Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1453 like him

Dou Zhao holds a long knife in his hand, and his golden body stands proudly in the sky.

Yue Tiannu's "Pure Land" was cut to pieces, and Zuo Guangshu's sea dwarf had collapsed.

Dou Zhao's fighting spirit is still boiling, but there is no opponent in front of him.

After such a supposedly enjoyable battle ended...

He felt lonely.

He seemed to hear Tianxiao's sigh, so small and regretful.

Even so, he still raised his knife and moved towards Yue Tiannu who was still flying upside down, wanting to draw a somewhat regrettable end to this battle.

Everything in the world, after all, has its end.

But at the next moment, he stopped and looked back.

What he saw was a figure flying across the sea like a rainbow, shooting from a distance within sight.

What he felt was a high-spirited and fearless aura that almost hit the sky and hit the sea.

He heard the sound of the sword, it was so clear and murderous!

In his field of vision, the man came across the sea and grabbed Zuo Guangshu. Only then did the figure stabilize, and the face became clear, and then the stretching imprints of the blue clouds dissipated one by one.

The man hugged Zuo Guangshu with one hand, but raised his eyes to look at him.

Those eyes are very clean and firm.

Even if it is Qu Shunhua who possesses supernatural powers, even if it is Yue Tiannu who can toss out the power of pure land in the outer building realm, he will inevitably look at him with fear.

However, this person has no, this person only has a fighting spirit.

Dou Zhao turned around almost immediately, facing each other with his saber raised.

Yue Tiannu has no strength to fight anymore in a short period of time, so don't worry about it.

And he was looking forward to it.

What about Jiang Qingyang, who was promoted by Yu Beidou as the number one inner house in history?


Three against one, one dead and two disabled.

Although he has always known Dou Zhao's strength, he can't help but feel desperate.

Anger is useless, madness is useless, everything must speak with strength after all.

Zuo Guangshu was falling helplessly, but what he thought of was the figure who had already left.

He has worked very hard, practicing day and night, fighting day and night. He has carefully studied almost all Taoism books related to water movement that Zuo found for him. In the illusory realm, I don't know how many people I have fought against. Since he was a child, he was well-clothed and well-fed, and even in the environment of mountains, seas and purgatory, he never complained of suffering...

He's sure he's giving the best he can, but still has to face such a stark gap.

Almost like a moat!

Great Chu Ying has so many talents...

Brother, how desperate is he to overwhelm his peers?

In those moments that he didn't know, how did he move forward?

"wait me back."

The hand that rubbed his hair forever, the words forever.

When he started to face the wind and rain alone, when he walked forward alone, he could understand more and more the gentleness of that palm.

The cruelty and danger in the world, all wind, frost, rain and snow, are blocked behind.

I want……

He gasped.

But the sharp saber energy is still cutting and colliding in the body.

I want……

He struggled, but couldn't find any extra strength.

"Like him!"

He almost cried out, but he couldn't be sure whether he made a sound or not.

At this moment, he felt that he fell into a soft energy.

The back is supported by a palm, and there is a very powerful touch, which is reassuring.

The powerful but gentle true essence is transmitted over, protecting the vitals first, and then turning to the limbs and bones.

The sword energy that was still raging in his body was expelled.

With his dazed eyes open, he saw a clearly defined chin.

"elder brother……"

he called.

Jiang Wang didn't bow his head.

Who can look away in the confrontation with Dou Zhao?

At this moment, Dou Zhao's golden body is shining brightly, standing proudly in the sky.

And he was standing on the clear sea waves, holding Zuo Guangshu in his left hand and Sauvignon Blanc in his right hand.

People in green shirts and blue waves are independent.

He expelled the saber energy raging in Zuo Guangshu's body, and heard the soft call.

"take a break."

He just said so.

Slowly half-kneel down and lay Zuo Guangshu flat on the sea.

During the whole process, he kept his eyes firmly on Dou Zhao, maintaining a state of being ready to draw his sword at any time.

Proud as Dou Zhao, probably would never make a move at such a time.

But this kind of vigilance that never gives a chance just shows his respect for Dou Zhao.

Hai Bo is like a mirror, gently supporting Zuo Guangshu.

The upright man in green shirt slowly straightened up.

Then stand up!


The air exploded.

During this process, frost and white cloth spread behind him, crimson fire flowed around his body, sword light leaped in his eyes, and an incomparably powerful aura shone brightly in the sky.

The saravaka fairy state is on!

The Sword Immortal is here!

There were ripples on the surface of the sea where the boots stepped on.

But it's very thin and superficial, and it's almost imperceptible.

Just rippling naturally.

It spread all the way to a position far away from Zuo Guangshu, and then suddenly set off a storm!

Did not speak.

In Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao's first fight, there was no opening statement between the two.

They just looked at each other with eyes filled with fighting intent.

The tip of Sauvignon Blanc's sword rushed up obliquely, and hit the blade of Tianxiao Dao squarely.

A point hits a line.

Let's start with this!

The voice was clear and crisp, but also intense, unwilling to be reconciled.

Huge ripples spread out from here, displacing the air and rushing in all directions.

The waves of air surged like a tide, and spread out for more than thirty feet.

They even caught up with Yue Tiannu who had just stabilized his figure not long ago.

She tried her best to raise her hand and summoned a Mahuraka with a human body and a snake head to stand in front of her, so as not to be swept away by the wave of air.

Terrible confrontation!

Two people collided in the air.

One has a golden body, and the other has a cloak bathed in fire.

Famous objects in the world collide with life and death, how can the peerless genius be willing to give in?

Sword Qi and Dao Qi are still tearing apart.

Dou Zhao pulled down the knife with both hands, and the blade of Tianxiao knife walked on the tip of Sauvignon Blanc for a while.

Amidst the ear-piercing rubbing sound, a long row of scorching sparks exploded, attacking and attacking, chopping the sword fairy down from the sky!

Jiang Wang fell straight down.

He completely felt the power, felt the feeling of those people on the viewing platform facing Dou Zhao.

That golden figure brought a sense of oppression everywhere.

In the process of falling, he pressed with one hand.

With him as the center, the splendid Fire Realm spread out in the sky.

The flames bloom, and the flame sparrows fly.

A whole vibrant world of flames.

It is not only the barrier he set up, but also his support.

But Dou Zhao hurriedly chased after him, and the radiant golden body crashed directly into the fire realm, and chopped off with one blow!

The flames burned the body, and the golden light could not be burned through.

Jiang Wang pulled his horizontal sword, separating them with the celebrity sword.

But this unrestrained horizontal line failed to be completely swayed.

Because the moment Tianxiao Dao touched Sauvignon Blanc, it pulled away instantly, and then cut down at an even faster speed!

The saber gesture that had clearly formed was retracted so easily, and it could explode again in an instant.

Completely do whatever you want, this is really the ultimate level of swordsmanship.

Jiang Wang, the horizontal line that divides life and death, cannot be pulled apart at all.

He had no choice but to stand in the sky and block the slash.


Make such a loud noise.

clang! clang! clang!

Dou Zhao actually used the golden body of fighting to bear the damage of the Fire Realm, and raised the knife to slash again, slashing and slashing again.

The heavy sword kept chopping down, and the shattered light of the sword also protected itself——

He didn't rely entirely on the defense of Dou Zhan's golden body, but he refused to slow down the rhythm of attack by half a point. So put your own defense into your offense. Only use the shattered knife light after the collision to fight against the fire realm.

It was indescribable confidence.

It is indescribably powerful!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The sound echoed repeatedly, washing away the surrounding fields.

Wanton and sad.

This sound is not the ordinary sound of gold and iron, but the sound of great freedom and bitter sea when Dou Zhao strikes the sword with a knife.

At Guanhetai back then, he still wanted to say it out of his mouth, but now he has incorporated it into his saber technique.

However, this impressive sound-killing technique did not come close to Jiang Wang's ears at all. Before he got close, he had already been subdued by the sound-hearing fairy state.

Thousands of voices come to court, but they don't care whether you are the Tao or Buddha, whether you are a righteous voice or a sad voice, whoever kills me or worships me, they all come to court!

Jiang Wang made an expression of "calmly but couldn't help but frown", expressing in detail that he had been disturbed by the sound of the bitter sea, and now he was just pretending to be calm.

He wanted to induce Dou Zhao to make a wrong judgment.

At this level of play, he knows every detail will be captured.

But Dou Zhao was not affected at all, the direction of the long saber was still only slashing one after another.

He seemed to have an innate self-confidence, and he was sure that the trajectory that Tian Xiaodao had traveled was the right path.

The dazzling knife light raged in the fire realm.

Dou Zhao slashed seventeen swords one after another, cutting down the Sword Immortal all the way, even leaving the range of the Fire Realm!

The splendid world of fire burns behind this radiant golden body.


Jiang Wang stubbornly held on to the defense of Sauvignon Blanc, not letting the knife advance an inch. With a breath, a wisp of frosty wind blew out, which turned into killing growth nails halfway, pointing directly at the center of Dou Zhao's eyebrows.

Under his deliberate control, this killing nail appeared so gentle, restraining all killing intent, it looked ordinary, as if it was difficult to nail a wall into it, and it could only be nailed into a piece of wood.

Dou Zhao curled his lips, as if he had the urge to laugh at Jiang Wang's clumsy cover-up, but he didn't say anything after all.

Only in the fierce slashing attack did he suddenly turn the blade, with a gleam of light, it was slashing on the killing nail, splitting it alive, and slashing back into a wisp of frosty wind.

It is for the destruction of divinity!

He firmly holds the initiative in the battle, and of course he can withdraw his knife at any time.

But he also had to admit that the killing power of Jiang Wang's nail was too terrifying. It wasn't that he chose to withdraw the knife to cut it, but that he had to.

His "potential" was interrupted.

And he knows too well how terrifying it is to be swayed by the enemy in battle.

So after he split the killing nails, he immediately returned the knife and guarded the middle palace.

Also at this moment.

Jiang Wang's long sword was finally pulled away.

The sword of life and death in the past ten years, after bitterly suppressing and waiting, finally shines with a sharper edge than before.

After blocking Dou Zhao's seventeen knives in succession, Jiang Wang's tiger's mouth was split open, and blood was stained on the hilt of the sword, but he held it so smoothly, and this stroke was still so chic and decisive!


Dou Zhao still responded with a divine slash, blocking Chang Xiangsi's slaying, and took advantage of the situation to counterattack.

Jiang Wang had already retracted his long sword, and his left hand, which had completed the seal, was slightly raised upwards.

At this time, the world should be regretful, and the flames are blooming in the world.

Huge gates and thick walls, wine houses and houses, traffickers and pawns, pavilions and pavilions...

Just like that, he lifted the gorgeous Yancheng with one hand, and pressed it directly on Dou Zhao's body.

Fireworks burn the city!

At this moment, there is the Fire Realm behind Dou Zhao, and there are fireworks burning the city in front.

One is supernatural power combined technique, and the other is super grade.

Unhurriedly, he flicked his long saber, and Heaven's Punishment cut it out!

One knife and two cracks.

There are two huge gaps in the sky, one is in front, cutting open the flames that hit the front of the city. One is behind, cutting straight to the Fire Realm.

The possibility of the explosion of the fire world that Jiang Wang deliberately hid was detected by him just because of a change in the fighting situation... What an amazing sense of fighting!


Jiang Wang had to detonate the Fire Realm ahead of time.

This vibrant world of fire has given birth to enough power in the destruction.

A huge flame wave rushed towards Dou Zhao, but was blocked in front of another huge gap in the sky.

In front of Dou Zhao, the pavilions carved by flames gradually disintegrated.

He shattered the flames and burned the city, destroyed the fire realm, and slashed again!

A gap in the sky was opening where Jiang Wang was.

A gap in the sky stood in front of him.

Another gap in the sky cuts behind him.

One knife and three cracks!

Jiang Wang turned his footsteps, fluttering like a fairy, but he avoided the obstruction of the gap between the three heavens one after another, drew a mysterious arc in the air, and approached Dou Zhao.

Tian Xiao cut again.

One knife limit thirteen splits!

The hideous gaps in the sky criss-crossed, cutting this space into fragments.

But Jiang Wang's figure is still unrestrained, he steps on the blue sky, turns left and right suddenly, and turns calmly.

Of course the gap in the sky is terrifying, but even one cannot touch the body!

He has long seen the supernatural power of splitting the sky of the strong Hai Clan, and also witnessed the battle of Dou Zhao on Guanhetai, and even Qin Zhizhen's Baji Sword of Refining Void has similarities to this.

The rift in the sky is not as quick and sudden as Lie Kong's supernatural power.

Although in Dou Zhao's hands, the power may be stronger, but if he can't kill anyone, no matter how powerful the power is, it is false.

Of course, Dou Zhao still had another choice. As long as he slashed Zuo Guangshu with a knife, Jiang Wang would have to take it hard. Just because of his pride, he naturally disdains it.

Jiang Wang walks in the air, like walking on flat ground,

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that he is walking through the gaps in the sky.

In a moment, he was close to Dou Zhao.

A new fight is being laid out, how will the chess game evolve in a square inch?

Dou Zhao only raised his sword, please come!

He has the confidence to face any trick.

But at the moment when it was approaching... Jiang Wang suddenly accelerated!

The stars in the sky shake down.

He should have been more cautious, but for a moment his eyes shone with the light of the sword, extremely reckless!

Secret Vault Chasing Wind is open!

The hidden cloak is open!

The Secret Store of Death God is opened!

His speed has been improved, Sauvignon Blanc is sharper, and the power of the soul attack has also been strengthened.

The five incandescent light sources in front of the chest and abdomen light up one by one.

The five palaces are opened together, in the state of a fairy.

At this moment, he directly raised his sword and slammed it, gathering all the tops and pouring his sword!

He didn't have any warning, and without any ambush, at such an inappropriate moment, he directly launched the lore sword!

Because he has already realized that the person in front of him has an extremely fighting consciousness.

Any behavior that guides the battle situation will be captured in the battle intention.

Fighting with such a person is not the right time, but the most suitable time!

I know it's an orgasm, so there will be at night.

Monthly pass, understand?

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