Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1443 Lingering

Jiang Wang has already used it well.

But those are ordinary flames, at most, in the combination of supernatural powers like the fire world, the real fire of Samadhi is used as the source of the magic to enhance the power.

Spreading the pure samadhi real fire into the ocean is a luxury that Jiang Wang can't even imagine.

But it was turned into reality by Bi Fang.

Only when the supernatural power seeds bloom and bear fruit can we see the real supernatural power!

Observing any flame in this sea of ​​flames, one can find that the flames are divided into three layers, clearly distinct. The light red is the outermost, the inner dark red, and the innermost is crimson.

In Jiang Wang's perception, the light red Samadhi real fire is the most intense and powerful. The red Samadhi real fire is the most stable. The dark red Samadhi True Fire is between the two.

If the final form of the true fire of samadhi is to change to light red, then why does the true fire of samadhi that Bi Fang spewed out at this moment still retain the dark red and red colors?

Why is the flame divided into three layers?

Jiang Wang faintly felt that he had touched the window paper about supernatural powers.

He couldn't help rushing forward, wanting to get closer and see more.


It's not impossible to make friends with Bi Fang if you get cold feet.

As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to live in.

Everyone knows Samadhi True Fire, maybe there is a common language!

Especially since Bi Fang is so beautiful, he doesn't look as cunning and ruthless as Sancha!

When that group of black shadow rushed over and stopped in front, it really shocked him.

I thought that Sancha had seen through his mind and wanted to "clean up the door".

Fortunately, this king of trouble seems to only focus on powerful opponents, leaving him with only a powerful back.

But seeing Sancha's body swell, he opened his mouth wide and swallowed more than half of the real fire of Samadhi, that magnificent momentum is breathtaking. He couldn't help wanting to praise his majesty, but he was anxious to chop off with a sword——

You fucking ate all the real fire, what am I going to learn?

The true fire of Samadhi was swallowed into the stomach, and the body of the trident was directly burned through.

How the real fire burns the body of the gods, this process is of course of great research value.

But Jiang Wang didn't have time to take a second look, the dim light was like a tide, and soon extinguished the flame.

The trident seemed to have the upper hand, standing proudly high in the sky, glaring at the Bi Fangniao with white beak, red stripes and green body, roaring again and again.

But at the next moment, flames rose up, scorching the god's body, and its black ostentatious fur also began to burn!

Although the Samadhi True Fire has been devoured for many days, there is a big difference between the Samadhi True Fire and the Samadhi True Fire.

It thought it could take it, but it couldn't!

Once such a huge amount of samadhi true fire counterattacks, the gloom all over the body will be burned instantly, and the bones and muscles of the trident are almost transparent for a while, and every detail can be seen immediately.

Ho ho ho!

The Huo Dou army was furious, and countless Huo Dou rushed from all directions, extremely fierce and desperate.

But Bi Fang just opened his bird's beak and circled around his body. The samadhi true fire danced around the world like a dragon or a phoenix, and burned all the approaching disasters to nothing!

The fighting army never stops.

But the true fire of Samadhi has never been extinguished.

The Kuroshio surged and stopped before the fire.

One after another.

The successor also dies.

This is an extremely tragic scene.

At this moment, the strange beasts who are going to die in silence are all creatures who will be lazy on the volcanic island, will take advantage of it, and will turn their faces... with real feelings.

The will to die now is not inferior to the strong army of the human race in the present world.

However, in the face of such a tenacious fighting force, Bi Fang still maintained an overwhelming advantage.

It's no wonder that facing the siege, Bi Fang's first reaction was not to run away, but to go directly to Sancha and take the initiative to attack.

It is significantly stronger than the trident.

Also probably defeated the trident more than once.

How could Sancha find such an opponent? It is unwise.

Such a faint thought turned in his mind, but Jiang Wang had already implemented the established plan, surrounded his body with the real fire of samadhi, walked in the air in a chic way, and flew towards Bi Fang with a bright smile.


He pointed to himself and his own Samadhi True Fire.


He pointed to Bi Fang and Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire.


He said aloud with a bright smile.

Bi Fang, who was floating on one leg, looked at him with some doubts in his eyes, but he didn't take the initiative to attack... Obviously they can communicate.

Making friends with Bi Fang will bring great benefits.

At the very least, this perfect Samadhi True Fire can be observed and studied at any time.

This bird is also beautiful, much more pleasing to the eye than the trident.


At this moment, such a cry came from behind.

It was the cry that Sancha specially called him...

The cry is full of anger and pain.

Jiang Wang turned his head subconsciously, and saw——

The three-pronged trident, which had been burned transparently by the huge amount of samadhi real fire in its belly, just stared at him with angry and hurt eyes.

It jumped forward suddenly, as if it wanted to rush to kill him.

But under the burning of the real fire of samadhi, he staggered, couldn't stand firmly, and fell down!

A little too ridiculous.

Jiang Wang thought.

Humans and beasts have different paths, and mountains and seas are even different in this world. Do I still have to talk to you strange beasts?

What's more, the two sides of your battle are clearly strong and weak, and the outcome is in front of you. I, Jiang, don't drink a good celebration wine. Do I want to accompany you to listen to the mourning song?

Besides, what kind of bullshit feelings, how can there be feelings? You vicious dog, take me back to my lair, beat me every day, force me to breathe fire, what a shame!

I didn't slash you in the back just now, I am worthy of you enough.

What happened to my friend?

Don't you dismiss it? Also fucking spit.

I made friends with Bi Fang, what's wrong!

Jiang Wang was thinking viciously while flying towards Bi Fang.


But why, the hurt eyes of this vicious dog... He has already avoided it, why is it still in front of him?


In the scorching sea of ​​flames, a blue cloud emerged.

A boot crushed the mark of the blue cloud, and amidst the howling sound of the air, the man in the green shirt turned around, took a few steps, but the blue cloud was broken, and he chased before the three-chased body.

He opened his arms and embraced the burning trident.

Sancha had already hated him so much, he bit his arm hard!

Its body and soul burned together, it was already in extreme pain, but it endured the pain, bit down hard, its canine teeth penetrated into the flesh, the blood just overflowed, but was completely burned by the real fire.

Jiang Wang gasped, slapped the dog on the head, and cursed angrily: "You don't know what to do!"

This slap was as natural as a slap.

Sancha became more and more furious, and a painful growl came out of his throat.

The cook not only betrayed me, but also insulted me!

This hatred is infinite!

Even though it's so weak, even though it seems like it's about to die... But I'll kill you, I'll kill you!

It bites with all its strength and will not let go.

At the same time, in Jiang Wang's No. 1 Inner Palace, the scarlet supernatural power seeds shone brightly.

He used his supernatural powers to try to recover the real fire of samadhi that burned on the three-pronged body.

The raging flames rolled back and poured into Jiang Wang's body in an instant.

At this moment, he immediately felt the pain of the trident.

His flesh and blood, his bones, his Dao Yuan, and even the power of his soul were all on fire.

Bi Fang's true fire of samadhi burns everything!

Sancha bit and bit, and stopped.

How could it fail to notice that the True Fire of Samadhi, which tortured it to death, was diverting at a terrifying speed?

How could it not feel what kind of pain the cook, who was holding his neck around his neck, was enduring?

Youguang was born inch by inch, the black fur became clearer and clearer, and its angry, painful, and hateful eyes gradually became softer.

Take Nine Treasures away.

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