "The person Zhong Liyan invited to help him is Fan Wushu from Li Kingdom."

This is a character with a lot of stories. Fifteen years of decadence, ten years of practice, soaring into the sky. At the meeting of the Yellow River, he also entered the quarterfinals of Wailouchang, and was defeated by Zhongshan Weisun in the end.

Although Jiang Wang didn't pay attention to that battle, he still had some hearsay impressions about Fan Wushu. Speaking of which, his experience and Zhong Liyan's experience are quite similar, no wonder they can share similar interests and mix together.

But for Jiang Wang, if he were to look at last year's building outside the Yellow River Meeting with his current strength, apart from the Tianjiao of the six overlords, only Yan Shaofei, who had mastered the must-haves, needed attention.

Speaking of which, they are all the pride of the nations, and they are young and handsome people who are among the best in the world.

But up to now, Lord Jiang, who has come step by step to the present, does have the qualifications to look down on his peers.

Because he is the first.

It is the brightest one when the stars of the Yellow River are shining.

After listening to these people introduced by Zuo Guangshu, Lord Jiang laughed loudly, confident and arrogant: "I see heroes in the world, but only a little! Guangshu, I have already said it in the letter before, and now I will say it again in front of you." ——This time, the mountain and sea realm will definitely make you famous!"

Zuo Guangshu said: "There is another Dou Zhao I didn't mention!"

"Who did Dou Zhao invite?" Jiang Wang stopped laughing and asked.

"He didn't invite anyone." Zuo Guangshu looked at his face and said, "What else are you talking about? They are all chickens and dogs. He can't wait to tie one hand. He doesn't need help!"

"Guangshu, when the time comes, let's go together!" Lord Jiang said aggressively.

Thanks to the leader "I love learning qaz" for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend "20171103000755155" for the leader of the reward, it is the 245th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey! (Don't you think about a nickname?)

Thank you Dameng "Half-Drunk Grapefruit" for rewarding Miaoyu's Xinmeng!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "I am the Republic and Brother Hei" for the reward, it is the 246th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Such a Strong Small Universe" for the reward, it is the 247th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Ji Tianming [Pseudo Immortal]" for rewarding the lord, it is the 248th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!



I've been sleeping all day today, waking up.

Normal update will resume tomorrow. At twelve noon, four thousand guaranteed. It will probably last a long time. Hope everyone knows.

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