Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1428 ?

Chapter 1428

Xia Guotai's clan is a famous family of formation, so naturally Tai Yin's attainments in formation are needless to say.

The meeting of the Yellow River was unable to set up the formation in advance, nor could it use the formation disk, which undoubtedly tied his arm.

Even though Jiang Wang's reputation is now higher than that of Chong Xuan Zun, and he himself was destroyed by Chong Xuan Zun at Guanhe Terrace, but he is still full of confidence when he meets Jiang Wang in this mountain and sea environment.

Because only if he is given enough time to arrange, he can show his strongest state.

That's it.

Xiang Bei stepped into the water without a trace, and said in a flat tone: "It took so long to find him after entering the mountain and sea realm. I thought you had forgotten about it. You should concentrate on hunting for treasure with me."

"Jiang Wang can't get rid of it. In this mountain and sea environment, is it you who can feel at ease, or me?" Tai Yin asked back: "I don't think Zuo Guangshu has any objections to you, right?"

While staring at the seven-star compass, he quickly pinched the five fingers of his right hand, as if he was calculating something. In his mouth, he continued: "The most important thing in formation is to adapt to the weather and adapt to local conditions. The formation draws the power of heaven and earth, relying on the power of heaven and earth. Only Fang Tiandi can arrange the most suitable formation for this place."

"I only know about military formations, not magic formations. When the army rushes, all magic formations will be broken." Xiang Bei said lightly, and then asked, "Why don't you just use the formation disk?"

In fact, the rise of the military formation is the main reason for the current downfall of the magic formation. There are countless examples in history to prove that it is far better to form an formation with people than dead things.

However, if such a well-known sect like Tai Yin can be passed down, it naturally has its own unique side.

And no matter how powerful the military formation is, it cannot completely replace the magic formation after all. Among other things, who would walk around with an army under normal circumstances?

Formation patterns and formation disks are the innovations and progress of a monk in the formation for many years, and they occupy a part of the formation path selection. If it continues to develop in the future, it may not be impossible to reproduce its glory.

Tai Yin smiled, and did not argue with Xiang Bei, a military genius.

Whether the magic circle can withstand the soldiers is not something that can be determined by words.

He only said: "The formation disk can be applied to most environments, but the formation disk itself is difficult to get rid of the shackles of the material. The stronger the formation, the more difficult it is to move on the formation disk, and the more precious the materials needed. Simply put, A formation disk that can directly kill Jiang Wang... I can't afford it either."

Xiang Bei looked left and right: "Then the magic circle you have set up now can kill Jiang Wang?"

Tai Yin only returned a confident smile and didn't speak.

The water waves are calm and the wind is soft.

If he hadn't seen Tai Yin's layout with his own eyes, it would be hard for Xiang Bei to find out that a killing array was set up here.

It's like ambushing soldiers in a valley, everything is silent, and one order is issued to kill, and there are wolf smoke everywhere.

This magic formation and military formation really have something in common.

At this moment, on the seven-star compass held by Tai Yin's left hand, the slightly trembling pointer stopped suddenly.

"Found it!" He said excitedly.

I found Jiang Wang...

Thinking of the man's green shirt, Xiang Bei unconsciously clenched his hands on Gai Shiji.

It's hard to put into words how I feel.

Xiang Longxiang's children and grandchildren are full of descendants, and he has his own descendants, but he gave him the extremely precious Tianyuan Great Pill to such a side descendant.

Before he died, he bequeathed Kai Shiji, entrusting the future of the entire Xiang family to him.

He accepted Xiang Longxiang's will and wanted to shoulder Xiang's burden.

With a cultivation base where God can't come, it's unavoidable to be ridiculous.

For a genius like him, it is easy to prove the gods, but it is hard to find the truth.

He has double pupils that span the sky and double suns, supernatural powers are innate, and the divine soul has never been an obstacle on the way of cultivation. At the step of Yunshen Temple, there is enough confidence to leap over.

But only the cultivation of God's presence is still not enough to support Xiang's future.

This requires him to take every step before the arrival of the gods, and to lay a solid enough foundation.

Ask him to stay in a realm like the Inner Palace... to stay more.

How can a monk who has to refine himself in the inner court allow others to see the future?

Many people have given the answer in history——

Only cover the same generation.

The inner palace is invincible, the outer building is invincible, so step by step.

Even if the realm is still low and the cultivation base is still shallow, no one can underestimate it.

He did indeed become the number one in the inner mansion of the Great Chu Dynasty.

Fight all over the monks in the same land in Chu, but there is no one to resist.

Relying on his killing power far surpassing that of monks in the same realm, he is confident of becoming number one in the world.

Even in the occasion of the Yellow River Meeting, where the arrogances coexisted, he could beat Bai Yuxia, the arrogance of the Yue Kingdom, to the brink of death with three punches, which showed his unrivaled posture.

The state of Chu and the state of Yue are so close, the Bai family is no less famous than the Ge family. Chu people are very clear about the gold content of these three punches.

But what I didn't expect was that defeating Bai Yuxia with three punches was already the last glory.

Facing Qi Guojiang Wang, he showed all his supernatural powers, showed all his soul-killing techniques, and showed all his strength, but in the end he still stopped in the quarterfinals.

Anyone who has seen that battle cannot say that Xiang Bei is weak.

However, those who witnessed that battle with their own eyes were few, and the only thing people in the world heard about was the ranking.

It is well known that——

Xiangbei of the Xiang family of Great Chu is only the top eight in the inner mansion of the Yellow River Association.

Among the six great powers in the world, Jingguo Tianjiao gave up the competition and did not mention it. Among the five great powers, only one powerful country, Tianjiao, fell into the top eight.

That is Xiang Bei.

How can he be shameless?

How could he not work hard?

After viewing the river platform, he continued to practice hard, and sweat followed with blood. Asking yourself is living up to the years.

However, in the battle in front of Huangliangtai, the gap... even widened even further.

At this moment, he held the Gai Shiji, and had to admit that cutting off 30% of Jiang Wang's soul source was enough temptation for him.

Because he was born with double pupils, his soul power is by no means weaker than that of Jiang Wang. It was only because Tongtian Palace's protection of the soul greatly weakened the power of the invader's soul that there was a disastrous defeat in the confrontation between the soul and the gods on the Guanhe Terrace. Therefore, he dared not attack Jiang Wang's Tongtian Palace again.

Jiang Wang also did not dare to invade his Tongtian Palace.

Of course, Jiang Wang, who had the upper hand in addition to his soul, didn't have to make this choice.

If today, he could successfully kill Jiang Wang in the mountains and seas, and cut off 30% of his spiritual origin. Then he has enough spiritual advantage to calmly make achievements in this direction.

Tianfu Qin Zhizhen and Juedian Huang Sheli, he thinks that they all have the strength to fight. Even if they are not as good now, they have the confidence to catch up in the future.

Only Jiang Wang, who has also achieved Tianfu now, is sure that he has no possibility of defeating the opponent before God comes.

This person has come to the end of the inner palace level, to the point where it is almost impossible to surpass, and then he has achieved the outer building.

How does he catch up?

If it works this time...

Xiang Bei looked down and saw the reflection in the water, and was startled.

I can't help but ask myself--

Who are you Xiang Bei?

Since when did you put your hope of victory on weakening your opponent?

Are you really convinced by Jiang Wang, are you scared?

Mood fluctuates, leaving lines on the water surface.

Ripples spread round and round, and they refused to calm down.

Tai Yin was keenly aware of this detail, but instead of persuading him, he gave instructions directly with experience: "Don't think about it, we have found Jiang Wang and the others, and are ready to fight."

As an excellent military monk, Xiang Bei would never influence his comrades in specific actions even if he was extremely shaken in his heart. So he just took a step forward, stepped on the water waves, and responded to his state with the suddenly calm water surface.

Tai Yin was still looking at the seven-star compass, pinching his five fingers like flying: "He is moving fast, I don't know where he is going, let me see if I can block him in front of him, and set up the magic circle first... Wait, he seems to be heading here The side is coming!"

Xiang Bei remained silent.

After a while, Tai Yin frowned: "Why did you change the direction again?"

He couldn't help but asked Xiang Bei: "You said he was going left and right, up and down, running back and forth, what exactly is he trying to do?"

"Maybe you are fighting with someone?" Xiang Bei analyzed carefully.

Tai Yin frowned even tighter: "If you say that... it really looks like you are chasing someone. Which side will it be?"

"Is the plan still going on?" Xiang Bei only asked.

Speaking of it, although the two of them are determined to solve Jiang Wang here, they have more confidence in Jiang Wang than others.

Those who came to participate in the mountain and sea environment this time can be regarded as the strong of the younger generation.

But they still subconsciously felt that Jiang Wang was chasing and killing others, and they didn't consider whether it was Tianjiao who was chasing and killing Jiang Wang.

One is to really regard Jiang Wang as an enemy, and has studied it countless times, and the other is to really fight against Jiang Wang. They are the ones who can best understand Jiang Wang's strength.

"Why not? If you have helpers, the plan will be more likely to succeed." Tai Yin glanced at Xiang Bei: "You don't have to think too much, even if we are just hunting for treasure in the mountains and seas, we still need to eliminate competitors, right? Ambushing him is a kind of attention, but it does not mean fear."

Xiang Bei just nodded and didn't speak.

"No, he is flying around like this, and he can't accurately judge the landing point..." Tai Yin made a decisive decision: "You lie in ambush here, I will lure him over, and use the magic circle we have set up now to solve him. Once you enter the formation, you Immediately triggered!"

Before Xiang Bei could answer, he had already jumped out, following the direction shown by the seven-star compass, and flew away.

The momentum is like a frightened bird, which shows the intensity of the murderous intent.

For Xia Guo, being able to cut off 30% of Qi's number one arrogance is a great achievement.

For Tai Yin himself, family hatred and national hatred will eventually come to an end step by step.

above the waves. Xiang Bei held his halberd and stood alone, his aura gradually restrained, and his momentum became more concentrated.

He has cleared away the mess, is suppressing himself, accumulating himself, waiting for the moment of earth-shattering...

Waiting to kill Jiang Wangzuo Guangshu, or be killed by them.

Time is waiting, it has always been long.

But this time, it seemed to flow extremely fast.

When Xiang Bei raised his eyes and looked into the distance, he saw a black spot shooting towards him.

Tai Yin's appearance was clearly reflected in the double pupils, and he flew back faster than when he flew away!

Did you attract Jiang Wang so quickly?

Should it be said that Tai Yin's methods are too clever, or that Jiang is too reckless?

Xiang Bei put aside miscellaneous thoughts and was not distracted by things other than fighting. Lifting the World Halberd upside down, his figure slowly floated into the air, and the black smoke that devoured the thief's body had already started gushing out from outside him, and he was completely ready to explode with all his strength.

But only one sentence -


Tai Yin's cry was hasty and panicked, and there was a bit of disbelief in the panic.

What made this painstaking ambush so flustered?

Your big formation is here, what is there to be nervous about?

Is it a performance to deceive Jiang Wang?

Then why don't you let me know in advance... Aren't you afraid that I will misunderstand?


Xiang Bei hadn't finished saying 'what's going on', but his double pupils had already reflected the answer.

Behind Tai Yin, who flew all the way without looking back, is Jiang Wang, who is chasing after him in green shirt.

And almost at the same time as Jiang Wang crashed into the field of vision...

It's the overwhelming beast herd that is as black as a black tide!

As soon as Ge Shiji was raised and lowered, Xiang Bei cut off the conversation abruptly, turned around and ran away.



But it is said that Jiang Wang cut the Huodou king beast with a sword, and walked away on the cloud, attracting a whole group of Huodou beasts to chase and kill them.

The Sword Immortal who used to be so glorious in the Yellow River, only briefly showed his face in the mountain and sea realm, and then his brilliance disappeared.

Lord Jiang made preparations for a long-term escape, opened the secret treasure of chasing the wind, and ran all the way.

The reaction of the Huo Dou Wang Beast was not slow at all, and its roar seemed to ring in its ears.

Several times, Jiang Wang felt that cold breath, which seemed to have been attached to the back of his neck.

Obviously, it is impossible to get rid of the pursuit by flying in one direction. He can only rely on the ingenuity of the Immortal Technique of Flat Step and Celestial Cloud to start turning wildly.

Suddenly left and right, now up and down, the whole person keeps turning in the air, changing directions extremely gracefully.

It did play a role at the beginning, making the Fudouwang beast's multiple bites come to nothing.

But he was alone after all, while Fudou was in groups and well-trained.

Under the command of the Huo Dou Wang Beast, this group of vicious dog-like beasts actually staged exquisite cavalry tactics, interspersed and interspersed dazzlingly for a while, chasing and intercepting in various ways.

While Jiang Wang was amazed, he was gradually losing room to move around.

The marks of Qingyun were shattered in the air one by one. The blue-clothed and sword-wielding Lord Jiang looked unrestrained and calm, but that was just an illusion of temperament brought about by the Immortal Art of the Fairy Cloud, and there was a little bit of anxiety in his heart.

He vowed to take his younger brother Zuo Guangshu to push the mountain and sea realm, but he was eliminated from the competition without getting anything. Where is the face of the big brother?

The loss of 30% of the source of the soul is even more unbearable pain.

But so what?

This damned Huo Dou Wang Beast is too cunning and too powerful, and it also has an army of beasts with it, so it doesn't give it a chance to survive.

Even he, Jiang Wang, couldn't think of a way out for a while.

Can't help feeling great hatred in my heart.

In the five prefectures, the strength is agitated and the agitation is endless.

Think of me as a dignified Daqi Qingyangzi, performing the duties of the third rank, and hanging the fourth rank green card! The last time I was hunted down so embarrassingly was the last time...

"Look out, Master Immortal Master, this is not the first time we have been chased and killed by Shenlin."

In the ruins of Yunding Fairy Palace, Boy Baiyun kept helping to bring out Qingyun of good fortune, and at the same time kept chattering.

"In your fairy palace memory, is there any way to escape this kind of pursuit?" Jiang Wang asked in a hurry, treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Boy Baiyun thought hard before shaking his head seriously: "In my Immortal Palace memory, there should be no Immortal Master who was hunted down by Shenlin."

It's fine if you say it casually.

It hurts to think so seriously!

Immortal Lord Jiang was thinking about how to throw Boy Baiyun out to feed the dogs, when suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw an acquaintance in the unaccompanied mountains and seas——

Xia Guotianjiao Taiyin was rushing into the field of vision with an extremely ferocious posture, his hands were making a formula, his sleeves were bulging, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

In this way, he and Jiang Wang looked at each other briefly.

Then without saying a word, he turned and ran.

"Hey!" Lord Jiang scolded angrily, "Stop leaving, the thief!"

The green clouds under his feet shattered, and it was three points faster than the initial desperate flight!

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