Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1429 ?

Chapter 1429 Overwhelming the world, chasing the enemy with his hands behind his back

"Jiang Wang, the first overseas Lou of Qi State, please fight Tai Yin, the four overseas Lou of Xia State!"

Jiang Wang stepped on the blue sky, and he was angry again and again.

Tai Yin was running around the wind, desperately running.

"Yellow-haired boy, you have no guts, why don't you dare to fight me!"

Jiang Qingyang's voice shook all directions, but Tai Yin remained silent.

If this scene is seen by others, there is no need to discuss the strength of the two, and of course Tai Yin will also lose face.

"Are you afraid of me? The ancestors of the Tai family are looking at you!"

"Be brave! Turn around and fight with me!"

"Aren't you timid!"

"I wrote it down with a photo stone!"

What a gentleman Jiang, with a sword alone, his lips and teeth are like knives, chasing Xia Guotai Yin in the mountains and seas, he dared not fight.

It's quite a posture of riding alone for thousands of miles, and showing off a hero with a single sword.

But I have to admit in my heart that the pride of a country always has two brushes.

He asked himself that he had performed at a high level, no matter what, he had learned 60 to 70% of Xu Xianggan and Chong Xuansheng's cursing skills, but the other party did not waver at all, and the only thing he had a clear goal was "run".

Not only is verbal skill useless, but physical skills are always a little bit worse. No matter how you chase, you can only see the back of the other party.

If he could catch up easily, he wouldn't have to search his brains for words...

Lord Jiang is also very experienced in chasing and killing. Back then when he was still in the Heaven-reaching Realm, he used up the Snake Bone Mask by running long distances. Not long ago, he chased the Masked Demon into the Xingyueyuan battlefield.

If there is no fatal fight behind him, it is not impossible to chase Tai Yin for thousands of miles in the mountains and seas.

It's a pity that there is no if.

He couldn't catch up with Tai Yin, but the Huo Dou Wang Beast was about to catch up with him!

The imprint of the blossoming blue clouds appeared and shattered one after another, and Jiang Wangteng jumped up while the five houses were shaking.

The body is like the setting sun, sprinkled with afterglow. With a violent eruption, the distance was quickly shortened, and a veteran Chi Mu's sword struck Taiyin's back.

Although Tai Yin wanted to run away and turned a deaf ear to Jiang Wang's provocation, it was impossible not to pay attention to Jiang Wang's movements.

After suffering so much ridicule and running so far, how could he be willing to be buried with him?

The person was still flying without looking back, and his right hand jumped suddenly in a gesture without aesthetic feeling, as if he was struggling in some kind of predicament.

So the fire element exploded, the water element raged, the thunder element fell silent, and the wind element collapsed... The environment surrounding Jiang Wang almost collapsed on the spot.

Including air, including Yuanli, everything born in nature is repelling him and is against him.

It seems that there are countless invisible hands.

Pulling him, binding him.

It's for supernatural powers, embarrassment!

Fish out of water, birds caught in nets, animals lost.

Never be free.

Jiang Wang held his sword in his hand and jumped into the sky. Originally, the sword was fierce and imposing, and it was bound to penetrate the distance of space and kill the enemy with one blow.

But at this moment, the whole person lagged too much. His body was like being stuck in the mud, unable to move an inch. His sword is so powerful that it is almost impossible to hold it.

In this distressed environment, it would be a mistake to advance in itself.

Everything is wrong.

He is not only chasing Tai Yin, he seems to be an enemy of this world!

In this short time, the Huo Dou Wang Beast had already caught up and bit Jiang Wang's back neck!


Take a bite.

It was Jiang Wang who showed the body of heaven in an instant. Although he failed to break through the environmental quagmire created by the embarrassment, he also forcibly moved in the "mire", just avoiding the bite of the Huo Dou Wang Beast.

The person was writhing in embarrassment, but his right hand pressed Taiyin.

Over there, Tai Yin did not hesitate to delay Jiang Wang with embarrassment magical powers, and was about to continue to escape, when suddenly, the sea of ​​heaven in his body set off a turbulent wave! A divine dragon jumped out of the sea, as if it was about to crash into the sea of ​​Wufu at any moment.

Outside the body, winds come from all directions!

Breezes of various shapes seemed to arise out of nowhere, wrapping around every part of his body, making him unable to move.

The super-grade Taoism inherited from the old royal family, Dragon and Tiger!

Even Tai Yin, when he came across this technique suddenly, was determined in mid-air.

It was this certainty that made him lose complete control over the environment. The embarrassing supernatural powers could no longer focus on Jiang Wang, and the chaotic environment inevitably affected the Huo Dou Wang Beast who rushed behind Jiang Wang.

Compared with Huo Dou Wang Beast, who experienced the embarrassing supernatural power for the first time, Jiang Wang had already seen this supernatural power on the viewing platform.

At that time, I also took it for granted to participate in the battle, and imagined how I would respond if I was on the court.

In this muddy environment, he turned around and stepped on the forehead of the Huo Dou Wang Beast, using his strength to eject it!

It is not only pushing away the Huo Dou Wang Beast, but also approaching Tai Yin, and it is also speeding up to get rid of the environment affected by the embarrassing supernatural power. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

During the brief confrontation, Jiang Wang and Tai Yin chose to stagnate each other almost at the same time, while the black and black beasts of the disaster fight kept chasing each other non-stop.

After all, Tai Yin's supernatural powers of embarrassment are limited in scope, and it is of course difficult to fight within the scope. The fights outside the range were not hindered at all, and surged up like a black tide.

Again like a huge, open pocket.

Fudou King Beast and some of the Fudou trapped in chaotic environment are the bottom of the pocket.

The continuous forward fighting on both sides is constantly expanding this pocket.

At this moment, Jiang Wang was rushing out of the inner circle of the "pocket", and Tai Yinze was fixed on the edge of the pocket.

There is a relative misunderstanding between time and space, and Jiang Wang and Tai Yin, who are struggling to advance, are running further and further back in this pocket.

At this critical moment.

The power belonging to the Starlight Holy Building descended.

Although the sky still has no starlight and is covered by special rules, the power of the distant stars is still projected down unhindered.

Red, blue, blue, yellow, the strength of the four colors mixed, has already surged around Tai Yin's body, and in the shortest time, it has dissipated the eight winds brought by the Taoist dragon and tiger.

Xia Guo Taishi's secret biography, against the four phenomena Hunyuan energy!

In the sky-reaching sea that outsiders can't see, the surging inverse four-element Hunyuan power also turned into a winged tiger, swooping down to hold down the angry dragon boiling the sea.

Inverting the Four Phrases Hunyuan Strength, disintegrates all earth, feng, shui and fire affiliations, and those who are in power will be shattered.

Once condensed, it will be released instantly.

Tai Yin, who had returned to freedom, did not escape immediately, but punched back.

Red, blue, blue, yellow, the four colors of light mixed on the face of the fist, trying to break this world!

Of course, Jiang Wang's forehead must also be broken.

At worst, Jiang Wang should be smashed back directly in front of the sharp teeth of the Huo Dou Wang Beast!

Thinking of him, Tai Yin, who took the initiative to collapse the White Tiger Sacred Building on the Guanhe Terrace to fight against Chong Xuanzun. After the meeting of the Yellow River, it took a lot of hard work to rebuild it and make the fourth floor complete. Even going one step further, he has already glimpsed the opportunity of God's presence.

It was only for that step to be more magnanimous that he paused for a while.

How can this punch not hit Jiang Wang today?

This reversing punch, like a scorpion wagging its tail, gallops its horse back to its gun, abrupt, violent, and amazing!

The timing was perfect.

You, Jiang Wang, want to fight endlessly, so you come to receive my punch!

At this moment, Tai Yin's eyes were full of divine light, and his aura was as violent as an angry tiger.

But all he saw was that the man was ejected, surrounded by fire and covered with frost.

There is immortal red gold in the eyes, and the five palaces in front of the chest and abdomen are all bright.

Reproduce the Sword Immortal!

The body is like a long rainbow, and the sword is the end of the startling rainbow. Just such a straight sword collision...

A sword came down the mountain.

The rainbow hangs in the sky.

It seems that the scene on the viewing platform reappeared, and I saw Tianfu again!


The severe pain frightened away the momentary trance, Tai Yin's fist has been pierced!

The Hunyuan energy against the four phenomena cannot block the light of the five supernatural powers of Tianfu.

Even Jianfeng is still advancing, and Jiang Wang is still advancing.

His left hand was beating again, as if in a desperate situation, fighting against fate, and his magical powers reappeared in embarrassment!

Once again, an environment was created to suppress Jiang Wang alone.

But the right hand pulled back directly, and pulled out his fist from the blade, and could almost hear the toothache, the sound of the blade rubbing against the phalanx.

The pain seemed to have nothing to do with him.

He only followed his own decision, and with his bloody right hand, he turned around and flew away.

Never thought of close combat.

Fighting in an environment affected by the embarrassment supernatural power, almost suffered a weakening of all aspects of combat power.

He said that Tai Yin was a coward, but Jiang Wang didn't dare to underestimate him in a real battle, especially in such an environment.

Therefore, he clearly captured Tai Yin's fighting intention, and he clearly knew that his punch was still mainly for interception, not as the winner of life or death.

He still didn't hesitate to lose his strength, and directly collided with it with the peak strength of a sword fairy.

What you want to hit is to be caught off guard, and what you want is for the opponent to flee in embarrassment.

Under the influence of embarrassing supernatural powers, the Yuanli environment is extremely chaotic, and it is difficult to perform Taoism based on Yuanli.

Fortunately, Jiang Wang has become familiar with this state, and instead of fighting against the environment immediately, he raised his hand and pressed it, and immediately summoned the hell of five senses, which landed on Taiyin's body in front of him.

Make it invisible to eyes, deaf to ears, odourless to nose, tasteless to tongue, and insensitive to body!

Tai Yin, who had already been on full alert and roamed his whole body against the Hunyuan energy against the four phenomena, had broken through the hell of the five senses in the shortest time and regained the five senses.

But also the same, lost control of the chaotic environment at that moment.

The out-of-control environment instantly affected the Huo Dou Wang Beast.

Although this was not Taiyin's original wish, he did actually help Jiang Wang for a few rounds, which greatly delayed the trouble fighting king beast a few times.

It's a pity that this time, Huo Dou Wang Beast refused to accompany him any more.

There was only a roar, like thunder shaking the sky, it actually suppressed the chaotic environment on the spot and restored the messy energy. On the black fur, the special luster flowed, and the magical effect of embarrassment had been completely expelled.

Huo Dou Wang Beast is free, and Jiang Wang is also free.

But he didn't feel relaxed at all. Instead, he felt a strong sense of vigilance—the Huo Dou Wang Beast seemed to be tired of this kind of chasing game, and the roar this time was obviously more impatient and more tyrannical.

I wish Tai Yin could understand something and give Huo Dou Wang Beast some unforgettable memories!

Jiang Wang accelerated forward suddenly, only flew a few feet, and then sank down suddenly. With such an abrupt turning point, the black-haired and glossy Huo Dou Wang Beast flew into thin air!

The sharp teeth of the Huo Dou Wang Beast temporarily pulled away, but the cold feeling still seemed to be trembling on the tip of the hair on the back of its neck.

The person fell, turned around in mid-air, suddenly lifted up, and went straight to Taiyin.

After finally meeting someone, or an enemy, how could Lord Jiang miss it?

So he insisted that Taiyin would not relax, and led the disaster fighting king beast up and down, and chased after him.

Like a blue bird, flying in the mountains and seas. The use of Pingbu Qingyun's fairy art is extremely wonderful.

Even in the heyday of the Nine Great Immortal Palace back then, no disciple was able to occupy the entire Qingyun Pavilion with luxury, occupying the inexhaustible Qingyun of Good Fortune.

Clouds and smoke, floating mountains, cold reefs, blue seas...

The mountains and seas are undoubtedly beautiful.

Those who broke into this room suddenly and broke the tranquility were those who fled desperately.

Above the beautiful picture scroll of mountains and seas, the black tide is surging, and two small black dots are flying in front, about to be submerged at any time, but they always escape narrowly.

If someone glanced over this sea area, they would be able to see the heroic figure of Lord Jiang leading the horde of beasts to sweep across the mountains and seas.

It's a pity that this chase itself is difficult and disgraceful.

Tai Yinfei was at the forefront, and Jiang Wang followed closely behind.

The two used their own methods and tried every means to drag each other's hind legs, but after all, they didn't want to fall into the siege of the disaster beasts, so it was difficult to fight with all their strength.

It can only fly all the way.

Although there have been several rounds of fighting, after all, not too long has passed.

Jiang Wang listened to the six directions, looked in all directions, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Xiang Bei standing alone on the water.

This guy's extraordinarily tall and mighty figure, the steaming thief-swallowing ghostly aura on his body, and the exaggeratedly shaped halberd are all eye-catching wherever they are placed.

He really has the attitude of a fierce general.

My dear, this is it!

We have confronted each other several times, and we know each other very well. If I can't catch up with Taiyin, can I still catch up with you?


Tai Yin's voice exploded first.

At this time, there is still a long way to go to Xiang Bei.

Jiang Wang was anxious, and said angrily, "Xiang, how dare you fight me!?"

He shouted with passion and fighting spirit.

But Xiang Bei was not as he wished, he ran resolutely without looking back.

"Mr. Xiang Lang, have you forgotten what you said yesterday?"

"The courage of Xiang's male son, why don't we see him again!"

Jiang Wang shouted repeatedly, heartbroken: "The sound is still in my ears, how can people be embarrassed!"

Xiang Bei turned around abruptly, his body was filled with ghostly energy, the edge of the halberd was glowing green, and his eyes were about to burst: "The Jiang surname is too deceitful, I will kill you today!"

"What do you care about with the dead!" Tai Yin couldn't help cursing while rushing towards him: "If you turn around and fight him, you are the number one idiot in Tianzi, and you have read the book of war for nothing!"

Xiang Bei was obviously woken up by the scolding, he slashed down with a halberd from a distance, and the halberd roared for more than ten miles, and hit Jiang Wang from a distance, but he turned around and fled again.

Jiang Wang said angrily: "Children of the Xia Kingdom, do you only have the ability to talk? Don't run away if you have the guts!"

"Today I have one against two, do you have the courage to turn around and fight?"

While scolding angrily, he folded his body and slashed his sword, cutting off the halberd light coming from him.

But very cleverly only cut a small gap, and people passed through it.

The Huo Dou Wang Beast behind him must either avoid it, or fight against the halberd light with all his strength, in short, he can't sit back and enjoy the benefits.

No matter what Tai Yin and Xiang Bei think, as long as they can hand in hand, Jiang Wang has plenty of ways to get them to help him. And with the satisfaction of knowledge, they can "help" more and more.

"Don't run away! Two gutless bastards!"

"How about I give you a hand?"

"It's okay to let two!"

"Qi Tianjiao dominates the world, chasing the enemy with his hands behind his back. Chu Tianjiao is really an ordinary person! Xia Tianjiao is nothing but this!"

Faced with Lord Jiang's chatter, Xiang Bei blushed, gritted his teeth and ran away.

Tai Yin was almost used to it, and he didn't even bother to respond.

Just like this all the way to chase, all the way to escape.

Suddenly, the world changed color!

The sky was actually divided into two colors, one half was black and the other half was white.

The black is deep and dull, and the white is hopeless and powerless.

No, not just the sky.

The same is true of the sea under the feet, the blue color has faded.

There is an invisible boundary that divides the black and white sea.

Black and white divide the world and everything in this world evenly, even including the color itself...and expose it to people in the coldest way.

The same goes forward, the same goes back, the same goes for left and right!

Thanks to the book friend "not bad money" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 252nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Brother, this ID is arrogant!

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