Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1422 ?

Chapter 1422 The Heart of a Wise Man


Walking on the ice floes left by Fan Wushu, under the ice is a blue sea.

Frost white and blue are so superimposed, there is an extraordinary beauty.

Zuo Guangshu silently analyzed the traces of Taoism, hoping to find a breakthrough for the next confrontation.

Fan Wushu's ice-freezing Taoism was too restrained, so he had to do more work.

"Let's go." Jiang Wang said.

Zuo Guangshu was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"Of course I follow them and see where they go." Jiang Wang said as a matter of course.

"..." Zuo Guangshu said, "Zhong Liyan really can't be killed."

Jiang Wang couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't you think about whether I can kill him?"

"Then what are you going to do with them?"

"Let me ask you, do you know which direction to go now?"

"have no idea."

"But obviously they know." Jiang Wang said, turning around.

"Hey!" Zuo Guangshu followed behind: "But they are going to hunt and kill the Kui Niu. The Liubo Mountain where the Kui Niu lives has nothing to do with the Tiankui Mountain in the North Pole, let alone the Kui Niu. Where are you flying to!"

Jiang Wang looked at him with the eyes of a little fool: "Do you believe it?"

Zuo Guangshu thought for a while: "If it's Zhong's very likely!"

"...There must be a fool between you and Zhong Liyan." Jiang Wang said, "I still trust my judgment."

Zuo Guangshu flew beside him and said, "What judgment?"

Jiang Wang raised his index finger, gathered a wisp of smoke, the smoke condensed into green grass, and bowed his head as if in remembrance. He had already recorded the spiritual aura of Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu during the battle.

At this time, it is just right to use the secret technique of remembrance to guide the direction.

"Both Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu are not ordinary people. Let's not get too close. Only chase breath, not people." Lord Jiang's tone was calm, and it was obviously not the first time he had done this kind of thing.

Zuo Guangshu let out an obedient "Oh".

Brother Jiang's professionalism made him dare not speak up.

Jiang Wang controlled the distance steadily with the secret technique of remembrance, and flew at a moderate pace: "By the way, you just said that Zhong Liyan might be chasing and killing Kui Niu? Why do you think so?"

"Because he seems to have suffered a disadvantage in front of Kui Niu." Zuo Guangshu said.

"What's the reason?" Jiang Wang rolled his eyes: "Then should we go after the squid?"

"Hey, no. Zhong Liyan's personality is just like that." Zuo Guangshu explained: "He's the kind, you stepped on him when you were two years old, and he will remember stepping back when he's twenty years old. People. Do you understand?

The reason why he gave up his skills to practice martial arts was because he lost to Dou Zhao, and he was particularly unconvinced. But he felt that on the existing road, there was no hope of defeating Dou Zhao. So he chose the newly opened path of martial arts... No one in Zhongli's family agreed, but he did it anyway, and was almost exiled by his family. "

"The process was quite tortuous... But isn't he very good now? He looks very talented in martial arts, really strong!"

"Yeah, it's pretty good now. Is it okay? Those who wanted to exile him at the beginning are all exiled by him now. There are more than 30 people, including a dog that nodded at that time..."

After Zhong Liyan lost to Dou Zhao, he directly abandoned his skills and practiced martial arts. For a long time, this was a self-destructive prospect. From the perspective of the family's interests, it is inevitable that someone will want to punish him.

Generally, if a comeback comes back under such circumstances, the culprit may be punished or something. After all, they are all members of the clan, and the overall interests of the family should still be safeguarded.

At the beginning, people talked about it verbally, but they failed to realize it.

Zhong Liyan is really exiled.

Another exile is more than 30 people, and even a dog...

"Ahem, that's really vengeful." Jiang Wang thought for a while and said, "I didn't particularly offend him just now, did I?"

Zuo Guangshu said quietly: "A few words of bickering should not be counted. But if we continue to follow, maybe..."

Jiang Wang was very persuasive and said: "Okay. I understand. If I have to offend him, then I will find a way to do it cleanly."

Zuo Guangshu: ...

What do you know?

Did you listen to me?



The two groups of people passing each other by mistake, of course, cannot avoid discussing each other.

Fan Wushu's sleeves were fluttering, and he was flying in the air, his expression was a little listless, and he didn't have the momentum of killing Baili just now.

But the topic of discussion is still serious: "It is said that Zuo Guanglie ruined the last luck of the Zuo family. I think this little Zuo is also extraordinary, not as weak as others say."

"What is luck? If you win, you have it, and if you lose, you don't." Zhong Liyan said casually, "Zuo Guanglie became famous all over the world, and Hegu died in the first battle. Is it a win or a loss? Now the Huai government doesn't care at all. Those voices are obviously to hide their strengths and bide their time, and they don't want Zuo Guangshu to get too much limelight."

"Speaking of which, I was more surprised by Jiang Wang." Fan Wushu said: "I watched him win the championship in Guanhetai, defeating Qin Zhizhen and Huang Sheli in a row, and he hadn't achieved Tianfu at that time. , His future is limitless. But I never thought that after Huang He won the title, he could maintain such a terrifying speed of progress. Even, I had a very strong feeling just now, if I share life and death with him today... maybe I It's not as good as it is."

Zhong Liyan glanced at him: "I said Master Fan, why are you acting so low-key in front of me?"

Since the end of the Yellow River Meeting, Fan Wushu was awarded the title of knighthood because of his outstanding achievements on the Guanhe Terrace. Speaking of which, he was also a viscount, on the same level as Jiang Wang. Of course, the Viscount of Qi State and the Viscount of Li State are not the same.

Fan Wushu smiled wryly and said, "Jiang Wang is a master of both martial arts and swordsmanship, and he has achieved Tianfu. The supernatural powers he has shown are all extraordinary, and there are two people who have not been exposed so far. They are indeed figures who can leave a long history in the inner palace... …I am really not sure about life and death.”

Zhong Liyan also became a little more serious, and after thinking for a while, he said: "With the power he has shown in public so far, it is impossible to kill those demons. So the two magical powers he hides must be very terrifying. They should be top-level supernatural powers. If he wants to share life and death with you, it depends on how well he controls those two supernatural powers."

"I'm not good at gambling." Fan Wushu shook his head, and asked again: "What if he shares life and death with you?"

"Let's talk about it after he erects the fourth star building." Zhong Liyan smiled, his strong self-confidence was beyond words.

But immediately after, a ray of lightning jumped from his left arm, and his whole body twitched violently, as if in a fit of madness, and his momentum disappeared.

Forcibly forcing the last ray of lightning out of his muscles, Zhong Liyan gritted his teeth: "This son of a bitch, Kui Niu, will kill him as soon as he meets him. Don't let me find a chance, I have to stew it!"

He heard the movement of Kui Niu earlier, so he thought about going to check the situation.

As a result, he was bombarded by Kui Niu after only taking a face-to-face look.

It made them run away with their heads in their arms.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he turned back after running a long way, just to teach Kui Niu a profound lesson.

As for meeting the Yanjia duo by accident, they also wanted to wipe out a competitor, so there was that brief confrontation.

Fan Wushu knew Zhong Liyan's character well, so he didn't persuade him to say anything. He just said: "Speaking of which, a grand meeting like the Yellow River Meeting is really an unforgettable experience in a lifetime. Before the fight, each Tianjiao feels that he is the only winner, because everyone has won all the way, and there is no one. Lost. But there is only one leader, and only that person is the undisputed peerless arrogance."

He reminded Zhong Liyan in his own way not to underestimate Jiang Wang.

In the confrontation just now, Zhong Liyan was of course unwilling to pay too much, so he agreed to stop. How could he know that Jiang Wang, who offered to give up, was not like this?

But it was fine if he didn't say anything, and when Zhong Liyan said it, he became angry: "Whose prestige will be raised? Why is the meeting of the Yellow River so great? After I finish Kui Niu, I will go back and find him!"

Fan Wushu was speechless for a while.

The Yellow River Meeting is nothing special, but aren't you qualified to go?

Of course, the words can't be said like this, otherwise Zhong Liyan would really be able to turn around now. He just turned around and asked: "What is the purpose of entering the mountain and sea realm this time, do you remember?"

"Chop Dou Zhao." Zhong Liyan said without hesitation.

"..." Fan Wu said helplessly, "Master Zhongli, that's not what you said when you asked me to help you."

"What did I say?"

"What did you say you asked me?!"

Zhong Liyan withdrew to the side, avoiding his saliva: "Then I said too much, can I still remember them all?"

"You keep saying that you want to share with me the secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence!" Fan Wushu almost roared, boiling with anger.

"Oh, don't get excited." Zhong Liyan waved his hands, as if explaining, but also ignoring: "I'll just say it, don't take it seriously."

Fan Wushu continued to press: "Which sentence can you say casually?"

"You're so annoying. There is no conflict between fighting Zhao and stealing the secret of God's presence."

Fan Wushu persisted: "There must be a priority, right? Which comes first?"

Seeing his appearance on the verge of exploding, Zhong Liyan thought for a while before saying: "Theoretically, it must be the most important and the most important secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence! I agree to share it with you, and I won't lie to you. Of course, but in specific actions, we must kill Dou Zhao first when we meet Dou Zhao, and grab the secret of God’s Advent first when we encounter God’s Arrival Secret. If Dou Zhao and Shen’s Advent Secret are together, in order to ensure To grab the secret of God's presence, we must first deal with the threat of Dou Zhao."

"That's about the same!" Fan Wushu nodded in satisfaction.

In this way, the grudge duo "discussed" while tracking Kui Niu away.



"Or forget it?"

In the void, a voice said muffledly: "Mother said that if you eat a fool, you will become a fool."

"What about the two in the back?" asked another voice.

"Those two are even more stupid. They can't even find them in the south, east, and north. They are poisoned immediately after eating."

"Let's go." The last voice sighed.

An ape with two heads and four arms and a body length of more than ten feet, the two heads are talking to each other. After a few consecutive jumps in the void, he was already far away from this sea area.

"Mountains and Seas and Strange Beasts" contains: There is a god in the mountains, which is called "Nianzheng". The ape is red-faced, with two heads for complaining, and his four arms are split into the air. He often uses the void as his way. Lethargy eats the heart of a wise man.

Nianzheng hides in the void, and then looks outside, this place is already another place in the mountain and sea environment.

They have ambushed Nian Qi in many places in the mountain and sea environment. Once touched, they will be notified immediately, and then they will come to eat.

The Fushan in front of me is beautiful.

The peach forest on the mountain is full of peach blossoms.

In the peach forest, there are two people walking.

One of them is dressed in luxurious clothes, with a beautiful demeanor, and there seems to be a rhythm between her walks. She is more moving than peach blossoms.

She was considered tall, and the person next to her was even a head taller.

Wearing a cloak, the whole body is wrapped in a gray robe, completely invisible.

The distance of each step is exactly equal, as if the road ahead has been cut clearly before taking the first step.

"How is it?" Nianzheng's left head asked.

"Or forget it?" The right head replied listlessly: "One can't eat, and the other can't eat."

"How do you know that it's okay? Can you live on?" Zuo Shou was very upset: "If you want to go, you go!"

Right-headed temper also came up: "Let's go!"

Two heads and four ape arms, each facing one side, competed on the spot for a long time.

"Forget it, I'll take a step back." Zuo Shou said in a serious manner: "If you catch it, I'll let you take the first bite."

"Or forget it? I feel like I can't catch it..."

"You can tell me what to do? Believe it or not, I will bite you?"

"All right, all right." Weary right head said: "Let's catch——hey, where are people?"

"Soushan!" The left head was aggressive.

"Why don't you forget it? Haha...I'm so sleepy."

"Don't yawn for me at this time! Haha..."

The two-headed ape lay down in the void, and fell asleep hastily.



On the other side of the floating mountain, the two flew away quietly.

After a certain distance, it flies faster and faster.

"It's a pity, what kind of mountain is this mountain, and what treasures are there, I haven't had time to find out." Qu Shunhua said with regret.

"Has that strange beast chased after it?" the gray-robed man asked in a low voice.

This is a very standard female voice, and it seems inappropriate to be thick or thin. But the standard has reached such a point, but it can't be regarded as pleasant.

In addition, I don't know if it's the reason why I seldom speak, but there is a slightly stagnant feeling between the words.

"Nianzheng can't see anyone, so he should go to sleep immediately." Qu Shunhua said confidently.

"Oh, so." The gray-robed man responded lightly, as if he didn't care much about the existence that could tear them apart.

Qu Shunhua had already gotten used to it, so he just said: "This place is too dangerous, we can't explore slowly, we should go directly to Tianshan... Zen Master Yue, are you still unable to determine the direction?"

Zen Master Yue, wrapped in a gray robe, shook his head.

"Even you can't do it... It seems that the openness of the mountains and seas this time is beyond imagination." Qu Shunhua murmured: "I don't know if I don't know."

Apparently she had great confidence in Zen Master Yue's ability to determine the orientation.

The fact that Chan Master Yue was unable to locate her was an intuitive reflection of the unusualness of this world to her.

"How open?" Zen Master Yue asked.

"The scope of the opening of the mountain and sea environment is different every time, so what so many participants see and experience is different. Your ability to determine the orientation has nothing to do with the present world. It is reasonable to say that it should not be disturbed. ...The rules of the mountain and sea realm affect such a deep position of the participant's self, which means that it is more open."

Qu Shunhua analyzed: "It's nothing more than the return of the lost Nine Chapters of Jade Bi. This time, more than seven chapters have opened the Mountain and Sea Realm. I don't know if it is "Sorrowful Ying" or "Sorrowful Return Wind"?"

She obviously has a much deeper understanding of the mountains and seas than Zuo Guangshu.

"Is there any difference?" Zen Master Yue asked in a flat tone.

Qu Shunhua paused, then shook his head: "Probably... not."

"What's that sound over there?" She asked suddenly.

Zen Master Yue turned his head following the sound, only to see a flash of lightning and then go away.

"Kui Niu?" Qu Shunhua asked.

"I need more information..." While speaking, Zen Master Yue flew over there.

Qu Shunhua followed closely behind.

After flying for about thirty miles, Chan Master Yue stopped.

"It's Kui Niu, it's chasing and killing a person." She said firmly.

"No, it's two. There's another person whose traces are too faint... I almost missed it!"

For the first time, there was an emotion similar to surprise in her tone.

It seems that it is very difficult to be "missed" by her.

Looking through the plot clips today, it suddenly occurred to me that when this book is finished, I might be able to open a live broadcast, take everyone to look through those abandoned plot lines, and talk about what I imagined at the time, and why I gave up ...

It's also interesting to think about it. It feels like tracing other possibilities of this world with everyone.

There is one more thing I want to say.

That is, everyone can be strict with me, but not too strict with fan works, okay?

Only by being tolerant can a hundred flowers bloom.

More encouragement can produce more excellent colleagues.

In the end, it is all about making the Chixin world more three-dimensional.

People use love to generate electricity.

You can't ask people how well they sing, how well they sing.

Just three times if you like it, skip it if you don’t like it, okay?

Don't criticize people.

I felt bad after reading it.

People are also liking this world in their own way, and they really put in effort.

This is not just for the fan song Chifengge, but also for the paintings of the painters' wives.

Please be more tolerant.

I hope that everyone will only put the strict side on me.

Don't put it on other book friends.

I can afford it now.

Work out.

Of course, if you only have encouragement.

Then I can accept it.

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