Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1432 ? What is this person's name?

Chapter 1432 What is this person's name?

Bibo, black hair, long gun.

With a sharpness that never looks back, it invades the field of vision.

The gun was trailing obliquely behind the man, entering the water extremely shallow.

But the man himself was like the point of a gun.

It's a little cold star, and it's a crescent moon.

It is the light that will never be missed by the eyes in the long darkness.

It was too late to deploy the formation at this time.

Tai Yin pulled out a circular array with his left hand and pressed it in front of him. Suddenly, a wind swirled around him and Xiang Bei like a willow blade.

And he pinched the Dao Jue with his right hand, with a solemn expression: "Who are you?"

For strange existence, he responded with the utmost caution.

But the visitor did not speak, but walked faster and faster. Go faster and faster. The boots left long-lasting footprints on the water, and the gun still cut through the water, leaving a long water mark.

That water mark, from where this person walked now, extends to the end of the field of vision.

It's as if the tip of his spear split the sea in the mountains and seas into two halves!

He didn't answer, kept going.

It seems that he doesn't take Tai Yin seriously at all, and doesn't bother to explain half a sentence.

Just please fight.

His attitude is also that of that giant in the sky.

At this time, the giant man who was still falling at a high speed at a high altitude had rubbed sparks all over his body.

The closer he got to the sea, the more he could hear the sound of blood flowing in his body like a river, surging and colliding with the sound of waves on the rocks under his feet.

The human body seems to have a sea.

This is Wu Fu!

bang bang! bang bang!

His heartbeat sounded like thunder, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Near, near.

Like a meteorite hitting the ground, his body was covered in flames.

That's not some supernatural means, but a stream of fire created by purely frictional air at high speed.

Falling down at such a terrifying speed, the first thing the viewer meets is a fist.

An extremely strong fist as big as an iron bowl.

Like a rock, like a mountain! It was overwhelmed so violently, and then it was the rivers, lakes and seas that pushed the mountain down.


The air exploded.

Xiang Bei has already stood up, and during the process of lifting into the air, his muscles continue to expand, like mountains and mountains, blood vessels protrude like dragon snakes, and black smoke comes out through his body. In an instant, a Thief Swallowing Overlord body as high as Zhang Zhang appeared.

At this moment, he is indomitable and majestic.

Holding the halberd high, the halberd shook the sky!

Even if the sky falls, it will overturn with you, not to mention mountains, lakes and seas.


After Xiang Bei pulled out a few feet, the huge reef under their feet cracked under the force of the shock.

There was a series of explosions in the air.

The more Xiang Bei rushed, the sicker he became, and the higher he rushed, the higher he went.

There are two tall figures in the sky, one is unstoppable, the other is indomitable.

Came together so decisively.

They never said a word to each other, not even looked at each other.

The black smoky halberd and the fist surrounded by red fire are like the collision of two stars in the vast universe!

All the roaring sounds, all the blasting sounds of the air, were all annihilated in an instant.

The sound is completely killed, and nothing can be heard.

In the field of vision, where the fist and the halberd collided, a few distorted black fine lines faintly appeared, and disappeared in a flash.

That's a crack in space!

This scene in the vision became very slow, and the recovery was not smooth.

It seems that the world has collapsed for a round, and then reopened.

Huge ripples spread high in the sky.

The burly man raised his fists, and his whole body flew upwards.

But Xiang Bei fell straight down and kept didn't stop until his boots stepped on the reef.

Click, click, click.

This huge reef with a radius of more than ten feet split into countless fragments in an instant, collapsing and sinking into the bottom of the sea.


At the moment when Xiang Bei went straight to the sky, and the moment a crack appeared on the reef, Tai Yin had already moved forward.

Since there is no response to words, then use fighting to prove it.

He couldn't believe it anymore, an unknown person who appeared out of nowhere could really crush him, the direct heir of the Tai Clan, in this impenetrable mountain and sea realm!

Don't you see that Jiang Qingyang, who is famous all over the world, was not able to pull him into the water, but was stopped by his formation and went straight to a desperate situation!

He took a step forward and walked down the rock. Walk directly in the air, keeping a distance of about three inches between the soles of the boots and the water surface.

The more you walk, the more you walk, the more you walk.

The formation plate hanging in front of him moved with his movement.

The wind flowing around the body immediately turned into a green blade like a willow leaf, piercing the space and emitting a piercing scream, following a mysterious trajectory, one after another, killing the man who came on the waves one step at a time.

These wind blades follow the texture of the space.

It is not fast in the visual sense, which can lead to misjudgments for the opponent.

In fact, it is not only fast, but also fierce.

It is the most powerful array in Tai Yin's hand, named Liufeng Qingren. He used it first to defend, but also to mislead the opponent, so that he would be caught off guard.

At this time, people enter and enter, and the murderous intent is awe-inspiring.

At this moment when he was approaching his opponent extremely fast, Tai Yin only saw Han Xing a little bit.

In the entire field of vision, everything else seems to have disappeared, only the cold star shining in the eyes.

Afterwards, the green blades simulated by Feng Yuan shattered one by one.

The field of vision is thus opened.

He finally saw the man, the gun again.


The formation disk in front of him is broken!

The fragments of the exploded formation disk flew all over the sky, and in the gap between the fragments of the formation disk and the scattered wind blades, Tai Yin saw the true face of the long spear.

It seemed to have just bounced from behind to the front of the man, holding it in his hand.

This gun looks so ordinary that it can't even be called mediocre, it can be called ugly.

It was simply a scorched piece of wood. It was rescued by someone, and it was cut at will, and a gun head was grafted perfunctorily.

The only thing is that after using it for a long time, the gun body has been carefully coiled and it is still smooth.

And when it advances with a posture that penetrates everything, forcing you to look at it a few more times, you can suddenly feel a power that penetrates time from it.

Too sharp and too strong.

The torch is passed on from generation to generation, and civilization continues.

What can stop this shot?

Up can pierce the clouds and break the moon, and down can smash the sea and sink the boat.

Who can be the one in the world?

It is the edge of this gun!

Tai Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, but his face remained calm. He raised his right hand which had already been executed, and bent his five fingers slightly, like five peaks facing the sky.


In the middle of the sea, a water-blue dragon leaped up, making waves.

Hoo hoo!

From the height of the sky, a blue dragon descended, surrounded by a hurricane.

Silently and flamingly.

After the unbearable high temperature came first, a fiery red dragon jumped out of the flames, baring its teeth and claws.

In the sharp screaming sound, there is the phantom of the forest white dragon puffing out weapons, bringing murderous intentions everywhere.


A sudden flash of lightning flashed across, and a deep purple thunder dragon was pulled out from the lightning, overlooking the world indifferently.

Water, Wind, Fire, Metal, Thunder.

With this five yuan, all directions will be suppressed.

It is a super-grade Taoism handed down by Taishi's family, five dragons seal the sky!

When Guanhetai competed for the first prize, he hadn't been able to practice this technique yet. After the meeting of the Yellow River ended, he realized his shame and acted bravely. Instead, he solved the problem and successfully mastered this super-grade Taoism at the outer building level.

As soon as five angry dragons of different shapes and colors appeared, they immediately took over the world and controlled the distance between Tai Yin and this mysterious opponent.

That bit of cold star stagnated in the sky.

The man and his spear stopped on the way forward.


Tai Yin felt unwell.

It was obviously still so far away, and the shot had already been stopped.

Between his brows, there was even a faint feeling of being stabbed!

He obviously didn't get a shot, but it seemed that he had been pierced through the cranium!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Tai Yin expelled that feeling of unease and drove the five dragons to roar in the air. The five completely different elemental forces were entangled into chains that were hard to see with the naked eye, densely distributed in the space covered by Taoism.

This is an invisible bondage.

Water, wind, fire, metal, and thunder, the tails of the five dragons of elemental power are entangled in one place, spinning upwards, like a spear head with five colors evenly divided. The bodies of the five dragons extend outwards, covering a huge area, with only the heads of the dragons bowing down, majestic at the opponent.

The sky then presents five colors, which are blue, blue, red, white, and purple.

It looked like the whole sky was soaked, and then the sky fell and turned everything over.

Being surrounded by this technique, I only feel that the world is chaotic, and the five colors are confusing.

But viewed from outside the scope of this Taoism, the brilliant light and shadow created by Wulong Fengtian is like a colorful umbrella.

It's already stretched.

The body of Wulong is the umbrella bone.

The entanglement of the dragon's tail is the tip of the umbrella.

The five densely manifested elemental forces just filled the huge gap between the five dragon bodies, shaped like an umbrella.

And the five dragon heads hanging down roared and cast divine spells.

As a result, water cones rotated at high speed, wind blades fluttered unpredictably, fireballs whizzed and fell, golden arrows emptied like rain, and thunder guns pierced the space. waterfall.

It was as if the sky was pouring rain, and suddenly came the figure with the gun.

Every drop of "rainwater" is the magic of the dragon.

Every drop of "rainwater" is a murder weapon.

The sky is falling and the rain is falling.

Tai Yin originally planned to use this technique to deal with Jiang Wang, but he gave up because of Huo Dou's pursuit.

It's not humiliating to deal with people now.

Then he saw—

Under the shroud of the five dragons sealing the sky, the man with black hair only flicked his right wrist, and he raised his spear. The tail of the gun hangs down to the sea, and the tip of the gun touches the sky.

With a light tap of the foot, the person will ride the waves and rise.

He held the barrel of the gun with both hands, and the barrel of the gun just split the face in half.

But Tai Yin clearly noticed that this person's cold star-like eyes were looking at him calmly.

He has already raised his gun to the sky, and he is fighting against the super-grade Taoism called Wulong Fengtian.

But it seemed that he just put the poker into the stove to poke the fire, so carelessly.

Still looking at you, as if wanting to communicate with you about trivial matters in life.

However, his jaw was raised again, it was so sharp, it hardly concealed his contempt!

This kind of carelessness made Tai Yin very angry, and the five inner palaces shook together, so the purple dragon became more dry, the white dragon became more evil, and the wind helped the fire...

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a continuous piece of dragon chant.

Under the Five Dragons Sealing the Sky, the magical arts are complicated and difficult to calculate, every inch of space is trembling, and the world almost returns to the horror of chaos.

But after all, it's just "somewhat".

The man with black hair has already jumped up on the waves.

His starting posture is so light, but after jumping, there is an unimaginable power, centered on him, suddenly burst out.


It was like the sound of sparks exploding when a piece of firewood was cracked in the stove.

The long spear, which seemed ordinary at first glance, was in the process of piercing the sky, when suddenly a ray of flame burst out from the tip of the spear.

A ray of golden fire.


This ray of flame exploded in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​golden flames, leaping up like a huge dragon of golden flames,

This is the brilliant, resplendent flame, this is the light that illuminates everything in the world.

What are the water blue dragon, the sky blue dragon, the fiery red dragon, the forest white dragon, and the deep purple thunder dragon.

What tangled tail knotted into a giant umbrella.

What five dragons seal the sky.

After the sea of ​​golden flames spread out, everything burned into nothingness.

The world is covered with golden yarn, and everything becomes brilliant.

This is supernatural power, the sun is really hot!

It was literally like a sun had exploded.

Everything in the world should see this splendor.

But Taiyin is facing more troubles than that.

The black-haired man stepped up on the water waves and raised his gun to the sky.

When all your eyes are on that brilliant golden flame,

That person's kick, which seemed like a touch of water, completely detonated the terrifying gun force he had gathered all the way across the sea.

The terrifying gun aura that stayed in the water marks for a long time jumped out of the sea, forming a translucent long spear that couldn't be seen at a glance, as if held in the hands of an invisible god. Come on with the gun!

Tai Yin flipped his hands over, and a black-blue array stood upright in front of him.

On the array plate, there are dense lines.

In the black and blue cold light, first a pair of skinny and bloodless hands emerged. Spreading his hands apart, he leaned forward and squeezed, and a fierce ghost with red eyebrows and a long scarlet tongue jumped out.

Described as ferocious and cold.

It's for the array, and the red eyebrow hangs the ghost.

As soon as this ghost appeared, its scarlet long tongue stretched out rapidly, like a spirit snake, and circled around the leaping sea spear.

It's like a spear with a red tassel, or a dragon tied with a red rope.

But before he exerted his force, the long scarlet tongue was broken inch by inch, and exploded all over the sky, flying like a blood-colored butterfly.

The formation board in Tai Yin's hand also fell apart in an instant.

The translucent spear is still moving forward.

Tai Yin's left hand passed through the fragments of the fragmented array, and continued to probe forward, with five fingers clenched into a fist, shaking the starlight on the fourth floor, and using the inverse four-element Hunyuan energy, to attack the spear extremely forcefully.


The gun, which could not be seen at a glance, made a cracking sound like porcelain, and finally shattered into pieces and disappeared invisible.

However, Tai Yin was also pushed back several zhang by that powerful momentum, and just landed on the reef.

And it was precisely at this moment that after Xiang Bei collided with the giant man, he was knocked down, and Yu Jin crushed the rock!

Xiang Bei stepped on the sea waves, wrapped in a ghostly aura, and his eyes were extremely serious.

Tai Yin retreated all the way behind him, standing on the water wave after the reef sank.

In Gao Qiong just now, he and that giant man had the purest, force-to-force collision.

And without a doubt, he was at a disadvantage.

The physique of a warrior is so strong!

This giant man who shot suddenly was already a martial artist who almost touched the threshold of God's Prominence. Although he was not as good as Zhong Liyan, the difference was not too far away.

Where did these two people come from?

He and Tai Yin shot at the same time, but they were both at a disadvantage.

The geniuses of all nations had already met at the meeting of the Yellow River, and he also knew that there was a big difference between the outstanding disciples of several great sects in the Southern Region. But none of them could match the two in front of them.

Is it from some hidden sect?

""Sorrowful Ying"? Or "Sorrowful Wind"?"

Xiang Bei looked at the man with the gun and asked aloud.

Although the giant warrior looked more imposing, he subconsciously felt that the one with the gun should be the main one among the two.

"This doesn't seem to be something you should consider." The giant man in the sky said in a loud voice: "Either hand over the Huaisha Jade Bi, or die!"

Xiang Bei laughed back angrily: "It seems that I gave you too much confidence!"

As soon as he mentioned Gai Shiji, he took a step forward instead: "Xiang wants to see, why do you call me dead!"

If this rude warrior really felt that his physical strength had the upper hand, he could kill Xiang Bei, it would be too ridiculous!

But at this time, the man with black hair spoke.

He pointed behind Xiang Bei with his fingers, and said casually: "I think your friend should have a different opinion from you."

Xiang Bei looked back warily.

I only saw Tai Yin's eyebrows behind him, suddenly a hole was opened, a smear of blood was shot out, and the whole person fell on his head!

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