Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1434 ? Royal Chef

Chapter 1434 Royal Chef

The world seems to have been dark for a long time, or in other words, the world seems to be dark.

Light is the presumptuous visitor.

Jiang Wang was confused for a while, and then gradually remembered what happened.

Already... Has the source of the soul been cut off?

Or is it waiting to be chipped off?

He opened his eyes, and light came into the dark world.

Gululu, Gululu.

There were bubbling sounds all around from time to time.


And accidentally shattered.

Waking up from a trance.

Only then did Jiang Wang realize that he was soaked in a boiling magma lake, and his injuries had already healed.

Sauvignon Blanc was still tightly held in his hand.

The right hand probably kept a fixed forceful posture for too long, and it was a little stiff.

On the contrary, Ruyi Xianyi still retained the damage from the previous battle.

The true fire of Samadhi in Wufuhai naturally glows, completely isolating the damage of magma.

It turned out that he was not killed...

A little happiness just turned in my mind.

Jiang Wang's body tensed instinctively, and he jumped up.

Then I saw this huge magma lake——

Scattered among the mountains, one after another fiery red magma pools.

And in the magma pool, by the side of the magma pool, squatting or lying on the ground, all over the mountains and plains...

Black Mountain, Hongchi, a bunch of dogs, uh, a bunch of strange beasts that look exactly like dogs.

At first glance, it's hard not to remind Jiang Wang of Du Dewang's charcoal hot pot in Fenglin City.

Once upon a time, the brothers and sisters sat around the stove, colliding wine bowls, fighting chopsticks to win meat, what a joy!

The only difference is that the indifferent eyes of those "dogs" made Jiang Wang quickly realize who is the food in this situation.

So he flew down again embarrassingly, stepping on the magma in a low-key manner, not daring to "see all the dogs at a glance".

This is the lair of Fudou.

Until now, Jiang Wang was still at a loss.

He didn't understand why he was picked up by Fudou and returned to his hometown, and he even arranged for a magma lake halfway up the mountain. Compared with those ordinary Fudou, they live in a decent style.

He looked ahead vigilantly, and the existence that aroused his instinctive vigilance also walked slowly from the top of the mountain.

It was a three-pronged dog, and its steps were calm, even elegant.

Obviously looks like a dog, but walks slowly like a cat.

But in the cold eyes, there is the majesty of the king.

It came in the air like this, and finally stopped, standing on the edge of the red magma lake, and looking at Jiang Wang.

This is a sinister and cunning strong man.

Jiang Wang reminded himself in his heart more than once.

Just because it looks like a dog, don't treat it like a dog.

At this moment, the status of a prisoner has undoubtedly proved its strength.

Although he didn't know why he recovered from his injuries, and he also didn't understand how the Huo Dou Wang Beast spared his life. But judging by the insidiousness and cunning of this Huo Dou Wang Beast, there must be some important reason.

In other words, as far as Huo Dou Wang Beast is concerned, he is useful.

There is no need to fight anymore.

The victory or defeat between him and Huo Dou Wang Beast is the result of crushing strength, not a matter of losing one move or two moves.

Repeated several times, can not change the outcome.

What's more, it has now been transferred to other people's territory.

Weather, location, people and harmony, everything is irrelevant.

Jiang Wang returned the sword into the sheath, and after quickly recognizing the reality, he relaxed a lot.

He spread his hands, signaling that he was very friendly and unguarded.

Then, with sincere eyes, he looked directly at the Huo Dou Wang Beast: "This is the end of the matter, let's talk."

Huo Dou Wang Beast just looked at him and didn't say a word.

"Don't be like this, everyone is a dignified existence, you might as well have an open and honest chat. As the saying goes, both sides benefit from cooperation, and both sides suffer from separation..."

Still silent.

"Actually, I have admired your prestige for a long time. There may have been some misunderstandings before..."

Continue to be silent.

"Uh, I don't know why your Excellency brought me here...why?"

Still silent.

"His Royal Highness, the King of Disasters, what orders do you have? I am happy to help!"


After talking to himself for a long time, Jiang Wang finally realized that although the other party had wisdom that was not inferior to others, he did not understand human speech.

This is not surprising. Speaking of which, the languages ​​of the countries of the human race have gradually evolved over a long period of time.

Today's languages ​​are very different from those of hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Many of these strange beasts in the mountain and sea realm have been extinct in this world for several ages.

It's normal to be unintelligible.

Not to mention those languages ​​that have been annihilated for a long time, how many people are still proficient in the Yang language that was common in the Eastern Regions in the past?

As for those monks who entered the mountain and sea realm in the past...

Putting it into the entire vast mountain and sea environment, how many places can these people travel to?

Some strange beasts may not be able to meet people, and even if they do, they may not be willing to learn human language.

It's a pity that I can't speak Dao, nor can I write Dao characters.

Otherwise, one pronunciation, one word, can accurately convey complex meanings, and it doesn't matter who you communicate with.

Jiang Wang thought about it.

He patted his chest with his hand and said, "Me!"

He pointed at the Huo Dou Wang Beast with his finger, and said, "You!"

Then he held his right hand with his left hand, shook it vigorously, and shouted: "Friend!"

Repeat again: "You and I can be friends, understand?"

With such detailed body language, such rich expressions, and simple and powerful pronunciation, Huo Dou Wang Beast probably understands...

Because it spit to the side.

Jiang Wang: ...

A king of misfortune, a great Qi Tianjiao, his eyes widened for a while. After staring for a long time, Huo Dou Wang Beast tilted his head, probably also worried about how to communicate with Jiang Wang.

In short, the atmosphere at the moment is very peaceful (except that Huo Dou Wang Beast doesn't like to make friends).

At least both sides are seeking exchanges, not fighting.

After thinking for a while, Huo Dou Wang Beast's eyes lit up, probably finally had a bright idea. It stretched out its right front paw and dipped in the magma lake. A mass of burning magma flew into the air and rushed towards Jiang Wang.

Said it was an attack, but the strength was really weak.

Could it be... are you playing a game?

The way to say hello to each other?

This guy is very duplicity!

He also said he didn't want to make friends!

Seeing Huo Dou Wang Beast's eyes light up with joy, Jiang Wang already understood it. He stopped the magma casually, and controlled it to play a spinning flower job in the air, and then easily decomposed it, scattered it into a beautiful fiery red magma rain, and fell in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Tanshou also grabbed a ball of magma, cast an encouraging look at Fudouwang Beast, and told it, "You can do it too!".

Then with a bang, the ball of magma was smashed into the face of the Huo Dou Wang Beast.

Jiang Wang: ...

Why doesn't this guy hide?

Which one is this playing?

Jiang Wang's smiling face became a little stiff.

And the dog face of Huo Dou Wang Beast is also expressionless. Its eyes are even more emotionless. Only when the fiery red and viscous magma slowly slid down its face, did it seem a little angry.

It shows that this is a living king of disasters, a powerful man who is very important in the mountains and seas.

The atmosphere seems to have become heavy...

An awkward silence spread for a long time.

Huo Dou Wang Beast finally convinced himself again, and lowered his head to take another bite of the magma.

Then he opened his mouth and sprayed at Jiang Wang.

The ball of magma still had no strength, it jumped in the air, and was easily intercepted by Jiang Wang.


Jiang Wang only felt that the life of the Huo Dou Wang Beast was too boring, and he wanted to continue playing even though he wasn't having fun. It can be seen that the boring days are usually passed.

He is not willing to participate in this boring game, but he has to bow his head under the eaves.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Circumstances are stronger than people.

A man can bend and stretch...

I had to grab another ball of magma and throw it back.

This time the movement was more gentle, for fear that Huo Dou Wang Beast would face him again.


The ball of magma that was flying slowly was blown away in front of him, and the Huo Dou Wang Beast seemed to have lost his patience. It jumped into the magma lake and rushed towards Jiang Wang.

The momentum is very fierce.

Jiang Wang was also angry.

I swallow my anger and play games with you, but you still lose your temper at every turn.

Is the King of Fighters amazing?

He has never been someone who stands ready to die, and he has already drawn his sword.

Although he has been easily crushed once, and has made clear the huge gap in strength, he still responds with the greatest effort.

The body of heaven, the sword fairy, the humane sword style, the uncircumferential wind...

This battle was more comfortable than the previous one, and Jiang Wang asked himself better.

But for Jiang Wang's various killing moves, Huo Dou Wang Beast did not give an inch, and it was still just a claw, a bite, a suction, and it was easily resolved. Several times, the sharp teeth almost bit Jiang Wang's throat.

Fist, swordsmanship, Taoism, supernatural powers, Jiang Wang exhausted all fighting possibilities, and fought with the evil fighting king beast for life and death.

It wasn't until the Samadhi True Fire came out that it opened its mouth suddenly and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then he turned around, ignored Jiang Wang's next attack as nothing, and walked away swaggeringly.

Jiang Wang, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, was stunned for a while, and finally understood the intention of the vicious dog.

Huo Dou Wang Beast spared his life purely because his Samadhi True Fire tastes good, and he wants to eat a few bites every day... This is treating Jiang as a "royal chef"!

The first demonstration of the two balls of magma was clearly imitating the real fire of Samadhi, indicating that he would call it out for consumption.

After he "failed to teach repeatedly", he simply moved his hands...

How unreasonable!

Jiang Wang at this moment, looking at the huge magma lake, is simply a big bowl of thick soup, and Jiang Wang is the ingredient in the bowl. , meat cubes in soup

And the fights all over the mountains and plains seem to be coveting and salivating at him. But only the king of the disaster group can enjoy such a precious "dinner"...

Although he was surrounded by magma, Jiang Wang knew that the shame on his face was definitely not due to the heat of the magma.

He really wanted to step forward with his sword and cut off the king of trouble fighting with one sword. I really want to stew all these troubles, pots and pans—if I can't beat them.

Looking around, one can probably understand why the Huo Dou Wang Beast imprisoned him here, but did not impose any restrictions.

Looking around, until the end of the line of sight, there are all mountains spewing magma.

Wherever he goes, there is trouble. Where can he run, and how far can he run?

Right around this magma lake, there were no less than a thousand scourges staring at him. want to run? Where is the opportunity.


In the final analysis, it is still strength.

The sword is slow, the enemy lives and I die.

Weak three points, being bullied!

Jiang Wang gritted his teeth for eight or nine breaths, then sat down silently, and began to adjust his breath.

Imprisoned by the Huo Dou Wang beast circle, I became a cook, and the fire of supernatural powers became food...

It is of course a shame to say so.

But what about after the shame?

There's no point in feeling sorry for yourself, let alone blame others.

Cursing and swearing can't hurt people, unless you are Yin Guan.

If you can't fight or escape, then practice.

Always spend your time on the things that matter the most.

Also under the presence of God, why was someone able to escape from the raging Kui Niu, but why was he captured back to his lair like a cat playing with a mouse?

Of course, the Huo Dou Wang Beast is more cunning, and the Huo Dou Wang Beast even brought an army...

But even if there were ten thousand reasons, Jiang Wang was unwilling to shirk.

After all, it is lack of strength.

Since there is no danger to life now, then improve yourself.

You can't get out of the outer building, but what about the second environment?

The ambiguous path cannot be reused, but what happens after it is clear?

The current swordsmanship is not enough to fight, what will happen after reaching the peak?

The true fire of samadhi is easily swallowed, what if it can be developed to the limit of this realm?

There are too many places to improve.

It can be said that when it comes to the outer building environment, the lack of his foundation is clearly revealed.

He was already number one in the history of the Inner Mansion, but when he arrived at the Outer Building, when he needed to be promoted in all aspects, this realm that should not have been distanced had exposed his shortcomings.

For those famous disciples, the road to each realm has been paved, and they only need to move forward step by step.

A lone monk like Yin Guan has grasped the way early.

He has always been clear about how he wants to go, and he also vaguely knows where his path is, but he has never had a clearer and more specific outline.

This is precisely what cannot be rushed.

I can only move forward firmly, and I don't know how long it will take.

It is true that he is definitely the top powerhouse in the Outer Building Realm now, and he can fight for the strongest even if he really fights for life and death. But in fact, in all aspects, there is still some distance from the top outer buildings.

Bu Zhoufeng has cultivated to the limit of this realm, but he can't help him escape.

The development of Sanmai Zhenhuo has always seemed to be separated by something, and it failed to point directly at the truth, so it was caught up by Bu Zhoufeng.

Do not move lightly when going astray.

The power of Sword Immortal lies in integration, which depends entirely on how strong other powers are.

Chixin supernatural powers have not been understood until now.

There are two super-grade Taoist arts, Dragon Tiger and Fireworks Burning City, which are not inferior to others.

In terms of swordsmanship, he still lags behind Ning Swordsman.

The exploration of the way is definitely not comparable to that of Dou Zhao...

A low growl sounded suddenly.

Jiang Wang, who was concentrating on his practice, turned his head to look.

All I saw was a strong Huo Dou suddenly rushed to the edge of the lava lake, shook off the thing in its mouth, and left without looking back.

Very arrogant.

What flew in the air was a fiery red lotus flower like a jade carving.

Twirling, beautiful and delicate.

Jiang Wang caught it without knowing why, and immediately felt the abundant and pure power in this fire lotus. Just a light sniff, the fire element in the body becomes active.

Couldn't help being a little silent.

Where can he not understand?

This is clearly Fudou's "feeding" for him, fearing that his Samadhi True Fire will not be able to supply it...

I miss Jiang Qingyang, the pride of his generation.

Traveling tens of thousands of miles alone, who is afraid of traveling across the world?

Now she is being raised by a group of strange beasts!

What a disgrace.

Lord Jiang felt sad for a moment, while thinking about the hateful beast, while thinking about whether to eat for nothing. He bit the fire lotus fiercely. Feeling the Huo Yuan surging up in his body instantly, he felt better.

Followed by another bite.

Even the fiery red supernatural power seed became brighter and brighter.

Another bite.

These brutes are disgusting.

I ate it three times and two times.

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