Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1424 Why is it called

Fireworks grow on the drops of water.

The scene is so beautiful, yet so jarring.

Zizizi, Zizizi!

A horrible sound sounded.

Such two worlds will naturally conflict, and from the moment of birth, they have been crazily attrition.

The fire element is in the sky, and the water element is in the earth.

And between the two worlds, there is a terrifying force that collapsed the two worlds of Yuanli!

Fire and water are incompatible.

The rules are mutually exclusive and fundamentally contradictory.

Everything here should not exist!

This should be a failed joint Taoism.

But in failure, born of true terror!

The rules here are wrong, and what is wrong is not only the opposition of water and fire itself, but also everything that strays into this place.

The thunder and lightning light curtain that roared and spread to this point rolled over with a sweeping momentum. Wherever it passed, the clouds and smoke scattered, the water waves trembled, and even the space seemed to be distorted, and countless fish and crabs in the water were killed and injured.

But when it crashed into the two worlds where water and fire are consuming...

But it disappeared without a sound.

The water and fire realms are being consumed and shrunk at an astonishing rate.

But the same is true of the innumerable violent lightning.

Jiang Wang precisely controlled the power, so that the consumption of the fire and water elements always maintained the same frequency.

Constantly consuming each other, and constantly consuming the power of lightning... Finally, they disappeared almost at the same time.

The thunder and lightning light curtain connecting the sky and the sea expanded to the place where the water and fire worlds coexisted, and obviously paused for a moment. With the annihilation of the water world and the fire world, the lightning light curtain in this area has also become extremely thin.

Jiang Wangshi took a step forward at this moment, Dao Yuan frantically urged, pulled out the famous scholar's sword, and split the thunder and lightning light curtain on the spot!

Booming, buzzing.

The aftermath of the terrifying thunder and lightning spread out.

The remnants of the Thunder Snake flitted past Jiang Wang's head and under his feet, rushing into the distance.

Of course, he also avoided Zuo Guangshu behind Jiang Wang.

The light curtain of lightning is still going away, and the gap is also closing rapidly. The lightning power from other places will automatically flow there to make up for it—but it has nothing to do with the two brothers.

A sudden disaster was cut open.

There is a saying that "the hemp rope is only broken at the fine point, and bad luck only finds the poor."

In fact, it is only because the weak are unable to resist bad luck, and are often miserable because of it, so they appear to be particularly miserable.

And the strong have the ability to cut through bad luck, and those so-called disasters are just small waves in life.

"It played well." Zuo Guangshu watched the terrifying thunder light go away, and couldn't help but smile easily: "Of course we can control it more finely."

This is the first time their training results have been publicly displayed.

Zuo Guangshu was obviously very satisfied with the astonishing effect of this "Boundary Obliteration Technique".

And Jiang Wang has already stepped on the cloud and left.

"Go see what's going on there!"

"Brother Jiang, are you in such a hurry?" Zuo Guangshu didn't quite understand: "The front may be very dangerous."

"The most dangerous time has passed. Even if it is Kui Niu, how many times can such a terrifying power be activated?"

Jiang Wang analyzed a few words, and then asked: "If the seriously injured Zhong Liyan is not far ahead, are you in a hurry?"

The closer to the inner circle, the stronger the power of this huge lightning.

Even a strong man like Zhong Liyan may be severely injured if he does not respond in time.

This is the judgment Jiang Wang made immediately.

And if Kui Niu summoned such a terrifying thunder and lightning, is there any possibility of encountering an accident? Could it be fighting against some other powerful beasts? Will it hurt both?

After the crisis, the danger should be an opportunity.

Jiang Wang's voice hadn't finished yet, when a figure flashed, Zuo Guangshu had already rushed to his side. The soles of the boots were shining brightly, and the eyes were very excited.

Menacing, very eager.

I don't know, I'm afraid he thought how good his relationship with Zhong Liyan was, and he was rushing to save others.

The huge lightning created by Kui Niu expanded wildly, covering a range of about thousands of miles. After the moment of contact, the more you go in, the calmer the mountains and seas.

It has already been ravaged here.

The roaring thunder light was far away, and it was still running towards the distance, until the force that was carried through it completely dissipated, or was defeated by other forces.

Jiang Wang and Zuo Guangshu each wore smoke armor, ostentatiously flying forward against the background of the receding thunder and lightning light curtain.

The low-pressure stratus clouds are gradually dissipating, and there are scattered Razers wandering around, and there is an inexplicable sense of loneliness-but they can't hurt them a bit.



Before the terrifying thunder that stretched from sky to earth diffused, Garuda, an organ with dark golden light, was passing across the blue sea calmly. Spreading its wings, it casts a huge shadow on the sea.

As for Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu, they were also on their own guard, walking through the air.

If the trail of Kui Niu manifests as a solid line, people looking down from a high altitude can clearly see that the location of Zen Master Qu Shun Huayue and the location of Zhongli Yan and Fan Wushu are on both sides of the trail of Kui Niu.

Zhong Liyan's group was closer to Kui Niu.

On both sides, one left and one right, they haven't noticed each other yet.

This scene was fully seen by an eye worm, and was transmitted to a distance through a unique connection.

"Guess, what did my last eye worm find?"

Walking on the waves, Ge Fei's eyes were shining brightly, and there was a surprise of catching prey.

Although he was hunted down by the Tengu for a while, he even escaped from that floating mountain directly. But his crown was not tilted, and his clothes were not messed up. It has a temperament that has weathered the wind and rain calmly.

Wu Ling on the side obviously didn't have such a good spirit, he just said: "Let go!"

We've been together for a long time, and I've seen a lot of Ge Fei's tricks, and I don't even bother to say "Speak up if you have something to say, let it go if you have something to say", and shorten it directly to the word "Let's go".

"It's an insult to the gentleman, it's an insult to the gentleman!" Ge Fei was heartbroken and condemned severely.

Wu Ling walked forward without making a sound, and stopped asking questions.

In the end, Ge Fei couldn't bear it first. He curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and then said: "I saw at least six people in that sea area, that is to say, at least three chapters of jade!"

"Who are they?" Wu Ling asked.

"Zhong Liyan, Fan Wushu, Qu Shunhua, Yue Tiannu, Zuo Guangshu, Jiang Wang!" Ge Fei said the names of the dishes in general, and the words were very fluent.

Wu Ling stopped in his tracks and turned his head sideways: "What do you think?"

"Scatter the evil insects down, and see who is unlucky." Ge Fei grinned, and looked at him again: "There is only one empress insect in my family, which only lays eggs once every twenty years, and can only survive for two weeks each time. Three worm larvae, although they can never grow into Queen worms and have a very short lifespan, they are also very rare. Since they hatched, they have grown up in the best environment. What I eat is not as good as them... ..."

Wu Ling glanced at him with his slightly larger eyes: "It's just bookkeeping. I understand."

Only then did Ge Fei stop talking, and took out a small transparent colored glass bottle from his bosom.

The bottle is delicate and smooth, very beautiful.

There are three black feather insects in the bottle, flying back and forth in a staggered manner.

About half a finger long, the head is extremely thin and the feathers are extremely thin.

As the wings vibrated, streams of black smoke flowed out from the tail.

The body seems virtual and real.

"These people are the arrogance of the heavens. If you think they are blessed with great fortune, one worm may not affect anything. So let's give up all three, and the next one will depend on the effect!"

Ge Fei looked at the small glass bottle with pain, and then handed it to Wu Ling: "Throw it over, just smash the bottle, there is no need to do anything else."

With his right hand, Wu Ling pushed the iron cast into the virtuous crown, pulled out the literary spirit, and with a stroke of his hand, surrounded the glass vial, but with his left hand, he held out a sand table——

The length and width are three feet each, and the material of the chassis is difficult to distinguish. In short, the color is deep and black.

Mountains and seas are piled up in the plate, manifesting the corresponding environment.

In the entire sand table, most of the places are chaotic and trapped in fog.

In the clear piece, the floating mountains and blue sea above it, three-dimensionally embodied, are all the places that the two of them have explored or observed since they entered the mountain and sea realm.

"Azimuth?" Wu Ling said concisely.

Ge Fei looked at the sand table enviously, curled up in a straight line, looked for a place, and clicked in the sand table.

Wu Ling directly put the glass vial into the sand table with his gentle spirit, and it landed on the position pointed by Ge Fei, and disappeared in an instant like falling into a cloud.

A pair of big and small eyes stared at the sand table very seriously.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if your primordial stone is not in your hand, our friendship..." Ge Fei said bluntly from the side: "Just use this mountain and river to pay off the debt."

Wu Ling glanced at him: "In this mountain and sea environment, no one except Qu Shunhua is qualified to ask me if I can get the Yuanshi. You are so kind!"

"It's not just about this primordial stone, isn't it so superficial..." Ge Fei sighed: "The most important thing is fate, can you understand fate? This thing is destined for me. The first time I saw it, I felt kind, as if it was destined!"

Wu Ling turned a deaf ear to it.

Ge Fei said again: "Seriously, Brother Wu, don't you think your mountains and rivers are very suitable for my eye worm? It can be called a match made in heaven! Just ask yourself, if you don't have my eye worm to help, you Can you grasp such a large range of information so quickly, and quickly deduce the mountains and rivers to this level?"

"It's a good match!" Wu Ling nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "Let's make a price. How do you sell your eyeworm and the matching breeding and control methods together?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." Ge Fei waved his hands and skipped the topic.

At this moment, on the plate of mountains and rivers, where the Evil Insect Glass Bottle fell, a bolt of lightning suddenly rose, and the area that had already been ascertained was covered by thick fog again, and the area of ​​the thick fog was still expanding— —

This shows that the environment is changing rapidly!

And the degree of change is very deep, otherwise the proven areas on the mountain and river plate will not be dimmed.

Wu Ling looked at Ge Fei.

At this time, the last Euglena had been killed by the lightning, and that lightning was the last thing it saw.

Ge Fei knew no more than Wu Ling, but he smiled confidently: "Did you see that? Have you seen this world-destroying thunder? This is the power of my family's evil insects! Everything in Elai deceives each other." , even Kui Niu will be affected! Now you know how much the primordial stones you spent are worth?"

Wu Ling's big and small eyes were full of doubts, but the thunder light was indeed destroying the area that Shanhe Pan had already penetrated, and it happened just after the worm fell.

Can't help but ask: "What's going on there now?"

"There are many forms of bad luck, including natural and man-made disasters... Who can say for sure?" Ge Fei said, "Anyway, there must be something about Kui Niu in it. Do you want to take a look? Maybe there will be surprises? "

Wu Ling shook his head: "The art of war says that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle. Our opponents are not just those six people. We still stick to the original plan, first explore the environment, wait for the favorable location, and then wait for the right time."

Ge Fei said confidently: "Since my worms have been sown, the right time and place are all with me. What else is there to wait for?"

Wu Ling looked at him: "Your worms are so powerful, why did you participate in the Yellow River meeting and you were only the top eight?"

Ge Fei raised his chin, and pointed his nostrils at each other proudly: "People who are not even qualified to participate in the Yellow River Gathering are probably not suitable to ridicule the top eight of the Yellow River, right?"

Wu Ling choked.

He was also ashamed to say that Chu is a hegemonic country and the competition is more intense, so he was speechless for a while.

After all, it is the "owner" of this trip, Ge Fei felt that he still couldn't offend the rich man too hard, and took the initiative to say: "In a place like the Yellow River Meeting, the emperor is watching, and the real emperor is in charge. Can my evil insect be ass? The four best two draws, Yan Shaofei and Fan Wushu, I got Yan Shaofei, it is already the result of the smoke from the ancestral grave, and the continuous swallowing of bad luck for a long time. What is left?"

"If you draw Fan Wushu, you may not win." Wu Ling still had a taste.

Ge Fei did not deny it: "Man will conquer the sky. Luck is only one aspect. For the real strong, it is common to use force to break through. Look at Jiang Wang of Qi State in Neifuchang, he met Xiang Bei first, and then met Xiang Bei. Qin Zhizhen met Huang Sheli in the end, fought against the top three overlords, and challenged Qin Zhizhen and Huang Sheli, the strongest in the inner palace, one after another. most convincing."

Turning around, he looked at Wu Ling again with a smile and said, "If you help me get the blood essence of 'Fei' this time, wouldn't it be nothing like Fan Wushu and Yan Shaofei? At that time, I will be lucky and powerful, it is God's will, and the hero is free!"

"Don't be too optimistic." Wu Ling looked at the mountains and rivers for a while, and put it away: "This time, the chances for you and me are very small, and I just try my best. In fact, what you want is more difficult know how hard it is."

"Didn't it mean that as long as you collect all the nine chapters of jade that have entered the mountain and sea realm, you can directly open the secret storehouse of Huang Weizhen? This is the easiest way, isn't it?" Ge Fei said with a smile: "Then we can kill them all. gone."

Wu Ling was silent for a long while, and only said: "You are brave."

"Shanhai Yishouzhi" contains: "Two hundred miles to the east, it is called Taishan, and there are many gold, jade, and frame trees on it. There is a beast, which looks like a cow with a white head, one eye and a snake tail, and its name is Fei. Xingshui If you run grass, you will die; if you see it, you will suffer a great plague.”

What Ge Fei is eyeing, the strange beast with the same name as himself, is the legendary disaster beast, the god of disaster that wreaks havoc on the world.

It is much more vicious than those Tianjiao who entered the mountain and sea realm.

If we really want to talk about courage, aiming at the essence and blood of "Fei" probably shows even more courage.

However, Wu Ling knew that it was not just one generation or two that the Ge clan of Yue State had been eyeing the blood of "Fei".

In the 3627th year of the Taoist calendar, the Ge family entered Taishan, and there were twenty-seven elites, but none returned.

In 3795, the head of the family of the Ge family entered the "disaster water" in person in order to seek a young lady, a generation of real people, and no news was heard from him.

The Ge family is an ancient and famous family of Yue State, mysterious and powerful. However, with the rapid changes in the world of practice and the gradual extinction of many strange beasts, the ancient art of controlling insects has been unable to keep up with the times and is gradually declining.

In order to break through the bottleneck, Ge Shi did not know how many generations of struggle.

Otherwise, why is Ge Fei called "Fei"?

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