Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1423 ?

Chapter 1423 Dripping Water Burns Flowers

"To be able to disappear to this level... Zhong Liyan? Wu Ling? It's not like that. It's even more impossible for Dou Zhao to walk alone. So it's the lost nine chapters of jade?"

Qu Shunhua obviously also attached great importance to Zen Master Yue's opinion, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Follow up and have a look."

Zen Master Yue stretched out her hands, her wide sleeves drooped down, her complexion had a faint brassy luster,

Just pressing it with one hand, a precious orb suddenly appeared, hanging in the air.

Streaming light surrounds and expands continuously.

Amidst the clicking sound of the mechanism, a big bird with a majestic treasure appeared.

The whole body is golden, and the eyes are majestic.

The feathers are as sharp as knives, and the wings are spread out, more than ten feet long.

The orb was embedded on the top of the head, and the brilliance was restrained, like a sarcoma.

The bird chirped softly, and the sound was so sad that it almost made people want to cry.

Although it is alive, real and concrete, like a living mythical creature. But when Zen Master Yue landed on its back, the soles of his boots made a crisp knocking sound——

Obviously, this is a puppet creation.

The mechanism of Xiyue Temple, Garuda!

Qu Shunhua flew down next to Zen Master Yue, and he didn't have any gossip. As soon as the Jialouluo flapped his wings, he broke through the sky and chased forward.

At this time, if you really want to start tracking Kui Niu, and there are people who don't know the details near Kui Niu, of course they need to save their strength to deal with possible battles at any time, and they can't waste their strength in the process of rushing.

Therefore, the appearance of the organ Garuda is very necessary.



That Kui ox rides the thunder and lightning, travels through the mountains and seas, tramples on the lightning, and the thunder beats thousands of miles, not only one or two people are shocked?

It's just like Jiang Wang Zuo Guangshu, who immediately hides and hides, waiting for Kui Niu to fly by.

For example, Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu confidently chose to "look at the excitement".

Then he was bombarded with random thunder by Kui Niu.

Zhong Liyan regained his strength and chased after him angrily.

Qu Shunhua and Zen Master Yue decided to go forward to find out after confirming the lost Nine Chapters Jade Bi.

Different people have different personalities and make different choices. But this time it was a coincidence that they all started chasing after Kui Niu.



"Many times, people's choices are determined by their personalities."

This is a floating mountain full of gems.

On the mountain road, there was a person standing with his hands behind his back.

He has a pair of deep eyes and a pair of indifferent lips. In short, his facial features are relatively alienated from the world, but he has a strangely close aura.

At this time, he stretched out a finger and put it upright in his ear: "Listen. The roar of Kui Niu, rumbling, rumbling, spread so far. There must be many people attracted by it, and then collided with each other. Then why? I'm here, are you here?"

There was a harmless smile on the corner of his mouth: "Because we are the same kind of people, we all have our own firm desires."

The people below the mountain road have a full sky, broad facial contours, and bright eyes. They are wearing red background and gold-rimmed military uniforms, hunting in the mountain wind.

The whole person is very brilliant.

"Stay out of my way, people will die," he said.

And walked up slowly, without any intention of staying for anyone or anything.

Obviously he is not a person who is used to bringing warmth to others, even though his temperament is so bright and bright.

"I'm not your enemy, Dou Zhao. You can pass this road at any time, and I won't stop you." The man on the mountain road said, "I'm here just to tell you a better choice - we join forces, You can get more in the mountains and seas.”

Dou Zhao chuckled softly: "Have you always been so confident, or have you just started to be confident today?"

The man on the mountain road was not angry because of this contempt, he still had a smile on his face: "You probably think I am a little blindly confident. But how to say... I respect your strength, and I recognize the person who entered the mountain and sea realm this time. You probably He is the strongest. However, do you remember Jiang Wang? After the meeting of the Yellow River, he fought and killed the four great demons. Can you do it when you are in the inner mansion? Now he has also erected the outer building. Do you think he is not A trouble? Yuetian slave, do you understand? The high disciple of Xiyue Temple has been wandering around the outer building, just because she—”

His words stopped abruptly.

Because there is a knife light passing by.

Holding the bloody head in his left hand, Dou Zhao glanced at it briefly: "I still don't remember who you are."

He left it behind and continued walking up the mountain indifferently.

The skull rolled down the mountain road, and after a while, the headless corpse began to bleed wildly and fell heavily.



There are also mountains under the sea.

Stretching like a crouching dragon.

Of course, some places are hostile and dangerous, while others are barren but safe.

In a dark cave somewhere, Chu Yuzhi stood with arms folded.

He has never been a particularly conspicuous figure, and he doesn't stand out very much when he is with other Tianjiao.

His personality is not distinct, his behavior is not perverse, and his temperament is even less special.

But at this moment, when no one is around.

He stood there, as if he was connected with the mountains under the sea.

There is a heavy sense of power.

Not long after, the stone sculpture standing next to him moved, and after a crack exploded, a face with sparse and cold features was revealed. Then began to have light and color, and the details of the face gradually became vivid.

It was the man who was beheaded by Dou Zhao on the mountain road there!

At this moment, standing with Chu Yuzhi, he is of course Xiao Shu, the hero of the alchemy that Chu Yuzhi invited to help.

He once appeared on stage at the Yellow River Meeting, but unfortunately Dou Zhao didn't remember it.

"How?" Chu Yuzhi asked without any hope.

Xiao Shu was beheaded just now, but he was still smiling at this moment.

Smiling and shaking his head, he said, "Dou Zhao is Dou Zhao after all, so it's not easy to be fooled. You don't even wait for me to finish talking. Tell me, if everyone in the world is like this, is there any way for the Zongheng family to survive?"

He joked about himself in a relaxed tone, but Chu Yuzhi's tone was a bit heavy: "You have wasted a puppet body for nothing."

"It's not a waste. After all, I know him better." Xiao Shu looked at Chu Yuzhi and said with a smile, "There are so many groups of people in the mountain and sea realm, but we are the weakest group. I don't want to know more about the strong ones." Mentality, how can I do it?"

Among the Chu kingdom's arrogance, most of the boxing powerhouses hired by the others are at the level of the Outer Building.

Even when Zuo Guangshu asked Jiang Wang for help, Jiang Wang hadn't set up a star tower yet. But that is also the leader of the Yellow River in the Inner Mansion, so it is not the same as others.

With such a long preparation time, only Chu Yuzhi invited Xiao Shu.

Cultivation and background are not as good as others.

This shows that Xiao Shu is not inferior to others. It's that Chu Yuzhi's connections are far inferior to others.

It would be someone else, facing such a topic. It's probably hard not to get discouraged.

But Chu Yuzhi smiled instead: "I have already seen our first advantage - at least others will not be the first to think of targeting us."

Xiao Shu obviously understood Chu Yuzhi's character, and he changed his mood with just one sentence. At this time, he also smiled and said, "Very good! Then let's strike while the iron is hot, and now look for the second advantage. Little by little advantages are accumulated. , is victory.”

Chu Yuzhi followed him out of the cave without hesitation: "Can you find it?"

"Who knows? But it can't be any worse."

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry Brother Xiao! It's really not easy to drag you into such a chess game!"

"Brother Chu, you should say that you have sharp eyesight. The disadvantaged chess game is exactly what I am good at. If Dou Zhao invites me, I really don't know how to make a move!"

The two of them talked less than others, they walked more firmly than anyone else, and they talked and laughed calmly.

But after all, the sound is only at the bottom of the sea, and it doesn't flow too far.

It's like when they entered the mountain and sea realm, the first thing they did was not to explore, but to find a place to hide.

Low-key, quiet.



Zansi Caoyao pointed in the direction, and Jiang Wang flew all the way, only chasing traces and not people, so as to avoid the risk of being noticed to the greatest extent.

Of course, if it is noticed, it will be nothing more than a battle.

The worst result can be faced, so Jiang Wang chased after him without hesitation.

Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu didn't gain anything, as soon as they gained something, they would immediately grab it.

"If you want to make a move later, don't hesitate, and don't move lightly. I'll move you before I move. I'll find Zhong Liyan, and you find Fan Wushu. It's best to get rid of one by sneak attack."

"Why don't we team up to sneak attack one? For example, Fan Wushu. Isn't that more sure?"

"In an environment like the Mountain Sea Realm, sneak attacks are actually very difficult to succeed, and it is impossible for them to relax their vigilance."

"What's the point of the sneak attack?"

"In order to let them subconsciously feel that we still choose one-on-one. I think Zhong Liyan will not be afraid to face me, and Fan Wushu will not be afraid to face you. I will look for opportunities in the fight with Zhong Liyan, When I turn to Fan Wushu, you have to use the strongest means, and we will pour the most killing power on Fan Wushu at the same time, and Zhong Liyan will be able to deal with him... By the way, do you have any suitable restraints? Means? It’s best to block Zhongliyan for a while, I have super-grade Taoist dragon and tiger here, and legalist prison chains, I guess it won’t be very effective for a warrior like Zhongliyan.”

"If it's a sneak attack, I can use a mirage to stop Zhong Liyan first. No matter how strong his physical body is, he won't be able to find his direction. The point is that Fan Wushu, I just found out today that he is good at ice Taoism. A burst of defense in a short period of time can be astonishing..."

"No defense is astonishing in front of my killing spikes."

"Then... as long as his ice strength is not more than ten times that of the previous fight, I can melt the gap in the shortest time. Create a chance for your killing nail."

"That would be the best! But you have to be prepared for failure, after all, the opponent is not a weak person."

"Of course. I think our second plan is to kill Fan Wushu as the priority target. If Zhong Liyan is not trapped, kill him as soon as possible. My side must first..."

During the rapid flight, the Yanjia duo actively exchanged ideas, discussing how to attack and kill their opponents when they will win the treasure.

Zuo Guangshu was discussing happily, nervous and excited, he didn't remember his "peace is the most important" at all, he just thought about how to kill people with Brother Jiang, and regarded Fan Wushu's head as something in his pocket.

Brother Jiang is also very pleased to see the younger brother's growth.

He has absolutely no intention of hiding his personal interests, and imparts all the valuable experience of fighting in the wild for so many years. How to sneak attack, how to design, how to ambush...

The eyes of the little grandpa Chu, who rarely travels far, shine brightly, and he admires him very much.

But the so-called extreme joy begets sorrow, or it may be that heaven is jealous of talents.

The two brothers were having a heated discussion together when suddenly their vision was blurred.

Jiang Wang felt that his ears were almost deaf!

There is no sound at all.

This change is too sudden.

It happened in an instant, and even Jiang Wang's sensitivity was not able to react.

He only subconsciously presses out of the fire realm, and protects himself and Zuo Guang in it.

After two breaths of slowing down, there was a sound in my ears——



Thunder rolled across the sky.

Only then did the brilliant and lively Fire Realm appear in the field of vision, only then did there appear fireworks and flame sparrows, and only then did thunder and lightning be seen outside the world of Fire!

It was a distorted electric light like a dragon and snake, but it was too huge, too powerful, and contained too terrifying power.

It is connected to the high sky at the top and the blue sea at the bottom.

It is expanding and expanding at an alarming rate.

Shrouded in all directions!

It is like a huge pillar of thunder and lightning, as if to prop up the sky and the sea.

And it is still expanding, as if to cover the whole world.

Such terrifying power must be the strongest method for Kui Niu.

What happened to that Kui ox? Who is it fighting?

These questions appeared in my mind, but I didn't have time to think about them at all.

Because the most important question now is how to protect yourself from this unreasonable influence.

In the mountain and sea purgatory built by the Zuo family, there is the Purgatory of Thunder, where Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu have practiced many times. But the so-called extreme environment is nothing before this terrifying thunder and lightning.

The huge thunder and lightning expanded, and the periphery was a light curtain composed of lightning.

Of course, when it is said to be a "light curtain", its thinness is only compared to this world.

The so-called thin curtain, to monks, is simply a roaring wall of thunder and lightning!

On the crazily expanding thunder and lightning light curtain, countless thunder snakes swallowed their power. With teeth and claws, he wants to destroy everything.

Everything heard, seen, and heard will be shattered in such lightning.

And Jiang Wang's defensive skills have never been among the top.

What he is good at is substituting offense for defense, and he made this choice decisively.

After only one glance at Zuo Guangshu, he frantically urged Dao Yuan to pour more power into the Fire Realm.

Let this side of the Fire Realm be more vivid and breed more majestic energy.

The cultivation in the mountain and sea purgatory not only cultivates the adaptation to various extreme environments, but also the tacit understanding between them.

Before Jiang Wang even looked over, Zuo Guangshu reached out and pressed down.

Under his thin palm, a drop of water fell.

This drop of water is clear, transparent, and beautiful like pearls and jade.

Crash, there was a sound of water.

The mighty Lilong leaped out pulling the divine chariot of Shuibo. In an instant, a drop of water swelled into a world.

Among the blue waves, big fish swim.

The water plants shake, and the crab shells live together.

The water world is born!

Similar to the fire element, but also has a very different creation.

It belongs exclusively to Zuo Guangshu's creation.

Zuo Guangshu's vitality was also boiling.

This moment.

The water element is just below the fire element.

The fiery red world and the blue world complement each other.

The world created by the two divine channeling techniques shines in this mountain and sea environment where the sky is dim and the thunder snake is thousands of miles away.

From a distance, it looks like a firework burning on a drop of water.

Thanks to the book friend "Battle of Salted Fish" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 251st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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