Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1431


It's such a crisp sound.

Perhaps a little louder than a pin dropping to the ground.

Jiang Wang held his sword tightly, but couldn't move it down any further.

The sharp teeth are interlaced, reflecting the cold front.

Huo Dou Wang Beast turned its head at a speed that couldn't be captured by vision, but bit the tip of the sword precisely, and just looked at Jiang Wang coldly.

That ray of frosty white wind was also blocked from the dim light on the surface of the teeth.

At that moment, it seemed that Jiang Wang's speed of holding the sword through his skull became very slow, became slower and slower, and then stopped abruptly.

The serious Huo Dou Wang Beast shows its crushing power all the time.

Stepping over God is approaching God!

Sauvignon Blanc is like a smear of frost, frozen in the air, connecting the Huo Dou Wang Beast and the condescending Jiang Wang.

It's a pity that those who are high are like feathers, and those who are low are like mountains.

How light is this, how heavy is this.

Sauvignon Blanc, the famous sword in the world, also let out a trembling moan of being overwhelmed.

Jiang Wang exerted force with his hands, using the blade of the sword as a rope, as if in a tug-of-war, but he brought his body in front of him, almost facing the Huo Dou Wang Beast.


Opening his mouth and spitting out, the supernatural power seeds were fully stimulated, and red flames spewed out!

Samadhi true fire, everything burns!

This is the first magical power picked up since the opening of the inner mansion, and it has been developed for the longest time. Although it is not as good as Zhou Feng who swallowed a large number of Yan Xiao's beaks and came up later, he has accumulated the most magical power.

At this moment, Jiang Wang almost pushed the crimson supernatural seed to the limit, rushing forward with an aura that would burn the sky and destroy the earth.

Huo Dou is used to eating fire, so let's try it out, whether he can eat this supernatural fire, and how much he can eat!

Facing Jiang Wang's eyes, Huo Dou Wang Beast clearly felt his will.

Grabbing the tip of Sauvignon Blanc's sword in his mouth, he shook his head violently!

An unstoppable force surged in, and Jiang Wang flew high with his sword.

And the huge mouth of the Huo Dou Wang Beast was still sucking violently without restraint!

The gloomy light turned into a vortex, as if it had joined another world, swallowing the raging true fire of Samadhi in one gulp!

The dazzling supernatural fire was swept away.

The mouth of Huo Dou Wang Beast bulged high, and then the whole body glowed red, with a feeling that it was about to explode. But above the black fur, the gloomy light flowed down like a waterfall, as if "washing" away that layer of red light, and then the color disappeared and returned to normal.

Over there, Jiang Wang was thrown away even with his sword, and he didn't even care about observing the results of the Samadhi True Fire. He just stepped on Qingyun in mid-air and flew away at a faster speed, trying to take the opportunity to smash into the encirclement of the beasts.

But at the next moment, with a flash in front of his eyes, the Huo Dou Wang Beast had already stopped in front again, with a claw at the head.

Jiang Wang took a breath, and a wisp of frosty white wind drifted out, facing his opponent directly with the killing nail.


Huo Dou Wang's beast claws covered You Guang, and even slapped the killing nails from the side, and then slapped Jiang Wang with his claws, directly blasting him off!

The frost scattered, the flames disappeared, and the immortal red gold color in the eyes also faded.

The state of the sword fairy was broken up!

The light of the five supernatural powers mixed into one body flowed out separately, and the dazzling five rounds of Tianfu on the chest and abdomen were gradually extinguished.

A green shirt fluttered down, like a bird with broken wings, falling powerlessly to the surface of the sea.

Looking at the sky with an upside-down attitude, the sky filled with clouds and smoke in the mountains and seas is really beautiful.

The sound of the body entering the water was also very soft.

It was as if the blue sea gently lifted him up and buffered a large part of the falling force.

The muscles and bones in his body seemed to be broken.

Nowhere is there pain, nowhere is there no fatigue.

I really want to... just lie there and close my eyes.

But the hand can still move, and the sword is still in the hand.

The Five Houses have not yet collapsed, and Tongtian Palace still has Daoyuan.

The battle is not over!

A huge amount of Dao Yuan rushed to the limbs and bones in an instant, bringing extremely heavy power.

So his body began to fall at a very high speed, sinking deeper into the bottom of the sea in the sea.

Is there an end to this boundless sea?

Are there any evil beasts in the sea?

Every accident is now an opportunity!


There was a fierce sound of falling into the water, and the water splashed dozens of feet! With an extremely ferocious posture, the Huo Dou Wang Beast smashed down completely, smashing the water mirror and crashing into the sea.

Falling into the water in such a way, it encountered the greatest resistance of the sea water, but it still went on a rampage, as fast as lightning.

When it bumped into Jiang Wang, turned sharply, and faced Jiang Wang, the puddle it dropped on the sea began to recover... so fast!

Now, in this icy sea.

Huo Dou Wang Beast faced Jiang Wang head-on again.

It took another claw without hesitation!

This claw swiped at the bottom of the sea, but it tore the sea water apart.

The sea is of course blocking it, but it cannot stop it.

Jiang Wang's left hand was still twisted strangely, and a star ring around the wrist suddenly lit up.

With a leap of starlight, it turned into a solemn pagoda.

It was the star tower given by Guanyan Xingjun, which collided with the claws of the Huo Dou Wang Beast with extremely heavy force.

There was a muffled noise from the bottom of the sea.

The star building was scattered on the spot, and returned to the wrist, with a circle of imprints.

Its power should not be used for defense. It is as mysterious as it, and should travel in the sea of ​​stars.

But Jiang Wang had no choice.

Exhausting all imaginations, this is the only way to win a chance.

At the moment when this star building collided with the claws of the Huo Dou Wang Beast, Jiang Wang had already drawn his sword.

He has practiced water sword more than once. Among the mountain and sea purgatory, the water purgatory is Zuo Guangshu's favorite purgatory.

He had already learned how to get close to the water with Zuo Guangshu. Chang Acacia condensed the frosty light and crossed a beautiful track without being hindered by the water flow at all.

But there is only a flower in front of him, the vital point of the heart has been lost, and the tip of the sword is bitten again.

Jiang Wang asked himself that he had paid all his attention to the movements of the Huo Dou Wang Beast, and his sword could be called abrupt, but he couldn't avoid the bite at all!

The Huo Dou Wang Beast doesn't hide its ferocity at all, it just wants to suppress him mercilessly with the strength and speed of crushing.

Let you be talented in the sky, let you be excellent at swordsmanship, let you be supernatural.

One claw, one bite, one swallow.

Break it!

Sauvignon Blanc fell into the mouth of the fight again, at this moment, Jiang Wang's left eye turned red.

The pupil of Qianyang, the soul-killing method, is called Zhuixi.

He never intended to fight against the WoW Wang Beast at the level of spirit and soul, because this was the most unwise choice of battle.

The Huo Dou Wang Beast is a strange beast at the level of God's presence. The soul returns to Yuanhuashen, and spiritual consciousness is cultivated. Within the range covered by spiritual consciousness, it is naturally like a god.

Colliding with the power of his soul in the outer world and the spiritual consciousness of the Huo Dou Wang Beast is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

But at this moment, what else can he do?

Almost all the trump cards have been easily cracked.

All struggles are erased.

He just doesn't give up.

It's nothing more than trying my best, exhausting all possibilities, struggling, fighting——

Just like every desperation he faced along the way.

At the level of the soul, a brilliant sun, shining high in the sky, burning violently, crashed down.

Like a flame that destroys the world, it has the power to burn the sea.

The picture of breaking the formation by a single rider unfolded, and the beast of the king of disasters was printed on it. Looking around the environment of the soul under the scorching sun, there were obviously some surprises. After all, such a powerful soul power, it has almost never been felt by the existence under the presence of the gods,

But it was just an accident.

In the next moment, it jumped up.

Its body expands infinitely.

Its potential expands infinitely.

Jiang Wang started the soul battle with himself, but it has the momentum to dominate the battle.

Like a black dog piercing the sky, swallowing the burning sun in one gulp, roar!

At this moment, the fight is like a tengu!

It was as if the myth had been brought into reality.

This bright and hot soul world...

went out.

The extreme pain was like a frenzy, instantly destroying all willpower. The last feeling left in Jiang Wang's heart was nothingness.

Deep darkness swept over.

For this one, the curtain came to an end.



"The traces of Jiang Wang have disappeared."

On an isolated reef, Tai Yin took a last look at the seven-star compass and put it away.


Xiang Bei sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath, with Ge Shiji across his knees.

There is a very light feeling, like water ripples in the heart lake.

Can't tell whether it's regret or relaxation.

It is of course a good thing to expel Jiang Wang, but after all, he did not defeat him with his own hands.

And once 30% of the source of the soul is given up, it will be an almost unbearable loss for monks with extremely powerful souls like them. In terms of the comparison of his soul power with Jiang Wang's, it was weakened to the point where he could directly attack the opponent's Tongtian Palace.

In other words...

The high mountain that has been standing in front of me has collapsed.

Speaking of which, although he agreed to Tai Yin's plan.

But in fact, he didn't expect Jiang Wang's departure.

I always feel that such a person will continue to create miracles.

But looking back and thinking about it, how can anyone be the eternal protagonist?

For example, Xiang Longxiang, the pillar of the Xiang family, the kind of big man who has emerged from a young age and has been brilliant all his life, didn't he also collapse in the river valley?

"The traces are destroyed in an instant, just like the Huo Dou Wang beast wiped out my formation..."

Tai Yin's expression was a bit dignified, of course not because of Jiang Wang whose traces had been erased, but because of the mountain and sea environment itself: "Didn't it mean that this is just an illusory world? But since I came in until now, this place has given me It feels completely different from the illusory realm.”

"I have emphasized that the illusion here is just one of the theories. It's just that you believed in this theory more before." Xiang Beidao: "Nine hundred years have passed, and the truth of the mountains and seas has not yet been revealed. What you and I have seen, is it true? Is it the truth?"

There is a deep light in his Tianheng double-day pupils: "Maybe it's just a section."

Tai Yin pondered and said: "At least, the strength and wisdom of the Huo Dou Wang Beast are real. It is definitely not some vain imagination."

"I've also experienced it in the Illusory Realm." Xiang Bei said suddenly: "Tell me, if the creator of the Illusory Realm is willing, can he directly create a strong person in the Illusory Realm that doesn't exist in this world? If he really creates it Now, can we find out?"

As we all know, the participants in the Illusory Realm are all practitioners in this world.

Xiang Bei's words sounded abrupt at first glance, even inexplicable. But if you think about it in depth, it makes people a little hairy.

Taiyin suddenly felt chills down his spine, and after a moment of stunned, he forced a smile and said: "The Illusionary Realm has its own rules, and no one is allowed to change them at will after they are formulated. Even if there are rules that really need to be adjusted after the environment develops, they must be coordinated by all parties. It can only be revised after being supervised... This is too illusory, and all the powers in the world are involved, and they are all on duty to supervise."

Sentences state facts.

Every sentence is comforting.

Compared with the great structure of Taixu Illusory Realm, Tai Yin and Xiang Bei are actually insignificant.

At least for now it's pretty trivial.

Xiang Bei then asked, "Are you sure Jiang Wang is out?"

"If I were him, I can't do anything about it. That Huo Dou is too strong." Tai Yin had lingering fears in his heart: "I completely relied on overwhelming power to blow up my formation... I left some traces of it , next time before approaching, the seven-star compass will give an early warning, but I don't know if it will be useful, and it will be too late. Whether it is true or not, this mountain and sea environment is much more terrifying than what you said before."

"I didn't expect it to be like this in the Mountain Sea Realm..."

As Xiang Bei spoke, he suddenly stopped talking, stood up, lifted the halberd, and looked up at the sky.


From above the sky, there was a violent sound.

Like thunder, like a hole in the sky.

So abrupt, so impossible to ignore.

The ever-enlarging black shadow in the sky was like a meteorite falling from the sky, roaring and crashing into the sea.

After another breath or two, I finally saw clearly.

But it was a burly giant with muscles like mountains, falling from a distant high altitude.

The terrifyingly strong muscles bulged up a standard military uniform belonging to an unknown force.

There is no Taoist power in the whole body, and the purely physical body rubs against the air at a very high speed, thus making a terrifying sound like the whistling of meteorites.

Xiang Bei is already quite tall and majestic, almost a head taller than Tai Yin, and also a round stronger.

But compared with this giant man who fell at such a high speed, he was a round smaller.

The surging blood energy and the performance of breaking through the air purely with the physical body all show that this is a powerful martial artist.

Who is this person? So why come?

Xiang Bei had raised his halberd to face each other, but Tai Yin was looking ahead with a serious expression.

At the end of the field of vision, on the surface of the blue sea, there is also a person riding on the waves.

Black hair like thick ink, smudged in the air.

The slightly raised jaw line was as sharp as a wounding edge. In the silence, it just shows his pride.

Lift a long gun upside down.

People come first, guns follow.

The tip of the gun only entered the water half an inch, leaving a shallow ditch.

But it didn't disappear for a long time.

Therefore, from a distance that cannot be seen, it has been extended to this point——

It was unintentional, but it was a terrifying, condensed gunfire!

Gun marks.

This is a famous gun that must be handed down from generation to generation.

This should be a shocking hero.

But Tai Yin could neither recognize the man nor the spear.

He could only clearly see a big fish swimming by at the bottom of the water, clearly still a long distance away from the spear point. But in an instant, he was riddled with holes and died terribly.

The wound is translucent.

This sharp man,

He dragged his spear backwards like this, and walked from the end of the blue sea.

Nothing was said, but there seemed to be nothing to be said.

life and death.

There must always be one side, choose the same.

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