Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1447 The Building Beyond the Sky, the Mountain Without Trees

The starlight of Kaiyang Star Building only shines for a short period of time in the sky in the mountain and sea realm.

However, in the depths of the universe, such a clumsy pentagonal building has stood firm and become a light source in the star field to which the Kaiyang stars belong.

Although there is only an approximate outline for the time being, more details cannot be carved.

But from now until now, Jiang Wang will not die, it will not go out.

The moment the second star building was established, the human body sympathized with the universe, the distant starlight fell, and the physical body was strengthened again.

Of course, the degree of physical body strengthening this time is not as good as that of Yuheng Xinglou, and the scale of star power is quite different. But the process of building a building by yourself also deepens the understanding of the way.

For Jiang Wang, the significance of standing in the Kaiyang Star Tower lies in the foundation of his preaching in the universe, and he is no longer alone.

The Yuheng Star Tower and the Kaiyang Star Tower reflect each other, which can better illuminate the way forward. In the future, when his soul manifests in the Star Tower, he can better grasp his position and not easily get lost.

The sages pass on the classics, so that the world has a way to follow.

The two characters Jiang Wang took are also consistent with the way of the sages.

For example, the word "faith" is taken from the Qinglong Holy Building by Confucian merchants. The word "sincerity" is also used by Taoists in the Suzaku Holy Tower.

In other words, words are originally created to tell the Tao, and each word can represent a cognition of the Tao.

The two words "faith" and "sincerity" are themselves a manifestation of Tao.

What people say is established is faith, and what people say is true is sincerity.

For Jiang Wang, these two words are his path, but not his path itself.

It's more like setting up two bright lights in the long night to illuminate the way forward.

What he takes is trust in others and sincerity in his heart, but he may not be exactly the same as the sages.

Every time Lixing Building is analyzed from the inside to the outside, it is not a baptism from the outside to the inside.

The stars in the sky are gone, but Jiang Wang is still immersed in the aftertaste.

I don't know the passage of time in a trance.

boom! boom! boom!

The sky suddenly exploded with three thunderclaps.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that some kind of accident is happening.

Clouds and smoke billowed in the distant sky, and the blue sea flowed underfoot.

Standing in front of the cliff, Jiang Wangxu saw with his own eyes the huge floating mountain in front of him, and the whole body trembled. Turn over like a giant beast.

The rocks rolled down and the soil rustled.

Jiang Wang almost thought that it was going to collapse before his eyes, but it soon settled down again.

The faint throbbing feeling that came from nowhere has disappeared, and the sky and sea have returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Just now... what happened?

With Jiang Wang's understanding of the mountains and seas, it is obvious that he can't find the answer.

But the three thunderclaps woke him up.

Now that Bi Fang is dead, this huge floating mountain has no owner.

On the Fushan Mountain, will there be any treasure that Bi Fang guards?

In a moment of thought, Jiang Wang has already stood up, stepped on the blue clouds, and soon flew to the top of the floating mountain.

This mountain is majestic and vast. If you are in the mountain, you can't see anything. Only when standing on the top of the mountain at this moment and looking around, can you see dangerous peaks emerging one after another and hidden deep valleys.

Previously, all the attention was on Bi Fang, but he did not pay attention to the special features of this floating mountain.

There is not a single plant or tree on such a large floating mountain.

But it cannot be said to be a bald mountain.

It can be seen that the strange rocks are steep and each is a wonder.

There are stone pillars standing like trees, and there are big stones like Buddha sitting.

There are still clear streams, white stones, hot springs and fog.

Looking around, beautiful white jade and turquoise gemstones can be seen everywhere, embellishing this floating mountain with a different kind of beauty.

Jiang Wang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

look! The ground is paved with white jade, and gems are everywhere! How can there be any less good things on this floating mountain?

Bi Fang has gone, and there is no one around. The treasure of this mountain should be enjoyed exclusively!

He chose to fly high and go straight to the top of the mountain, and he came here for the treasure.

But there is a clear view around the top of the mountain, and there is indeed nothing too special.

Although white jade gems are beautiful, Lord Jiang really doesn't need to be too rare.

His footsteps became brisk, he walked in the air, and even opened Qianyang Chitong again, just to increase his eyesight and try not to miss any treasures.

Straight down from the top of the mountain, the momentum is really like a tiger descending the mountain.

As a new evolution of supernatural powers, the effect of Qianyang Chitong has a small increase in vision, a small increase in insight, stable and rapid release of Samadhi real fire, and of course it also retains the soul attack ability of Qianyang's pupil.

Once Qianyang's red pupils are opened, it is not a lie to see six directions.

Jiang Wang looked quickly and never stopped.

Clothes fluttering, walking through the stone forest, suddenly heard a crisp sound.


A strange beast jumped out from nowhere, and stood on the top of the stone pillar directly in front of it.

It can be seen that the body of this beast is like a leopard, with a red body, a single horn on the top of the head, and five tails shaking behind it.

With its paws resting on the stone pillar, it leaned over and was staring at Jiang Wang, growling threateningly.

The sound is like hitting a stone, clear and solemn.

Jiang Wang only felt a ray of coolness rushing straight to the sky, and just erected the second star tower, and the confidence to achieve Qianyang Chitong disappeared all of a sudden.

Without saying a word, he turned around and fled.

On this floating mountain, there is another strange beast!

He now has a deep enough understanding——

He basically couldn't afford to provoke any of the strange beasts in the mountain and sea realm.

Those who walk alone are all powerful, and if they are in a group, it will be even more excessive. Those leaders are often more vicious and cunning, and the trident is a typical example.

Not to mention testing his strength, Jiang Wang didn't even try to communicate, so he ran away.

After finally getting Bi Fang's blood essence and Huo Dou's blood essence, it would not be worthwhile if he was shot to death like this. He didn't have the Nine Chapters Jade Bi on his body, and he couldn't take out the things he got in the mountain and sea realm. He knew this.

I just don’t know if he leaves like this, will the potency of the fire lotus he ate on the volcanic island be cut off by the rules of the mountains and seas...

But curiosity is curiosity, and Jiang Wang is absolutely unwilling to try himself.

How can you spit it out after eating it in your stomach?


The humming sound is in the ears, and the breath of the evil beast seems to be close to the back.

Jiang Wang jumped forward and fell, only to feel a bad wind passing from above.

Chitong glanced up hastily, and a ray of samadhi true fire was about to come out, directly spreading out into a slender fire net in the air, baring its teeth and claws, and turned towards the evil beast.

Before the person touches the ground, he sprints, turns around the stone pillar, and walks away.

He never went to a place with a wide field of vision, and gave full play to the mechanistic transformation of the Immortal Technique of Graduating Clouds, and only scurried here and there in the stone forest.

Running extremely fast and extremely skilled...

After all, it wasn't the first time he, Jiang, was hunted down by a strange beast, and he had some experience.

How to escape and how to turn, there are ways!

But the five-tailed evil beast jumped down directly and crushed the fire net.

Of course, this level of true fire of samadhi will not hurt it, but when the fur touches the fire, a touch of fear suddenly appears in the eyes.

It was sleeping in the cave for some reason, accumulating strength, and woke up because of the call of a certain existence.

When I woke up, I found that there were humans drilling the mountain, so they came to hunt and kill them.

But this fire...

This is the fire of "old friends".

That guy Bi Fang has always been fierce, but what is his relationship with these two-legged beasts?

How could it be allowed to run on the mountain?

It seems that during the period of sleep, many things have happened in the mountain and sea realm, and I don't know if they are ready...

With its five tails swaggering, although it thought a lot, it only paused in the air for a moment.

Originally, it was okay to chase, or not to chase.

But after just this pause, the person's body was like a blue bird passing through the forest, and he disappeared without a trace.

It blinked and walked back in some surprise.

These two thieves fight together, although their strength is mediocre, they run really fast!

Thank you book friend Nitrification Mushroom for being the leader of this book! It's for the 255th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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