Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1457 This will last forever

Wu Ling: ...

Ge Fei: ...

Wu Ling really made up his mind and mustered up the courage to overcome life and death before deciding to continue.

Ge Fei was also really unwilling to admit defeat, let alone watch his friend die alone, so he decided to do his best.

They are facing Jiang Wang the same way they treated Dou Zhao!

Even when Jiang Wang was grinning, Ge Fei subconsciously used a defensive technique.

The Qixuan tortoise armor lying in front of him at this moment is a masterpiece of Taoism with great defensive ability. It is thick and strong, and it can also block Dou Zhao's knife.

But now he feels like a turtle.

It's ridiculous to shrink your head and shrink your head!

Wu Ling's eyes were even redder.

He put his illustrious background and infinitely bright future behind him, and with the consciousness of being completely wiped out, he is fighting for honor!

At this moment, the scroll of his literary qi was still floating in front of him. He combined his cultural qi to form an army formation, which was a killing method that would never be easily shown to others, and he was still on the way to charge.

But the opponent... never looked back!

Jiang Wang ran so fast and paid great attention to his posture. If it wasn't for the stench still lingering, he would have looked a bit chic.

Moreover, the person obviously chose the escape route after careful observation, and cleverly avoided the places most likely to be banned.

Suddenly left and right, very smooth.

The sword energy is still there, but the blue clouds have dissipated.

One moment he was still grinning grinningly, the next moment he ran away.

Wu Ling only felt that something was broken, it was his dignity and face that was hard to get back!

The literary spirit is combined with evil spirits, and the soldiers turn into dragons, roaring and chasing after them.

Wu Ling stepped on the long scroll of Wenqi, and flew up after him.

"Don't let this kid get away!"

He gritted his teeth, his voice trembling.

If today's events are spread, people will know that Wu Ling was frightened by a seriously injured Jiang Wang, he simply doesn't know how to meet people!

Ge Fei's face was also flushed with embarrassment, and he directly opened the special insect sac, stepped on a flying insect with his left foot and right foot, and followed Wu Ling silently.

And Jiang Wang...

Jiang was actually very helpless.

It's not that he doesn't want to be really ruthless, but that he can't beat him even if he is ruthless.

Both Wu Ling and Ge Fei are talents of a country.

The country of Yue is not weak, not to mention the great Chu.

A person who can stand out in such two countries, how can he fight with such injuries?

The five decaying qi in the body are not exhausted, the real fire of samadhi is still burning, and he vomited several liters of blood.

Moreover, Sword Immortal, Shengwen Immortal State, and even the three secret treasures of Chasing the Wind, Cloaking the Front, and Perishing God have all been used and cannot be used again in a short time.

Zhou Feng has used and used supernatural powers, and there is not much left...

How to fight in this situation?

He couldn't think of a way to do it. I can only pull on Dou Zhao's tiger skin, say something that I am not even afraid of Dou Zhao, and use an unrealized idea to cheat.

When Ge Fei and Wu Ling are convinced, give them some guidance and guide them to kill Dou Zhao—at least Dou Zhao can't cross the mountain and sea boundaries to kill people, right?

Unexpectedly, Wu Ling believed it, and he actually gave birth to a broken heart.

The heart is too real!

Lord Jiang had no choice but to run away.

While flying non-stop, while burning and killing the qi of the five declines, he coughed up blood incessantly.

Suddenly, he thought of...

Judging from Wu Ling's fear of Dou Zhao, he should not be the only one in this group to set up a fight.

There is another group of people, who are they?



A glorious battle is over, and the sky is pouring again.

It was even a little more intense, with a feeling of revenge.

Hit on the body, broken jade beads.

Dou Zhao laughed wildly in the rain, laughing that he met an interesting opponent, laughing that his trip was worthwhile.


Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu walked over one after the other.

smashed the rain.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhong Liyan caught up with Dou Zhao's wild laughter: "Didn't expect that? Here I am!"

Dou Zhao stopped laughing, and lightly shook his long knife: "I've been waiting for you for a long time...why did it take so long?"

He was obviously the one who was set up, and the one who was in the middle of the ambush, but he acted aggressively and was extremely picky: "What? The battle is not over, so you dare not enter? Zhong Liyan, you have lost the courage to face me ?"

"Fart your mother!" Zhong Liyan immediately yelled: "I'm called a wise man! Bravery and strategy, how can you, a reckless man, understand it?"

Dou Zhao smiled, "You have redefined the word."

Zhong Liyan snorted: "Stop putting on airs! You're frightened by being blocked by me? Are you still pretending to have discovered it long ago? Hahaha, you're so ridiculous, I didn't leave any loopholes for you!"

"Although I always knew that you were overconfident..." Dou Zhao shook his head helplessly, and then said, "I came here looking for traces of Zuo Guangshu and the others, but they will not leave such obvious traces. Isn’t it called a loophole?”

"Hmph..." Zhong Liyan insisted, "It's a fact that you fell into my trap, no matter how much you argue, it's useless!"

"Since we know it's a game..." Fan Wushu asked at this moment: "Why did Brother Dou step in?"

Dou Zhao grinned, with indescribable self-confidence: "It's nothing more than encountering a trap, smashing the trap. Encountering an ambush, killing the ambush. I'm afraid I won't find you, and I'm not afraid of what you will do. In this mountain and sea environment, who can kill me?"

Fan Wushu was speechless for a moment!

Zhong Liyan untied the epee on his back, held it in his hand, and said fiercely: "I can kill you!"

"I'm a little curious, I want to know the answer before you die in battle." Dou Zhao pointed a knife at the two and asked, "Who set up this game?"

Zhong Liyan said impatiently: "I've already said it's me!"

Dou Zhao shook his head: "It's not you, you don't have such a brain."

Fan Wushu waved his folding fan, and said with a smile: "It seems that you still found out..."

"It won't be you either." Dou Zhao interrupted, "You don't have the ability."

Fan Wushu turned to Zhong Liyan and said, "You are right."

He emphasized: "This person is really annoying!"

"It seems that the people who organized the arrangement went to kill Jiangwang..." Dou Zhao looked a little regretful: "You are so arrogant, you don't come to me together. Do you think that you two scrap copper and iron are enough? "

Zhong Liyan's violent temper came up again: "You fucking tell me clearly, what do you think we two are?!"

Dou Zhao didn't care about him, and just sighed to himself: "That's all! This is another battle between me and him! Let's see who can solve these little troubles first."

The veins on Zhong Liyan's forehead throbbed: "Your opponent is Lao Tzu!"

Dou Zhao looked at him indifferently: "Don't you understand?"

Zhong Liyan was taken aback for a moment: "Understand what?"

Dou Zhao said lightly, "You are not worthy."

All the bones in Zhong Liyan's body exploded in an instant, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he raised his epee and charged straight. Thousands of sounds rang out into one sound, and thousands of swords returned to one sword, blasting the air alive... This sword is like a tsunami sea, and this body is like a falling star!

"You dog surnamed Dou, I also gave you enough time to heal your wounds. It's even! Don't complain even if you die!"

In the process of charging, he roared like this.

On the contrary, Dou Zhao's posture at this time is calm: "I haven't healed my wounds during this time. Because if I don't..."

With a light leap, he raised his knife to meet him: "I can no longer feel the pressure on you!"

When Dao greeted Zhong Liyan, he glanced at Fan Wushu and added, "Oh, it's you."


The long knife and the epee were killed at the same place, and they struck Baihe in an instant.

Boiling killing intent collided with the sky and the sea, and the majestic blood rushed straight into the sky.

One after another, the sword and sword energy roared like a dragon.

"What are you waiting for?!"

In the fierce battle, Dou Zhao's saber light circled around, enclosing Fan Wushu.

Fan Wushu, who wanted to leave room for Zhong Liyan to fight, had to join the battle group in advance.

Three figures rushed to one place.

Storms and thunderstorms...

It was all gone for a while.



The people who set up this game were of course Ge Fei and Wu Ling.

They focused on exploring the environment for so many days by focusing on the eye worms and mountains and rivers, and they had already established a geographical advantage.

Not to mention that everything is under control, but at least "the cicadas are aware of the autumn wind before it moves".

All Chu people who participated in the mountain and sea realm all regarded Dou Zhao as their biggest competitor.

This is the reputation he has established by beating all the invincible opponents of his peers.

It's just that some people choose to stay away, some people choose to contact and negotiate peace, and some people make arrangements to set up an ambush.

Wu Ling is the latter.

The way to respect your opponent the most is to expel him from the field first!

Daring to attack Dou Zhao is itself a proof of courage and strength.

It's just that the information is slightly wrong.

They used the Inspiration Bug directly for Jiang Wang, but for Dou Zhao it was more roundabout, choosing to create traces to guide.

It can be seen that in the layout, the judgment of the strength of the two is very different.

Ge Fei didn't dare to use the Inspiration Bug to influence Dou Zhao, because he knew that he would be discovered, but he used it on Jiang Wang without hesitation.

Their original plan was to let Qu Shunhua, Yue Tiannu, and Zuo Guangshu consume Dou Zhao's power.

Put Jiang Wang on the battlefield again, and consume another round.

In the end, the two of them teamed up with Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu, and the four of them besieged and killed Dou Zhao, driving him out of the Mountain Sea Realm. In the subsequent competition, each will rely on his own means.

But I didn't expect Jiang Wang to be able to challenge Dou Zhao under such circumstances and successfully lead people out of the battlefield.

Zhong Liyan always took Dou Zhao as his first goal, so they followed suit and chose to come and kill Jiang Wang.

This is a relatively reasonable allocation.

Dou Zhao has more jade on his body, but he is obviously stronger and more difficult to deal with.

Of course, after Wu Ling easily killed Jiang Wang, he turned his blade and turned to Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu.

For a person like Dou Zhao, even if he is tired for a long time, it is still unknown whether he will win or lose against Zhong Liyan and Fan Wushu.

Zhong Liyan's spine was opened twenty times, Fan Wushu's prodigal son turned around, it was not easy.

Thinking about it, no matter who wins or loses in the end, what is left is the mess, which can be cleaned up by them.

but now……

This person surnamed Jiang is too good at escaping!

What bullshit? The number one inner palace in Qing history, the number one pride in Qi.

It's time to fiddle with the body!

To be honest, this guy's speed is actually not extreme, but he is not slippery, and there are many changes.

No matter how they chased and blocked him, they could always find a way out.

The secret technique handed down from the Asgard era is too free. In particular, celestial arts rely on the art of art and form a self-contained system. It seems that Jiang Wang doesn't have to worry about consumption at all, and he can ignore injuries, always bursting at the limit.

With a background like Wu Ling's, of course he knows something about immortal arts. Before entering the mountain and sea realm, he also paid special attention to Jiang Wang's information.

But understanding is one thing, cracking is another.

You can't even touch the corner of your clothes, so how can you crack it?

Just like this, chasing further and further...

Several times, Wu Ling wanted to turn around and go back to pick up the bargains from Dou Zhao, but he couldn't be more angry after thinking about it. The longer you chase, the more you don't want to let go.

In fact, Jiang Wang also knows himself.

Of course, the Immortal Art of Pingbu Qingyun is incomparably incomparable, he uses it most familiarly, and has the deepest understanding... Of course, there is also a steady stream of good blessings and Qingyun, which is enough for him to use alone.

But the injuries on the body are there, and it is impossible to erase them.

You can't stop and rest, it will only get worse step by step.

That is to say, the real fire of Samadhi has blocked the energy of five declines and is burning, so don't be distracted, otherwise this meeting should already be drinking tea in Huaiguo's mansion.

Both Wu Ling and Ge Fei are not weak, they also tried their best to not be imprisoned. Several attempts to get rid of the pursuit were easily resolved.

Willing to hand over the jade bi to make peace... These two thieves are rude people, and they don't talk to him at all.

There is really no other way but to bury your head and run away.

I can only see if my body can survive until that time, until the Sword Immortal and Shengwen Immortal have recovered...

At this time, you can only fight toughness.

The three Buddhist arts that Yue Tiannu blessed at will played a big role.

And Jiang Wang's support from Yunding Immortal Palace in his body, the seemingly inexhaustible starlight from Yuheng Star Tower, and the profound and majestic Dao Yuan accumulated in his body are all his support.

Enduring pain and staying awake is what he has been doing all the time.

He himself didn't know whether his body could endure it, but he firmly believed that he could persist until the last moment.

The traces left by people along the way will eventually form a firm signpost, pointing to a more distant future.

But at present, he can only endure.

I don't know how long it has been.

Wu Ling and Ge Fei may have enough time to record the time, but Jiang Wang is completely unconscious.

All his attention was on escaping.

Ge Fei's Gu insects are very troublesome, and Wu Ling is quite good at the art of war...

But he will definitely persevere until the end, before his body completely collapses, his will will be immortal!

In a trance state, he kept telling himself, fly, keep flying, fly faster, fly more changes.

The body is constantly sinking, but the soul is constantly rising.

He had almost forgotten where he was.

I just know I can't stop.

Walking again and again, I don't know when the wind and rain will stop.

The sky is bright and dark, and time flows unintentionally.

At a certain point, the sweating under the armpits stopped, there was no new stench on the body, the Ruyi fairy clothes began to become tidy again, and the long hair finally saw some luster.

In short, the energy of the five declines in the body was finally burned to death.

It seemed as if a ray of light suddenly entered his mind, Jiang Wang only felt refreshed, and the sun and the moon suddenly opened up!

Although his body was already very weak, he felt a kind of vitality and freedom that seemed to be reborn.

Without further ado at the moment, a turning point, plop!

Like a javelin, plunged into the sea.

Just to wash away the dirt.

Wu Ling gave Ge Fei a vigilant look, and immediately jumped into the sea.

They are wondering if the opponent has some tricks.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Wang really just wanted to take a shower.

It stinks for too long...

Wu Ling and Ge Fei who were chasing after him frowned frequently, how could he not feel anything?

Break through the undercurrent, swim through the water like a fish.

In the vast sea, it is another life and death chase.

Not long.

A cyan figure rushed out of the water and looked up to the sky. There was a kind of happiness on the young and pale face.

So he drew his sword and turned around, cloaked in the fire, and finished it in one go.

Like a blue bird of freedom, spread its wings!

Thank you book friend Ah Gang sir for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 256th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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