Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1436 The Story of the Volcanic Island

Destiny is always pushing everyone forward, whether you are wise or stupid, willing or unwilling.

The life of being caged by Fu Dou has lasted for several days.

Embarrassment is of course embarrassment, but helplessness is inevitable.

But time is the most decisive, whether you are ready or not, you will leave like that.

Every day in Jiang Wang's old lair, besides practicing, he practiced, and then he ate fire lotus and breathed fire again and again...

Squirt blood so fast.

The real fire of Samadhi is becoming more and more pure, and the "Sancha" is becoming more energetic. Its fur is smooth and smooth, and it can be stewed very fragrant at first glance-if it can be stewed.

"Three-fork" is Jiang Wang's nickname for the beast, because it has a three-fork tail.

Huo Dou Wang Beast couldn't understand human speech anyway, so he accepted it indifferently.

Of course, Jiang Wang also remembers the roar that Huo Dou Wang Beast deliberately changed to refer to someone Jiang...

Perhaps in Fudou's language system, that sound might mean cook.

In short, the two parties have become familiar with each other to the extent that they give each other nicknames.

Of course, it's still not a friend.

Because Sancha has never let down his vigilance against Jiang Wang, the number of disaster guards guarding around the magma lake has never decreased.

In Jiang Wang's view, this is undoubtedly another ironclad proof that Sancha doesn't like to make friends...

This vicious dog must have had a miserable childhood to be so withdrawn, so wary of the world, unable to accept the kindness of others.

Although it is already a habit to provide Sanmai real fire for Sancha, Jiang Wang will only breathe fire obediently after a death fight every time.

As the king of trouble fighting, of course Sancha sometimes got impatient, such as beating Jiang Wang half to death with his hands.

Jiang Wang, on the other hand, took the initiative to suppress the magical seeds of the First Inner Palace every time he suffered substantial damage, and let the Samadhi True Fire weaken to a corresponding extent. Let Sancha understand that if you hurt him, you won't get high-quality real fire.

Only by allowing him to fight heartily and without serious injuries, can the highest standard of Samadhi real fire feast be served.

Over time, fighting has become a habit.

In the process of being domesticated by the trident, he is also trying to "domesticate" the trident... although he is the one who was raised in captivity.

This group of troubles is not easy to fool.

This cognition is deeply engraved in Jiang Wang's heart.

He spent several days, trying to feed some Fire Walking Dao with appropriate power, to the few little bosses who were guarding on duty. Finally, they got a little familiar.

Thinking that he, Jiang Qingyang, is also a person who is familiar with history books, recalling those heroes recorded in the history, he can't help but have some far-reaching thoughts.

For example, a vigorous Fudou revolution will overthrow the tyrannical and shameless Fudou King Beast who enjoys the feast of Samadhi.

But let alone a revolution, as soon as he stepped out of the magma lake, he would immediately be greeted with roaring warnings and bared teeth threats.

Shake your head and tail when eating filial piety, and be ruthless when guarding against escape.

This shameless and cunning lineage can only be said to be the subordinate of the three-pronged belt...

The way of the coup was aborted, the magma lake could not be separated, and there was no way to contact other people.

There is only practice day after day.

Jiang Wang sometimes thought of Zuo Guangshu, and he didn't know where this kid and Qu Shunhua and the others had explored, and whether they had gone to the North Pole Tiangui Mountain to get the Nine Phoenix Chapter.

Sometimes I also wonder, is it possible that other people's trips to the mountains and seas are over?

Is he the only one left waiting for his chance in Fudou's lair?

This kind of thinking is undoubtedly quite tortured.

He has no doubts that he can become a god in the old lair of Huo Dou. With a strong man like Sancha as his partner, he is also more and more able to control his power at the outer building level, and he is getting closer to this state in all aspects.

However, it is definitely the worst choice to achieve God's presence in the mountain and sea realm and then fight back to kill the disaster fighting king beast.

Jiang Wang would rather commit suicide and withdraw from the mountain and sea realm, losing 30% of his spiritual origin, than choose this path.

If this is an illusory world, then the step of achieving God's presence here is meaningless, and how much accumulation is wasted.

If this is a real world, the consequences are even more dire. To achieve God's presence here is to cut off the path of Dongzheng in this world.

How could he, Jiang Wang, end with God's coming?

Of course, suicide is not the way he would choose.

Fighting skills are not as good as human beings, and if they die, they will die. Since he survived by luck, he should never have the idea of ​​cutting himself off from the source of his soul.

He has cultivated all the way to this point, and every ounce of strength is the accumulation of sweat and blood, which is hard-earned.

If he gave up easily, it would be denying the days and nights along the way, denying himself in those stories and fighting.

Even if it is true that other people have already completed their journey to the mountains and seas and left here.

He will also stay alone until the opportunity to solve the dilemma presents itself.

Even if he can't wait for such an opportunity, he will try to create it.

Although you can't achieve God's presence here, what if you go to the limit of the outer building here?

Is it possible to escape from the hands of the trident with the most extreme combat performance in the outer building environment?

Jiang Wang knew very clearly the gap between him and Huo Dou Wang Beast, but he still had unparalleled confidence in himself.

He knows he can.

So in the predicament of being surrounded by disasters, he still practiced silently every day.

Because he can't do anything else and is not disturbed by anyone or anything here, he feels that his practice is more efficient.

Of course, the trident's training partner and the blossoming fire lotus are absolutely indispensable.

Thinking of him, Lord Jiang, he could barely be regarded as a high-ranking official in Qi State, but he had never taken such a good-looking fire medicine.

Not only has it improved his control over the power of the fire element, but it has even greatly benefited the real fire of Samadhi.

It's a pity that Fudou only gives away one flower every day.

The thief of the Sancha would also come to eat once a day, so that he would not have much supernatural power left to study, otherwise there should be a qualitative breakthrough in the real fire of Samadhi.

Having said that, the magma lake that Sancha used to keep him in captivity is also extraordinary.

Soaking in this magma lake every day, the control over the fire element is increasing day by day. All kinds of fire-walking Taoism techniques are becoming more and more handy.

Now that he has nothing to do, he makes fireworks on the lake and burns the city to play. The more gorgeous and exquisite his play is, the more powerful he is of course.

Even the scorching bone lotus on the back ridge is sublimated. After all, the predecessor is the totem of fire, which is very suitable for this kind of place with abundant fire energy.

Some unsteady and particularly difficult moments, in the hard practice, just passed away.


As soon as Jiang Wang heard the strange voice, he knew that Sancha had come to him again.

This sound was calling his name.

"Three prongs!" He also called the other party's name in response.

Not long after, Sancha walked over with graceful steps.

Without saying a word, Jiang Wang drew his sword and rushed forward.

In the face of the king of disasters, he dared to be so proactive.

This posture is definitely the number one hero in the mountains and seas!

Of course, the ending will not change because of Jiang Wang's familiarity.

Taoism, swordsmanship, and supernatural powers were performed over and over again, and finally he was beaten and lying in the magma lake.

Jiang Wang was buried face down in the lava lake. After thinking about this battle for a while, he was sure that he had reached the limit of his current ability, so he turned over and looked at the majestic trident.

The guy was still posing with his chin up in a haughty "you're just tickling me" look.

It can be regarded as understanding Jiang Wang's habits. Seeing Jiang Wang turn over, he took a few steps forward, which means——

"Where's the food?"

"What a bad dog you are."

Jiang Wang cursed in the Linzi official dialect of the state of Qi with a bright smile, popped out a ball of Samadhi real fire with his fingers, and fed it kindly: "Eat it, you will choke to death sooner or later."

The noble Huo Dou Wang Beast roared twice, and happily ate the ball of Samadhi True Fire.

If Jiang Wang could understand Fu Dou's language. He should have known that what Sancha was talking about was—"Stupid two-legged beast, playing with grandpa, feeding grandpa, and being so happy every day."

It's a pity that he can't understand, so he can be so happy.

Similarly, if Fudou could understand Jiang Wang's language, today's cooks would probably become a staple food.

It can be seen that sometimes, isolation of communication is the prerequisite for peaceful coexistence.

Watching the last lingering flame disappear in Sancha's mouth.

Jiang Wang suddenly noticed something——

The color of my original red-red Samadhi True Fire has darkened a bit. Although it doesn't look obvious, the temperature inside is indeed much hotter.

I don't know if it's been used too frequently recently, or it's the effect of swallowing too many fire lotus... maybe it's a combination of both?

Sancha still opened his dog's mouth.

Jiang Wang spread his hands, indicating that he had no real fire left.

Sancha also shut up and turned to leave, not even bothering to give Jiang a look.

It perfectly interprets what is called the cruelty of the king.

He is good at crossing rivers and demolishing bridges.

Not long after, another strong dog brought the fire lotus that Jiang Wang had to take every day.

After sending out the fire lotus, he still waited by the magma lake.

It is the C-size little leader among the four little meal delivery leaders A, B, C, and D. When Jiang Wang was bored, he also gave them nicknames.

Jiang Wang took the fire lotus, and while chewing it, casually rewarded the small C-size leader with a flame sparrow flower. Of course, he deliberately controlled the power so that this guy could just eat it without getting hurt.

Being able to do this is also a manifestation of his progress in the fire movement.

If his Taoism was able to match the top level of the same realm before, it was because of the presence of two super-level Taoisms. So now, in terms of the details of Taoism, he has also caught up.

The little leader of C-size grinned at Jiang Wang and left contentedly.

Delivering food to these two-legged beasts is a good job now, and no one will be cold-hearted anymore.

At this time, Lord Jiang, naked to the waist, was lazily soaking in the magma lake——

After discovering the benefits of the magma lake, he took off his fairy clothes and concentrated on taking a bath. Anyway, there are disasters all over the mountains and plains, and I am not afraid of anyone watching. The Ruyi Immortal Clothes insulate the heat, but it is not beautiful.

The back of his head rested on a pillow of volcanic stone polished smooth by his own hands, and he could see the clouds and smoke in the sky when he opened his eyes.

Fudou's lair is a volcanic island in the sea, not a floating mountain.

So the sound of the tide sometimes comes naturally.

On such a balmy day.

Enjoy the tenderness of the entire volcanic island.

The rich fire element hugged him.

While tearing off the petals of the fire lotus, he slowly put them into his mouth, slowly digesting the potency of the medicine, and at the same time, he was carefully reviewing the battle with Sancha in his mind.

Clear muscle lines and various scars together draw a very story-telling pattern on this young man's body.

At this time, he didn't know...

There are visitors.



When seeing the volcanic island from afar, both Xiang Bei and Tai Yin felt tears welling up in their eyes.

God knows how much hardship they have gone through all the way!

Not long after driving the mountain shuttle, he was spotted by a strange bird with a tumor on its head. After finally getting rid of the pursuit, the mountain shuttle was almost destroyed.

In order to ensure that the shuttle can play a role at the destination, they can only put away the shuttle and drive on their own.

Relying on the guidance of the seven-star compass, he hid in Tibet along the way, and after nine days and nine nights of driving, he finally found this volcanic island.

"Are you sure it's here?" Xiang Bei asked.

"Sure!" Tai Yin nodded viciously.

So the two dived into the water and summoned the shuttle. Dive from the bottom of the ocean to the volcanic island.

The mountain shuttle quietly parted the water flow and got into the bottom of the volcanic island—they naturally didn't dare to appear in front of Fudou carelessly, and only planned to act on the bottom of the volcanic island the whole time.

Unless you find the Nine Chapters Jade Bi, or some treasure in the volcanic island, you will suddenly appear and flee with the treasure.

These days, Xiangbei operated the mountain shuttle, and Tai Yin was not idle. In addition to guiding the way, he also made a few arrays for detection, in order to quickly capture the breath of Jiuzhang Yubi.

The island with its volcanic clusters is indescribably gigantic.

It is undoubtedly a huge project to explore secretly at the bottom of the island.

But this does not affect the fighting spirit of Xiang Bei and Tai Yin.

In the case of losing the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi, they have already wasted nine days and nine nights. If they reach the destination and still have nothing to gain, they can directly declare themselves out!

So this volcanic island, they are bound to win, and they must succeed.

In the cabin with warm light, Tai Yin held a formation plate in each hand and stuck it on both sides of the bulkhead, distracting himself from two tasks, carefully sensing the aura of treasures on this volcanic island.

Xiang Bei was at the head of the cabin, while manipulating the shuttle to move carefully, while observing the situation of Daoshan through a monocular mirror in front of him.

The built-in observation circle on the mountain shuttle can reflect the scene within a certain distance on this monocular circular mirror. This is a necessary design, otherwise the shielding circle of the mountain shuttle will turn the users in the mountain shuttle into deaf and blind people.

Time passed bit by bit. At the bottom of the volcanic island, the shuttle moved slowly and patiently.

After Tai Yin consumed four detection arrays, Xiang Bei's eyes moved away from the monocular mirror, and his face became strange.

"Why, what did you find?" Tai Yin asked.

Xiang Beilue thought for a while and asked, "Do you mind seeing a man's naked body?"

Tai Yin was obviously a little dazed: "Now?"


Tai Yin was silent for a while, and tried to be tactful: "As a friend, I can respect what hobbies you have, even if I don't understand them. But it's limited to respect... Do you understand me when I say this?"

He said earnestly: "Besides, it's very dangerous here."

Xiang Bei looked puzzled: "What are you talking about?"

Immediately moved away: "Forget it, come and see for yourself."

Tai Yin dubiously walked towards the cabin head, and when he turned around staggeredly, his eyes were fixed on Xiang Bei, and he didn't even dare to turn his back on him.

In this way, they switched positions and sat in front of the monocular mirror.

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