Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1446 Sincerity in Kaiyang

Sancha knew all along that Jiang Wang wanted to rub the dog's head...

Of course it couldn't be done before, a mere cook dared to overstep, maybe it would end up being wiped out.

It's different now, the two sides can already be regarded do you say the word human?


It didn't know how to express its intimacy, so it put its head together and let it rub.

The reason why this was done in the cave was naturally that the dignity of the king did not allow it. If the soldiers under his command saw this scene, it would really have to get into the magma pool.

The great king of disasters and fights bowed his head and begged to be rubbed. Jiang Wang was really flattered. He rubbed it carefully, then again, and again...

Not to mention, the three-pronged hair is smooth and soft, and the dog's head feels quite extraordinary when rubbed.

The most important thing is that style!

This is the king of disasters who ruled countless disasters on the volcano island, and he was the overlord who had just culled Bi Fang.

The strength is completely comparable to that of a cultivator in the presence of gods, and he can run rampant in this mountain and sea environment where the strong are like clouds!

Who is qualified to rub its dog's head?

If this is said, no one will believe it.

Jiang Wang was there floating in the clouds and mist, enjoying the unique honor of the mountain and sea environment.

Trident narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the magnificent mountain and sea environment, the cave here has a rare tranquility.

Not long after, Sancha took a few steps back and left Jiang Wang's palm.

Looking up at Jiang Wang, he opened his mouth and spit out lightly, a drop of blood with faint light flew to Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang caught it ignorantly: "For me?"

Sancha didn't express anything anymore, turned around and walked out of the cave.

Jiang Wang still subconsciously followed behind it.


The trident let out a long and majestic roar, and the disasters scattered in different places began to gather.

The army converged, and the Kuroshio surged.

But this time, the flowing light did not cover Jiang Wang's body.

The gloomy light "flowed" into the space gap like a tide, and disappeared before Jiang Wang's eyes.

Until the sky is quiet and Haining, the wind is moving.

Only then did Jiang Wang suddenly realize...

I am free.

Clever as a trident, of course he always knew...

The cook wants to escape every day, and the cook doesn't like staying on the volcanic island.



The army of disaster fighting came in like a tide, and went away like a tide receding.

Jiang Wang was like a shell that was swept ashore by the tide, stranded alone on the beach.

There is a sense of loss.

He originally thought that after he realized the mystery of the real fire of samadhi and could use a stronger real fire of samadhi, Sancha might stare at him more closely.

After all, the cook's "craft" is better.

Unexpectedly, the majestic king of disasters and fights has such an unruly softness.

That drop of Huo Dou's blood is Sancha's last gift.

Jiang Wang held it in his palm, speechless for a long time.

All things are born with spirits and all have feelings.

Beasts are like this, how can people be embarrassed?

From this moment on, Jiang Wang no longer considered whether the mountain and sea environment was true or false.

If your experience is real and your feelings are real, then it is real.

Be true to your heart, be true to your feelings.

Then everything, what should I add?

Whether it is true or not.

Or reputation or slander, or honor or disgrace.

I do it myself.

At this moment, he felt a long-lost throbbing.

Can't help but look up at the sky.

There are no stars or moons in the sky, and of course the light of distant stars cannot be seen.

But the power of the Starlight Holy Building can still be projected here.

He could feel how lonely his own Yuheng Xinglou stood. To pass on my vague understanding of the way to the vast universe, to explain and develop myself bit by bit.

In fact, he has always seen that way.

Bi Fang's samadhi real fire raged across the sea of ​​five houses, burning his body and soul, piercing his heart.

He has already seen clearly, but...

Can't go yet.

That is the freest and most dangerous way.

So be more cautious.

Although there is an urgent need to increase combat power at this time, we should focus on the future.

Going far is more important than going fast.

More preparation is needed...

but now. At least one more star building can be built.

The outer building is not the inner mansion, and there is no need to knock on the next one after each inner mansion is completed.

The Starlight Holy Building itself has been standing in the universe for a long time, and it needs to be constantly changed and sculpted. The star buildings stand side by side and influence each other, but can promote the growth of each other.

It is not an easy task to stand in the star building in the mountain and sea environment.

If Xingyue was originally the easiest place to build a star building in this world, then it must be more difficult to build a star building in the mountains and seas that are isolated from the stars than most places in this world.

Because in such a place, it is impossible to touch the distant stars. Ordinary outer building monks, even if they can still summon the power of the Starlight Holy Building, it is impossible to do anything in the distant star dome in this "deaf and blind" state.

But Jiang Wang was very confident from the very beginning, when he was still working as a cook on the volcanic island.

Because his Yuheng Sacred Building stands in the core area of ​​Yuheng Star.

The anchored position in the distant sky could not be more clear.

Starting from this, the Yuheng Holy Building of the Senhai Dragon God was sealed off, and a steady stream of power could extend in the distant star dome.

Coupled with the secret method of the Seven Stars Holy Tower that he has already mastered by heart, even if he cannot see or hear it, he still knows where the second star tower he chose is located.

not to mention……

If you haven't seen it, you can't see it.

At this moment, just outside Bi Fang's cave, Jiang Wang looked up at the sky.

He originally thought that he would set up a second star tower on the volcanic island, which was a preparation for breaking away from the claws of the Trident.

In today's time, the cultivation base has arrived, and the state of mind has also arrived, so there is no need to delay, it will happen naturally.

There are seven stars in the Big Dipper, and Jiang Wang's first building is located in Yuheng, which is named after the character "Xin".

For the freest and most dangerous road, the second floor is set today.

The star it is close to is the sixth in the Big Dipper and is called "Kaiyang".

In the distant sky, a cyan stone tower stands upright, emitting endless light from itself.

The bright starlight spans hundreds of millions of miles, from Yuheng to Kaiyang.

Senhai Dragon God crashed wildly in the base stone prison, shouting loudly: "Confused, confused, little brother!"

"I really can't bear the arrogance of heaven."

"Stop this ugly trick, old brother, I want to teach you the method of the Dragon Emperor Sacred Tower!"

At this moment, it is all his power that is being mobilized. Of course, he will say that he is confused...

Jiang Wang turned a deaf ear and couldn't manifest his soul in the Yuheng Holy Building at this time, but in the mountain and sea environment, his eyes changed.

Those are brilliant, immortal red gold eyes, with red flames swaying in them.

First, under the oppression of Bi Fang's huge amount of real fire of samadhi, he realized samadhi at the boundary of life and death, and then instinctively released the real fire of samadhi with his eyes of dry yang, thus helping Fudou to kill Bi Fang completely.

In that natural state, this brand-new secret art merged.

Chixin supernatural powers, samadhi real fire, plus Qianyang pupil...

It is because of Qianyang Chitong.

The core power is of course in the left eye, and the right eye temporarily stores the reserve power.

Zhu Jiuyin opened his eyes and the sky was bright, and there were no stars in the mountains and seas.

But Jiang Wang still wants to gain insight into the beauty of the star tower with the dry sun red pupil.

With this glance, he took the Yuheng Star Building as a transition, and went beyond the starlight, "seeing" into the depths of the universe.

It was a place of boundless darkness and infinite light.

The rays of light from the heavens and the world related to the sun and stars gather here, and all expectations, beliefs, prayers...all external attachments are also buried here.

One eye of endless light, one eye of endless darkness.

In the interlacing of light and darkness, the great will flows quietly.

Untouchable, unmeasurable.

This scene was fleeting, and then in the distant star dome, in the star field shrouded by the sun-opening stars, a spot of light was born.

It is like a candle in the wind, which seems to be extinguished by blowing on it.

But there is a tenacious will hidden in it, and an immortal light shines on it.

It is born extraordinary.

When it gradually stabilized, the light spot began to expand, and began to bloom its own light in the vast and endless star field.

The light is the way.

This word means "sincerity".

Along the way, he has no wealth, no power, is always proud, and has his own stubbornness, but why can he always meet some friends and fall in love with him?

without him.

Only "sincerity" ears.

As small as buying a dog from an ordinary villager in an unknown village, as large as participating in a long-standing and important case in the overlord country...

Regardless of rich or poor, high or low, regardless of conflicts of interest, treat people and things with sincerity.

In Linzi, he entered the Qi Palace alone, and gave an explanation to Lin Youxie, to Yang Jing, and to everyone who placed their trust in him, the greatest explanation he could give.

This is the sincerity of others.

When the way he seeks is contrary to high officials and high salaries, when the heart he proves is walking with dangerous difficulties, he only asks the original heart. At the risk of disobeying the emperor of Qi, he gave up his position as the captain of the North Yamen, gave up the power at his fingertips, and was promoted step by step.

This is sincerity to oneself.

So in the battle between Sancha and Bi Fang, he turned around and embraced the fire.

So in the battle between Yu Beidou and Gua Shi, he hit the demon with his sword.

Nothing about interests, nothing about anything else.

Just be true to your heart.

Treat those whom he approves of. He doesn't have much, but he is willing to give anything.

So there are many people who are willing to give him the same sincerity.

From the western region to the eastern region, from Qi State to Chu State, always exchange your sincerity for your heart.

Sincerity is true.

This is also his way.

As a result, in the depths of the universe, starlight fell little by little, like rain for a while.

Countless starlight gathered and began to build the second star tower that belonged exclusively to Jiang Wang.

At this moment, in the mountains and seas that have never seen stars, a starlight suddenly appeared in the sky!

Its light is bright and shines for thousands of miles.

In the entire mountain and sea realm, countless powerful existences raised their heads in amazement!

They may be clever and cunning, or ignorant and chaotic, but at this time they are all faintly aware that the opening of the Mountain Sea Realm this time seems to be different from the past...




Above the endless sea area, Wu Ling, who was flying fast, stopped suddenly, wondering: "Who is standing in the star building in the mountains and seas?"

Ge Fei's eyes lit up in the duo of Jinxianguan: "This is a way! Save enough strength, wait until you enter the mountain and sea realm, and then set up the star tower. With the help of the momentary heaven and earth induction from the starlight holy tower, isn't that the way to go?" Did you point out the direction in the mountain and sea realm! Tell me, how much can I sell if I go out with this method?"

"Let's not say that this is someone else's method..." Wu Ling's big and small eyes misunderstood: "How can it be so easy to set up a star tower in the mountain and sea realm that is separated from the star dome and the directions are chaotic? You can't even find the star field!"

His tone was extremely cautious: "Who is this person? This kind of summoning power that illuminates the star vault is not something that ordinary starlight holy buildings can give."

"Who else is there?" Ge Fei curled his lips: "Among the seven groups of people who entered the mountain and sea realm, only Xiang Bei, Chu Yuzhi, Xiao Shu, Jiang Wang, Qu Shunhua, and Zuo Guangshu needed the Star Tower. , everyone else is on the fourth floor. Since you made it so difficult, let’s rule out the two wrong answers of Chu Yuzhi and Xiao Shu, and there are still four people left.”

He spread his hands: "You choose among these four."

Wu Ling frowned tightly: "You obviously entrusted me with the problem, why do you still use this kind of tone that I took advantage of?"

"Then let me rule it out for you." Ge Fei looked at the starlight in the sky: "This star building is not located in the Four Spirits Starfield. The nature of the starlight is different."

"You ruled out the bastard!" Wu Ling pouted: "Among these people, which one can't get the special method of star building?"

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Which star field is this, can you tell? Just use it to set a position for us!"

"The sky is full of stars, billions and billions. How can I tell which is which?" Ge Fei said angrily: "It can be seen that it is not in the Four Spirits Star Field!"

Wu Ling looked down at the mountains and rivers plate: "I always feel that something is not quite right..."

"We have to move faster..." Ge Fei also said.

At this time, the mountain and sea environment has not yet undergone any major changes.

But already vaguely unsettling.



The organ Garuda flutters its wings in the air.

Zuo Guangshu, Qu Shunhua, and Yue Tiannu stood on Garuda's broad back.

The dazzling starlight was not missed by them.

What Wu Ling and Ge Fei can analyze, of course the three of them can also.

Moreover, Zuo Guangshu and Qu Shunhua were both together, so the scope they could establish was undoubtedly smaller.

"I didn't expect Xiang Bei to hide this trick." Qu Shunhua's tone was a little wary: "I thought, with his character, if the inner government has already reached the position he approves, it shouldn't stay."

"Who didn't come prepared?" Yue Tiannu said in a low voice, and looked up: "I think Xiao Shu and Chu Yuzhi are not necessarily impossible..."

Zuo Guangshu was going to say something, but when he saw them discussing like this, he thought about it, and finally fell silent.

That possibility is indeed slim.



The man in the military uniform with red background and gold trim, holding the strangely shaped Tianxiao knife, walked forward in the air ostentatiously.

Of course he also saw the starlight in the sky, but after a glance, it passed by.

Go to the mountain and sea environment and set up a star building again?

That is to say, the fourth floor was not consummated before entering.

What is there to worry about?

Needless to say how difficult it is to set up the Star Building here, let alone how rare this Starlight Holy Building is.

It's okay if you don't meet it.

Encounter is a matter of one knife.


Where did Zhu Yan go?

After so many days of trekking and countless battles, he has obviously found the location recorded in "The History of Strange Beasts in Mountains and Seas".

But this small mountain is empty, how strange and strange!

If you can write it in the afternoon, you will have it in the evening, and if you can’t write it, you won’t have it.


Thanks to the book friend Sanzang Dasheng for being the leader of this book! It's for the 254th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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