Red Heart Survey

October summary

I am... how should I put it, writing is very slow, and I have to update it every day, so I have no life.

Sometimes there are some emotions in my heart, which can only be expressed in words and explained by myself.

Apologies to everyone for bringing in some meaningless negative energy.

In the future, I will immerse myself in writing and speak less.

Anyway, October is over.

At the beginning of the month, we worked hard with everyone for a ranking, and we all tried our best.

Just like Jiang Wang has always done, he can have no regrets after trying his best, and he can have no regrets after doing his best.

no matter what the result is.

Enjoy the hard work.

I didn't want to fight at the end of the month, so I didn't ask for votes. In fact, I felt very tired and bored, just because I told everyone in the group that I would try my best to make three shifts until the end of the month, so I just sat with my hair dry and added shifts for a few days.

The monthly ticket activity at the end of this month has a monthly ticket goal, and I didn't even think of setting it. It's been half a day since Tangyuan came to remind me that I only set up a ticket of 7,000, but I didn't expect anything.

Everyone still cast more than 10,000 votes.

thank you all.

I didn't want to write this article, but I think it should be explained to everyone.

Just like Ah Shu said, everyone has worked hard this month, adding 50 leaders, and so many readers came to the starting point to support, but the final ranking is not so good, it will be very hurt.

I have also seen many emotional statements from readers.

I hope everyone can stay calm and restrained.

There is no need to ignore some bad voices, and there is no need to quarrel with anyone.

For some special phenomena, just wait and see.

As long as you walk steadily, you will have what you should have.

In the long run, what are the clouds on the road?

They will pass and we will move on.

After thinking and thinking, I think I should share three news with you.

The first one is general news.

The average order of Chixin Sky Survey is now 13,400. After more than 3 million words, it is still increasing at the rate of 1,000 + average order per month, and it has never stopped.

The future is bright, my friends.

The second is good news——

The comic copyright of Chixin Xuntian has been sold, and the contract has been sent.

Everyone can look forward to Wangzai's comic image.

The cloak is bathed in fire, the eyes are shining with the light of the sword, and the world can see the sword fairy!

There is also the evil Yin Guan with long hair and green eyes, a little cold glow wishing only me, and the white clothes fluttering heavily Xuanzun...

The third one is better news——

The animation rights of Chixin Xuntian were sold earlier.

Those scenes that moved us will meet us in the form of animation in the future.

The sales of entities and the development of copyrights cannot be done by brushing.

I thought I'd tell you about it when it was done.

Sharing these news in advance is to make everyone happy.

I want to tell everyone...

Your efforts are not in vain.

Everything you give to this world will bear fruit.

The reason why this world is charming is why Jiang Wang goes forward bravely.

It is because of you.

You have expanded the boundaries of this story, and you have let more people know the name of Jiang Wang.

Thanks to everyone's support, we have come all the way here.

I am grateful.

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