Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1433 Mourning for Chu if not Song of Chu

Tai Yin was exhausted in chasing and fleeing with Jiang Wang, and his right hand was also pierced by Sauvignon Blanc.

The blood clots only when the wound is not healed.

It can be said that if Jiang Wang's main purpose was not to get rid of the tracking of the Huo Dou Wang Beast, Tai Yin had already been beheaded at that time, and he might not have given him the opportunity to run to the formation.

And then he triggered the Six Paths Formation of the Divine Prison, trapping Jiang Wang and the Huo Dou Wang Beast, which was another huge waste.

Before he had time to adjust his breath, the Divine Prison Six Path Formation was forcibly destroyed by the Huo Dou Wang Beast without any preparation. He also suffered from it.

After fleeing all the way to this point, he finally had time to stop and deal with his injuries.

But not long after sitting cross-legged, these two people came directly to the door and had to fight.

Xiang Bei knew that Tai Yin's state was not perfect, he was raising his halberd to guard his breathing.

But nonetheless.

He never thought that Tai Yin would lose so badly!

He didn't notice the gunshot that hit Tai Yin's eyebrows at first.

But at this moment, focusing on Tai Yin, he finally felt the breath of his rapid decline.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiang Bei just raised his hand and threw the Huaisha Jade Bi into the sky, picked up Tai Yin, turned around and flew away.

Is it "Ai Ying"? Or "Sorrowful Wind"?

In the gust of hunting, he couldn't help thinking about this question!

After the previous fight, the reason why he specifically asked this question is naturally his reason.

"Sorrowful Ying" and "Sad Returning Wind" represent two completely different natures.

If it is "Sorrowful Return Wind" that was accidentally lost in the early years, then there is nothing to say, anyone can get it. As long as it is not in the hands of other powerful countries, as long as it shows up once, it will be taken back sooner or later.

Just like Huaisha Yubi was taken to Yong Kingdom at that time, and it was quickly recovered after that mountain and sea environment.

If "Sorrow"...

In the many years since the opening of the Mountain Sea Realm, the chapter "Sorrow" has never appeared.

It is said.

Just said.

When Huang Weizhen died, he left a sentence, a total of sixteen characters——

"The phoenix is ​​flying, and dies forever in the fire; if you don't sing for Chu, you will mourn for Chu."

And the "Sorrowful Ying" in the Nine Chapters of Jade Bibi never actually stayed in Chu State.

As early as nine hundred years ago, it had already disappeared with Huang Weizhen's death.

Compared with other jade biscuits, the chapter "Sorrow" has a somewhat different meaning...

Besides, Xiang Bei abandoned the jade bi and fled without hesitation. The burly warrior started to chase after him, but the man with black hair stopped him: "Commander Kui!"

At the same time, he grabbed it with his backhand, and a big flaming hand suddenly condensed in the air, tightly grasping the piece of jade.

Puff puff.

The sharp force left by Xiang Bei on the jade biscuit stabbed the flaming hand full of holes.

However, Lie Yan's big hand kept shrinking and filling itself, but he never let this piece of jade out of his control.

Finally, the strength that Xiang Bei had temporarily attached to the jade bi was exhausted, and he flew back to the Mofa man.

"Why don't you chase after them?" the giant man whose surname was Kui said in a loud voice, "Although we can't kill the grass and roots in the mountain and sea realm, but killing them now will save us from trouble in the mountain and sea realm."

The man with black hair lightly held the jade bi in his hand, looked at it briefly, and said in a low voice: "The strongest thing about Xiang Bei lies in his spiritual power."

"So what?" said the giant man, "My soul, energy, and blood are all condensed into one, and there is no difference between them. No matter how strong his soul is, it will be difficult for him to hurt me."

He looked at the man with black hair: "Are you scared? Zhu Weiwo, this is not like you."

Zhu Wei smiled softly.

It's strange that Kuishan would think that such a clumsy way of provoking him can inspire people.

What gave him confidence?

"What I mean is that his 30% soul source is more precious than all the people who participated in the mountain and sea realm, and his determination to protect this 30% soul source is also stronger than everyone else." Zhu Weiwo said: "And Cha Cha, in With sufficient determination, the Xiang family has the ability to provide this guarantee."

He had already put away his Huai Sha Yu Bi, turned around and walked in another direction: "It's very difficult for us to kill him."

Kuishan, the commander of the crime guards in the city of non-redemption, was obviously not convinced: "Why not try?"

"Huaisha Jade Bi has already been obtained, and we don't need to pay such a high price. The mountains and seas are very large, and we may not meet again. And..." Zhu Weiwo said: "They who lost Huaisha Jade Bi, If you still want to make a difference in the mountain and sea realm, you will definitely attack others. Letting others consume their cards is always more cost-effective than our own efforts."

"Is Tai Yin from Xia Kingdom dead?" Kuishan asked.

"That depends on what kind of life-saving medicine they have prepared." Zhu Weiwo said.

"They must get the jade bi, otherwise it is meaningless to stay in the mountains and seas, and they will not be able to wait for that critical time." Kuishan said: "If they recover from their injuries, why don't they come back to us?"

Zhu Wei and I glanced at him: "Think about it differently, if it were you. Would you go for the jade biscuit from someone who has already defeated you once, or would you go for the jade biscuit from someone you can beat?"

Kuishan replied without hesitation: "Of course whoever snatched me, I will find whoever snatched me back!"

Zhu Wei and I were silent for a moment before saying, "I don't think normal people think the same way as you do."

Kuishan grinned: "That Xiang Bei might, I can feel it, he is a real man."

"If Taiyin is not dead, Taiyin will stop him. If Taiyin is dead, he alone can't make any waves." Zhu Weiwo stepped on the water and walked away: "Let's not waste any more time."

Kuishan followed beside him, who was already a head taller than the other party, and deliberately flew in the air: "Going to Yu Yuan to sharpen the gun for so long, I thought you would meet one and kill the other after you leave the customs."

Zhu Weiwo, with black hair and shawls, kept walking. The whole person seemed to be in the reflection of Kuishan, but he didn't lose the slightest momentum. He just asked: "Who are the people who come to the mountain and sea? What do they rely on?" ? How many resources does your family have for you to consume?"

"It's our lord." Kuishan corrected.

Zhu Wei said as I walked, "I have a cooperative relationship with her."

Kuishan insisted: "At least for the past few years, he is our lord."

"In that case..." Zhu Wei stopped and looked up at him.

Kuishan couldn't help but tilted his head back, otherwise there would always be an illusion that he would click on the upper door the next moment his salary was exhausted.

"The question from Xiang Bei just now." Zhu Weiwo continued to ask, "How about "Sorrowful Ying"? "Sorrowful Return Wind", so what?"

Kuishan immediately shut his mouth.

Zhu Wei, I didn't say much, just picked up the gun and moved on.

Kuishan followed up and said, "When you go out, ask your majesty yourself, I don't think she will hide it from you."

"So what if you know? So what if you don't know?" Zhu Weiwo said quietly, "I don't care about those."

Then you still ask? Kuishan muttered in his heart.

The two walked in silence for a while.

Kuishan thought and thought, and couldn't help saying: "No, I still don't think it's right. Although you gave a lot of reasons, but based on my understanding of you... Now that you have handed over your hand, you shouldn't let them go. "

"Heh." Zhu Weiwo sneered: "You think you know me well?"

Kuishan's tone was exaggerated: "Wow, how come we have experienced so much together. You are so indifferent."

Zhu Weiwo restrained her sneer, and said a little seriously: "I think some people might want to teach them a lesson in person."

"Who?" Kuishan was puzzled.

Zhu Wei, but I will not answer.



"That piece of jade should be "Sorrowful Return Wind"."

On the calm sea, Zuo Guangshu, Qu Shunhua, and Yue Tiannu were also discussing the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, which was newly added to the Mountain Sea Realm.

The origin of the topic is that Qu Shunhua and Yue Tiannu talked about that the person who escaped from the fight with Kui Niu should not be any known Tianjiao, and what he held in his hand was the lost nine-chapter jade disc.

"Didn't there be news a few months ago?" Zuo Guangshu said, "The jade bi of "Sorrowful Return Wind" appeared in the hands of Yu Jingqiu, the Grand Master of Gao Guo. Yu Jingqiu originally hid the jade bi for his son. General Wu went to Gaoguo himself. Yu Jingqiu dared not refuse, so he called his son back to the country, but there was no response. Only then did Yu Jingqiu find out that his son had been killed Therefore, the piece of jade bi was lost again.”

"I also know the news." Qu Shun Huafei was beside Zuo Guangshu: "But is it possible that Yu Jingqiu's son's death was just to keep the jade bi?"

The five countries of Liao, Zhen, Gao, Tie, and Han dared to unite to fight against Jing, so they could be regarded as tough.

But the Nine Chapters Jade Bi was originally from Chu State.

Wu Xi, the commander of the evil side, went to Gaoguo to ask for jade bi in person, which was justified and powerful.

Gao Guo was in the middle and lower reaches of the alliance of five countries in the Northwest, and he dared not forcibly offend Chu State when he was already at a loss.

Wu Xi went to the door, after much deliberation, Yu Jingqiu had only one choice to return to Chu.

But now things went wrong, Wu Xi was furious in Gao Guo, but in the end he could only return without success.

Qu Shunhua couldn't help but have some other thoughts.

She didn't doubt whether the one who died was really Yu Jingqiu's son.

If Wu Xi couldn't even confirm this point, he would be the commander of the evil face army in vain.

But she quickly denied this speculation by herself: "It's not too likely. There is no young prince in the Gao Kingdom's royal family who can be put on the stage, and even in the entire Northwest Five Nations Alliance, there is only one Yeluzhi who can be regarded as a young talent. Furthermore, Yu Jingqiu has a high status in Gaoguo, and he only has one son. No one is worthy of such a high price... And he can kill Yu Jingqiu's son silently without leaving any traces. After this person, there must be It’s also a big force.”

"Don't think so much." Zuo Guangshu said: "Since this piece of jade has already appeared in this world, it doesn't matter who gets it. It is also reasonable to participate in this mountain and sea environment. However, as long as this person shows up, it won't be long before The jade bi was recovered. We will naturally know what happened when the time comes."

Yue Tiannu poured cold water casually: "It may not be so easy to see this person's true face. With this person's ability to hide, maybe the trip to the mountains and seas is over, and he won't be able to meet him."

Zuo Guangshu: ...

Seeing this, Qu Shunhua said: "There are seven groups of people, there are always people who can meet them. Besides, there are eight chapters in the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, this time the sky must be far stronger than before. It is to get closer to the mountains recorded in the Zhongshan Jing, and if you can’t track them now, it will be easy to meet them at that time.”

Zhongshan Jing is a chapter written in Shanhai Yishouzhi, which mainly records some floating mountains in the middle of the mountains and seas.

When the sky is tilted, the direction of the mountains and seas will also be clear. But at that time, the entire mountain and sea region will also be in turmoil, and only the central part will be relatively stable.

Yue Tiannu said softly: "The distance from the first mountain to the last mountain recorded in the "Zhong Shan Jing" is 21,371 miles. More than 20,000 miles, Miss Qu, it is easy to meet Are you there?"

Qu Shunhua glared at her: "You have a good memory, don't you?"

Yue Tiannu shook her head: "I'm really used to telling the truth, but I didn't expect that some people don't like to listen to the truth."

As a good friend who met many years ago, Qu Shunhua also told her Jiang Wang's words "I'm just used to telling the truth". big brother.

That's why Yue Tiannu made such irony.

Qu Shunhua was hit by a sentence, unable to fight back at all, so he had to change the subject and said: "We have two pieces of jade in our hands now, and it will not be so dangerous when the sky falls."

"I suddenly remembered something." Zuo Guangshu said seriously: "We have to find Brother Jiang. Otherwise, if he escapes successfully, what will we do when the sky falls?"

"In fact, Jiang Wang's chance of escaping is almost zero. We are definitely not able to deal with that beast."

Yue Tiannu's voice was always a bit sluggish, but this time the sluggishness made Zuo Guangshu sound particularly uncomfortable.

"Zen Master Yue, do you have any complaints about my elder brother Jiang?" He held back his unhappiness and asked calmly as much as possible.

"In fact, it's quite the opposite." Yue Tiannu's tone remained calm: "Not only do I have nothing against him, but I also care about him."

"You? Care about him?" Zuo Guangshu felt that this was really ridiculous.

Yue Tiannu nodded as a matter of course: "Someone cares about him very much, and I care about that person very much, so I also care about him."

This was a bit of a mouthful, but Qu Shunhua understood it immediately, and immediately cast eyes full of curiosity: "Who is it?"

"Don't you only know some nuns?"

"The precepts of Xiyue Temple are so lax?"

It is really difficult for ordinary people to deal with the three problems that follow one after another.

But Yue Tiannu still replied one by one with her inherent tone——

"I can't tell."

"I know you too."

"Before Dongzhen, love is forbidden. After Dongzhen, there are no taboos."

However, Qu Shunhua just clapped his hands: "Sure enough, it's about love!"

Her expression became more excited: "Which Zen master moved Fanxin? Tell me quickly, and I promise not to tell anyone else!"

Yue Tiannu: ...

Zuo Guangshu tugged at the corner of her clothes: "The important thing now is Brother Jiang's matter..."

Qu Shunhua opened his hand: "I just care about Brother Jiang's affairs!"

Yue Tiannu decided to ignore her, and only said to Zuo Guangshu: "I just want to tell you the truth.

There is basically no chance of your Big Brother Jiang surviving.

If you insist on going, we shall all be bound to escape if that scourge finds us. Because you brother Jiang can't guarantee you a second time. Understand?

I don't have a problem with you, Big Brother Jiang, or you. I just think that you shouldn't waste the opportunities that Brother Jiang created for you, and make irrational decisions when your head gets hot. We've discussed it once before, haven't we?

If you must go, Qu Shunhua will definitely accompany you, and I will definitely accompany Qu Shunhua.

So now you decide. "

Zuo Guangshu was speechless for a long time.

He seemed to grow up twice in one day.

And Qu Shunhua squeezed in front of Yue Tiannu again: "Who is that Zen master? Can you just tell me one word, one word? I'll figure it out by myself later. Oh, I'm so curious! Are you trying to gather materials for the organization of Tianzhong?" Shall I help you find it?"

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