Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1455 The Controversy Between Gentlemen

Dou Zhao felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Jiang Wang felt...

Very imaginary.

At this moment, he is vain.

The damage caused by the five decays of heaven and man is still deteriorating in the body.

Speaking of which, he rescued Zuo Guangshu and Yue Tiannu, kept the Orange Song and Jade Bi, and escaped successfully.

But in fact, it was just that Dou Zhao's thirst for fighting was greater than that of Jiuzhang Yubi, and he didn't attack Zuo Guangshu at all. Otherwise, Jiang Wang couldn't stop him.

Dou Zhao is powerful in all directions with almost no dead ends, not only his cultivation is superior, his sword skills are crushing, and his fighting talent is also extremely good.

He tried his best, but he could only earn one escape, and there was absolutely no possibility of winning.

It wasn't until now that he had time to deal with the injury.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the head of the organ Mahuraka, and the wind and rain were all outside the golden light. It seems that looking at the world through the window is hazy.

This statue of Mahuraka, who has a human body and a snake head, is walking through the wind and rain with his left hand holding the Zen slave in meditation, and his right hand holding the unconscious Zuo Guangshu.

All three were seriously injured, and no one could help the other.

The five huge fingers on Mahuraka's left hand are bent like the seat of Yuetiannu.

She closed her eyes and concentrated, with a Zen light on her face, trying her best to repair her soul.

Jiang Wang was quite curious about this master disciple of Xiyue Nunnery, and at the same time, he was a little embarrassed by the stench that was constantly emanating from his body.

But seeing Yue Tiannu's expressionless face, he reacted.

With her puppet body, even if she has a sense of smell, it only exists as a perception to assist in combat, and she doesn't really feel anything about the smell.

Why is Yue Tiannu, a talented person like Xiyue Temple, who can be related to the Qu family, a thousand-year-old family in Great Chu, become a puppet? What's the story behind this?

Jiang Wang abandoned this sudden passing thought, turned his attention to the sky, closed his eyes as well, and took care of his injuries.

Dirty clothes, shriveled hair, sweaty underarms, filthy body, and dissatisfaction with this seat are the five declines of heaven and man.

The lifespan of heaven and man is about to end, so there are five signs of decline.

Dou Zhao didn't hit Jiang Wang directly with this knife, otherwise he wouldn't be able to persist until now.

But if the five declines are allowed to continue to deteriorate, they can only walk towards death step by step.

The power of the five declines that was cut into the body was after all only the aftermath of the great war at that time, and it could kill people if it was not dealt with in time. If you really calm down and fight wholeheartedly, there are some ways.

For example, mobilize Dao Yuan, spread it all over the body, touch every wisp of wandering power of the five decays, and divide, wrap, and reconcile bit by bit... This is a slow process, but it is also a relatively safe process.

Jiang Wang's subtle control over Dao Yuan is enough to do this.

But he didn't choose to.

Instead, use the immortal light of the red heart supernatural power to protect the vital points, and then directly mobilize the true fire of samadhi in the body, chase and intercept, and completely strangle it!


There are occasional thunderclaps in the wind and rain.

It is of course a painful process to turn the body into a battlefield and burn every corner where the forces of five declines rage.

Jiang Wang even kept vomiting blood during the process.

The blood was black and had a foul smell.

The injuries in the body are not only related to the sword strength of the five declines of heaven and man, but also to the real fire of Samadhi. The substantive supernatural fire was swaying in the body, no matter how finely controlled it was, it was impossible to avoid injury.

Using the method of worsening the injury to prevent the injury from worsening is really a serious medicine, and if you are not careful, you will kill yourself.

That is to say, he has just erected the second star building, and his body has been strengthened again, otherwise he should not be able to carry it now.

But apart from the slight frown, there was no expression on his face.

He was used to suffering.

"You might as well wait, when I get better, I have a solution to your injury." Yue Tiannu said suddenly.

While meditating, she also caught the fierce confrontation in Jiang Wang's body.

She could feel that kind of pain.

Jiang Wang opened his eyes and looked at her, slightly surprised, but still shook his head: "It's too late."

Continue to burn, continue to suffer, and continue to vomit blood.

So choose, so bear.

Too late?

It's just such an endless sentence, Yue Tiannu seemed to understand something, and stopped making a sound, but also chose some relatively radical methods to mend himself silently.

Jiang Wang observed the surrounding environment, while staying vigilant, he also diverted some pain.

At this time, the real fire of samadhi in the body has surrounded all the powers of the five declines and is burning, so there is no need to devote all your attention.

The timing of Yue Tiannu's choice to speak was very ingenious.

Jiang Wang felt that she might not have been able to maximize her strength for some reason, otherwise she should have caused more trouble to Dou Zhao.

His body was really in pain, and he instinctively thought about it to relieve it.

"It's really too late." In the wind and rain, a voice said.

Drilled through the rain curtain, ringing in my ears.

The organ Mahulaka is fixed.

The tall body shrouded in golden light stood upright under the dark and gloomy sky, with a cold and hard temperament.

Both Jiang Wang and Yue Tiannu sat cross-legged, they were sober people who knew what was most important at such a time. The more strength you can recover, the more possibilities you have.

As for the appearance of the comer, you will always see it.

The rain curtain is like a bead curtain.

Two people "rolled the curtain" and walked through the air.

They were walking right in front of the organ Mahuraka, and of course they were also within sight of Jiang Wang who was sitting cross-legged on the snake's head.

One of them looks bad, wearing a thong shirt, wearing a Jinxian crown on his head, and a black butterfly resting on his left shoulder.

The other one also wears a Jinxian crown, but it is an iron crown. Wearing armor on his body, his eyes are one big and one small, inexplicably coordinated, even good-looking.

Of course the visitor is not good.

The person who spoke was the one in the shirt.

Jiang Wang had seen him a long time ago on the Guanhe Terrace, and recognized him as Ge Fei, the arrogance of the Yue Kingdom. Then the armor-piercing big and small eyes next to him must be Wu Ling.

In order to avoid the other party's vigilance, he stopped vomiting blood: "A friend came from afar, and Jiang was seriously injured and couldn't welcome him. I'm sorry."

Wu Ling's temper was probably a bit more direct, he ignored Jiang Wang's greetings, just looked at him with interest in his eyes: "How did you guess that?"

The other party is willing to chat, and Jiang Wang is also happy to say a few more words.

"The mountains and seas are so vast, I thought it would be difficult for me to find Guangshu and the others." He said, "But I always have an inexplicable feeling that he is just here, waiting for me to find him... Hehe, unexpectedly It's really here. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Ge Fei smiled slightly: "Sometimes the inspiration comes out of nowhere, why is this doubtful?"

He continued to walk forward: "It seems that you are a suspicious person."

Jiang Wang thought, maybe the so-called inspiration was Ge Fei's method, so he said that.

"Maybe it's not doubtful." He smiled weakly: "I'm just staying vigilant in a ghostly place like the Mountain and Sea Territory."

What he didn't say was that when that kind of inspiration first appeared, it was resisted by Chixin's supernatural power, and it had no effect on him at all. He just deliberately followed this inspiration for a while, wanting to see what is divine behind it.

After rushing to the place and seeing the scene of Zuo Guangshu falling into the sea, it was impossible to hold back and draw his sword directly to join the battle.

At first he thought that the sudden inspiration might be Dou Zhao's method. A person as proud as Dou Zhao may be fishing with bait, trying to lure all his competitors to kill him.

But after successfully escaping, he overturned his guess.

Because he didn't meet Dou Zhao's backhand when he was running away.

This shows that the place where the battle was fought at that time was not the battlefield preset by Dou Zhao.

Jiang Wang asked himself, if he invited people to kill him, he would more or less arrange something nearby.

Since that kind of sudden inspiration is not the method of Dou Zhao. So where is the person who really deployed the means and led them to fight?

As a oriole, of course, only after the war.

It can only be blocked on the way they leave.

But this distance will not be too close, because this person definitely does not want to be discovered by himself or Dou Zhao in advance.

According to Jiang Wang's judgment, this is probably the place it is now...

He had instructed Yue Tiannu to let the mechanism Mahuraka fly as erratically as possible, but frankly speaking, it was normal to be stopped.

It is impossible for the person who set up the game to stop even a puppet.

Why did he choose such a violent way to directly use the true fire of samadhi to burn and kill the power of five declines in his body?

What is robbed is time.

Use pain to fight for opportunity.

At this time, Wu Ling said: "It is a good habit to be vigilant. I hope you know that the same is true for judging the situation."

The Jinxianguan duo approached while talking, probably using some means to exclude possible arrangements within the range.

Facing this character who can confront Dou Zhao head-on and get away, they don't hide their vigilance

"Of course." Jiang Wang frowned in some pain, as if he couldn't suppress his injury at all, and it seemed a little deliberate, it was a disguise to show weakness to the enemy.

In short, it is difficult to make judgments by playing tricks.

Then, with a frank expression, he said with a smile: "If you have any ideas, please let me know. If there is something I can do, I will be happy. For Shanhaijing, we are all just passers-by, and we should help each other."

"Brother Jiang is really a very enlightened and strange man." Ge Fei also smiled: "Then let's say it boldly. Please give me your jade bi, and I will guarantee you to leave the mountain and sea realm safely. Injury to the source. As you said, we are all passers-by in the mountains and seas, so there is no need for grudges."

"Brothers, why didn't you say it earlier?" Jiang Wang said with a bitter face, "Look at us, we died, we were wounded, and we ran away. How could it be possible to keep the jade in Dou Zhao's hands?"

"It's all been robbed by that guy!" He was filled with grief and anger, and suddenly remembered something, his eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Dou Zhao now has a total of three nine-chapter jade discs in his hand, but he has been seriously injured! Two brothers, we How can we miss this opportunity? You must know that if God does not take it, you will be blamed instead!"

Yue Tiannu blinked, looking at Jiang Wang's face, she suddenly realized that this is indeed a very three-dimensional and difficult to describe person.

When I didn't see this person, I just listened to his name and knew that he was the world-renowned proud son of heaven.

When I saw this person for the first time, I felt that he had probably experienced something just now. There was a kind of transparency that suddenly opened up, and beside Zuo Guangshu, he was in a very relaxed state.

Later, when I encountered a large army of disasters, I saw his determination and responsibility.

Today, she appeared like a divine soldier, which really surprised her.

Fighting against Dou Zhao alone shows his courage, and his successful escape shows his wisdom.

Now she is talking nonsense without changing her face, not hiding her demeanor, but she is a little more cute.

She suddenly remembered Yuzhen's evaluation.

Yuzhen said that this person is naive and hateful...

Hateful indeed, she thought.

Ge Fei watched Jiang Wang's emotional performance, thought for a while, looked at Wu Ling and said, "What he said seems to make sense."

In order to avoid being noticed, it is of course impossible for them to monitor the battlefield directly. They just set up a few observation points at a long distance to stop the escapers at any time.

He just knew that Jiang Wang had successfully escaped with his people, but he didn't know the specific situation of the battle.

Jiang Wang was very eager: "I will show you the way! By the way, the two brothers must be careful of the five declines of heaven and man, that fellow Dou Zhao, it is really dangerous!"

Ge Fei looked at him dubiously: "Aren't you a little too aggressive?"

Jiang Wang said bitterly: "Since I debuted, I have never suffered such a big loss. I hate him so much that I must kill him and cut off his soul!"

He even said: "If the two brothers don't dislike it, I can surround and kill this beast with you!"

Wu Ling didn't say anything, just silently took out his Nine Chapters Jade Bi and entered Dao Yuan. The brilliance of this square jade was revealed instantly, so a poem called "Thinking" was reflected in the air, and the words floated and sank.

The palm of the right hand of the organ Mahuraka is still on Zuo Guangshu who is in a coma. Although there is no jade bi, there is also a ray of light leaping out, reflecting a poem called "Ode to Orange", which is clearly visible in the air, erratic and steaming.

The two jade discs echoed across the air, which is really beautiful.

Jiang Wang: ...

Yue Tiannu: ...

Ge Fei: ...

Wu Ling: ...

In the dark rain, there was a moment of embarrassment.

At this time Yue Tiannu stood up.

The damage suffered by the soul is not so easy to recover, even if the precious secret medicine is swallowed, it will take a certain amount of time to repair. Her pure land power is even more difficult to recover, at least until the soul is restored, there is no possibility of using it again.

So her current combat power is not enough.

But she knew that there was no time to recover.

She is ready to fight to the death.

But Jiang Wang still sat cross-legged, apparently feeling that there was still a need for negotiation.

He looked at Ge Fei and Ge Fei sincerely: "This is a misunderstanding."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that this piece of jade is still on Guangshu's body. I thought it was taken away by Dou Zhao!"

Both Ge Fei and Wu Ling only looked at him coldly, approaching in silence.

At this moment, Jiang Wang seemed to be possessed by Xu Xiangqian, and he said anxiously: "Brother Ge! Brother Wu! Everyone is a person of dignity, and it really shouldn't be born. I think you are also the sons and daughters of heroes, gentlemen, and people who have read sage books , I don’t want to take advantage of others’ danger. Otherwise, you wait for me for a day, and when I recover from my injuries, I will fight with you immediately. Let’s have a gentleman’s battle and use strength to determine the ownership of these two pieces of jade!”

"Don't you only have one piece?" Ge Fei couldn't help asking.

"He counted ours too." Wu Ling said coldly.

Rao Ge Fei has always had the mentality of watching a theater, so this meeting is not too tense.

As soon as he raised his hand, dense gray worms spewed out like a torrent, heading straight for Jiang Wang!

Wu Ling even pushed the virtuous crown, grasped the penmanship pen, and spread out the penmanship scroll.

Splendid Huaguang Cave sinks into the clouds, tearing apart the rain curtain.

Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are all in the pen!

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