Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1442

So trust is such a rare thing.

Having been together for so long, there is hard work without credit, and fatigue without hard work, right?

Sancha still doesn't trust him so much, he has to be taken with him whenever he goes out to fight!

Jiang Wang scolded in his heart.

How could there be such a cunning and suspicious vicious dog in the world?

Why don't you worry about going to war?

Will I, Jiang Qingyang, take the opportunity to escape?

Well, even if I would...

Don't you plan on exercising those who stay behind in their lair?

How can we grow without experiencing wind and rain!

As a friend, it is reasonable for you to test the guarding power of the volcanic island, right?

Sancha turned around sharply.

Jiang Wang immediately put on a smiling face.

The great king of disasters roared softly, and the black waves began to gather.

Jiang Wang didn't say a word, didn't move, and didn't even do anything to observe the environment. It seems that he is loyal to the king of disasters and has no intention of running away.

Having said that, after eating the real fire of Samadhi for so many days, Sancha's fur became more and more glossy.

As the saying goes, one black, two yellow and three flowers, the taste of this stew is sure...

The three-pronged tail of the Huo Dou Wang beast swiped back and forth in the air a few times.

This action made Jiang Wang think of Zhu Hui, and he felt a long-lost intimacy, which made him want to step forward and kick him.

Unfortunately not.

This foot goes down...the foot is gone.

The majestic and majestic king of Fudou, who is in command of the Fudou army, never imagined that someone would compare him with an ordinary or even stupid dog.

It just stroked its tail in a grand manner, and above the tip of the three-pronged tail, a ray of light leaped out like a swimming fish and landed not far from Jiang Wang's skin.

With a distance of less than a centimeter, the whole body is covered.

This gloomy light travels around the body, just like those black-furred wrestlers around.

Looking around, the gloomy light surged like sea waves, with the power of a silent thought.

Jiang Wang clearly felt that at this moment, the aura of this mighty army of disasters had completely disappeared and was undetectable!

Including himself, all traces of his breath disappeared completely, as if he had put on a cloak. No, it's much better than the effect of hiding clothes.

The naked clothes can't blend into the environment while moving, and under this wave of gloom, the army of disaster fighters is still moving forward.

In vision there is a great army, in perception there is nothing.

This is the reason why Sancha can lead the army to hunt down opponents?

Jiang Wang was surprised, but what surprised him was more than that.

He subconsciously followed Fu Dou Wang Beast, and he followed Fu Dou Wang Beast wherever he went.

As a result, he stepped on it and almost fell down.

When he felt the feeling of "stepping on the air" and "falling", he suddenly realized that his limbs had become a part of Youguang.

He can still feel his body, but every part of his body has turned into a dim light.

And during the whole process of transforming into Youguang, he himself was completely unconscious!

It was a very wonderful experience——

He knew that his body hadn't undergone any changes, and he could even feel the strength of his physical body, the flow of blood, and the tremor of muscles...but at this time, he actually existed in the form of a dim light.

He can't make any influence on this wave of twilight, because this wave of twilight is dominated by the only will.

Trident controls it all.

But he can also feel what the other Futos can feel.

The five senses are not lost, but they cannot use the secret methods such as the sound and hearing fairy state, and they cannot really feel their own eyes and ears, cannot close their lips, vibrate their vocal cords, and naturally cannot make a sound.

You can only "see" with a fixed perspective, and "listen" with the body's own hearing.

Such as the smoke from the volcanic island, such as the wind blown by the tide of twilight...

for example……

Youguang swims into the space gap!

The huge Tide of Underlight seemed to have found a gap in a certain space in Gao Qiong, and flowed in like water.

Jiang Wang felt that he was a shadow, a puddle of water, flowing with the waves.

He tried to feel Dao Yuan, and he could feel the liveliness of Dao Yuan in Tongtian Palace, but he couldn't drive it.

The power of the soul level also cannot be induced.

Jiang Wang thus aroused some speculation: if the shadow formed by the Huo Dou army was disturbed by a power different from the Huo Dou Wang Beast, would it be immediately dispersed?

Otherwise, the Shadow of Gloom formed by the joint efforts of the army would not imprison the individual strength to such an extent...

But he couldn't try it.

Sancha gave him too many "surprises".

This fellow actually has such an ability, able to drive the entire Huo Dou army to travel through the gaps in space together!

At this moment, Jiang Wang fully wanted to understand why he, Zuo Guangshu and the others were suddenly surrounded, without even a chance to get out.

The Huo Dou army completed their rush and ambush in the space gap, and the shadow of the light moved without any trace, so it's strange that they can find it.

He then thought of the massive and long-prepared appearance of the Huo Fighting Beast Group at that time. The target might not be them, but the Kui Niu.

It's just that they happened to meet at the right time and ran into Fu Dou's ambush circle.

The most irritating thing is...they also helped drive away Zhong Liyan!

What a self-sacrificing spirit.

It's just that you don't want to repay your kindness, and you save the suffering and save the sorrow.


Today's disaster fighting herd is so fanfare, what is it trying to hunt?

Or that Kui ox?

Or... a more powerful existence?

Others may not know, how could Jiang Wang not notice it?

During this period of time, Sanmai Real Fire was supplied every day, and Sancha fought against Sancha every day. The strength of Sancha was obviously stronger day by day.

Otherwise, how could he, Jiang Qingyang, stay in the lava lake obediently, without even trying to escape?

I don't know who the opponent Sancha has chosen this time, and what ability they have...

With vague expectations, Jiang Wang passively felt the space gap in the shadow of the light.

This kind of place has no scenery to speak of, and terrifying spatial turbulence can be seen everywhere. There are also some deep caves, and even the Trident has to guide the shadow of the light to avoid it far away.

Jiang Wang also "saw" a two-headed ape, glanced at their dim shadow from a distance, and jumped away on his own.

What's even weirder is that one of the ape's heads seemed to have seen him and cast a disdainful look at him...

It should be an illusion.

In short, the left and the right meet each other, and each avoids.

The shadow of the dark light flows by itself.

Trident obviously didn't want to pester the space traveler either.

But judging from Jiang Wang's understanding of Sancha, the reason why this guy is willing to live in peace is very likely because he can't catch up...

The guy who even wanted to hunt the Kui Niu failed to hunt the Kui Niu, so he surrounded a few people... If he could block this two-headed ape to death, how could he let it go?

Haven't encountered any visitors since.

Jiang Wang also became more familiar with the deserted scene in the space gap, and finally he was able to understand what kind of environment Qin Zhizhen was walking in back then, and waited for the opportunity to stab him at any time.

This is also a part of supplementary knowledge. If you fight Qin Zhizhen again, you may be able to judge the point of his long knife more accurately...

In the state of Shadow of Light, the concept of time becomes more and more blurred.

Jiang Wang always devoted part of his mind to timekeeping, and after about three hours, this trip in the space gap finally came to an end.

The shadow of the light stopped at a certain position in the space gap, and a part of the shadow was separated like a river, separated, and entered the normal space.

Jiang Wang knew that it was hundreds of fights.

Then the shadow of the gloom began to circle, and in many different directions, parts of the gloom were separated.

This is setting up an ambush...

As the chef, dear friend, and trusted partner that the King of Disasters has been unable to part with, Jiang Wang is honored to always be in the main body of this shadow of light, and has never been separated.

Carried by the great king of woe, never leave.

Jiang Wang was very moved, and chose to silently write down the "art of war" routine of Sancha.

Including the landing point chosen for the ambush, the style of setting up the ambush...

It is almost impossible for him to defeat Sancha in the mountain and sea realm, but after becoming more familiar with Sancha, he may not be able to escape its pursuit.

If Sancha was a human race, he would probably be a famous general.

In the whole process of setting up an ambush, the goal was clear, the action was straightforward, and the arrangement was completed in two or three clicks.

And then launched brazenly.

Still don't know how to pass through the space barrier, it seems that the shadow of the light is slightly tilted, and it naturally flows out from a certain opening.

Jiang Wang knew that if he could clearly see the cause of this "hole", he might be able to easily break through the barrier of space, but unfortunately he couldn't see why.

It seems that people are just dazed, people have appeared in the normal space, and they have seen floating mountains and blue seas.

The gloomy light that shrouded his body dissipated, and the dense army of disasters spread out.

And Jiang Wang, who followed closely behind the Huo Dou Wang Beast, had already seen the target of this hunt——

It was a strange beast that looked like a crane, standing on a stone platform stretching across the cliff with one foot, it looked beautiful and noble.

Its body is cyan, but it is dotted with red markings, but its beak is as white as frost and snow, with a sharp cold awn.

On this unknown floating mountain, monsters that look like black dogs are already everywhere.

The cliff where this bird stands is surrounded by groups without any gaps.

Obviously, this is not the first time that this strange beast has been ambushed by the Huo Dou army. There is no surprise in the bird's eyes, only anger.

"Bi Fang! Bi Fang!"

It yells so much.

With a flutter of blue wings, it flew straight towards the direction of the Huo Dou Wang Beast.

The figure is as fast as lightning.

When the frost-white bird's beak opened, a cloud of flame spewed out, and it rose in the wind, like a bouquet of flowers hanging upside down, and instantly spread into a sea.

Is this bird too stupid to use fire against Fudou?

Just when this thought came to Jiang Wang's mind, he turned pale with fright.

It's not just because wherever the sea of ​​fire goes, disasters and fights are turned into ashes.

It was also because at this time he had already recognized that what the bird was breathing out was the real fire of Samadhi!

But Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire is different from him.

His samadhi is red in color.

Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire is also red, but it is divided into three layers of flames, giving birth to three colors. They are red, dark red, and light red.

It's not easy to see if you don't look carefully, but how could Jiang Wang, who controls the real fire of Samadhi, not notice it?

He has been taking fire lotus every day these days, exhausting the real fire time and time again. The true fire of Samadhi has a tendency to turn dark red. Although it is not obvious, it shows that the dark red real fire of Samadhi may be the real fire of Samadhi The shape of the next stage.

But what happened to the bird that called Bi Fang directly?

If the light red color is the final form of the true fire of Samadhi, then why are the crimson and dark red flames preserved?

At this moment, Jiang Wang had no idea of ​​taking the opportunity to escape at all, he just stared at the bird of Bifang closely, searching for the true meaning of Samadhi True Fire!

If you can really penetrate the mystery of the true fire of samadhi, it is worth losing 30% of the original soul!

The power of the soul can be cultivated again, and the source of the soul can be supplemented by finding a way.

Supernatural powers need one enlightenment to be able to master everything!

The reason why he misguidedly uses supernatural powers to a large extent is Zhuang Chengqian's "personal teaching". Bu Zhoufeng is the accumulation of Yan Xiao's beak.

Illustrated Code of Fire Origin, Detailed Explanation of Fireworks Burning the City... He has mastered a lot of various fire element mysteries. He has never slack off in the study of fire element, accumulated a lot of knowledge, and gained a lot of understanding. But there is always a gap in the Samadhi True Fire Divine Ability.

He felt resistance, but didn't know what it was.

Today may have a chance to break through the fog!

At this moment, how can he be satisfied with watching the fire from the other side?

He must personally feel the flames, even if his body and soul are burned.

With a flick of the long sword in his hand, regardless of whether Sancha could understand or not, he shouted: "Don't hurt Sancha! I will fight with you today!"

Surprisingly, amidst the constantly retreating herd of fighting beasts, they went upstream against the current and bravely charged against the enemy beasts!

Trident was startled.

It was planning to give the cook a warning before facing Bi Fang, so that he would not take advantage of the chaos and run away.

Unexpectedly, these two-legged beasts are so loyal to the great king of disasters!

Bi Fang's fire burns everything.

All these troubles under its command are avoided.

Only the cook went forward bravely.

What kind of spirit is this?

What kind of quality is this?

It really misunderstood the cook for too long, and made the cook wronged for too long!

So many suspicions, Zhongliang was wronged...

It is the king, incompetent ah!


The great king of misfortune and fighting jumped into the air, surpassed Jiang Wang in an instant, and faced Bi Fang head-on. The majesty of the king does not allow it to watch its cook die.


Amidst the roar, it swelled up again, and stopped in front of Jiang Wang like this. It was tall and long, and opened its mouth to suck!

The scorching sea of ​​flames filled the sky, half of which was swallowed in an instant.

The entire body of the three-pronged animal immediately turned red, so red that it was almost transparent, and even the bones in it could be seen!


Its back was directly burned through, and a ray of flame spurted out.

But soon another dark light blocked it.


Two more openings appeared, flying out the Samadhi True Fire.

Once again blocked by the dim light.

After repeating it several times, the red light on his body disappeared, his black skin was shiny, and his black hair shone.

The trident stamped its feet in mid-air, raised its head to the sky and howled, the sound of howling was very carefree!

Raise Jiangwang for many days, and use Jiangwang at this time.

What kind of bullshit Samadhi is really popular, but that's all.

It has long been used to eating!


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