Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1452 I'm afraid... this mountain is not high

In this world, there have never been invincible supernatural powers, only invincible people.

He Tian is of course an extremely terrifying supernatural power.

But after Dou Zhao got in touch with it once, he had already thought of more than one way to crack it.

Of course it is one kind of knife out of the body.

It is also a kind of knife to go out of the range covered by Hetian's supernatural power.

It's just that the former is faster and more suitable for urgent situations.

The latter can mobilize more power, and is suitable for times when preparations have been made—for example, at this moment.

Qu Shunhua exhausted all his strength and struggled to achieve the second Hetian supernatural power, but he didn't know that he had been preparing for too long for the God Slaying Saber!

That's why it happened that he shot almost at the same time as Qu Shunhua.

Qu Shunhua forcibly activated his supernatural powers and static space, which actually ruined the possibility of saving himself.

Because Zen Master Yue, who was rushing forward, was also frozen, but he couldn't break the influence of Qu Shunhua's supernatural power like Dou Zhao, so he moved slowly.

It is this line that sees life and death.


Zen Master Yue's sluggish voice almost happened at the same time as the process of Hetian's supernatural power being broken.

Can't help but bring some shock and anger.

But when the words fell, Qu Shunhua had already fallen.

She moved forward to rescue Qu Shunhua, but after a moment of stillness in the space, it was Tian Xiao who greeted her!

Dou Zhao casually grabs the falling Nine Chapters Jade Bi, while Ren straddles his body and strikes Yue Tiannu with his sword.

The thick-backed and sharp-edged Tianxiao Dao shone with a ruthless edge.

A vertical slash with a knife is facing the face, with the potential to open a mountain.

Behind Zen Master Yue, above his head, below his feet, to the left, and to the right, the cracks of the five heavens suddenly opened.

Qu Shunhua has left the field, and Dou Zhao can unscrupulously show the ferocity of God's punishment.

The space that enveloped Zen Master Yue was like a glass mirror that was suddenly broken, the cracks exploded like cobwebs, and Zen Master Yue himself was the core of those cracks.

She is also the prey of this sky gap "spider web".

But the way she looked at Dou Zhao was still so calm.

"You make me angry."

She said in a stagnant voice.

There was obviously no fluctuation in her tone, but her anger could be felt.

The last ending sound, amidst the tranquility, unexpectedly tinged with a grand feeling.


This sound keeps echoing, reciprocating endlessly.

Behind her, there is a phantom of an angry-eyed Buddha.

And her hands with brass luster protruded out of the sleeves of her robe, and she clasped her palms together.

The phantom of the angry-eyed Buddha behind him also clapped his hands together.


Her speed seemed so ordinary, and her movements were not powerful enough, but when her palms were closed, she caught Dou Zhao's blade!

This is impossible!

It actually happened.

The Buddha has compassion in his heart, and the Buddha also has the vajra's angry eyes.

Under the blessing of the angry-eyed Buddha statue, I act on behalf of the Buddha's will, recite the Buddha's will, and every word and deed are my Buddha!

How can it be impossible for the Buddha to stop the butcher knife?

Dou Zhao held the knife and pressed it down silently.

He felt that Tian Xiao's sword cut the boundless land, and the scars, no matter how huge they are for human beings, may be nothing more than a tiny mouth of the earth.

He tried to lift it up, but felt that there were two towering mountains pressing down on Tianxiao's knife.

There is no doubt that he was suppressed by Zen Master Yue in terms of physical strength!

At the same time, a golden light shone outside Chan Master Yue's body.

God's punishment has fallen.

Five consecutive rifts in the heavens were all cracked around her.

But none of them split on her body.

She really became the starting point of the "spider web", and got rid of all the locks of the cracks in the sky.

how did you do that?

Dou Zhao didn't understand for a while.

But he grinned slightly and smiled.

He feels joy.

The stronger the opponent, the happier he is.

The more it breaks through his imagination, the more it amazes him, the more joyful he is!

How lonely Tianxiao would be if there were no heroes in the world!


Holding the Tianxiao knife like this, he confronted Chan Master Yue.

And the starlight flowing high in the sky once again sacrificed the god-slaying knife and slashed at the statue of the angry-eyed Buddha.


It seems that there is such a trembling voice.

The sky is golden!

The continuous golden light fell like rain.

That's not Buddha's light.

That is the starlight belonging to Zen Master Yue!

Zen Master Yue... is also a monk who has mastered her own way and has been able to manifest the lethal power of the way!

Starlight poured down, haloing a new world full of hope.

Here is peace, warmth, sunshine, tranquility, no bullying, no harm, no disease, no war...

The world is as dark as the wind and rain, and this place is peaceful and peaceful.

This is her pure land...

She is close to Buddha here!

The face of the angry-eyed Buddha statue behind her has not changed, but the eyes have turned slightly, and then become kinder.

Mercy to all living beings, kind and amiable.

In this kindness, a second pair of arms was born, and the glazed blue arms were raised above the head, and they joined their palms together, and also caught Dou Zhao's God Slaying Saber!

Dou Zhao's face became brighter, and he was already excited.

What excites him the most is not Yuetiannu's path, but her pure land.

This is a power similar to "spiritual consciousness shrouds me, and I come like a god". Why did Yue Tiannu master it in the outer building? The soul is obviously far from reaching the point of condensing spiritual consciousness, but it can achieve this level...

He likes this kind of power that breaks the stereotypes, and he likes this kind of power that he hasn't yet seen the root of.

It made him feel—

There are endless possibilities in this world!

So...he can also climb infinitely.

People in the world are often afraid that the road ahead is too far and the mountain is too high. Therefore, there is slackness, so there is a shrinking heart.

And some people are afraid that the road ahead is not far enough, the mountain is not high enough, and they cannot show a true hero!

Dou Zhao often feels that this is a world that can accommodate all his ambitions and talents, how lucky he is to be born in this world!

But his eyes were calm, clear as a mirror before a blink, cloudy like mud after a blink.

His Tianxiao Saber was still caught between the palms of Chan Master Yue, and his God Slaying Saber was blocked by the four-armed Buddha.

But he has already made a knife!

In the seven styles of fighting, the beheading sees me.

The killing with this intention knife directly cut into the depths of Yue Tiannu's consciousness.

Her peaceful eyes filled with Buddha's light gave birth to a ray of confusion.

See me... who am I?

In countless moments alone, how could she not ask like this...

who I am?

I am a little nun who worships Buddha innocently in Xiyue Nunnery.

I am the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha sitting and meditating...

Yue Tiannu was startled and woke up, but her clasping hands had loosened.

After the will was severed, her soul was severely severed, and there was an uncontrollable pain. Even with the suppression of the Buddha's Dharma, it only stopped the momentum of collapse.

And Dou Zhao's Tianxiao Dao spun directly between her palms, cutting off a few fingers, and with a swipe, it slashed across the chest and abdomen.


When Dou Zhao dropped the knife, he already felt something was wrong, and was about to change his style, when Yue Tiannu, who had been adjusted, brushed it away with his palm.

The power of the entire "Pure Land" was driving him away at this time, and Dou Zhao made a casual turn, and had already retreated to the original position.

At this time, less than five breaths had passed since he beheaded and eliminated Qu Shunhua.

Because of flying very high, Qu Shunhua's body didn't even fall into the sea.

right in front of him...

Yue Tiannu, who managed to save his life, had his cloak and gray robe torn apart.

Broken into strands.

Although Yue Tiannu immediately put on the monk's robe again, but Dou Zhao saw her naked body clearly.

Dou Zhao's eyes were first surprised, and then suddenly.

Because what he saw was a body without sexual characteristics.

It has hands and feet, skin and bones, and flesh and blood, but it has no sexual characteristics, and there are no internal organs.

On the skin, the luster of brass flows.

The genius disciple of Xiyue Nunnery, Yue Tiannu... turned out to be a puppet!

How can a person be a puppet? How can a person who is a puppet practice in a Buddhist sect like Xiyue Temple?

This was unbelievable, but because of this, Dou Zhao understood why he was inferior in physical strength.

His fist is a fist, but Yue Tiannu's fist hides countless fine lines.

Yue Tiannu's face is quite ordinary, except that it also has a brassy luster, it is no different from ordinary women.

Even after exposing her puppet body, her expression remained calm.

In other words, she, who is a puppet, has no expression at all.

She just took out a few fingers quickly, and the little finger was flattened with a flick, and the cut off place was connected with a light press.

With a grip of ten fingers, the power was reconnected.

And in the sea...

The young Zuo Guangshu, whose mouth was still bloodstained, managed to get rid of the influence of his skin, leaned half of his body out of the water, opened his arms, and reached out to pick up Qu Shunhua's body.

But before he was about to catch it, Qu Shunhua's body disappeared.

Has been taken away by the rules of the mountains and seas.

Zuo Guangshu was stunned, at this moment he had completely forgotten the world rules of the Mountain Sea Realm. It never occurred to him that Qu Shunhua had only lost 30% of his spiritual origin, and the Qu family must have a way to make up for it.

All he knew was that Qu Shunhua was right in front of his eyes and disappeared.

He opened his mouth slightly, but made no sound.

Can he really grow up, can he shoulder the wind and rain on his shoulders, can he really protect the people he cherishes?

Rumble! Rumble!

He couldn't make a sound.

But the entire sea area is angry!

This is the wrath of Hebo, the wrath of the water god!

Roaring and rushing waves rolled in from all directions, entangled Zuo Guangshu's body, surrounded him infinitely taller and stronger.

Right in front of Dou Zhao, on the endless sea surface, stood a giant sea spirit that was more than twenty feet high!

His face was blurry, and his figure was majestic, with a ferocious black dragon wrapped around his left arm, and a large sea-blue ax in his right hand.

With just a light leap, he was already parallel with Dou Zhao.

And the sea sinks into a deep pit.

Cut down with one axe!

Under the blessing of the power of the sea area, the huge battle ax cut the space trembling, and cut the air out of the hurricane.

Dou Zhao is smaller than an ant!

Yue Tiannu, who hastily repaired his limbs, rushed back again.

The four-armed, angry-eyed Buddha statue behind her was still at war with the Xingguang God Slaying Knife.

And her power has been going deep into this world, and she wants to designate all the space within a certain range as her own pure land.

Dou Zhao is the only unclean person in that pure land!

At this time, Yue Tiannu's right hand was held upright in front of him, his left hand was in the shape of a begging bowl, and his face was benevolent.

When he was approaching, his eyes turned, revealing majesty. The left hand flips suddenly, which means surrender!

Her strength and her influence are all shackling Dou Zhao, creating opportunities for the giant ax of the sea giant.

Use the way to fight the way, and use the power of the pure land to overwhelm the seal of submission.

Lightning, thunder, squalls and torrential rain seem to be very far away.

This pure land has infinite light.

The giant spirit of the sea also seems to be enveloped in the power of Buddha, like the guardian deity of the pure land.

Everything is expounding life and death.

Before such a terrifying attack, Dou Zhao's body finally ignited a touch of gold.

Dazzling golden light flowed around him.

"Is there... any more exciting performances?"

Dou Zhao asked like this, his eyes were burning with obstinacy. The bright golden light quickly flowed all over his body, dyeing his flesh, hair, clothes, swords...everything about him brilliantly.

His gentleness turned into arrogance.

He was finally satisfied.

A building outside the road, with a puppet golden body, is a genius monk from Xiyue Temple.

One is the owner of the He Bo supernatural power who is in the raging sea and has exploded potential.

This is called an opponent.

Otherwise, after fighting for so long, apart from facing Qu Shunhua's Hetian Divine Ability, he would not even feel any danger.

He has long been tired of fighting without a sense of crisis!

Otherwise, why would he look for Zhu Yan by himself?

This moment.

Yuetian slave controls the power of the pure land, which is like the sky here.

Zuo Guang didn't know what method he used to inspire He Bo's supernatural powers, gather the power of the sea area, and become a giant sea spirit, just like a god.

And "Heaven" wants to surrender him, and "God" wants to kill him.

Face it all.

Dou Zhao smiled defiantly.

His body is full of unyielding light, and his eyes are full of unyielding madness.

As ostentatious as he is, he only swipe the Tianxiao knife lightly, following a subtle trajectory, and easily cut through the so-called imprisonment of the power of the pure land.

Then the blade turned back, and infinite misfortune was also rolled up into the sky. Once again, the knife of man-made disaster hit the Buddha's light in this world.

In the state of Dou Zhan's golden body, the killing power of the Dou Zhan Seven Styles skyrocketed again.

The infinite misfortune covered everything in the Buddha's light, polluting this "pure land" in an instant.

Everyone suffers, everyone suffers disaster, how can there be a pure land, it is nothing but vain!

Cut it off with one blow!

Yue Tiannu still presses the seal of surrender, but he has been completely overthrown.

The pure land she condensed with a special method was chopped into pieces, and she has suffered unprecedented severe injuries.

Just at this time, Sea Djinn's big ax will fall.

Dou Zhao only pulled back the Tianxiao Dao, so easily and naturally...a huge ax was placed across his head.

His movements were too casual, yet too natural, too appropriate.


The giant spirit of the sea, which was more than 20 feet high, gathered the power of the sea area and struck down with an axe, but it just made such a muffled sound.

Dou Zhao hangs high in the sky, with no support under his feet, yet he remains motionless.

He is as small as a spot of light, but he is as bright as the scorching sun!

A small Tianxiao knife, under the giant ax formed by the sea water, is not much stronger than a strand of hair.

But it is like a firm boundary, stating unchangeable rules that have blocked everything out.

In such a big and small confrontation, Dou Zhao raised his head and smiled brightly at the face of the sea giant.

Then he swung Tianxiao's knife, and the whole body fit forward and crashed into the body of the giant sea spirit!

The azure sea giant wrapped around Dou Zhao, as if swallowing an ant. The waves on his body were like anger, and he couldn't see anything unusual.

But at the next moment, a seemingly endless sword light burst out.

The terrifying sea giant collapsed on the spot, and a waterfall fell from the sky.


Zuo Guangshu in the waterfall was unable to fall.

Today's Sea Giant Spirit is indeed in the strongest state he has ever been in his life. But it still seems reluctant to deal with such a fight.

At the most glorious time.

It was cut to pieces...

The young Zuo Guangshu fell down again with such regretful thoughts.

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