Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1458

Jiang Wang couldn't remember how long he had escaped.

The qi that fled to the five declines was also burned to death, and the rain stopped when they fled.

Day after night, night after day, in the trance of gnashing teeth, there is actually no difference.

Only at the moment when he got out of the sea, after washing away all the filth, he looked at the clear sky with misty clouds and smoke, and felt a kind of unfettered freedom.

This is not a good time.

The injury has not recovered, the body and mind are exhausted, the enemy is outnumbered, Wu Ling and Ge Fei are strong and cautious, and have not revealed any flaws...

He should have endured a little longer.

In this extreme pursuit, what he consumed was Shanfu Qingyun, and what Wu Ling and Ge Fei consumed was real dao yuan. If you grit your teeth and persist for a while, Wu Ling and Ge Fei will consume more points.

Maintaining such a speed, such a high level of vigilance, after chasing for so long, Wu Ling and Ge Fei's consumption can be said to be huge.

And I have already killed all five failures, maybe my body can still hold on...

But at this moment, he felt that it was now.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, willing to fight for crossing, life should be surprised after seeing it.

It's like a frightened bird!

Sweeping across the sky and above the blue sea.

Guard the eight winds and pass the four universes.

Take photos and leave waves, what counts?

The immortal red gold drove away the trance in the eyes.

The flowing fire and frost made him look less weak.

His pale face was also covered by divine light.

And he came with a long sword in his hand and stepped on the clouds.

Secret Spark, open!

Hidden Chasing Wind, open!

Secret storage damper, open!

Hidden Pifeng, open!

Hidden God of Death, open!

In front of the chest and abdomen, five incandescent light sources are gradually lit up.

The secret treasures of the five mansions are opened together, and the light of the five supernatural powers shines together.

Manifest the body of Tianfu, and descend into the state of a sword fairy.

The sword energy soared into the sky, smashing the clouds and smoke!

Holding the sky with a sword and holding the sea, left-handed and right-handed, it is for "people"!

With this herringbone sword, he slashed at Wu Lingge and Fei at the same time.

At this time, Wu Ling and Ge Fei had just emerged from the sea, and they were still thinking about some new way to narrow Jiang Wang's escape range.

It was completely unexpected that at such a time, the moment of victory and defeat would suddenly be ushered in.

They had hunted down Jiang Wang for two days and two nights.

I witnessed Jiang Wang's tenacity with my own eyes, and witnessed how he dragged his wounded body into the sky and into the sea, and fled thousands of miles.

It is also clearly felt that the fire of life belonging to Jiang Wang is gradually declining.

Victory is predictable, and the shame felt can also be washed away by oneself.

After all, they are the ones who confronted Dou Zhao head-on, and after chasing him up to now, they don't want to take too many risks, and they don't want to give the opponent a chance to face life and death. I just want to keep going step by step like this, until Jiang Wang's body can no longer support it, and then securely win a piece of jade.

They confirmed that their side did not give any chance.

But Jiang Wang still looked back.

Started up but turned around, no one can forgive anyone who hates him!

Wu Ling and the others had a plan, thinking that Jiang Wang might fight to the death before the oil ran out.

The only thing I didn't expect was that this sword came so fast and so fiercely!

Both of them were startled, because of this unexpected choice, and because of Jiang's hope for the bright light that bloomed at this moment.

This is... Jiang Qingyang's sword!

No wonder he can compete with Dou Zhao!

It is unavoidable to be amazed.

But also, stop at amazement.

Although Jiang Wang is tenacious and has a tenacious fighting spirit, the two of them chased each other day and night, never relaxing for a moment.

Such a scene has already been rehearsed in my mind many times.

They have not and will not underestimate their opponents.

Ge Fei stepped back resolutely, and immediately pressed the Dao Jue that had been ready to go, and the long-prepared Qixuan Tortoise Armor appeared again, condensing energy and energy, and blocked in front of the two of them.

The back pattern of the huge tortoise shell is complex and mysterious, as majestic as a mountain and thick, exuding the light of loess, like a city wall rising from the ground.

The butterfly resting on his shoulder finally waited for the opportunity, fluttered its wings and appeared streamer, and danced in front of Jiang Wang. Among the dreamy five colors, it lured people into dreams.

at the same time.

From his right hand flew out a worm, only three inches long, but shaped like a cow.

Jiang Wang glanced around, only to see in a daze that this worm was infinitely huge, and it actually carried a whole country on its back, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the country.

From Ge Fei's left hand flew out a worm, which looked like a sheep and was two inches eight in length.

Jiang Wang glanced at it inadvertently, and saw in a daze that this insect was so tall that it was carrying a country on its back, and there were hundreds of thousands of string control people in the country.

An awareness arose in his mind——

The country under the right worm is called "Manshi", and the country under the left worm is called "Chushi".

They confront Jiang Wang on both sides, fighting with Jiang Wang as the boundary, and tens of thousands of corpses will be laid down in the battle!

What they were fighting for was Jiang Wang's body!

This is Ge Fei's most powerful Gu insect, and it is most compatible with the dream butterfly.

Leading people into dreams, I don't know what night it is.

The savage insects compete for the snail horns.

A small profit in front of you can kill tens of thousands!

These two Gu worms, living on greed, will unknowingly invade the enemy's body in the germination of greed, and then use this body as a battlefield to set off an uninterrupted "national war".

Many opponents are often dead, and they think they are fighting in a certain country. Fighting for a lifetime is actually helping Gu worms to devour his body. All the hard work and struggle is suicide!

It is really a first-class terrifying Gu worm.

Wu Ling was not idle.

The big and small eyes stared, already aroused by the murderous aura, and directly stomped on the scroll of Wenqi.

In the clear sound of tearing the silk, the literary spirit collapsed like a sea tide.

In the tide, a line of ancient characters with beautiful strokes like flowers and birds floats and sinks.

Said to be——

"Soldiers, the major affairs of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated."

Only when each word shows a clear outline, it will shift the light and shift position, and settle in a certain position around it.

A total of nineteen characters, occupying the sky and the earth, in all directions.

The moment these words fell into place, they immediately manifested as tall soldiers, all covered in armor, showing their murderous aura.

However, seeing that the soldiers' evil spirits are intertwined with each other, stretching for hundreds of miles, forming a powerful killing formation.

The name is: Flying Daggers!

In an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, locking the space in all directions, cutting off all escape routes, making this place like an eternal night.

Wu Ling, however, was unwilling to let Jiang Wang escape with a feint shot again. He wanted to use this tyrannical method to completely trap Jiang Wang to death while he was about to make the final blow!

Want to die, convenient at this time, don't think about it.

This Jinxianguan duo is worthy of being friends, and they cooperate very well.

He also lived up to the name of Tianjiao, and his methods were ingenious and unpredictable.

In the face of such a sudden sword, it only took a moment to complete a series of actions from defense to counterattack to trapping and killing.

It's like marching, tight and continuous, and murderous every step of the way.

At this time, Jiang Wang and his herringbone sword will collide with him!

Just as Wu Ling and Ge Fei were already prepared for this moment, Jiang Wang also never underestimated these two people.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen to "negotiate" and escape from the very beginning.

He is very clear that even if he strikes this sword so decisively and suddenly, even if he has reached the limit of power under the current conditions, he may not be able to kill people.

The opponent is not a chicken or a dog, but an existence with sufficient strength to pose a threat.

This is life and death.

He must fight to the death with the consciousness of fighting to the death, to fight for the slim chance of victory.

The slightly chaotic situation in front of him did not cover his eyes.

Amidst the roaring sword energy, his eyes flowed with fire, revealing Qianyang red pupils.

He looked straight at Wu Ling.

The picture of riding alone into the battle unfolded directly, and Wu Ling's figure was printed on it. In an instant, the soul-killing method was paved, and he fell to the west!

At the level of the soul, the burning sun crashed down.

Jiang Wang urged this technique regardless of the loss, making the sun so bright that it almost overflowed.

But Wu Ling's spirit manifested expressionlessly, relying on the Tongtian Palace, using his finger as a brush, and swipe casually.

At the silver hook of the iron painting, you can see gold and iron horses.

Wen Qi combined with evil spirits. A group of fierce warriors was condensed, and the soldiers formed an army formation and turned into a big bow.

When the strong bow is drawn, the arrow roars thousands of miles.

From the ground to the sky, straight to the falling sun.


Shoot it to pieces!

Wu Ling's soul power is naturally not as good as Jiang Wang's, but with the accumulation of Wu's background and resources, he is by no means weak. At least in his Tongtian Palace, it is enough to protect himself.

In the past battles, if falling to the west was useless, Jiang Wang would withdraw directly. Often only the battle at the level of the soul is regarded as a kind of interference to the enemy.

But this time, after the sunset in the sky shattered.

But there was a figure, leaping out from the crumbling sunlight.

The green shirt is fluttering, and a flow of light is in hand.

His eyes are sharp, and his sword spirit is vertical and horizontal.

It was Jiang Wang's soul that manifested.

As soon as he appeared, he crashed directly into Wuling's Tongtian Palace, and drew his sword horizontally!

This was obviously another choice that went beyond Wu Ling's expectations.

This is a foolish move!

In his Tongtian Palace, Wu Ling's spirit is no weaker than Jiang Wang's!

Although he was not flustered, he opened his hands, and directly formed a pair of judge pens, held them in his palms, and bumped into Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang dared to fight so hard in his Tongtian Palace, so why was he afraid?

What surprised him again was——

His judge's pen was inserted directly into Jiang Wang's eyes and penetrated Jiang Wang's skull.

Jiang Wang didn't even defend at all!

And at the same time, the Sauvignon Blanc Sword Spirit in his hand also cut off his head with a single blow.

Although in the state of divine soul manifestation, these are not enough fatal injuries.

But people always have the instinct to protect the vitals, which is difficult to suppress.

Jiang Wang didn't seem to have that kind of self-protection instinct at all, and he executed the action too resolutely, so he got this injury for injury.

Just, what's the point of doing this?

Wu Ling quickly recovered his spiritual manifestation, but he still couldn't figure it out.

In his own Tongtian Palace, both sides will suffer, no matter what, he will take advantage of it. Not to mention that he has a helper Ge Fei outside of him.

If you exchange injuries for injuries, you will never lose.

What is Jiang Wang thinking?

The battle of trapped beasts, madness before death?

He was still confused, but Jiang Wang's soul manifestation was approaching, without any hesitation, he crazily drew his sword.

How could Wu Ling show weakness?

He doesn't care what Jiang Wang thinks, as long as he doesn't lose money, he will fight to the end.

Enduring the pain of being traumatized, he held the judge's pen in both hands and stabbed back in a row.

For a moment, the two sides were like street fights, weakening each other's soul. You strike me with a sword, relying purely on willpower, and purely fighting hard.

When Wu Ling felt in a trance for a while, and felt that his soul could not bear it any longer, Jiang Wang, who was also on the verge of falling, withdrew his sword suddenly and withdrew from the Tongtian Palace.

Wu Ling felt alert——

Maybe it's Jiang Wang's goal to consume the soul!

So what does he want to do next?

The battle at the level of spirit and soul begins and ends with one thought.

The fighting in Tongtian Palace is over.

At this moment, the herringbone sword style standing outside the body will collide with the Qixuan tortoise shell.


There was a clear crack.

The Qixuan tortoise shell had cracks.

Among the tortoise shell fragments, Jiang Wang continued to charge forward with his sword in hand!

What is the battle of wild touch, the butterfly of the dream, ambushing on all sides.

He turned a blind eye.


In his eyes, he could only see the opponent's defense.

Ignore all attacks, just ask for a "fast".

Faster, faster!

Grab time!

Fight for your life!

Kill one person first, or be killed by someone first, regardless of the third option!

His momentum is too fierce, and his movements are too fast!

Wu Ling was almost in a trance at the spiritual level, and Jiang Wang had already rushed forward.

The iron cast Jinxian crown on the top of the head hangs down like a waterfall.

The great river rushes for thousands of years.

Turn it into four characters, saying "do not move like a mountain".

In an instant, the air became viscous, and everything that was approaching or already approaching became stagnant.

Those who make good use of soldiers cannot be unprepared.

Who would ignore the battle of life and death?

This is a method he has prepared long ago, and it is just right to use it at this moment.

Suddenly he saw a ray of fire.

What a brilliant flame it was!

Burning in front of him, he saw the scene of the long night being shattered in a daze.

And the four characters "immovable like a mountain" were silently shattered.

Wu Ling was startled, and then remembered that he still had a treasure armor to protect him.

He raised his hands, and directly held a pair of judge pens, one left and one right, and then he slammed them forward, with both peaks piercing his ears!

Then he saw a gust of wind.

A wisp of frosty white wind.

Blowing so softly.

He didn't feel the pain because everything fell apart so easily.

What a terrifying supernatural power!

At the last moment of his conscious slumber, he was still thinking——

how come?

At this moment, the two people facing each other in the air are so close.

Like an old friend who hasn't seen for many years, happy to meet again.

Wu Ling's pair of judge pens had already been stuck in front of Jiang Wang's temples.

He even broke a few strands of hair.

But it fell like that.

During the whole process, Jiang Wang remained expressionless and didn't even twitch his eyebrows. Seeing Wu Ling falling in front of him, he only reached out to grab the piece of thinking jade.

Then he turned around and looked at Ge Fei.

Wu Ling was dead, and the ambush from ten sides, which he regarded as the killer's trump card, collapsed without attack and did not play any role at all. It was originally to trap and kill Jiang Wang, but Jiang Wang didn't even think about running away this time.

It all happened so fast!

It wasn't until this time that Ge Fei's attack landed on him.

The two savages wanted to collide, but they smashed down a huge, red-gold heart at the place they regarded as a battlefield. Block the two armies of Manchu and Chu on both sides, no matter how hard they try, they can't move or penetrate.

The dreamy butterfly flutters, even if there are all kinds of lights, it can't shake the endless red gold light, which is eternal and immortal.

And Ge Fei stood there, a little dazed.

He still hasn't figured out why the situation has suddenly become like this.

How could someone as strong as Wu Ling die so suddenly?

In addition, the defeats of Dreaming Butterfly and Brutal Touch Insect had a feeling of "as expected".

To be able to fight Dou Zhao head-on, to be able to run away for two days and nights with his wounded body, to be able to fight back against Wu Ling with his wounded body...

It is understandable that Jiang Wang can do this.

He was so powerful!

Wu Ling's body was falling, and Jiang Wang was turning around.

Ge Fei noticed Jiang Wang's expression, after the fierce killing intent subsided, it was calm and gentle... a suffocating sense of control.

"Very good, the person who got rid of the trouble."

He heard Jiang Wang say this.

He saw Jiang Wang grinning: "You can really see my five supernatural powers."

That smile was originally sunny and warm.

But Ge Fei felt his hair stand on end, his heart rose to his throat, and he felt a great fear!

Jiang Wang didn't lie, Jiang Wang dared to kill him if he could kill him!

He didn't even have time to clean up the bugs, so he left a few Daoist techniques in an instant, blocked between the two, turned around and ran away desperately.

He runs very fast.

very urgent.

Just like Jiang Wang a few days ago.





"Start up but look back, there is hatred and no one will forgive." ——Su Shi's "Bu Suanzi·Huangzhou Dinghui Academy's Dwelling Work"

"There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness, and if you are willing to fight to cross it, you should be surprised when you see it."——Why is it true?

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