Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1437 Fight to the death with me

"Wait, you can't just look at it like this." Xiang Bei suddenly reached out.

Seeing Tai Yin shrinking back abruptly, with a look of guard on his face, he felt more and more puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

Tai Yin smiled dryly: "No, it's nothing, I don't know what you want me to see, I'm a little nervous."

Xiang Bei pressed a picture of the spirit array in the air with one hand, and stuck it in front of Tai Yin's right eye. With a light press, the picture disappeared.

"Look with this eye and you won't be noticed," he said.

Only then did Tai Yin realize something. He knew that Xiang Bei possessed the ability of "everyone who is seen with the eyes will be able to perceive", and he also knew that this ability came from the development of the power of the soul.

He paused for a while, and after making sure that the distance between himself and Xiang Bei was enough to react, he finally moved in front of the monocular mirror.

So I saw the magma lake and the person taking a bath in the magma lake.

"Jiang Wang is not dead?!"

Tai Yin was obviously more surprised than Xiang Bei, because he was more certain of his judgment. At that time, the traces of Jiang Wang had indeed dissipated.

Either the person is dead, or the traces have been scattered.

Two things are actually one thing. The traces of existence have been scattered, can people survive? Can those fights save people?

But now, a clear picture is in front of my eyes——

Jiang Wang survived and looked fine.

"What's going on?" Tai Yin asked in disbelief: "Does Fudou plan to wash him clean and cook him before eating?"

Xiang Beidao: "If you just want to eat cooked food, after so many days, it should have been cooked long ago..."

"What's that for?" Tai Yin was really puzzled: "Peel him clean and soak him in the magma lake naked. Could it be to wait for some big day like New Year's Day to enjoy it?"

"Unless we can communicate with Fudou, they are willing to explain to us. Otherwise, we will never understand their thinking." Xiang Bei said slowly: "But the most important thing for us now... Since Jiang Wang hasn't If he dies, the Ode to Orange and Jade Bi will definitely still be on him.”

"And we need this piece of jade." Tai Yin continued.

"So there is only one problem left." Xiang Bei's thinking is very clear: "Now the enemy is clear and we are dark. The enemy is few and we are many. If the two of us attack together, can we solve him in the shortest possible time and take the jade bi? "

Before the plan started, he was cautious and unwilling to gamble easily.

But after the plan was finalized, he didn't hesitate any more, no matter what kind of bad situation he encountered, he only focused on hitting the target.

This is the quality of a famous general——

In addition to being a little arrogant and irritable.

Tai Yin thought silently, and said in his mouth: "You and I join forces, plus a sneak attack, there shouldn't be any problem. The biggest difficulty now is how can we escape after alarming the Huo Dou group. I wonder what they want to throw here, and they will not be too tolerant to those who rush into their lair rashly."

Everything has traces.

He is very good at observation. Observe things, observe people.

In the past, it was just a hobby, and it was the noble son of the aristocratic family overlooking from above. He played in the world and enjoyed the sense of superiority of insight into the various aspects of life. This became a very important ability after Uncle Taihua Daoist died in battle.

He had to make an accurate judgment as to who was the first and who was the worst, who was harboring evil intentions, who was willing to give Tai Shi a hand, and who wanted to trample Tai Shi to the end...

Of course Xiang Bei is his friend, but Xiang Bei is also the person he most wants to be sure of.

Because Xiang Bei is the heir appointed by Xiang Longxiang himself, and he will be in charge of the entire Xiang family in the future. As the top family of the overlord country, even if the Xiang family's popularity is declining now, it is far from being comparable to his Tai family.

Being able to provide too much help to Taishi and himself...

It is certainly not advisable to make friends with a utilitarian heart. But in today's Xia Kingdom where the atmosphere is getting more delicate and resources are getting tighter, and Taishi, who has lost the most reliance, how can we gain a firm foothold? How many lines can be pulled?

There are not many ways to go!

"Don't underestimate Jiang Wang."

Xiang Bei's expression was very serious at this time, he even stared at Tai Yin, and said slowly: "Although I have fought against him, I have never pushed his limit. I advise you not to think about how to deal with it first." Fu Dou, because killing Jiang Wang is a big problem in itself."

Thinking of Jiang Wang's sword that pierced through his palm while avoiding the bite of the Huo Dou Wang Beast...

Subconscious negligence, perhaps instinctive self-exculpation...the choice of the weak.

"I think you are right." Tai Yin admitted his mistake sincerely: "I shouldn't underestimate a person with such a brilliant record. From now on, I am sure that I will take the attitude of dealing with the strongest enemy in this life and take it seriously. This battle was carefully planned. Together, we will do our best to bury this venerable opponent."

"I think such an arrogance like him is not willing to live in such a disgrace in the mountains and seas." Xiang Beidao: "It's time to help him escape."



The joys and sorrows of human beings are never interlinked.

Lord Jiang soaked in the magma lake, combing himself carefully.

The astonishing heat of the deep-sea magma, illuminated by the divine light of the Samadhi True Fire, is very docile, finely sculpting his already strong body.

And the development of Tongtianhai, Wufuhai, Zangxinghai, the three seas of the human body, is also a long-term effort.

Not everyone can do this boring work.

It was only after he became a dragon and a tiger that he knew roughly how to use Tongtianhai. If you really want to say Dongche, at least you have to wait until the gods come to the world and the human body penetrates all over the world.

Jiang Wang will never be lazy in his practice, and will try his best to do his best in any direction, as long as he can do it.

At a certain moment, the black and white magical seed in the Second Inner Palace jumped suddenly.

The entire Second Inner Palace was mobilized.

Shake the five seas.

It was like a heart that had been calm for a long time suddenly throbbed.

Jiang Wang jumped up following the sudden tremor.

Jump three feet high.

Turn around and look back at the lava lake.

Below him, the originally calm lake surface was already full of murderous intent.

The surging magma has been controlled by people at some point, and it condenses into swords, guns, swords and halberds. Various weapons suddenly collide, forming a faint killing array, but at the moment it takes shape, it just happens to be empty!

This formation is called Hundred Soldiers Killing Formation.

Once the opponent is twisted, the killing momentum will continue.

Jiang Wang's leap was not without thrills.

The trembling of the supernatural power seed in the Second Inner Palace is a reminder of the misguided supernatural power in an extreme crisis——

Remind you to go astray!

In Fudou's lair, I thought I was familiar with Fudou, and had initially established a relationship of mutual trust and mutual assistance, so I completely relaxed my vigilance... Ignored where this is!

In this murderous mountain and sea environment, I and Huo Dou have never been the only ones to exist...

How negligent!

Jiang Wang cut off all unnecessary emotions in an instant and let himself return to the battle itself. Although he avoided the first round of attacks under the warning of misguided supernatural powers, he knew very well that the crisis was far from over.

The beautiful body with only a calf-nosed coat jumped in the air, and the streamlined muscle lines tensed instantly, like a strong bow that has been fully wound!

The scars everywhere are the glory of the soldiers and the history of the battle.

This bow bends like a crescent moon, and the sword points in all directions!

Jiang Wang has already raised his guard to 12 points, and opened the sound-hearing fairy state. Since then, he has gained nineteen breaths, insight into the slightest, and the sword is waiting for the blood of the enemy.

And at the same moment, in the high sky behind him, a mass of air was torn apart—or more accurately described, it was a formation disk disguised as air, and the concealment was canceled at this time.

Tai Yin didn't know when he hid here, but when Jiang Wang successfully escaped from the battle of hundreds of soldiers and his attention should still be on the magma lake, he suddenly appeared!

The hands that had just completed the Daojue were pressed down.

Roar! Roar!

A group of dragon chants rose up, and the wind roared and thunder roared.

Super Taoism, five dragons seal the sky!

At this time, Jiang Wang was like a strong bow with full strings, and the figure of a warrior without any fat was perfectly displayed in the air.

Sauvignon Blanc is an arrow on the string, and the sword is about to be full.

Below him, what he witnessed was a boiling magma lake, and hundreds of soldiers rushed forward.

In the sky behind him is a giant umbrella formed by the five great dragons of origin force.

There are swords, guns, swords and halberds in front of you, and magical arts behind you are like waterfalls.

This was a well-prepared attack, which put him in danger from the very beginning!

No matter who the attacker is, since he dared to attack at this time, he must have been fully prepared-this was the first thought in Jiang Wang's mind.

In a flash of thought, he had already pressed the eight-tone burning sea with one hand, and the sound of angry waves poured down, suppressing all the knives, guns, swords and halberds formed by the magma.

People have turned around.

The blazing light gradually lit up between the chest and abdomen, and the body of abundance appeared instantly.

He slashed back with a sword, supporting the sky with herringbone!

Facing the roaring Five Dragons Conferring Heaven Dao Art directly.

The man rushed with the sword, and directly crashed into the waterfall-like five dragon magic.

The single sword convects the waterfall!

Seeing that he was about to cut open the waterfall formed by the magic arts of the five dragons, collide with the core of the five dragons sealing the sky, and fight Tai Yin head-on.

But in the middle of the journey, he suddenly turned around and turned sharply.

The Immortal Technique of Pingbu Qingyun made his turning so elegant, and the roaring sword intent easily broke through the waterfall of divine magic, making him instantly misplaced with Taiyin.

It is false to fight Tai Yin head-on, but it is true to avoid the opponent's subsequent ambush.


Still a little late.

A heavy halberd broke through the magma, and jumped out of the magma lake in the collision of the Eight Sounds Burning Sea and the Hundred Soldiers Killing Formation!

Completely ignoring the aftermath of Taoism and formations, entwined with black ghostly aura, so abrupt and so natural...falling on Jiang Wang's body.

Cutting through the light of the five supernatural powers, the tip of Ge Shiji pierced Jiang Wang from the back of his waist!

This attack by Tai Yin and Xiang Bei was covered up for several consecutive rounds.

The sudden outburst of the Hundred Soldiers Killing Formation is just a cover-up.

Once Jiang Wang escaped, Tai Yin, who had already hidden Gao Qiong with the disappearance array, would attack brazenly.

But Tai Yin's shot itself constituted another layer of deception.

Jiang Wang thought that the hidden danger was built with Tai Yin as the core.

But the real killing move is still buried at the bottom of the magma lake, just under the exposed Hundred Soldiers Killing Formation!

At this moment, on the surging, dark red magma lake.

Weapons condensed from magma, and flame sparrows condensed from fire elements, bombarded each other.

In the turbulent flow of Yuanli and magma, Xiang Bei's single halberd, which was more than ten feet high, pointed towards the sky.

The majestic Swallowing Overlord's body was entwined with black smoke, and the arrogant and domineering halberd pierced through the world-famous hero with the tip of the spear, spilling blood into the sky!

And above the leader of the Yellow River who was suddenly severely injured, there are five majestic dragons of vitality, mating together to form a giant umbrella of magic spells, sprinkled like a waterfall of magic spells.

On top of the giant umbrella is Tai Yin, who was born in a famous family in Xia Kingdom.

The sound, light and shadow in the magma lake have all been covered up.

An octagonal-shaped black-brown formation disk is quietly standing on the shore. It's easy to miss at first glance.

It's an array for turning shadows and suppressing sound.

The reason why Fudou near the magma lake failed to notice this battle was all due to it.

In the eyes of those around him, Jiang Wang was still lying there in the magma lake at this time, and nothing happened.

The two proud sons of heaven jointly launched an attack on Jiang Wang. Naturally, they had already rehearsed various situations, and the arrangements were not incomplete.

A few times after the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, Jiang Wang was already hanging in the air.

But neither Xiang Bei nor Tai Yin relaxed.

Because the injury on Jiang Wang's waist and abdomen looked terrible, but it was not fatal, and he also avoided the core area of ​​the Five Dragons Sealing Heaven Technique.

Xiang Bei observed for a long time with the dragon and demon troop map, grasping the opportunity to shoot the halberd into the sky, and indeed severely injured the opponent.

But Jiang Wang still used the pretense of confronting Tai Yin head-on to kill him, deceiving him where he was going, and avoided the vital point in time.

Ge Shiji was aimed at smashing Jiang Wang's spine, but in the end it just pierced through his body from the left waist and broke open the left abdomen. It cannot be said that the injury piercing through the flesh is not serious, but the injury chosen by oneself is completely different from the injury suffered passively!

Hot blood ran down the edge of the halberd, this is the price Jiang Wang paid for his slack in the lair of Huo Dou.

But looking around the world, among all the practitioners under the presence of gods, one counts as one.

Who can only make Jiang Qingyang pay the price, but not pay anything? !

The tip of the gun burst out.

Jiang Wang circled the hand of the Light of the Five Houses, but he was already tightly grasping the halberd edge that was flowing with cold light!

The sword light in his eyes shines, and there is also the color of immortal red gold.

Red fire flowed around him, and frost floated behind him!

The state of the sword fairy comes to the mountains and seas again, gathers will and power, joins forces and Tao, unifies all, and evolves into a sword that is overwhelming!

This sword is the dangerous peak that the earth pierces into the sky.

This sword is to use what you have learned all over your body to ask about life and death once.

With the roaring sword intent and momentum, Jiang Wang, covered in frost and curling curls, just like this faced the five dragons sealing the sky technique, and went straight to Taiyin.

He actually held the halberd that pierced his belly with one hand, with the scorching blood that spilled into the sky, with the halberd, and with Xiang Bei on the other end of the halberd, and with the gesture of never looking back, they shot at the tall man together. Qiong's Tai Yin charged!

Blood splashed like rain, dousing Xiang Bei all over.


Xiang Bei's canthus was about to burst. At this moment, he shook the halberd, trying to cut off Jiang Wang's fingers holding the halberd. But the light of the five supernatural powers was integrated into one, and Jiang Wang's left hand was tightly clenched on his abdomen, like cast iron!

He summoned up the strength of the Thief Swallowing Overlord Body, trying to pull the Kaishihalberd down. However, he was still coerced by this indomitable sword force, and he walked towards Gao Tian helplessly.

It's not that there is such a big gap between his physical strength and Jiang Wang's strength, but that Jiang Wang at this moment is in his strongest sword power.

His halberd, however, completed its mission after piercing through the opponent's body.

It was such a terrifyingly precise timing that Jiang Wang chose to recoil. Take his own injuries and pains as a fighting node!

Above the high sky, Tai Yin is still manipulating the five dragons sealing the sky technique, blasting down thunder, lightning and wind and rain.

But Jiang Qingyang, who was naked to the waist and had huge wounds in his abdomen, just stared at him, piercing the sky with a sword, and his angry voice clanged like a long sword: "Little Taiyin, fight me to the death!"

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