Red Heart Survey

Chapter 144 The Moon Is in the Sky

In Fenglin City.

Dong A leaped forward, his fists circled clear.

Lu Yan came back to his senses in time, fist to fist, hundreds of times in an instant.

In any case, even if the God of Bone Bone fails to come to the world this time, as long as he is still alive, as long as the god is still there, all hope will not be wiped out.

Without such an indomitable spirit, he would not be able to get to where he is today.

Although Ouyang Lie has been leading the Road of Bones all these years, in fact he is the one who has been in charge of planning.

He planned the direction of the Bone Road, and also set the overall situation for today,

Now there is nothing to say about the loss of a clean chess move.

But it may not be impossible to make a comeback.

When they redeveloped the Path of Bone Bone, the situation was not as good as it is now.

After thinking this through, Lu Yan swept away his depression and regained his spirits.

"Dong A, do you dare to seek death?"

Once Lu Yan exploded with all his strength, with the blessing of the star power from the outer domain, he punched down and opened Dong A's fist.

This was not enough, he got close to him, and even smashed his fist into Dong A's abdomen.

But in his dark eyes, he only saw Dong A's expressionless face... getting closer!



Half of Dong A's forehead was smashed, and blood flowed from Lu Yan's forehead.

But Dong A just shook his head again and bumped into him again.

Lu Yan broke free from the restraints, kicked him away, and threw himself backwards.

He was used to madness, and was not frightened by it, only troubled.

Then he saw that Dong A's shattered abdomen and shattered forehead were repaired frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a sweep of his dark eyes, he had already seen the blue magical seed in Dong A's Second Mansion.

It represents endless supernatural powers!

The most important thing for those who are strong in the inner mansion is to explore the five mansions, and the highest achievement is to pick the seeds of supernatural powers.

Dong A is also a strong man in the inner mansion who has obtained supernatural powers, and he has already succeeded in the second mansion.

In other words, Dong A still has three opportunities to explore.

His future is almost unlimited.

Such a strong man was actually squeezed out to the small Fenglin city to be a mere dean of the City Dao Academy!

Although the political dispute between Du Ruhui and Huangfu Duanming was just a layout, the officials below were not aware of it before today.

It can be seen how unfair Dong A encountered in the past because of his character.

"Without my experience in Maple Forest City, I couldn't have picked the supernatural power seeds."

Dong A's face was as cold as iron, and his voice was colder than his face, shaking the whole area: "So Lu Yan, I will definitely kill you! I must use your blood to pay homage to this area!"

The sound didn't stop, and people rushed to it again.

Pain gives people strength, and the strong move forward through suffering.

But Lu Yan just sneered again and again: "The entire Zhuang Kingdom is full of hypocrisy from top to bottom, inside and out! I thought you, Dong A, were different, and you are indeed different."

"You are even more disgusting and hypocritical!"

He punched Dong A flying again.

"Du Ruhui and Huangfu Duanming, these are all your preparations, right? You already knew that the Bone Path welcomes the gods and refines the Bone True Pill!"

"But you kept silent, didn't say a word, and just sat and watched the whole city be wiped out!"

"For this Bone True Pill, you use the whole city as a bargaining chip, sacrificing them to fulfill yourself! What promise did Zhuang Gaoxian make to you? What's the difference between you and my Bone Dao?"

"You want to pay homage? You want revenge? Why don't you kill yourself first!"

There is no chance of winning the battle between the inner mansion and the outer building.

But relying on the magical power of endless life, Dong A disregarded life and death, and fought for his life. Actually suppressed Lu Yan for a while.

And as long as Du Ruhui over there completely clears the brand of God of Bone Bones, he will be able to free up his hands. At that time, facing Du Ruhui who is so far away, Lu Yan will have nowhere to escape.

However, when the situation collapsed to this point, Lu Yan calmed down and showed a ruthless expression.

"I'd like to see how long your incomplete supernatural power of endless life can last!"

The supernatural power seeds picked in the inner palace are just "seeds" and they are not perfect. So although Dong A has the terrifying supernatural power of endless life, it doesn't mean that he is already immortal.

As long as a certain limit is broken, the magical seed will also collapse.

Lu Yan became ruthless, making continuous advances.

Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and stood up.

He sensed a change.

Although Dong A didn't know it at all, he already had an instinctive premonition of the strong.

The real battlefield was never in Fenglin City, but in the original site of Xiaolin Town.

At this time, at the place where the White Bone True Pill was refined.

A large piece of black peeled off, and a whole space was "torn apart!"

Almost endless ghost power poured in.

The Bone God, who was in Jiuyou, gave up the effort to come to the world.

Instead, with the help of the previous formation of no birth and no death and the brand of bones, the entire Fenglin city area will be dragged into the nether world!

The divine power consumed by this kind of behavior is difficult to measure, but once it is completed, Du Ruhui, Dong A and the others will all die. The Bone True Pill can also be taken back calmly!


Du Ruhui, who was clearing the mark of bones, made a decisive decision, and suddenly appeared beside Dong A, grabbed him, stomped on him, and left.

This also meant that he gave up the last group of people who hadn't died in the entire Fenglin city.

Since then, Fenglin City has disappeared from the world, and the earth has fallen into darkness!


Outside Fenglin City, a brother and sister wandered here.

They are waiting for an ending and dreading that ending.

"Brother, where are we going?"

"I don't know either."

Maybe Qinghe City, maybe Xin'an City? Jiang Wang thought to himself.

"Brother, are we still going home?"

Jiang Wang stared at the Fenglin city area that had been completely shrouded in fog, and said slowly: "We have no home."

Xiao An'an was silent for a while, and then asked again: "Then Brother Rucheng, Brother Linghe, Brother Azhan, Senior Brother Tang Dun, they still exist?"

It's all gone. Jiang Wang thought to himself.

Holding back his tears, he comforted, "Brother doesn't know. Maybe they escaped too, but they're not in the same direction as us."

"Oh." Jiang An'an gently leaned his little head on his brother's back: "Then we can go find them."

"This world is too big. Once lost, it may never be found."

"Then when I grow up, I'll go find it with you."


"elder brother?"

"My brother is here."

"Will I still be able to drink mutton soup and eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake? There are also sugar men in Fengxi Town..."

"Maybe you can, maybe you can't. However, there are so many delicious things in this world. My brother will take you to eat other things in the future..."

An An was very sensible, and replied, "Okay."


At this moment, Jiang Wang heard the voice that shook the whole area.

The voices of Dong A and Lu Yan.

Got it all.

Everything is understood.

Why did I report it a long time ago, but there was no response from the court.

Why was this disaster clearly avoidable, but in the end Fenglin City fell irretrievably into the abyss!

His most trusted teacher covered everything up!

The Dong A whom he respected, touched, and was close to brought him the deepest, most ruthless and painful deception.

Jiang Wang no longer hesitated, no longer nostalgic.

With Jiang An'an on his back, he turned around and ran away.

Although Zhuangguo is big, there is not an inch of land worthy of his nostalgia.

From now on, there will be no hometown!

What is a real bereaved dog?

He lost his hometown and the people in his hometown!


"Brother, where are we going?"

"Let's get out of here."

Leaving Linghe, leaving Zhao Rucheng, leaving Huang Azhan, leaving Wei Yan, leaving Zhao Lang, leaving Xiao Tiemian...

Leaving City Daoyuan, leaving Caiji Mutton, leaving Suhuai Zhai, leaving Du Dewang, leaving Wangyue Tower, leaving Guixiangzhai, leaving the home of Pegasus Lane...

Leaving the people they once loved, leaving the place they once lived.

Because there is no going back.

From now on it will belong to the underworld.

The disaster lasted all day, and the sun had already set.

However, unlike the Fenglin City, which fell into eternal darkness, there is still some light in the world outside the Fenglin City.

That is the light of the world, that is starlight, that is also moonlight.

Jiang Wang went away with Jiang An'an on his back.

This place of peace of mind is my hometown, but from now on, he only has Jiang An'an, and there is no peace of mind anymore.

At that time, the galaxy was the same as before, and the moon was in the sky.



The first volume of "The Bright Moon in the Sky", the end.

I will write the end-of-volume summary and testimonials tomorrow, and start the next volume at the same time.

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