Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1450 Fighting against the wind and rain

Dou Zhao took a fixed look at Zuo Guangshu.

It seemed that he was surprised that this boy would be so determined.

Zuo Guanglie's light was too dazzling, under the scorching sun, there was no trace of stars. Zuo Guangshu's talent was covered up.

In the impression of many people in Chu, the passed away scorching sun seems to have a younger brother... That's the end of the impression.

But today, facing him against Dou Zhao, Zuo Guangshu stood so straight in the wind and rain, with such firm eyes.

Only then did he realize in a daze that the young man who grew up under Zuo Guanglie's wings had already begun to face the wind and rain alone.

Of course, what happened to Zuo Guangshu was Zuo's business, no matter how much he cared, there was a limit.

It's just that I thought of Doumian.

Although he had no intention of asking for help during this trip to the Mountain Sea Realm, he also thought about bringing Doumian out to explore together and help his younger brother gain something.

But Dou Mian refused to come with him, his firm attitude surprised him.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously, but now seeing Zuo Guanglie's younger brother, he suddenly thought of...

When rejecting this opportunity, what was Doumian thinking?

"I'm sorry." Dou Zhao said softly, and looked at Chan Master Yue again: "Then, what do you think?"

Zen Master Yue was silent for a moment.

Then said: "We can give you a piece of jade."

Qu Shunhua was instantly moved!

Yue Tiannu had the clearest gaze among the three of them.

She has always trusted Yue Tiannu's judgment.

As for the outcome of this battle, Yue Tiannu is undoubtedly pessimistic...

How can this be?

How can it be?

How strong are you? How powerful is Yue Tiannu? Zuo Guangshu is also an undoubted genius.

The three of them joined forces to fight against the enemy, how could Yue Tiannu make such a judgment?

She couldn't believe it, but she also knew that Yue Tiannu could hardly make mistakes.

Dou Zhao glanced at the silent Qu Shunhua, knowing that Yue Tiannu's decision would be approved by her.

And Zuo Guangshu will undoubtedly agree with Qu Shunhua's choice...

He could get a piece of jade in the hands of such three people by stretching out his hand, and only he, Dou Zhao, could undoubtedly achieve the entire mountain and sea realm.

But he still shook his head: "I said, I want everything."

He gave Qu Shunhua a chance because he knew Qu Shunhua's talent.

He gave Zuo Guangshu a chance because of the man named Zuo Guanglie.

He gave Zen Master Yue a chance because he could vaguely feel the power of Zen Master Yue.

But even so, even though he knows so much, it is not easy to understand the three people in front of him, not only is it not simple, it can even be said to be rare and powerful.

He still hasn't compromised.

Because he is Dou Zhao.

He doesn't have to consider how strong his opponent is.

Zhu Yan has disappeared.

He is in a position to get all these nine chapters of jade.


The moment Dou Zhao said those words, the battle had already broken out.

Standing on the back of the organ Garuda is also a momentary choice.

No one is willing to present jade bi. Now that we know we can't be kind, no one sits idly by.

Zuo Guangshu was the one who moved the fastest.

Because of the strong wind and rain at this moment, the sea below is boundless, and he is Hebo!

The battle armor covered the body, and the battle robe fluttered.

Within a radius of ten miles, all the raindrops falling from the sky stopped for a moment.

This is a static scene with great tension, from sudden movement to sudden stillness, with an aftertaste of infinite power.

Ten miles away, the torrential rain hits the sea, and the ripples are endless.

Within ten miles, the strong wind was still there, but the rain stopped!

They were in the hands of He Bo in an instant, and they were his precursors.

After a moment of stillness, it suddenly moved again.

Countless raindrops all rushed to Douzhao.

There seems to be a leak in the sky, and there is a Milky Way pouring down.

Countless raindrops gathered, all falling with Dou Zhao as the end point, like a huge funnel connecting the sky and the earth.

But the raindrops themselves did not merge, each drop has its own unique falling force, each has a sharp edge, and is charging from the sky to the sea.

Countless falling forces collided together.

The ear-piercing screams merged into one sound, almost deafening people on the spot!

Such a technique, such ability to control the water element...

It is not an exaggeration to say that Zuo Guangshu has mastered the top-level water killing power of the Inner Palace!

The rain falls from the vault of heaven, rises from the Tianhe River, and kills Dou Zhao.

The momentum is so magnificent. The red-bottomed gold-rimmed military uniform looked like the only remnants of flames under the dark sky.

But Dou Zhao just pulled out his knife.

This is a world-renowned sword that carries out bravery, called Tianxiao.

This is a man named Dou Zhao who is qualified to become the first person below Shenlin.

His knife is in his hand, so he just needs to move forward if he wants to win.

As he walked forward, he regarded the sky and the wind and rain as nothing.

Under the momentum of hundreds of millions of showers manipulated by Zuo Guangshu, he moved forward firmly.

He didn't even look up at the sky,

He only stared at Zuo Guangshu's eyes, he took a step and was already approaching, one of them kicked back the three of them.

Ka Ka Ka!

The organ Garuda rushed forward without hesitation, opened its beak, and shot out a golden growth spear, sharp and fierce.

The figure was forced behind this golden light, and the wings were spread wide, as if slashing with a knife.

Zen Master Yue stretched out her brassy palm, and pressed it forward. The light shield formed by the spell of light envelops the three of them, and it was originally precarious. Under this pressure, countless Sanskrit characters gushed out like swimming fish, lingering on the surface. Make this light cover shine brightly, shining like a blazing sun for a moment, indestructible and unbreakable.

Qu Shunhua's seal was formed before that, with his hands spread out to both sides, his ten fingers are like playing a lute, and a wisp of green wind between his fingers is like a magpie circling.

Within a radius of ten miles.

Zuo Guangshu controlled the rain, while she manipulated the wind.

The gust of wind condensed into sharp cyan wind blades, surrounded by four sides, dancing in spring and autumn.

The three of them, one machine Garuda, completed their cooperation in an instant.

There are both offense and defense, all directions are present.

This area, from the high sky up to the blue sea, is bounded by ten miles, and is completely shrouded in their powerful offensive.

It's like a picture of the end of the world.

And Dou Zhao took another step forward.

His splendid figure, falling under the huge funnel-like shower of hundreds of millions, surrounded by endless wind blades, and before the golden spear and winged knife of the huge mechanism Garuda... moved forward.

Why not walk slowly?

Let the wind and rain...

Just let it rain!

His knife moved.

But at a glance, his knife is clearly still in his hand, and his hand is still hanging down.

His knife moved?

Such awareness seemed to turn into a surprised question.

The unchanging scene makes the viewer self-doubt.

However, in the next moment...

The sky is cracked.

This is not an adjective, but a precise description.

It was precisely at this time that a long and narrow opening opened in the sky.

The huge funnel formed by countless raindrops was forcibly separated by this crack.

Rain falls on the crack.

In front, behind, left and right...

The space opened one crack after another.

Surrounded on all sides, the blade of the violent wind dances incessantly.

It also collapsed in front of the sudden space crack.


Numerous organ fragments exploded and fell like rain.

The mechanism Garuda, which itself has the combat power of the outer building, was broken into pieces.

The golden light curse that covered everyone also shattered silently.

It is for the punishment of heaven in the seven forms of fighting.

See everything in one shot!

Such a majestic power did not frighten anyone away.

Among the scattered fragments of the organ Garuda and the collapse of the Golden Light Curse.

A tall and holy figure suddenly solidified, leaping in the sky.

Destroy the streamer, and the goddess will come!

The sacred face, perfect figure, and extremely beautiful posture, like a fine brushwork scroll, stretched out naturally.

The beautiful woman in gorgeous clothes, more than seven feet tall, danced with two swords, crossed and slashed, as if to divide the world.

The sword power cuts the sky and splits, killing the enemy.

Dou Zhao's body flickered, and he was out of the sword.

One step high, people fall with the knife.


The thick-backed and sharp-pointed Tianxiao Dao hit the point where the two swords of the Tiannv crossed.

In terms of stature, the seven-foot-tall Dou Zhao looked like a toy in front of the goddess.

Compared with Tiannv's three-foot-long twin swords, the four-foot Tianxiao Dao was like a straw, pressed against the towering tree.

But when the knife fell, the huge double swords in the hands of the goddess were cut open, no——

cut off!

Dou Zhao's eyes at this moment are extremely indifferent.

The edge of the Tianxiao knife was wiped with a faint light.

It was this layer of gloomy light that cut off the twin swords condensed by the light of the divine power.

And at the next moment, almost endless sword lights exploded from the inside of the goddess.

The entire giant virtual image of the goddess began to collapse!

This scene is amazing.

The majestic, holy, and powerful celestial girl collapsed after a single blow.

The statue of the god is broken into mud, and the body of the sky flows into light.

This type is called, divinity is destroyed.

Sword Slashing Magical Ability!

The blade of Tianxiao Dao continued to move forward.

This world's number one killing technique is showing its killing intent unscrupulously.


Two Lilongs poked their claws into the mist, pulled out the extremely luxurious Hebo divine chariot from nothingness, just in time to catch Qu Shunhua who had collapsed in the form of a goddess.

Zuo Guangshu, who was covered in divine armor, held his right elbow with his left hand, and pointed his right hand in front of his eyebrow.

The sound of the tide rose immediately.

A monstrous huge wave came out from behind him, leaping forward across the sky.

Like an arch bridge, it protects the Hebo chariot under the "bridge hole".

And the huge waves that fell immediately jumped up again, and the dense waves struggled and rushed, and they all faintly gathered into the shape of a dragon's head, as if they were about to jump out at any time, roaring endlessly.

Water travel Taoism, water dragon thousand kills!

Seeing high above the sky, suddenly a blue thorny whip with a length of several feet condensed out, which was hideous and frightening, as if held by an invisible god.


shattered the air.

Aiming at Dou Zhao, he swung his head off.

Water Taoism, sea whip!

Although the raindrops falling all over the sky were split by Dou Zhao, under Zuo Guangshu's control at this time, they became the accumulation of Taoism and accelerated the formation of Taoism.

Some of the raindrops melted into the sea whip, while most of the raindrops rolled in the air and gathered in one place. It was a huge mass of water, hanging high in the air, as if it was about to explode at any time.

However, under Zuo Guangshu's perfect control, they kept gathering and converging...and finally formed a bright moon!

And when the bright moon shines, the moonlight is ten thousand.

Killed people when they saw them.

It is the arrow of the moon!

Ji Shaoqing has supernatural powers called the first quarter moon, and the form of supernatural killing methods is the arrow of the moon.

This water-traversing technique called Sea Rising Bright Moon is based on the supernatural power of the first quarter moon. Although the power is not as good as the supernatural power, it is quite impressive under the control of He Bo's supernatural power.

However, this is only the beginning.

Dou Zhao was astonished to the point of admiration, reflecting the overwhelming water travel technique...

It's like blowing up the nest of Water Walking Taoism!

The dense water Taoism sprang out like a wasp.

At the moment when Qu Shunhua's celestial daughter collapsed, Zuo Guangshu showed his stunning water talent.

In one thought, eighteen water-walking Taoism techniques are fired in succession, and they complement each other, like a continuous prison.

With the top-grade water-walking Taoism of the three top grades of Water Dragon Thousand Killing, Sea Whip, and Sea Rising Moon as the core, supplemented by the water-walking Taoism of less than fifteen grades of A-level, it has truly completed a whole journey with the cultivation base of the inner mansion. A gorgeous and grand Taoist dance!


Dou Zhao's amazed eyes turned to regret.

After all, it is due to insufficient cultivation and inexperienced...

Gorgeous but not practical enough, grand but not powerful enough!

The Tianxiao knife was only raised slightly, from the bottom left to the top right, with such a pull in the air!

Stab it!

Like the sound of cloth being torn.

But what was torn apart was space, the sky that shrouded here.

Everywhere around him, space cracked one after another.

What water dragon kills thousands, whips the sea, the moon rises from the sea... all collapsed, and you can't get close!

One knife shattered the Taoism all over the sky.

The endless water elements in this space all collapsed.

Dou Zhao walked forward, and he walked forward to meet He Bo's chariot.

In the shattered stream of Taoism, he looked directly into Zuo Guangshu's eyes.

"This kind of performance can indeed make people look forward to the future, but today, you are not enough."

As he said this, he slashed his face vertically: "It's not enough!"

A total of thirteen spatial cracks surrounded the entire Hebo sacred chariot at this moment.

With a single stroke of heaven's punishment, they will be punished to kill the two people and leave the field.

At the meeting of the Yellow River, he could only sever a rift in the sky with a single strike of Heaven's Punishment, but now he can cut eight, nine, and even the limit of thirteen rifts!

For a person like him, how many days will he not travel thousands of miles?

How many days have passed now, he is still in the outer building, naturally it is not the outer building yesterday.

At Guanhetai back then, he and Chongxuanzun used all their means to kill both sides, and they were said to be peerless.

Many people think that Chong Xuanzun has not been in the outer building for a long time, and he is already a four outer building, so his future should not be as broad as that of Chong Xuanzun.

But with those people's vision, wisdom, and awareness, how do you understand him?

Since he is still willing to stay in the outer building realm, it is because there are more possibilities in this realm!

Who said that Tianfu can be peerless?

Who said that erecting the fourth floor and grasping the way is already the limit of this realm?

The word "limit", those mediocre people, how can they be qualified to define it!

Wherever he goes, where is the limit, where is his knife cut, where is the end!

At this moment, the sky is silent.

The violent wind and rainstorm ten miles away seemed to be silent.

Zen Master Yue has already completed the Dao Jue, and the light of the super-grade Taoism gathered in the sky after the Taoism spread all over the sky.

But after all, there is still some distance, and it will fall but not fall.

The terrifying rift in the sky has already covered He Bo's chariot.

It seems that the next moment, the people on the chariot will be disintegrated.

At this moment, on He Bo's chariot, behind Zuo Guangshu, who looked like a god, stretched out a hand.

It was a smooth, beautiful, flawless hand.

It protruded from behind Zuo Guangshu and dabbed lightly in the air.

The entire thirteen heavenly cracks...

Smoothed out.

Who would have thought that it would be eleven fifty-six after finishing this chapter?

The feeling of stepping on the upload is really exciting!

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