Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1418 Mountains and seas

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu haven't been outside the palace since the banquet at Huangliang Terrace.

Practice, learn from each other, and adjust every day.

Just want to enter the mountains and seas in the most perfect state.

What makes Jiang Wang happy is that Duke Huai occasionally finds time to give lectures.

From Da Qi Ji Tu to senior Guan Yan, from Yi Xingchen, the court councilor, to Duke Huai of Chu, Jiang Wang, who "eats from a hundred families" in his practice, is very good at taking advantage of this opportunity.

Earlier, in order to complete the foundation, he had asked friends such as Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, and Zuo Guangshu for advice, and there was no problem of not being able to speak.

It's just that with the leap in strength, these friends have gradually been unable to bring much help...

It is more about self-examination through continuous fighting, looking for your own problems to improve.

For Jiang Wang, this kind of day with strong guidance is like a hungry person who is full of food all day long, and he does not know how happy he is.

In such a wonderful time, finally ushered in February 16th, the opening day of the Mountain and Sea Territory.

The two sat opposite each other in Zuo Guangshu's study.

The Huai State Mansion is one of the safest places in the Chu State, so they don't have to worry about what will happen after the end of the Mountain and Sea Territory.

The nine-chapter jade disc engraved with "Ode to Orange" was held in Zuo Guangshu's hands, quietly waiting for the moment when the time came.

"Who did you ask for help?" Jiang Wang asked suddenly.

Zuo Guangshu raised his head: "Why do you ask this?"

"When I think of it, just ask casually."

"He is a proud man in Mugu Academy. He has given enough compensation, so Brother Jiang doesn't have to worry."

"I'm not worried... how much did you give?"

Zuo Guangshu: ...

While speaking, the Nine Chapters Jade Bi in Zuo Guangshu's hand suddenly blazed brightly.

Under Zuo Guangshu's intentional manipulation, this light also enveloped Jiang Wang.

The light formed a circle, just surrounding the two people.

It also extends itself to form a cylindrical beam of light.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu became people in the hood.

It was originally a blazing white light, but suddenly it became colorful. There are countless scenery fragments flowing around him, but it is impossible to see what they are depicting, it seems strange.

Then it disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the study room out of thin air.

The old man, who was also in the Duke's mansion, was sitting in his study, looking up at the window, thoughtful.

In the grotesque beam of light, Zuo Guangshu asked loudly, "Do you know what mountains and seas are?"


Jiang Wang only had time to say two words, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and his ears were already filled with the sound of the tide!


The boundless sea.

The endless blue.

Jiang Wang has seen the sea, his annihilated soul is on Tianyatai, and his reputation has been passed down in the offshore islands.

But the sea I saw in front of my eyes was boundless and vast, endless and far away.

The offshore contrast is cramped.

The sea water is clear and clear, with swimming fish and corals visible, and a rich and colorful underwater world.

The sea is blue, like a boundless mirror.

And God...

Looking up at the sky, the sky is full of haze, like a picture scroll.

Floating mountains one after another, protruding into the haze, looming at the end of the line of sight.

"This is the mountain and the sea!"

Zuo Guangshu's whole body was shrouded in light blue smoke, and he stood floating in the air, with a shock in his voice that couldn't be concealed.

Jiang Wang on the side also activated the Wuyu Yanjia, covering his body with the fiery red smoke armor, which instantly counteracted the terrifying heavy mysterious power in the mountain and sea realm.

Indeed, the mountains and seas are everywhere.

Zuo Guangshu asked: "You once became famous overseas, how is the sea there compared to here?"

"The near sea is not as vast as this place. As for the sea, I haven't been there since the Lost Realm. But the environment should be harsh, so it's not as beautiful as this place." Jiang Wang replied while looking around at the environment.

Zuo Guangshu floated down slowly, with both feet on the sea surface, using the power of the water to quickly grasp the surrounding environment.

Jiang Wang sensed the power here, fine-tuned his muscles, and tried his best to adapt to the rules of the mountain and sea realm as quickly as possible. He said in his mouth: "You said you need to enter the mountain and sea realm to know what you need. Do you know now?"

"It is said that Huang Weizhen left everything about him here. His secret of God's presence, his chapter of Nine Phoenixes, his wealth, his unique knowledge... That's why so many people flock to it."

Zuo Guangshu closed his eyes, and said slowly: "I still don't know what will happen this time...but of course I want the Chapter of Nine Phoenixes the most."

Everyone has their own "truth", which cannot be conveyed in words, cannot be recorded in words, and will not be the same as others. Therefore, even if the Tao of Hole Truth can be preserved, it will not have that great effect on the latecomers. Not to mention the truth of the hole.

As the beginning of the upper three realms, God's Realm is a leap in the essence of life, directly breaking the natural life limit.

The secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence is the most precious practice experience he can leave behind.

Hearing what Zuo Guangshu said, Jiang Wang thought he would look forward to the secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence, but he didn't expect it to be the chapter of Jiufeng.

Can't help saying: "I heard you say the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes earlier, but I don't know what the Chapter of the Nine Phoenixes is."

"This is a practice, a token, or a supernatural power. In other words, it is the key to unlocking the Nine Phoenix Divine Power. I don't know more about it. I only know that the previous practitioner of the practice must have died. , it can reappear in a certain place." Zuo Guangshu explained: "So this supernatural power is unique."

Cultivation techniques, tokens, supernatural powers?

Jiang Wang had never heard of it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and instantly opened the saravaka fairy state.

Zuo Guangshu, who had been relying on He Bo's supernatural powers to investigate the environment, grasped the information faster than him. He reached out his hand and grabbed him, and the two sank directly into the water.

In the sea water, an oval water cover is naturally formed, covering them.

Thanks to Zuo Guangshu's deep understanding of water movement, the water cover is almost integrated with the sea water, and it is difficult to see abnormalities.

The defense is almost non-existent, and the biggest role is to help them integrate into this sea area.

The Wuyuyan armor on the two of them also dissipated immediately. At the beginning, Zuo Guangshu kept saying that the Yuanshi was not bad, and that he had to maintain the Wuyan Armor throughout the whole process, so as to maintain the best condition at all times... Obviously he forgot to consider the situation that needs to be concealed at this moment.

No Yuyan armor is easy to use, but it is easy to use, it is a bit ostentatious.

At the next moment, in Jiang Wang's ears, there was a voice "towards"——

In the fairy state, ten thousand voices come to court, like a minister courting a king.

But this voice seemed to come to rebel and usurp the throne, and Jiang Wang's fairy state of hearing and hearing almost disappeared. He did take the initiative to restrain himself.

It was a cry very similar to that of a mandarin duck.

And there is a terrifying majesty in it, and the strength of the screamer can almost be imagined.

It's definitely not something the current self can handle!

Is it just luck to encounter such a terrifying existence just after entering the mountain and sea realm, or is it that such strange beasts can be seen everywhere in the mountain and sea realm?

Set up a secret realm that cannot be entered above God's presence, and there are such terrifying beasts in it. Isn't Huang Weizhen really murdering?

The terrifying coercion approached quickly, and Jiang Wang looked up through the water cover that merged into the sea.

Then I saw a strange-looking big guy about twenty feet long, with the body of a fish and the wings of a bird, gliding past at low altitude.

Is this a big fish with wings? Or a bird with the body of a big fish?

Jiang Wang couldn't tell the difference, and only sensed from the terrifying sense of oppression that this was at least a strange beast with power at the level of God's presence.

As soon as you enter the mountain and sea realm, you will meet God!

This made Lord Jiang's wild words of sweeping the mountains and seas seem extremely absurd.

At this moment, he could only hide in the water cover made by Zuo Guangshu, and observe the strange beast honestly with him, without making any unnecessary movements.

he sees—

This beast with a fish body and bird wings flew low, and opened its mouth suddenly. The mouth was full of sharp teeth, like knives and guns. And the moment it opened its mouth, the entire nearby sea area was in turmoil.


Swallow everything.

It seems that the entire sea area has been turned upside down, the immeasurable sea water, everything in the sea wrapped in fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish... all rushed into its huge mouth.

The sky is low, the clouds are heavy, and the beast is like swallowing the sea!

You even feel that it is going to drink up this sea in one gulp.

In the entire sea area covered by this terrifying force, a huge funnel appeared... that is actually a torrent!

Of course, the water cover that Zuo Guangshu and Jiang Wang were hiding in was also engulfed in it, and within the range of terrifying suction, there was a feeling that they would be pulled away at any time.

If it got into the belly of this strange beast, what's the deal?

I'm afraid there will be no chance to come out again.

Jiang Wang glanced at Zuo Guangshu, his hand was already on the sword, and he asked Zuo Guangshu with his eyes if he could hold it.

If it doesn't work, the first battle of entering the mountain and sea realm will be on this strange beast.

Although it is definitely impossible to win in battle, Jiang Wang still has a certain degree of confidence in escaping after being harassed. At that time, I will use the secret memory technique to meet up with Zuo Guangshu.

Zuo Guangshu shook his head.

Concentrate on feeling the water, grasping its power.

Using He Bo's supernatural powers, it was difficult to manipulate the water cover of the bodyguard so that it would not be swallowed up with the huge amount of sea water, and would not trigger too much resistance, so that the strange beast would notice them, the two little shrimps.

This kind of precise grasp is the place that consumes the most energy.

The time actually didn't last long, but it seemed extraordinarily long because of the terrifying power of that strange beast.

Even Jiang Wang could see the fine beads of sweat on Zuo Guangshu's forehead...

Fortunately, this time the swallowing finally passed.

The beast with a fish body and bird wings closed its mouth, and the huge blue "funnel" formed by the sea water disappeared.

Then it grinned.


From between its teeth, the sea water shot down, making a terrifying scream, like a javelin! "Seawater javelins" fell into the sea all over the sky, making ripples everywhere in this sea area.

Hit this sea mirror with holes everywhere!

A swimming fish happened to swim above the water cover where the two were hiding, and was directly pierced by a falling "sea javelin"!

The blood mist diffused, obscuring vision.

In the entire sea area, countless lives that "slipped through the net" were hit by destruction at this moment.

They managed to avoid the swallowing of the strange beast, but were killed by the water flow that it spit out casually.

The blue sea is gradually turning red.

Jiang Wang carefully controlled the water element and dispersed the blood mist near the water cover to gain a wide field of vision. Although he is far inferior to Zuo Guangshu in controlling water, it is still no problem to do these small things.

But also at this moment—

Suddenly a "sea javelin" pierced through the water cover, piercing through Zuo Guangshu's right forearm!

Blood, rippling in the water cover.

Anger flashed in Jiang Wang's eyes, but Zuo Guangshu fixed him with his eyes.

"Brother, don't move."

He moved his lips and said with lip shape.

In order to integrate with the environment under the pressure of the strange beast and the turmoil in this sea area.

He has exhausted all his strength, and he can't even tell the rest of the sound transmission.

When the "sea javelin" struck, Jiang Wang ignored it, but he who controlled He Bo's supernatural power, of course he would not miss the trajectory of the "sea javelin" in the sea.

It's not that he can't dodge, but that once he dodges, the natural relationship between the water cover and this sea area will be broken, and the influence of his Hebo supernatural power will no longer be effective, which will inevitably lead to——

The strange beast saw them at a glance!

This strange beast with the body of a fish and the wings of a bird is as powerful as a cultivator in God's Landing.

At this time, they were just eating normally, and did not pay attention to their two small fish.

If it really made a fuss to the point where Jiang Wang had to raise his sword to lure it away, the danger was inevitable.

And he didn't want to.

Jiang Wang was silent.

After a while, another "sea javelin" flew into the water cover.

This time Jiang Wang has already paid 12 points of attention, reopened the fairy state of sound and hearing, raised a finger, and lightly landed on the "sea javelin"—in order not to affect Zuo Guangshu's efforts to integrate into the sea environment, The strength he used was also very small.

Dao Yuan is almost condensed in the fingertips.

The "sea javelin" collided with his finger, constantly impacting and dissolving.

The power is disintegrated and the sound is annihilated.

It finally dissipated almost silently.

Only a drop of blood was left on the fingertips, which was injured due to not being able to control the strength perfectly.

But also the last drop.

In the following time, there will still be "sea javelins" flying down, but Jiang Wang just raised his fingers lightly, and his ten fingers are like playing a piano, jumping on the top of Zuo Guangshu's head and shoulders...

Every time, it catches the "sea javelin" just right, and annihilates it just right, without making any noise.

This beast with a fish body and bird wings swallowed too much sea water, and the "sea javelin" that flew down from the gap between its sharp teeth lasted for half an hour before it stopped.

Then he chewed and ate the remaining fish in his mouth, flapped his wings, flew up, and made invisible ripples in the low air. The terrible air pressure made a depression appear on the sea surface, and it took a while to recover.

This terrifying strange beast almost wiped out this sea area after a normal meal.

But finally gone.

Jiang Wang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he was really afraid that if it continued, Zuo Guangshu would not be able to support it.

One can imagine the exhaustion of maintaining a half-hour effort to blend in with the environment under the pressure of the God-level alien beast.

On the other hand, Zuo Guangshu grinned, with some juvenile complacency: "Is the Taoism I studied not bad?"

While treating the wound on his right arm, Jiang Wang praised him without hesitation: "It's really a magical skill, a natural skill!"

It's a pity that he lifts the sedan chair, but Zuo Guang doesn't lift it.

"I'd better do it myself." Zuo Guangshu pushed Jiang Wang's hand away, and demonstrated to Brother Jiang what healing is called. With only one hand, he solved it almost perfectly. that wound.

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