Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1449

Huo Dou's seal method flowed in his heart, and while Jiang Wang held the blood of Huo Dou with his right hand and moved it away, red flames ignited from the tip of his left finger, and lightly drew a square on the mountain wall.

Pulling out the sword and digging for treasure, I have already confronted the brilliance covering the mountain wall several times. Although it failed to break through, there was always some familiarity in the confrontation of forces.

And Bi Fangyin and Huo Douyin's two successive transmissions of the Dharma almost opened the door to robbers, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of the mountain god wall made by Shen Yungu.

After understanding its samadhi, it is divided and solved.

The samadhi real fire burning at the fingertips melted into the snow-colored brilliance like the rising sun melting snow. Cut a piece of Shenyun bone that is nearly two feet long and two feet wide, leaving a huge pit on the mountain god's wall.


Sure enough, the mountain god wall of Mount Ezhi in this chapter is not so easy to touch.

Almost at the same time when the Samadhi True Fire came into contact with Shen Yungu, the roar of the five-tailed leopard approached again.

Another mountain god of Zhang'e Mountain is coming at a terrifying speed.

Jiang Wang had been prepared for a long time, and turned his hand to put the melted Shenyun bone into the storage box. Qianyang's red pupil swept away, leaving dozens of sparks on the mountain god's wall, which was used by the hideous to extinguish the flames, A chance to protect the Mountain God Wall.

On the other hand, he turned around and rushed into the stone forest without looking back.

The red makeup mirror separated its mirror image and flew in another direction. Within a radius of fifty miles, this mirror image can command freely. Although there is no actual combat power, after all, it is full of momentum.

At the same time, he raised his hand and released hundreds of Flame Sparrows, let them go, and let them dance chaotically all over the mountain, making noise.

Only the sound of his own flight was erased, this time without stopping, he ran all the way along the established route, and left Zhang'e Mountain directly.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, falling into the Fushan Mountains, people are like feathers grazing the blue tide.

Turning his back on the huge shadow of Zhang'e Mountain, Jiang Wang fell in a free posture, like a wingless bird.

The whistling of the wind could not disturb his thoughts.

He just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect to pass the mountain god wall of Zhang'e Mountain and accept the inheritance of the Huo Dou Yin.

Is it because the one who killed Bi Fang was the Sancha, who covered the theocracy?

Or is it because the mountain god wall is not limited to the mountain of Zhang'e, but only appeared because of Bi Fang's death in battle?

After all, the phrase "Stay in this house forever, the name of God is bestowed by God."

It seems to be waiting for a vacant seat, and is summoning the gods.

Perhaps every floating mountain, island, and every sea area has such a divine wall, which will appear after meeting the corresponding conditions and give Huang Weizhen the inheritance.

Among all the opening methods, there is no doubt that killing the guardian beast is the most direct and difficult one.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wang couldn't help but think again...

What is the purpose of Huang Weizhen leaving the key to enter the mountain and sea realm before his death?

If it is only to test the latecomers and inherit what they have learned, such a handwriting is really amazing.

The tradition of opening the mountain and sea realm has lasted for nine hundred years in the Chu realm, and this issue is not his turn to consider.

But in the past nine hundred years, no one has found the answer?

Now that Jiang Wang was in it, he had to think more.

"Scared me to death." Flying far away from Zhang'e Mountain, Baiyun boy sat slumped on the ground of the ruins of the fairy palace, patting his heart, feeling scared for a while.

This little chubby man has always been timid, and Jiang Wang didn't blame him, he just said to him: "You have to watch closely, and if you come across any materials, tell me as soon as possible."

If there is a chance, Jiang Wang still wants to gather the materials of the fairy palace warriors in the mountains and seas.

After all, a heavy cloud bone can only be transformed after the death of the god. Other quicksand wood and so on, maybe how complicated it is.

Where can I find it after leaving the mountain and sea realm?

Moreover, the core balance blood of Asgard warriors had already been collected by him.

It's just that Baiyun boy never thought of a way to restore the Lingkong Temple, and he couldn't extract it through the Lingkong Temple.

But this time in the mountain and sea realm, he realized the true meaning of samadhi. With such supernatural powers, it is only a matter of time before he can separate the blood of balance.

Therefore, the Asgard warrior who had made no progress at all suddenly saw the dawn of achievement. Of course he didn't want to let it go.

In today's era, the Immortal Warriors inherited from Yunding Immortal Palace can completely become his unique reliance. In the world of practice, this uniqueness is a value in itself.

Boy Baiyun was confident that he had meritorious service, so he said lazily, "Okay."

Jiang Wang didn't care about beating him at this moment, rolled up his sleeves, and turned north according to the direction he remembered.

The moment he erected the Kaiyang Star Tower, he had at least briefly grasped the direction. Guangshu is going to the North Pole Tianzhu Mountain, this direction is definitely right.

Whether it is out of the consideration of needing the Nine Chapters of Jade Bi to ensure the harvest, or the original intention of entering the mountain and sea realm, he will make this choice.

I just don't know whether Zuo Guangshu and the others have completed their set goals after so many days, and whether they are still in the mountain and sea environment.

I don't even know who the so-called nine chapters are gathered, and who are the remaining two groups.

Unfamiliar visitors are always a little disturbing.



High winds, showers, thunder rolling.

The sky is dark.

The weather in the mountains and seas can change as soon as it is said.

In the torrential rain, Fang Heling wiped his face, and looked forward with a touch of awe that couldn't be concealed.

Not far ahead is Wang Changji who is walking calmly through the stormy sky.

Long hair hanging down shoulders, big sleeves fluttering.

He didn't see any movement, and there was no special light or shadow, but when the wind and rain came to him, he gently stepped aside.

This man, this man...

If it is said that he led him to easily avoid the Wusheng sect's god-facing powerhouse earlier, it really convinced him and made him deeply aware of the gap between mortals and geniuses.

Then the confrontation with the Kui Niu not long ago completely subverted his perception of the level of the outer building.

There is so much room for imagination in the outer building!

He couldn't be as nonchalant as Wang Changji, and he didn't want to waste precious Dao Yuan on these aspects. It is already very strenuous to resist the complex and mysterious environment of mountains and seas, so I simply let the wind and rain stain my clothes.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked yet. How did you get this piece of jade?"

He heard the voice in front of him ask.

He walked behind this person, without time to think carefully, he simply thought of what to say: "There are always some people in this world who are pretentious.

They feel that righteousness lies, and they think that a thousand troops can be destroyed.

They are conceited of geniuses, and they think that nothing in the world is invincible.

There are always seven people who are dissatisfied with the way of the world, eight people who are not angry, speak four sentences of truth, shoulder three points of responsibility, seek two words of fairness, and be single-minded and innocent.

Wherever you hear that there is injustice, go there.

Wherever you see it is unbearable, just go there.

It is such a person who left behind this piece of jade.

It is said that the nobleman of a small country is not young, but he is still very vigorous.

A good life, but for a case of extermination that had nothing to do with me, I tracked down the traces of Jiemian for four full months...

In the end, it was successfully uncovered. "

With a strange expression on his face, he continued: "The so-called story of a hero who successfully cut through the long night is, after all, an interpretation in the storybook. More stories end without a sound, and more people are silent. I What I saw was only those rich and colorful human faces, accumulated into Yanzi's collection. Yanzi didn't care about any resources, so he took this jade bi and exchanged it for me to do a few things."

He stopped here.

I was also a little surprised why I said so much.

He watched that person be uncovered.

The face that distorted innocence and stubbornness in pain was slowly peeled off in Yanzi's hands, and the painful howling of that person was no different from others.

What's the difference?

Wang Changji didn't ask Fang Heling what Yanzi asked him to do in exchange for jade bi. Although as long as he asks, there will be an answer. No matter how much Fang Heling didn't want to say it.

"What do you think of this man?" He just asked.

Under the influence of the power of the profound mystery that is a hundred times greater than that of the present world, the raindrops hit his body, which caused some pain.

With this level of pain, Fang Heling just scratched his itch. Facing people like Wang Changji, he said openly, "It doesn't matter if it's for fame or for defending the way. When you draw your sword in anger, you will hate yourself. Be alone and courageous according to your strength. In fact, loved ones are painful, enemies are angry and stubborn, and those who watch are laughing at their stupidity!"

Wang Changji kept walking, and asked again: "You have been in the organization of human demons for so long, are there many people like this?"

"There are not too many people who like to die."

As Fang Heling spoke, he also felt a little confused: "But the strange thing is that there are quite a few of them. I heard from them that every few years, there will always be some people who appear, shouting words such as eliminating demons and defending the way, one after another. Die."

The "they" of course refer to those demons who belong to the valley of no return.

Wang Changji's tone didn't change much, and he said in a low voice, "In fact, if you really want to talk about it, you are obsessed with Zhang Linchuan, you are a lonely and courageous person, and you go all the way, you can be regarded as this kind of person."

Fang Heling grinned in the rain, letting the rain splash into his mouth.

Swallow, some astringency.

"I'm just out of hate, not for justice."

He said very consciously: "That kind of thing, only children will believe it. It doesn't exist in this world."

Wang Changji continued to walk forward without any special emotions. In this world, there are very few things that make him emotional.

He didn't think Fang Heling was right, nor did he think he was wrong.

Sometimes the world doesn't make sense.

Right or wrong, who can tell?

"You have to be innocent..." He only murmured like this, and then lost the interest in the conversation.

Because he suddenly remembered that there used to be such a person.

So "single-minded and innocent".

Fang Heling, who was walking behind him, was also silent in the rain.

For some reason, Fang Heling suddenly thought of a figure.

He actually wanted to know.

If ten years later, how will that person answer.

He thought that the answer would definitely change, and felt that if it was that person, it might not change.

Who knows?


The wind is more urgent.

It rained harder.



The wind is like a knife, and the rain is like an arrow.

Fighting outside the Light Curse is like a large army hitting a city, and the fighting is extremely fierce.

And the sound is like a pipa sound.

Within the enveloping range of the light spell, on the back of the organ Garuda, there is warmth and tranquility.

Qu Shunhua, who is good at playing the pipa, sat cross-legged and listened to the rain, and asked Zuo Guangshu with a smile if he remembered the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival last year. They were hiding in the biggest lantern in Yingcheng at that time, listening to the noise outside, sitting peacefully like this.

They know the noise of the world, but the world does not know their peace.

Zen Master Yue sat in meditation at the frontmost position, looking at his calm posture, it seemed that he was about to take out a wooden fish to strike at any time.

This made Zuo Guangshu laugh uncontrollably.

After so many days, the three of them acted together, each with their own means and with a tacit understanding, and of course they have gained something.

They jointly visited the Tianshan Mountains, and Qu Shunhua had already achieved the purpose of coming to the mountains and seas.

It was certainly a good start and they will continue to do so.

These wind and rain are not the influence of some strange beasts, but the changes in the astronomical phenomena of the mountain and sea environment itself.

The organ Garuda quickly broke through the rain curtain.

The light spell covering the three people on their backs is like a solitary lamp in the rain.


The "solitary lamp" flickered and seemed to be going out.

The organ Garuda suddenly flapped its wings, and the three people on Garuda's back stood up together!

In the gloomy wind and rain ahead, there was a figure wearing a gold-rimmed military uniform with a red background, stepping through the distance, stepping into the field of vision, getting closer and closer.

Nothing else moves.

But just the ostentatious aura on his body almost crushed this light curse!

Looking at the entire mountain and sea realm, who else could there be besides Dou Zhao?

Behind Qu Shunhua, the phantom of a goddess has already appeared.

Zuo Guangshu could hear the sound of the tsunami.

Zen Master Yue, who was wearing a cloak and a gray robe, couldn't see his expression, but the organ Garuda controlled by her had already restrained his flying posture and assumed a fighting posture.

Three rare geniuses, each ready to go.

And Dou Zhao just walked this way without wavering.

Regardless of everyone's vigilance and vigilance.

He penetrated the rain curtain so familiarly and casually, walked up to the organ Garuda, and said in a natural tone: "Zhu Yan has disappeared, completely disappeared. Some kind of change has taken place in the mountain and sea environment that I don't know. My The harvest is not guaranteed. Now I need to collect Qi Yubi. I have finished picking, or you may still have a chance."

He stretched out his hand calmly: "It's my great Chu talent, and the jade is given to me, without compromising the origin."

Anyone who knows Dou Zhao knows that he is willing to explain so much to you, which is already a kind of respect.

It's just that they don't know to whom Dou Zhao's respect is given at this moment.

Zuo Guangshu? Qu Shunhua? Or Zen Master Yue?

But some people may be flattered by this "respect".

Some people, with the same pride, will only see it as a humiliation.

"At least you should bring Dou Mian with you, just walk over by yourself, and stretch out your hand carelessly... Dou Zhao!" Qu Shunhua's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and his voice was as cold as a blade: "Should I say you are arrogant, or should I call you arrogant?" Say you're stupid?"

It is true that in the case of similar talents, the gap in cultivation is insurmountable.

But on their side there is still a Yuetian slave who is not inferior in realm!

It is true that Dou Zhao pushes his peers to be invincible, and is recognized by Da Chu as the number one pride of the younger generation. But now there are three people on their side!

Dou Zhao dared to be so rampant, who is he looking down on?

For Qu Shunhua's attitude, Dou Zhao was not angry, he just looked at Zuo Guangshu calmly: "Guangshu, because of the figure that ignited the phoenix flag in the sky, I am willing to give you another chance. You are a grown-up Now tell me, what do you think?"

Zuo Guangshu looked at him calmly, and said: "You can kill me and take it from my body... but you can't reach out and ask me for it."

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