Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1456 Who Has Seen My Five Powers

The duo of Jinxianguan had already screened the environment while speaking to confirm that there were no hidden traps, and they would not give Jiang Wang a chance to delay, and they would do it together.

When Ge Fei raised his hand, the swarm of insects was overwhelming.

The little gray bug has slender and sharp mouthparts, and its wings are connected to thin feet, like a bat. But the individual is only the size of an adult's knuckle.

Connected into one piece, it made a piercing sound similar to iron bars scraping stones.

The voice seemed to drill into people's heads.

Echoing each other, it makes people flustered and makes people crazy.

The heart seems to be splitting!

The dense gray worms follow a certain order amidst the chaos, trembling in unison, controlling the sound to kill.

This heart-piercing Gu is a secret transmission of the Ge family, at the beginning of the "Five Chaos", there are all kinds of dangers, and it is not limited to a certain sense. It's just that at this moment, in order to cooperate with Wu Ling, there is nothing more suitable than this "disorderly sound killing heart".

In front of Wu Ling, a long chapter of literary spirit floated and rolled up, like a general's platform, lying in front of him.

He held the pen in his hand, as if he was holding a command arrow.

Standing straight like a gun, it seems to be commanding thousands of troops.

Rivers and mountains are eyes, and thousands of troops are ready to go.

The literary spirit has finally fallen, so the "military order" has been issued!

A word "riding" written in a hurry, jumped out of the long scroll of writing style impatiently, turning into a black-armored knight. I have been reining in my horse for a long time, and my momentum is like running thunder. With my spear straightened, I leap forward!

Then there was another sharp "knife" character, jumping out of the long scroll of literary spirit, turning into a soldier with a sword, striding a few steps in the air, chasing after the black armored knight on the right side as a wing. The body is in front, the knife is behind, hiding murderous intentions.

Then there is the character "Bow" with steady strokes. Slowly "walking" will come out, and manifested as a bow-wielding warrior above the scroll of literary energy.

As soon as the phase is determined, the bow is bent like a full moon in an instant.

Point to a loose.


There was a trembling sound, the bowstring was still moving, and the arrow had already shot out. But even before the charging black armor knight, the whistle pierced the air and reached Jiang Wang's eyebrows.

The world is so big, there are no wonders, the world is vast, and there are infinite Taoism and magical powers.

Whether it's Ge Fei or Wu Ling, their methods can be said to broaden Jiang Wang's horizons.

The so-called control insects like an army, the so-called combination of soldiers and Confucianism.

However, Jiang Wang remained expressionless.

He has already proved his strength. In this mountain and sea environment, he can face anyone calmly.

Ge Fei and Wu Ling had to think, if Jiang Wang had already discovered their ambush, would he have any reservations about fighting Dou Zhao? Is it possible, just a show?

Can the identities of hunter and prey really be so certain?

Yuetiannu turned around on Mahuraka's huge left palm, with a face exuding brass luster, he confronted Gefei and Gefei expressionlessly.

When you put your palms together, you have to start.

Jiang Wang said, "Yuetian slave, step back!"

Yue Tiannu couldn't believe it, and even suspected that she had heard it wrong.

For one thing, facing Gefei Wuling, although she has not recovered from her injuries and her strength is less than 30%, she is still a great help. Is Jiang Wang so arrogant that he wants to deal with it by himself? His injury is not healed either!

Second, why did Jiang Wang speak to her in such an orderly tone, treating her as a subordinate?

It should be known that with her identity, status, and background, no one would dare to disrespect her even in Duke Yu's mansion!

In a flash of thought, the organ Mahuraka had already supported her to retreat.

She felt that since Jiang Wang shouldn't be able to speak like this, then Jiang Wang must have his reasons.

She chooses to cooperate.

But Jiang Wang was sitting cross-legged on the top of Mahuraka's head, but Mahuraka backed away, but he didn't move.

So sit in the air.

At this time, his face was tired, his clothes were still dirty, and the stench on his body was still there.

He was sitting there so weakly, but he reached out his hand lightly, and caught the sharp arrow that was coming towards him, and with a ignited fire in his hand, it instantly burned to smoke!

His left hand was just held in the white smoke.

The horizontal sword on the knee.

The sauvignon blanc in the sheath hums suddenly.


Just one sound.

All voices come to court.

Erxian ordered to say, make a decision!

Right in front of Ge Fei, those little gray bugs fell like rain and died instantly!

Ge Fei was startled and angry, but also in pain.

Although there are a lot of these heart-piercing Gu worms in stock, they are not too precious individually. But such a large-scale death is enough to dry out his wallet.

Especially the real killing of the heart worm has not had time to unfold in the future, and the death is too sudden, and it is too late to recover!

If he had known that Jiang Wang had such control over the way of sound, he would never have used the heart stinger.

At its root, Jiang Wang's well-known school of burning the sea with eight sounds is also based on fire behavior, supplemented by sound killing, and he has not seen such sound control ability.

Of course it's too late now.

The dense insect corpses are the price he should pay for his wrong judgment.

At this moment, the black-armored cavalry and sword-wielding armored soldiers in Wu Ling's works have also rushed to him.

Riding a spear is heavy, and the blade is shining.

Jiang Wang didn't even look at it, only breathed out, and a wisp of frosty wind flew out, split into two strands, and directly blew the black-armored cavalry and the sword-wielding armored soldiers to pieces.

What is alarming is not that he can break through these methods, but that he behaves so effortlessly!

Jiang Wang picked up the long sword and stood up in mid-air. Looking at Gefei Wuling, he opened his mouth and spewed out a large ball of stinky black blood, forming a blood net in the air, and rushed towards the two.

The fishy wind rushed over, and the stench came face to face.

Ge Fei made a random move, and a group of carrion flies with translucent tails swarmed out, and the tentacles on their foreheads swayed wildly, swallowing up the black blood in an instant. But in a blink of an eye, they all became shriveled and fell to death.

His ugly face became even uglier, and the black butterflies resting on his shoulders were ready to fly.

"I treat each other with courtesy, but you are aggressive!"

Jiang Wang didn't hide his injury: "I'm seriously injured, you want to see my roots? Even the five declines of heaven and man can't kill me, do you think you can?"

It turned out to be the spirit of five declines just now? No wonder carrion flies eat poison for a living, but they can't hold it.

But what shocked Wu Ling even more was...

Jiang Wang actually survived the five declines of heaven and man!

His heart was shaking, but there was no expression on his face, Wu Ling only said: "It's okay to try."

"Whatever method you have, just use it." Ge Fei also sneered. He has already lost so many bugs, if he returns without success, he will suffer too much!

Both Ge Fei and Wu Ling have the will to fight.

Jiang Wang's fighting intent was even stronger, and his killing intent was even heavier.

"Everyone in the world knows me as Tianfu, who has seen my five supernatural powers?!"

With a backhand move, he grabbed Zuo Guangshu's orange jade bi and put it on himself: "Yuetian slave, take Guangshu away. I don't need help. Anyone who has seen my supernatural power... will die .”

This sentence is too cold.

Yue Tiannu also seemed to be shocked, and blessed Jiang Wang with three Buddhist arts. One is the mercy mantra to restore physical strength. One is the Return Wind Curse, increasing speed. One is the Vajra Mantra, which strengthens physical defense.

Then he manipulated Mahuraka to turn around and leave without looking back, to show that he would never peep.

Yue Tiannu, who came from a famous family, had a high level of cultivation, and had an extraordinary background, all obeyed Jiang Wangyan.

Don't even dare to look at this supernatural power.

Already enough to see the weight.

Judging from Jiang Wang's tone, this is a terrifying supernatural power that even Dou Zhao has never seen before!

Wu Ling still didn't change his face, he just picked up the pen like a knife, and wrote the word "general" in a single stroke.

A general in heavy armor came out with a knife and stood in front of Wu Ling.

Generals are the courage of soldiers.

He said with emotion: "If you can see your Jiang Qingyang's roots, why would Wu regret dying today?"

If it was when he first entered the Mountain Sea Realm, Wu Ling wouldn't even say such a thing.

But after Jiang Wang fought Dou Zhao and survived the five declines of heaven and man.

Wu Ling had to admit that Jiang Wangruo might not be his opponent when he was in his prime, and he might indeed be killed.

Because he will never be able to withstand Dou Zhao's Five Decays of Heaven and Man.

What's more, in all his previous fights with Dou Zhao, he never got to the point where he saw the five declines of heaven and man.

Facing the full-strength Dou Zhao who is defeated and survives defeat, looking at the mountains and seas, how many people can do it?

At least Wu Ling couldn't think of a second person.

Jiang Wang verified the weight of his words with his solid record.

As much as Wu Ling was afraid of Dou Zhao, he had to give Jiang Wang similar respect!

The world is boundless and vast, but sometimes it is very narrow.

When it is broad, everything can be contained, but when it is narrow, heroes are judged only by their strengths and weaknesses.

But at this moment, Jiang Wang just asked calmly: "Do you know how to kill people in the mountains and seas?"

Both Wu Ling and Ge Fei were shocked!

Anyone can kill.

But Jiang Wang asked this at this time, of course the question was not so simple.

When he said killing people, he didn't mean getting people out of the game and then cutting off 30% of their spiritual origin.

He is talking about the rules that go beyond the mountains and seas, truly erasing a person from this world!

Ge Feiqiang smiled for a while, only to realize that his smile was unnatural: "Could it be that you will?"

Still the same sentence, if he had just entered the mountain and sea realm, he would have sneered at Jiang Wang at all.

But it's different now. Now Jiang Wang is a character who can confront Dou Zhao head-on. He can create too many possibilities.

His strength makes his words very heavy!

Jiang Wang only said calmly: "Have you met Xiang Bei and Tai Yin?"

"When you leave the mountain and sea realm, you might as well see if Tai Yin is still there..."

He took the initiative to move forward: "If you can still leave."

Ge Fei and Wu Ling involuntarily took a step back!

Jiang Wang is too scary!

Characters like them are not afraid of fighting.

Even when necessary, they will not lack the courage to burn their lives.

But in the mountains and seas, is it worth dying so silently and without waves?

Holding the jade bi in their hands, they still have a lot of possibilities to harvest. Could it be that they risk being wiped out for a new piece of jade?

Such death is lighter than a feather.

They couldn't doubt Jiang Wang's words.

Because when they set up the bureau before, they had considered many candidates. But in Wuling's mountains and rivers, it is true that there has been no trace of Xiang Bei and Tai Yin for a long time!

Because Jiang Wang is a strong man who retreats in the face of Dou Zhao.

Because someone like Yue Tiannu is willing to let him come and go!

Xiang Bei and Tai Yin were probably killed by Jiang Wang and erased from this world!

It is not difficult to understand the national grievances between Qi and Xia, and the contradiction between Zuo Guangshu and Xiang Bei.


Wu Ling just had a feeling that something was wrong.

Jiang Wang said again: "Of course, I didn't obliterate Xiang Bei. After all, I still want to leave Chu State alive. Xiang Bei is not qualified either. See all my five supernatural powers."

He looked at Wu Ling and said, "For the same reason, Wu Ling, I shouldn't have killed you. But facing you in such a physical state, I really couldn't help but use my supernatural power. But I did use it. That supernatural power, how can you tell me not to kill you?"

He sighed in pain: "Wu Ling, Wu Ling, you gave me a problem!"

Ge Fei only felt that his throat was a little dry.

Jiang Wang only discussed Wu Ling inside and out, and of course he knew why.

Because he can be completely obliterated, and because Yue is weak compared to Qi, Jiang doesn't have to have any scruples. Just like that Tai Yin who has been obliterated!

What made Wu Ling more concerned was that even Dou Zhao hadn't been able to see Quan Jiang Wang's five magical powers. How strong is Jiang Wang?

What kind of terrifying supernatural power needs to be so hidden?

Which supernatural power is it, whoever sees it will die?

Have you seen Jiang Wang's five supernatural powers?

This turned out to be a matter of life and death!

Ge Fei and Wu Ling looked at each other, and they both saw each other's serious emotions.

It is clear that our own side is the setter, the oriole using the inspiration bug to create an ambush opportunity, why is it that the surname Jiang is aggressive at this moment?

They feel a kind of absurdity, but have to face reality.

They have painstakingly planned and gathered manpower before they dare to set up a situation to fight against others. But Jiang Wang fought with Dou Zhao with real swords and guns.

This is the attitude that the strong should have!

"I promised Guangshu that I will help him get what he wants, so I will do my best. But I don't want to be an enemy of the Wu family, and I don't want to die as a guest." Jiang Wang looked at Wu Ling calmly. Authentic: "So I am willing to give you another chance to choose."

He didn't mean to speak harshly, on the contrary, he was very gentle, letting the other party choose life or death.

The atmosphere was chilled for a moment.

Between life and death, there is great terror.

A lifetime of struggle has come to naught, and everything that was once loved, nostalgic, and persistent is like smoke in the blink of an eye.

Who can not regret, who can not be frightened?

Therefore, even people like Wu Ling and Ge Fei who dared to set up a situation to fight, would inevitably hesitate before making such a choice!

Dou Zhao pushed the invincible hand of Chu State horizontally, which is a real reputation earned from the first battle. Only by crushing all opponents can one achieve the title of strongest.

Except for Zhong Liyan who was thinking about killing him all day long, the younger generation of Chu Jing didn't refuse to accept it!

Don't even people like Zhong Liyan think that there is no possibility of defeating Dou Zhao on the existing road, so they have to practice martial arts and participate in the development of new roads?

They dared to set up a fight, largely because this is a mountain and sea border, and they would not really be killed.

The worst thing is to lose 30% of the source of the soul. Although the price was expensive, they could barely afford it with their wealth.

But now, Jiang Wang proposed a worse option.

How to choose?

The silence didn't last long.

"I trust you."

In the end, Wu Ling said: "I believe Yu Beidou's praise must have its reasons."

"I believe that winning the championship in the Yellow River will be the only one that shines in Xinghe."

"I believe that you can take on Dou Zhao's Five Decays. Your strength is already above mine."

"I believe that a peerless genius like you may indeed find a way to overcome the rules of the mountains and seas."

"I believe you may have really killed Tai Yin."

He held his pen and said firmly, "But I don't believe it either."

"I don't believe that I, Wu Ling, is a waste. I don't believe that I've worked hard for so many years, and I'm too fragile to withstand the wind and rain. I don't believe that you, who have been seriously injured by Dou Zhao, can still rely on a hidden magical power Come back and beat me to death."

With one stroke of his stroke on the Wenqi scroll, it was a word for 'soldier'.

Soldiers with swords and bows came out one by one, behind the heavily armored general.

The literary energy above the head rises, illuminating the splendor for thousands of miles.

Wu Ling's eyes were firm, and he said with emotion: "If I'm really that weak, then I really deserve to die, and I shouldn't waste Wu's resources and occupy the position of Great Chu. Please, Jiang Qingyang, kill me here. Chu eliminates harm!"

The soldiers of civilized spirit who kept rushing out combined with the generals in heavy armor formed an army formation, roaring like a dragon!

"Well said!" Ge Fei also looked directly at Jiang Wang, his eyes became firm: "I have almost lost my will! Now I will live and die with Brother Wu, so I will use this body to meet the heroes of Qi!"

The black butterfly on his shoulder fluttered up, and when the wings fluttered, it showed five colors of light, like a dream.

And Jiang Wang grinned grimly, his sword energy soared into the sky, his toes fell, and Qingyun appeared...

Turn around and run.

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