Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1444 Samadhi

Fu Dou was born with the ability to eat fire.

Fill your stomach with this, and grow with it.

The three-pronged two-legged beast has been raising fire-breathing beasts for a long time, and is full of Samadhi real fire every day, and he feels that he has already gotten used to this kind of flame.

But it never imagined that the gap between Samadhi True Fire and Samadhi True Fire could be so large. I know that my cook is half-baked, but I don't know how half-baked it is.

It is obviously the fire of the same origin, but swallowing it in one gulp, the feeling is completely different!

It stopped in front of the heroic chef who drew his sword, and with the intention of showing off, he opened his mouth aggressively and swallowed half of the sea of ​​flames in one gulp.

But unexpectedly, after the real fire got into his belly, he immediately started to rebel. It didn't have time to digest it, so it burned from the inside out, almost burning its body and soul to death.

At this time, the cook rushed forward again, desperately hugging it tightly.

Absorb the fire from it, ease its pain, and save its life.

And it bit the cook's arm, its sharp teeth penetrated deeply into the flesh...

Unconsciously let go.

There is an unspeakable emotion in my heart, which I have never felt in my long life.

It thought that the cook was betraying it in the face of battle and wanted to make friends with Bi Fang, but now it seems that it was the cook's plan to feign surrender... It's just that it was injured too badly, and the cook had to give up the plan and go back to save it.

Looking at the cook's painful and hideous expression under the flames.

Watching the scorching flames continuously bursting out from the cook's eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Sancha was moved and ashamed. He moved his head, rolled his tongue, and gently licked away the flames.

As the king of disasters in the mountains and seas, this is probably a rare tender moment in his life.

But for Jiang Wang, the experience was not very good.

Sancha didn't have any habit of cleaning his teeth, so the dog's tongue curled up, almost knocking him out.

More importantly, now is not the time to make friends.

Sancha is still wasting time here, and when Bi Fang slaughters the Fudou army, it will have no chance of victory.

Jiang Wang turned his head back in disgust, cursing: "What are you licking! I just want to personally explore the profound meaning of Samadhi True Fire. It has nothing to do with you fucking dog..."


He pushed the three prongs away, and he fell backwards under the entanglement of flames, falling into the sky.

"Kill it!"

He pointed at Bi Fang for the last time, roaring like this.

Fu Dou understood this sound.

it remembers.

That's what the cook yelled when the two Twolegs came to sneak up on him.


It roars.

The cook sucked out more than half of the Samadhi True Fire, and the rest can be suppressed and digested.

The power of eating fire, forging the body with fire.

The outside light is more intense, and the fur on the body is smoother.

The cook fell powerlessly behind it, and it stared at Bi Fang. Its vigorous figure swept across the sky, stomping on the air, sprinting towards Bi Fang, who was standing with a single horn, and fell with one claw!

It's like a swordsman holding his blade for ten years, and once he makes a move, he cuts off the peerless edge.

The sharp claws popped out of the fleshy pad, cut open the space, broke through the flame flow, and pounced on the neck of the thief bird in front of him!

In the blazing flames, five extremely thin black lines suddenly appeared, cutting even the flames...they were gaps in space.

"Bi Fang!"

Bi Fang yelled his name, stood still, and pecked his head.

This peck is like pulling out a sword in a dark room, the cold light has been shining for thousands of years.

The white beak, which was as frosty as snow, pecked precisely on the black line, as if picking up a few small insects, and pecked away the gap in the space.

This is simply an incredible confrontation.

One claw and one peck, the strike is in an instant, so wonderful.

Even if it is a match between swordsman and swordsman at the peak level of Shenlin, it is probably nothing more than that.

Leaping up in the sky, the three-pronged body turned around, its long tail whistled like an iron whip, and flew straight at the bird's head.

But Bi Fang spread out his wings and folded them in front of him, using his feathers as a shield to block the sweep.


It's like the sound of gold and iron.

Bi Fang was repelled several feet.

Sancha was overwhelmed and let out another roar.

The Huo Dou army surrounding this place roared in unison.

The sound shook the world.

The dense and innumerable disasters, the ghosts on the body all came out of the body. Huo Dou, who had lost his body, became sluggish in an instant, almost losing his fighting power.

But the gathered gloomy light surged like a tide, covering the upper and lower directions, and firmly surrounded the sea of ​​real fire spewed out by Bi Fang.

The real fire of samadhi burns Youguang, and Youguang also extinguishes the real fire.

However, the consumption of Youguang relies on this vast and endless army of disaster fighting, gathered under the command of the king of disaster fighting, but Bi Fang has only himself.

No matter how strong it is, it cannot be consumed.

The sea of ​​true fire keeps shrinking, and the tide of ghostly light keeps approaching. The process was slow at first, but determined, and then faster and faster!

The tide of victory and defeat has been reversed.

Bi Fang is not a fool either, seeing that the situation is not good, he swipes his wings and immediately rises up to the sky.

The true fire of samadhi burns everything, which is why it has the confidence to be outnumbered.

Now it can't be burned to death, and under the command of the King of Disaster, it can't even destroy the Tide of Gloom, so it has the intention to retreat.

In any case, wings fly in the air, it has the freedom to fight or not to fight,

But this body was only more than ten feet out of the sky, and there was a spatial fluctuation coming directly from the top, a faint light "flowed out" like water, and with a sudden turn, the three-pronged body appeared in the high sky.

Condescending, looking down at Bi Fang with eyes full of murderous intent, he jumped down and landed with one claw!

This dodge was too sudden, and this claw was too fast.

Bi Fang couldn't avoid it, so he greeted him with his beak.

This time, like an angry spear picking at the sky, a little cold light pierced the light of the knife.

Fast, dangerous and precise.

White Beak and Black Claw collided and separated.

Bi Fang didn't want to fight, so he turned his wings and flew to the left.

However, another gloomy light flowed out from the space in front, and the three-pronged figure manifested itself, still facing a claw!

Amidst the terrifying scream, the Winged Blade and the Sharp Claw hit each other.

This time Bi Fang retreated farther, obviously exhausted, unable to keep up with the trident who could always get supplements from the Huo Dou army.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Bi Fang made a turn, first dived towards the blue sea, then pulled out suddenly, and lifted off again.

But the trident was not disturbed, Youguang's landing point was very accurate, it was still just blocking the top, this time both claws came out together, and slashed in a wrong direction!

With Sancha's cunning, since he chose to besiege and kill Bi Fang today, he was of course prepared. It's just that I was eager for success at the beginning, which almost capsized the ship.

Turn around slowly at this moment, mobilize the power of Huo Dou's army, and firmly suppress Bi Fang.

It has never accepted the inheritance of military strategists, but it has figured out the military formation by itself!

Command the huge army of disasters to your liking.

The ambush site set up in the space gap earlier is the place where it suddenly flows to with dim light at this moment. It consciously only gives Bi Fang the space to escape.

For a long time, Bi Fang's true fire of samadhi burns everything, and the speed is extremely fast, so he can leave as soon as he says it.

It couldn't keep up with Bi Fang's speed, so it mobilized the power of Huo Dou's army, and used the natural power of the dark light to fit the form similar to the formation, simulating the ability to cross space.

It couldn't stop Bi Fang's true fire of samadhi, so when it encountered a two-legged beast that could know true fire of samadhi, it quickly caught it and domesticated it, even feeding it with precious deep-sea fire lotus.

It has been preparing for a long time to fight this Bi Fang!

How can the heaven bear painstaking efforts?

Today is also the time to reap the results.

The three prongs and the two claws fell together, and there were ten flashes of cold light, interlaced with each other.

Bi Fang also became ruthless, not only did not dodge, but stretched out the green feather, the speed of raising was a few minutes faster, and the frosty white beak directly pointed at the neck of the trident.

In an instant, it became a desperate situation.

It doesn't know what it means to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins. It only knows that if it doesn't force this evil fighting king beast away, the more it will consume in the future, the less chance it will get out.

So it is desperate!

Sancha was silent at this moment, silent...accelerate!

There was a cold light in its eyes, and it collided directly with Bi Fang without dodging or evading.

It is afraid that it will not be able to catch Bi Fang, and it is not afraid of going all out.

It is willing to work hard.

It depends on who can take one step faster at the moment of life and death.

Is it its sharp claws that smashed Bi Fang's forehead first, or Bi Fang's sharp beak that pecked through its neck.

Watch life and death for a moment!

Who lives and who dies?

"Bi Fang!"

Bi Fang finally refused to fight, he opened his beak suddenly, and a samadhi real fire rushed like a waterfall, sweeping his opponent.


As soon as the three-pronged mouth opened, the gloom enveloped the throat, directly swallowing fire!

Youguang and the real fire clashed for a while, and the trident swooped down, swallowing the torrent of the real fire!

The original Samadhi True Fire has been digested, and it already has an understanding of Bi Fang's fire. At this moment, there is nothing to fear.

The vigorous and powerful body stretched in mid-air. While swallowing the fire, it threw itself on Bi Fang's body, holding the blue wings with its claws, and with burning real fire in its mouth, it tilted its head and bit Bi Fang. neck!

"Bi Fang!"

Bi Fang let out a shriek, and blood spilled into the sky.

Every drop of falling blood exploded into flames in the air.

Drop by drop, blossom by blossom, like rain and flowers.

The two sides entangled in one place and fell down.



How high is the floating mountain in the mountain and sea environment?

Jiang Wang has not climbed any of them yet, so he has no idea.

But when he pushed the trident and fell alone, he felt that the distance was very far.

The distance was lengthened by the pain.

Relying on the supernatural seeds hanging in the First Inner Palace, he forcibly absorbed Bi Fang's true fire of samadhi.

The first ray of flowing fire entered his body, and he felt the pain instantly!

The long-lost pain of being burned by the fire.

Since he took off the samadhi true fire supernatural power, no matter where he is, no matter what kind of Taoism he encounters, the fire never hurts him.

Even if he was lying unconscious in the magma lake, the body that controlled Huo Xing would not be injured by the magma.

Not to mention that there is still the supernatural light of Samadhi True Fire.

The current him, if he is left unprotected in the sea of ​​flames and burned forever, he will not be harmed at all.

But Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire, he just touched a wisp, and he curled up in pain.

He could clearly feel how the flesh and blood were burned, how the Dao Yuan returned to nothingness, and even how the power of the soul disappeared...

This process is very fast!

He originally planned to use the power of the same root and the same origin to swallow all these true fires of samadhi.

He originally thought that he had studied the Fire Source Diagram, possessed the supernatural power of Samadhi True Fire, and was proficient in the fire-walking technique, so that his physical body could completely withstand Bi Fang's Samadhi True Fire.

But just after swallowing the first ray, flames shot out from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, with the momentum of burning all over his body, burning him to ashes.

He had no choice but to activate the alternative plan immediately, urging the seeds of supernatural powers, and quickly mobilizing his own Samadhi True Fire to contain fire with fire.

Use your red single flame to wrap the three-layer flame from Bi Fang.

On the outermost layer of his own crimson single flame, it is covered with the supernatural light of Samadhi True Fire.

Only in this way can we temporarily stop the spread of the true fire of Samadhi, and have time to push away the three prongs.

He no longer had the extra mental strength to control his figure, so he could only let his body fall into the sea, and sincerely prayed that there would not be a sea beast looking for food.

At this moment, the scene in the Wufu Sea is magnificent.

The huge amount of Samadhi real fire from Bi Fang was wrapped up layer by layer, compressed into a huge fireball, and fell into Wufuhai.

It was a boundless fire with three layers of flames.

Gathered by Jiang Wang with his greatest efforts and determination, the red-colored Samadhi real fire was used as a coat to wrap the boundless three-flame fire.

The supernatural power seeds in the First Inner Palace were almost pushed to the limit.

That's why there are so many crimson lights of supernatural power pouring down, tightly wrapped around the outermost edge, so as not to make this "fireball" explode.

Looking at it from a distance, it was a huge, burning fireball that was falling.

Just like the reappearance of the scene in the red makeup mirror——

The scorching sun has fallen into the sea.

Of course Jiang Wang couldn't let it fall, he gritted his teeth and held on tightly.

If the sea of ​​five mansions were to dry up, there would be no hope for his path.

The three flames from Bi Fang were temporarily enveloped, but Jiang Wang's true fire of Samadhi and the light of supernatural powers could not block the endless heat wave.

The surface of the entire Wufu Sea actually sank a bit!

"It's hot! It's hot!"

Baiyun Boy jumped out of the ruins of Yunding Fairy Palace with an agility that didn't match his size, and jumped into the sea with a plop.

The towering trees that were full of vitality on the isolated island of heaven and earth became scorched in an instant.

Jiang Wang's body was falling, Sancha had already rushed towards Bi Fang, but he had no time to watch the battle.

Because his samadhi true fire also ignited.

The real fire was burned by the real fire!

The flesh and blood were scorched and scorched instantly.

The power of the soul disappeared, only boundless pain.

Only after his supernatural fire was "ignited", Jiang Wang finally clearly felt the process of being burned by the real fire of Samadhi.

That feeling... is hard to describe.

In fact, he has never let go of his exploration of the true fire of Samadhi. Being able to create the technique of the fire world based on the true fire of Samadhi is enough to show his control over this magical power.

It is precisely because he has such a deep control over the supernatural fire that he is able to see the process of the real fire being burned so clearly...

In the sea of ​​five houses.

The boundless ocean is already boiling.

The shield composed of Samadhi True Fire and Samadhi Supernatural Light has been burned through many small openings,

Wisps of thin flames leaped out, burning everywhere they passed.

Shanfu Qingyun, the ruins of Yunding Fairy Palace, the ocean of Wufuhai...

Jiang Wang's soul manifested and hid in the First Inner Palace, sitting cross-legged under the crimson supernatural power seeds, enduring the pain of burning, and carefully observing.

Need to see a little more clearly, need to see more...

In the vast sea of ​​five mansions, the crimson mansion hangs alone on the high dome, trying to support the light of the samadhi supernatural power, and the rest of the inner mansion is hidden deep.

Seeing that the fireball in the sky is about to explode.

Er, a red-gold mansion jumped out!

On top of the burning fireball.

Instantly freeze it.

Town samadhi with red heart!

The red-gold light of immortal supernatural power hangs down, repairing the gap that the light of Samadhi supernatural power was burned through.

Of course, the heart at this time cannot be truly immortal.

The red-gold supernatural light lasted for a while, but it was also burned by Bi Fang's real fire.

In the five prefectures, flying flames are everywhere.

Everything is heading towards destruction.

Outside the body, fierce flames drilled out of the seven orifices again.

Even through every pore.

The raging flames burned on this body, instantly turning him into a burning man.

Blood, muscles, bones, Dao Yuan, divine soul, magical light...

Everything touched by the real fire of samadhi is burning.

In this trance of life and death.


Jiang Wang fell into the boundless blue sea, his body was still like firewood, and the flames were blazing.

The Samadhi True Fire ignited the sea water and spread rapidly.

And in the raging flames that burned the sea.

But there is a pair of red golden eyes, getting brighter and brighter...


The blatant flames in those eyes pierced through the blue sea and red flames, and shot straight into the sky!


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